After saying that, Weilin naturally kissed her lover.

Enjoying the entanglement with her lover, Weilin felt a little helpless in her heart.

Vaelin knew.

Just like the two oracles yesterday, Weilin now faces a new choice.

It is to choose to serve the Blood Queen, continue the pilgrimage, work hard to perform, and pray for promotion to the Chosen of the Oath.

Or... give up the pilgrimage and come to serve Rhine and enjoy Rhine's favor.

These two choices are equally tempting to Wei Lin, making Wei Lin very embarrassed.


Something happened yesterday that gave Weilin some inspiration.

Late last night, Wei Lin briefly felt a great will descending on her.

It was the Queen of Blood using her body to seduce the gods, but the level of the sect was very low. In the end, the Queen of Blood did not take away Wei Lin's body, but temporarily synchronized her senses with Wei Linda.

The Queen of Blood could experience all of Weilin's senses and the emotions in her heart.

And Wei Lin... to a certain extent, can also spy on the inner activities of the Blood Queen.

In that short half hour, or less, Wei Lin vaguely felt the strong emotions surging in the Blood Queen's heart.

That made Weilin discover a problem.

Always felt……

The place chosen by the oath god,

It seems like she has nothing to do with her anymore.

After accompanying Wei Lin and saying some sweet and romantic love words, Lain covered Wei Lin with a quilt while he got up, put on his clothes, and then went to wash up.

However, when he came back, he was surprised to find...

In the blink of an eye, Wei Lin on the bed had already left without saying goodbye.

Only a silver-white crown was left beside the bed, placed next to the sleeping Alice.

Wei Lin disappeared again.

This big boss has always come and gone without a trace.

Wei Lin is not a demigod and has no divine reactions. She has been immersed in the River Styx and does not even have the aura of a stranger. This gives her a very strong concealment attribute, coupled with the protection of the underworld that is hidden in the shadows. The special ability makes Weilin's stealth ability extremely powerful.

If she wants to hide herself, no one can find her.

And this... was probably the reason why Rhine had been feeling that someone was spying on him secretly during this period of time.

But now Weilin disappeared again. After all, she was satisfied after getting her lover and completing the emotional sublimation, so she embarked on the pilgrimage again. Or maybe Weilin now hid in the darkness again and was full of love. Watching your lover willingly?

Who knows...

But since Wei Lin has disappeared, let’s just follow her wishes and treat her as if she has disappeared.

Rhine smiled and didn't go into details.


Yesterday, Rhine had already received news from Olivia.

Caldera's war is over.

It was Olivia who achieved the final victory.

Now this fallen paradise has been reoccupied by Olivia.

And now, Rhine can finally begin his social experiment.

Although the previous war was extremely brutal, with Rhine's prior instructions, Alice was merciful during the bombing. The civilians of Caldera, or the mortal fallen, were not driven out to death. It can even be said that ——There are many survivors.

These fallen ones had been assimilated into Olivia's followers a month ago, and later experienced a battle between the gods of the Nether Realm, which caused them to be severely corrupted by the Nether Realm. He has completely become a cultist who believes in evil gods.

Rhine planned to use these people to conduct his experiments.

Although Olivia is an evil god, she is a very calm and powerful evil god. Her essence is still the White Dragon Princess of the past. Although she became a bit darker after meeting an evil god, her soul is still noble... hmm , that’s true to a certain extent.

And can such an evil god reasonably use his corrosive power to create a moderately depraved, united and positive society?

This is what Rhine urgently wants to know.

Rhine: "Your Highness Olivia?"

"Are you going to start your experiment next? Rhine."

Olivia immediately responded to Rhine, but today she seemed not very interested: "Tell me your detailed requirements, and I will do my best."

So, Rhine and Olivia explained his request. Olivia thought for a moment and then agreed softly.

Olivia obviously won the battle, but judging by her tone, she seemed not to be in a good mood.

I don't know if there is anything bothering me.


The social experiment has begun.

The next thing is to wait patiently.


During his stay in heaven, although Rhine claimed to be ill and avoided many meaningless diplomatic activities, people still visited his mansion frequently.

Most often visited in Rhine...

It's the God King.

This over-enthusiastic rich man seemed to feel very guilty about Rhine because of the last banquet, so he often came over to greet Rhine. He also asked Rhine when he was feeling better and that he could show Rhine around. The golden city that he was proud of.

Rhine said weakly that he would do it next time.

Although he was repeatedly lost to Rhine, the God King became more and more enthusiastic about Rhine, and visited Rhine more frequently, and every time he came with various valuable gifts.

For nothing else,

Mainly it was Prince Hein who spoke——

Spicy sounds really good! !

Although Rhine would not deliberately flatter the God King, every word he said in an understatement could go straight to the God King's heart and make the God King feel extremely happy.

The God King felt as if he had met his best friend in life, and he really wanted to be with this prince.

Of course, the poor God King didn't know that the reason why he had this illusion was simply because this scumbag prince was too high in rank.

And the other side.

The God Princess has also been thinking about Rhine a lot recently. I heard from Alice that recently the God Princess often stays in the wheat fields on the edge of the Kingdom of Heaven to look at the scenery. She seems to be just relaxing, but also seems to... be waiting for someone.

For this reason, when Rhine had nothing to do, he would also go for a walk in the wheat fields and "encounter" the beautiful concubine.

Every time she saw Rhine, the God Princess was very happy.

This prince is so perfect.

He was well-dressed, handsome in appearance, and charming in temperament. From top to bottom, there was no part of his body that the God Princess disliked.

And his soul is even more fascinating. This young prince has amazing experience. His understanding of the world is all-round. From the national situation to the customs and customs, he understands everything, and he said Every sentence is thought-provoking and admirable.

Even... this prince has a very thorough understanding of the starry sky. Whenever the God Princess and Rhine discuss topics related to the starry sky, the prince's words always hit the heart of the God Princess.

The God Princess never dared to imagine that there could be such a perfect man in the world...

Compared with Rhine,

The god king chosen by the god princess is simply...that's all, she doesn't want to use bad words.

The appearance of Rhine brought a lot of changes to the life of the God Princess.

Ever since she met Rhine, the God Princess has always been in a good mood during her trips to the wheat fields.

But on the contrary, from then on, when she stood with the God King, she would feel a sense of despair in her heart, wondering what the meaning of her life was.

However, no matter how miserable the chosen one is... life must go on.

After all, no matter how painful the relationship is, the God Princess has already made an oath with the God King.

In order to maintain the status of the star elves, the Star Court in the Kingdom of Heaven has set up countless commandments, but similarly, in the Star Court, there are also many iron laws that restrict the star elves.

Among these unbreakable taboos set by the senior Star Elves, there is one such one.

[Star Elf can only choose one God King in his life. 】

【Once you choose, you will have no regrets for life. 】


Time passes day by day.

The day when the conclusion of Caldera's experiment will be revealed is getting closer and closer.

In recent times, the relationship between Rhine and the God Princess has warmed up, but that's all.

Both parties maintained restraint during the interaction. For now, the two are still just relatively close friends, or even... it should only be said that they are colleagues or partners.

Although the God Princess is aloof, she is not without thoughts about Rhine.

But she knew what she should and shouldn't do, so whenever she met Rhine, she kept her distance calmly, with a trace of regret and helplessness in her eyes.

Rhine could see all the entanglements and worries of the God Princess.

But Rhine didn't say much.

Regarding the God Princess, Rhine's current strategy is very conservative.

Talk to her, chat with her, let her appreciate and recognize Rhine, and maintain a friendship with her, that's enough.

Rhine had a reason for doing this.

Although it must be admitted that the value of the God Princess is huge, if Rhine wants to unify the kingdom of heaven, the high elves must unite to fight against foreign enemies.

Attacking the God Princess is not the best choice.

Compared to this divine concubine, Olivia's corruption in the netherworld is the real cheat.

If an evil god uses all his power to corrupt the entire kingdom of heaven, it will only take less than a week.

Once Rhine's experiment is successful, he can gain the allegiance of the entire Celestial Alliance without any effort.

Isn't this more effective than conquering the God Princess?


Rhine's current work focus still falls on Caldera's social experiment.



The day of acceptance has arrived.

On this day, Rhine and Italian used the invisibility spell to make themselves invisible. Then they opened the space rift and came to Caldera.

After nearly a week, the fallen people of Caldera, under Olivia's control, must have fanatically believed in Olivia while also accepting Olivia's control to maintain the original society. structure.

At this time, the high elves of Caldera will become a group of brothers united under Olivia's command and sharing a common belief.

If this experiment can succeed, then Rhine will help Olivia spread corruption and make the entire heaven become Olivia's plaything.

By then, Olivia had just arrived, and Rhine had gained a country loyal to him, the best of both worlds...


it is a pity.

When Rhine arrived at the scene, the outcome of this experiment... was very disappointing.

Among the dilapidated ruins, the cheerful whines of men and women were everywhere.

It's indescribable, everywhere is indescribable chaos!

These high elves, whose spirits have been corrupted by the evil god, are in ragged clothes and as skinny as firewood. They are doing all kinds of crazy things directly on the ruins, without caring about the eyes of others.

The succubi helplessly distributed food to these fallen ones, helped them build houses, and then reluctantly advised them, "Stop rushing, let's do some serious business."

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