Chapter 180 Alice: Your Highness...

Miraculously, what this guy said after receiving support from Heine was not just taking advantage of him.

He was really confused.

If I am so invincible, why do you still think I need help?

Rhine smiled: "More chips, more chances of winning, but if it doesn't work, Your Majesty, just think that we are being sentimental and being too cautious."

Rhine hesitated: "And..."

The God King smiled and asked: "And what?"

Rhine said: "Furthermore, Your Majesty the God King, the threat of the Demon Star is not only reflected on the battlefield, but its corrosive power cannot be underestimated. For example...perhaps some of His Majesty's ministers have been attacked by Has the evil thing outside the sky corrupted or replaced it?”

This is a shocking statement.

This seemingly light sentence fell upon the banquet, but it immediately aroused huge waves in the hearts of some people.

As soon as these words came out, some people's eyes changed instantly, but they quickly returned to normal, as if nothing happened.

The God King heard this, but he didn't care. He waved his hands with a smile: "It's okay, my ministers are loyal to me, and there is the supervision of the Star Court, how could something go wrong, and... ....Your Highness Rhine, what you said is a bit strange, why does it seem like the Rhine Empire is spying on us? Hahahahahaha!"

The God King made a joke and made himself laugh.

The ministers also laughed in agreement, even Rhine laughed.

However, one person did not smile.

The God Princess did not smile.

The beautiful God Princess was originally indifferent to the banquet, but after hearing Lain's words, her eyes were shocked.

She looked at Rhine, and her look was more of...surprise than surprise.

The God Princess whispered: "Your Majesty, you should listen to this prince's words more."

However, the God King laughed and waved his hands: "Don't listen, don't listen, dear concubine, let's not talk about those bad things at the banquet."

Princess of God: "..."

The God Princess sighed tiredly, feeling helpless.

The God King did not notice the God Princess's dissatisfaction, or rather he noticed it, but decided to ignore it.

He smiled and said to Lain: "No matter what! Your Highness Lain, since you have come to my kingdom of heaven, regardless of whether you support me or not, you are my guests, and I will do my best to entertain you two!"

Rhine smiled and thanked him.


Just at this time.

An accident happened.

In addition to Prince Hein, another important guest who stayed at Chenxi arrived on time.

The young empress dressed in a rich dress attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared on the stage, taking the focus of the banquet away from the white-haired concubine.

Countless high elves showed astonishment.

They were shocked by the astonishing fact in front of them. There was actually a beauty comparable to their divine concubine in this world! !

That is none other than Leta's Moonlight King, Alice Philemon!

Accompanying her were Leta's two ministers responsible for finance and foreign affairs.

Different from Hein who came to provide military support to Chen Xi.

Leta's Moonlight King came to discuss cooperation with the Morning God King.

Tianguo and Laita have maintained trade and cooperation for a long time.

The elves in the sky and on the earth were brothers and sisters thousands of years ago. The times in Laita were difficult, and the high elves were able to help them and were very happy to provide them with the help they could.

To put it harshly, the high elves still understand the truth of death and coldness. What if Laita is destroyed one day and the unlucky sub-god evolves wings and flies to the kingdom of heaven - what will happen?

With the new Moonlight King coming to power, Alice felt that she needed to meet these siblings who were closely related to Leta in person.


Alice's face was very ugly today. She came to the scene with a gloomy face. When she saw the man who was chatting and laughing with the God King, her heart was filled with unhappiness.

"Your Majesty, that is...Prince Hein?!"

"The high elves actually invited him to the banquet?!"

The two ministers were furious.

What's the meaning?

Humiliate us? !

And on the other side,

When Prince Rhine noticed the arrival of the Moonlight King, he immediately frowned, full of displeasure.

Lyta's new Moonlight King, Alice Philemon.

And Hein's prince, Rhein Hein.

The moment the two rulers and successors of the ancient empire, who had been hostile to each other for thousands of years, met their eyes.

The atmosphere became tense.

The high elves sensed the impending crisis, so they shut their mouths and backed away cautiously, not wanting to get into trouble.

The lively banquet gradually became quiet...

"Alice Philemon...?!"

When the God Princess saw this, she was shocked. She asked the God King in a low voice:

"You actually invited both of them to this banquet?! Don't you know how hostile the Leta people are to Hein?"

The God King shrugged and expressed that he also had difficulties: "I know...but dear concubine, such a grand banquet cannot be held again in a short time. If I invite one but not the other, wouldn't it be wrong?" Very rude?"


The God Princess was speechless.

"Then you'll soon see even more disrespectful things happen."

The God King smiled and said confidently: "My dear concubine, you are worrying too much. Is it possible that these two people can still quarrel in front of me? This is my banquet, and I treat them with courtesy. They always You have to give me some face, right?"

But the next moment,

Alice sneered and cast a hostile look at Rhine:

"You are actually the prince of the Haiyin Empire. Why are you here? Could it be that the Haiyin people have harmed the civilization on earth and now want to get involved in the kingdom of heaven?"

Rhine frowned: "Your Majesty Alice, please don't get me wrong. Rhine is a country that yearns for peace. The same is true for most countries in the world. Not every country is so bloody and brutal. Everything can be associated with aggression and killing. "

Alice's face became even more angry.

"Longing for peace? Your Highness is nineteen years old this year, right? How much havoc did those pure-blood dogs you raised ten years ago bring to the entire world? Have you forgotten - His Majesty the God King! What I said right?!"

The God King looked embarrassed: "I can't tell whether this matter is right or wrong, but you two, please give me a face at the banquet..."

Rhine gritted his teeth: "It was you despicable elves who couldn't take care of themselves and put a curse on my mother! If it weren't for the goddess's oracle! You Laita would have been razed to the ground by the imperial army long ago!"

Rhine sneered and said:

"If you ask me, you Laita should be more docile and well-behaved when there is no Moonlight King..."


There was killing intent in Alice's eyes, and the silver mark all over her body lit up.

The marks on his chest and eyebrows were flickering, and he was extremely emotional.

The mithril sword, which contained the dragon soul, appeared in Alice's hand.

"Your Highness, do you want to eradicate me as a scourge?"

Rhine smiled: "Why not - Italian."

Italian, who was having a meal, wiped his mouth and stepped forward.

She asked her brother in a low voice: "Hey, didn't you two just get engaged in front of Kathers? Why are you having sex with her again... quarreling?"

Rhine's face was expressionless, only his lips moved slightly: "It's acting, be angry."


Etalaine understood instantly. She snapped her fingers, and a full-body armor made of mithril and radiant gold suddenly appeared, protecting Etalaine's whole body.

Italion summoned a crystal spear and was eager to try it.

Etalion: "Anyway, now I can take off the Moonlight King's head, right?!"

Moonlight King Alice's smile was full of murderous intent: "Although I don't want to cause trouble to His Majesty the God King, if the time permits, I will still be happy to chop off your two heads and give them to my people as gifts!"

Italian laughed: "Heh, this kind of scene is quite interesting."

Moonlight King is ready to go: "Yes, this is a scene I have never imagined..."

The two most powerful demigods in the mortal world entered a state of fighting.

But at this time, the God King on the side was completely panicked.

These two people were actually going to fight at the banquet he had carefully prepared! !

Is this possible? !


This is also a good opportunity!

The God King's face was full of excitement: "My dear concubine! Take out my shining star gun! Now is a good opportunity for these two countries to see the majesty of my heavenly kingdom!"

The God King will take the Starry Sky Spear and use his invincible fighting power to forcefully end this farce! !


The God King’s request was coldly rejected by the Star Elf:

"Your Majesty Sommerfeld... The Twinkle Star has come to help you fight against the enemies in the stars, not to show off your power in front of other rulers."

The God King was furious at first, and then begged in a low voice: "You! Oh, my beloved concubine... help me."

The God Princess was indifferent and said in a calm voice: "The way you are begging me now, the two demigods can see it."

God King: "......!!"

The God King rarely interacts with demigods, but when he heard these words, he obviously remembered the characteristics of demigods. He was shocked and shut up quickly.

At the same time, the God King sighed with resentment in his heart.

His beloved concubine is the proudest and most powerful among the three star spirits in the history of heaven.

This dignified and quiet divine concubine seemed to be accompanying the divine king submissively all day long, but in reality she was so arrogant that no one could shake her.


It would be great if this woman's strength could be as strong as her temper.

The God King helplessly cursed.

Although in terms of data, the shining star phenomenon of the third generation God Princess is the most stable and powerful.

But when the God King actually used it, he always felt that the power of his twinkling star gun was very mediocre and not as good as the two twinkling stars in history.

Especially since more than four months ago, the performance has been greatly reduced and it is difficult to control.

Now, without the Shining Star weapons provided by the God Princess, the God King doesn't know how to stop this conflict.

Fortunately, the two big bosses at the top of power still have a lot to offer...

Just when the atmosphere was tense.

The Prince of Rhine finally gave in first.

Rhine suppressed his anger: "The goddess will not allow me to have a meaningless duel here... Italion, let's go!"

After that, Rhine took his sister and strode away angrily.

Alice watched Rhine leave coldly, and she and the two indignant ministers sat silently in their seats.

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