And maybe I can get some more blessings from Olivia who is having fun! !

King Qiyue: "?!!!"

Are you sick, you bunch of cheaters!

It's going to kill you...

Amidst the laughter between the late king and Alice, the Elf Mother felt a deep sense of crisis.

Given King Qiyue's current situation, if these treasures really want to torment her, she really has no power to resist...

If this continues, this poor mother goddess will really be drugged by these filial daughters and thrown into the street! !

We must dispel this terrible idea of ​​theirs!

King Qiyue coughed twice: "Actually... I also have a suggestion."

King Qiyue said: "Your vision is a bit narrow. Now you are only thinking about how to please that Rhine, but that can only alleviate the temporary pain of lovesickness - have you ever made plans for the future?"

Alice's eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, please speak!"

King Qiyue said helplessly: "The star spirits in heaven are not inferior to you in terms of status or beauty. Since it has become a foregone conclusion that you two will work together in the future - then you should use your first-mover advantage to consolidate your palace. Status, Alice."

When the two former kings heard this, they suddenly realized.

King Po Yue agreed with Qi Yue's theory: "It makes sense, your Majesty Qi Yue is worthy of you!"

King Porcelain Moon showed admiration: "It is true that our vision is narrow... His Majesty Qi Yue is still wise, with such true knowledge and insights, he is an experienced love expert at first glance!"

There was uncontrollable anger in King Qiyue's tone: "Are you looking for trouble?"

The advice given by King Qiyue is very useful.

The God Princess is the goddess of the Kingdom of Heaven. She has strong control over the Kingdom of Heaven. She is the only being besides the God King who can rule the entire high elf group.

The goddess in heaven and the queen on earth.

The God Princess and Alice are completely equal in terms of status and value.

They have the same united front value...

In other words, the God Princess is also very likely to become the Queen of Rhine! !

Coupled with Rhine's favorable impression of wives...

Alice should indeed have a sense of crisis.

——This can't go on like this. If this continues, His Highness Rhine's favor will all be taken away by the God Princess Sister.

Alice was worried: "But...even if I want to emphasize the status of the main palace, what should I do?"

Porcelain Moon King: "Take her to a place where no one is around and humiliate her severely to let her know who is the boss in the family - this will definitely not work."

King Poyue: "Let's analyze it. Among the existing harems in Rhine, in front of whom does Alice have more majesty?"

After reminiscing, the two late kings and Alice found out regretfully.

Most of the time, Alice played the role of a doormat in Rhine's harem.

Hela, Weilin, three mentors...

In daily life, when faced with these things, Alice was repeatedly snatched away from her cream. She was powerless to resist under their power and collapsed outside the door, crying all day long.


There are exceptions.

For example, when facing the Grand Mentor and Ellerbella, Alice was obviously more able to seize the initiative.

So what is the difference between these two people and other harems?


Alice and the two former kings discovered the key point.

Grand Master and Elebella.

They... were all sent to Rhine's bed by Alice herself!

It was by leading the rhythm at night that Alice gained the majesty of a royal palace in front of these two people!

for a moment,

Alice had a sudden enlightenment, and her eyes suddenly became brighter!

And not long after that.

Alice's door was suddenly knocked politely.


It is the divine princess.


5k, I have little inspiration today, and I just want to write another chapter for Garfield. I can’t guarantee when it will be updated, so I suggest you not to wait any longer. Good night!

Chapter 200: Sister Goddess, are you ready to become His Highness the Rhine?

The visit from the God Princess did not surprise Alice.

As the leaders of the two countries, this kind of meeting is their norm, and will continue to happen during Alice's stay in heaven in the future.

After all, Alice also came to visit Chenxi with her country's demands.

The God Princess was invited in. Next, Alice and Alice received the God Princess, as well as the southern defense general who visited Chenxi with the Moonlight King and the new Grand Duke Difuni.

Ms. Lorraine Defoni.

Previously, after learning about some family scandals that could not be disclosed to the public, the leader of the Difeni family rushed to the royal capital and placed the then patriarch of the Difeni family, Hewlett Difeni, under house arrest. .

After that, after the coronation ceremony of Alice, Hewlett of the Regent faction completely lost the market. He was soon found to have been stabbed ten times in the back and his head was completely severed. Unfortunately, he committed suicide at home.

Next, Ms. Lorraine became the new patriarch of the ancient Difeni family.

During this time, Alice has been living with Lorraine Defoni.

Because during this visit to the Dawn of Heaven, Lorraine Defoni's position, in addition to serving as Alice's advisor, she was also Alice's theoretical bodyguard.

Although everyone knows that the strongest Moonlight King in Leta does not need this thing.

But after all, he is the king of a country, so it would be inappropriate to be alone.

Moreover, Lorraine Defoni also has an identity that makes her the first choice for traveling companions on this trip.

Ms. Lorraine is the distant cousin of the Grand Tutor.

Her father's generation comes from the Difeni family, but her mother is the eldest lady of the Lucia family.

The blending of two ancient noble bloods, Difeni and Lucia, made Po Yue and Porcelain Moon King very fond of Ms. Lorraine.

So, Alice took her with her.

The God Princess was invited into the house, and the servants prepared tea for the two bosses, while Lorraine served as her deputy, accompanying her majesty.

After being bored in the Rhine for a while, the God Princess visited Moonlight King Alice according to her schedule today.

During this visit, on the one hand, I did have something serious to say.

On the other hand, the God Princess also has a little idea of ​​her own...

She wanted to test whether Alice knew about her and Rhine's affairs.

Now that the God Princess saw Alice, she found that her expression was as usual, calm and calm, and she did not look like she had learned some shocking secret.

The God Princess breathed a sigh of relief.

Nowadays, the relationship between Alice and the God Princess is very close, and they even refer to each other as sisters in private. Now, the two sisters first exchanged a few words with each other, and when the atmosphere became better...

The God Princess got to the point.

"Your Majesty Alice, actually this interruption is because the Kingdom of Heaven is in trouble and needs your Majesty's help.

Princess Goddess: "Your Majesty, you know that the country is facing a once-in-a-thousand-year danger."

Alice nodded: "It's 'Yuanji', right? I've read records about it."

Princess of God: "Yuanji is a threat from outside the sky, so the way it invades the mortal world is to throw fragments of the magic star into the mortal world to corrode the living creatures that infect it. Every falling fragment will be transformed into Create a monster army of staggering scale, and if not handled properly, it will cause a crisis for the entire world."

When Alice heard this, she seemed to have thought of something: "So...has Heaven ever tried to destroy these fragments directly in the air without letting them fall to the ground?"

The God Princess showed an embarrassed smile: "What Her Majesty Alice said is undoubtedly the best plan we can choose, but unfortunately, the fragments left by Yuanji are extremely strong, and the high elves have nothing to do with these fragments, but I I heard... Her Majesty Alice possesses a very powerful magic attack, which seems to have the hope of crushing the fragments of the magic star before it hits the ground."

What the God Princess was talking about should be the Philemon family's unique brand bombardment.

By crushing a former king's brand, the full power of the brand was exploded in an instant. In the past, the power of this attack method far exceeded any forbidden spell. Now it has fallen into the hands of the strongest Moonlight King in Laita. Naturally it is even more unimaginable.

Alice didn't know whether she could break the magic star fragments. After all, she had never tried it.

But if Alice's single output damage is the strongest in the entire elf history, there should be no controversy about this.

So worth a try.

While the former kings were crying for their father and mother, Alice readily agreed.

Alice: "At that time, I will do my best to intercept the falling debris. Please rest assured, Princess God. The elves should unite as one in times of crisis. I will work hard to assist my compatriots."

The God Princess was greatly moved: "We have already prepared the cooperation proposed by His Majesty Alice before. The information on the cooperation between the Porcelain Moon King and the Kingdom of Heaven has been compiled, and the Star Attendants will bring all the necessary equipment. , assisting Leta in building the God of Law mechanism - these people have now gone to Leta with their baggage."

Alice quickly thanked her.

In this way, the two big guys happily reached a cooperation.

But after we got down to business...

Alice looked at the God Princess hesitantly, as if she didn't know whether she should say something else.

"Your Majesty Alice?"

The God Princess showed a friendly smile: "Is there anything else I can help Your Majesty with?"

Alice: "No, it's not to help..."

Alice winked and drove away the servants.

The female general guarding the Moonlight King asked Alice with her eyes if she also needed to avoid him, but Alice did not look at her.

The female general understood and continued to stand quietly behind Alice.

Next, Alice is going to talk to the God Princess about Rhine Hein.

Alice asked tentatively: "Sister Divine Concubine, I recently discovered that... you seem to be very close to the prince of Haiyin."


When she mentioned this matter, the God Princess suddenly felt guilty.

Could it be that her relationship with Rhine was exposed after all?

She smiled, trying to hide her panic: "Yes, yes?"

Alice nodded: "Of course there is. Isn't Her Majesty the Princess working as a tutor for Rhine Hein?"

The God Princess breathed a sigh of relief: " mean tutoring."

"Sister Divine Concubine, this is just some advice I give to my sister as my sister."

Alice said seriously: "Sister Divine Concubine, please keep a distance from that scum! You may not know something in the sky, that Rhine Hein is very dangerous!"


The God Princess was stunned.

His Highness it dangerous?

The God Princess recalled all the past experiences with Rhine in her heart, and she only felt endless happiness and deep love.

The God Princess smiled and said: "Alice, you must have some misunderstanding about His Highness Rhine. In fact, I think he..."

Alice said with a sullen face: "That man is a notorious playboy in Hein, and he only targets married women."

God Princess: "!!"

The morning light is high in the sky, and the news is indeed relatively limited. This is the first time that the God Princess has heard of this dirty information about Rhine.

turn out to be......

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