Sia walked to the window of the palace, opened the curtains, and let Italian look out the window:

On the city streets outside the palace, all the living corpses of Yuanji have been killed. The city that was noisy and wailing just now has turned into a dead silence in an instant.

The residents who were hiding cautiously poked their heads out of their hiding places and watched in disbelief at the monsters who were killing and killing with all their might just a moment ago. Their vital parts were brutally shattered in just one second, and their bodies were engulfed in blazing flames. Slowly disappear.

the whole city,

There were burning corpses everywhere.

The anchor point has been tamed, the miscellaneous soldiers have been cleared, the magic star in the sky slowly dims - the marigolds of heaven have been eliminated.

Empress Shia looked at Italaine, as if she was reminding the little sister with her eyes - now it's your turn.

Italian: "..."

Hundreds of sword rays exploded on the body instantly, and the city was wiped out in the blink of an eye. Faced with these inexplicable and terrifying scenes that looked like a couple to Rhine, Italian began to panic.

Although with Etalaine's strength, she can also use other methods to achieve similar effects to Empress Shia.

But I have to say,

This Shia's fighting style is so weird and shocking!

What is this woman's background?

She needs to contact her brother quickly!


When he heard Constance's voice, Rhine immediately understood what was happening...

Marigold's melon skin Yuanji actually chose a time corpse as a parasitic body.

No time wasted.

Rhine immediately swung the Star Sword and tore a rift in space.


A portal opens in front of the palace of Marigold in Heaven.

Rhine and the God Princess came to meet Italaine.

Here, Rhine indeed saw a Thea Constance.

At the moment when Rhine and Sia's eyes met,

Empress Xia's eyes couldn't help but become moist.

After crossing a long river of time, when she reunited with her lover again, Empress Shia had mixed feelings.

It's Rhine...

It's really him!

The man she had been infatuated with all her life.

Sia and Lain's life as husband and wife ended abruptly after seventeen days, but after that, she spent her whole life remembering him.

How many times in her dreams did she see that face that broke her heart, and then she woke up, sobbing softly in the lonely night.

However now,

He appeared in front of him again.


Empress Shia abandoned her imperial demeanor at this moment and threw herself into Rhine's arms with tears in her eyes.

She hugged her lover tightly, feeling Rhine's body temperature with her skin, feeling his contours with her close body, and smelling the familiar smell that she could hardly remember...

It's him, it's really him! !

There were so many things she wanted to say to him, and so many things she wanted to accomplish with him.

However, so many emotions accumulated in her heart that she became overwhelmed for a moment.

But soon,

Empress Shia calmed down.

It doesn't matter......

Rhine is still alive, alive and well, his heart is beating powerfully, there is no curse, no poison, and he is protected by the original goddess who has lived a successful life.

It doesn't matter......

He would never die in front of her again.

She still has a lot of time to talk to him...


Rhine took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away her tears.

Empress Shia looked at Rhine affectionately and showed a gentle smile to her lover. At the same time, she asked in a choked voice:

"Now... do you want to say something to your lost wife?"

Rhine looked at the face of Empress Xia, and the lover in front of him was no longer the same person as she once was.

Her eyes are firm and sharp, and there is no trace of youthfulness from top to bottom. She has become a superior person that everyone respects, and has gone through hardships and tests.

I don’t know how much suffering and suffering it took to forge the innocent girl back then into this cold and arrogant emperor.

That must be a great and heart-warming legend.

It is also a painful past that breaks her heart.

The crown on her head can already explain too many problems.

Rhine didn't ask Sia any questions, but he already knew everything.

Finally, Rhine said softly:

"Thanks a lot."

Involuntarily, Rhine held up the empress's face and kissed the tall empress who was almost as tall as him.

Facing Rhine who asked for a kiss from her, at this moment, Empress Shia seemed to have returned to the summer of her wedding that year, the happiest seventeen days in her life.

She kissed Rhine's lips with tears in her eyes, offering her lips and tongue to her lover without reservation.

A pair of lovers who meet again through time feel each other.

And between the two people kissing passionately...

The God Princess on the side was already stunned.

Looking at the two people with lingering lips and tongues, the God Princess stood alone and stared blankly in front of the background.

This empress who suddenly appeared had her infatuation for Rhine written all over her face.

And Rhine is also passionate.

The love between the two was so pure that it even made the God Princess a little sentimental.

Until this moment,

The God Princess was shocked to discover a fact.

Rhine Hein...

This man,

It turned out that the famous girl already had an owner! !

He has a wife who loves him deeply, and he also loves her deeply! !

After a lingering tongue kiss, Empress Xia reluctantly parted her lips from Rhine.

She also wants to spend more time with her lover.

However, Rhine's skilled kissing skills almost took her away alive...

A delicate blush appeared on Empress Xia's face. She gasped softly and asked softly: "You are so skilled... Lain, how many reincarnations has this been for you?"

Rhine replied with a smile: "The thousandth time."

Empress Xia's eyes trembled: "This, so many times..."

Until then.

Only then did Empress Xia notice,

The young emperor who married her back then now has a resolute soul that has suffered more pain and suffering than hers.

Empress Xia was heartbroken. She nestled her body in Rhine's arms and comforted Rhine with tears in her eyes:

"It doesn't matter, Rhine. I'm back. Let me accompany you. No matter what difficulties there are in the future, let us overcome them together..."

Rhine smiled and hugged his beloved tightly.

After a while, Rhine said softly:

"Let's go back to my current residence first."


Empress Xia agreed softly.

She left Rhine's arms, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, tried to calm down, and returned to her usual state.


She looked to the side, the big-breasted white-haired elf wife who looked like a dog.

The empress' silent gaze let the God Princess know her intentions.

The God Princess smiled: "I am the God Princess of the Dawn of Heaven, hello."

Then, the God Princess added a little guiltily: "In addition, I am also a... friend of His Highness Rhine."

Empress Xia nodded slightly and also announced her name: "Xia Hein."

Her last name is Heine!

Sure enough...this woman is His Highness Rhine's wife.

Knowing that the true love of his life actually already had his first wife was a matter worth feeling sad and even angry about.

But I don't know why,

The God Princess does not feel very sad.

Instead, I started to feel a little...excited?

"But, Elf of Heaven, why are you friends with Lain?"

When facing the God Princess, Empress Shia's attitude was actually quite cold.

Because of her past experiences, Empress Xia didn't have the slightest fondness for elves.

She looked at the God Princess indifferently.

The empress's breathtaking domineering aura rushed towards her face. She looked down at the God Princess like she was examining an ant.

The God Princess and Empress Xia looked at each other, and she felt a strong sense of oppression. She was now a little out of breath...

As a star spirit, the God Princess can stand high and enjoy the worship of thousands of people.

However, as a person,

However, the divine princess was completely defeated by the empress in terms of momentum.

The God Princess explained with a wry smile: "As for friends...Actually, His Highness and I still have an unknown relationship. Now my shining star is being used by His Highness Rhine."


Empress Shia's answer was still cold.

I see,

Has she become Rhine's tool now?

Out of apparent kindness, the Empress stretched out her hand and shook hands with the God Princess expressionlessly.

She knew the true identity of the "God Princess", and she was sure that Rhine also knew the same.

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