The cold and arrogant empress has never been so lovable as she is today. She used her hoarse and low voice to coquettishly say: "My dear, forgive my greed, can you stay with me more today?"

Lain smiled and comforted: "Xia, you are my wife. We will be together every day from now on. Can you wait for me to finish the work now?"

When Empress Xia heard this, she seemed a little reluctant: "Then how long do you need?"

Rhine made an estimate: "Probably tonight..."

"Do you want to wait until night?!"

"Do you want to show such a pitiful expression, Your Majesty Shia?"


Empress Xia's face was full of grievances, but then she smiled: "My dear, can I finish the work for you?"

After that, time stopped for a moment.

Then everything returned to normal.

An astonishing scene happened. Around Rhine and the ministers, there were piles of processed documents, and they were divided into categories and arranged neatly.

Not only that, every minister now has a detailed work list beside him. This is their work schedule for the next week. With this schedule, they will have no reason to disturb him for the next whole week. Rhine.

In addition to these, in the center of the table, there is also a list that has been crossed out one by one with a red pen.

A minister picked up the red-lined list and found that it was clearly those opponents with evil intentions, every one of them was correct.

Empress Xia said calmly: "I have written down the tasks for each of you and handed them over to you. Just go and do the work now."

A minister's voice trembled. He couldn't imagine what happened at that moment: "Madam, you..."

Empress Xia's voice gradually became colder: "I don't have time to listen to your questions. It's time for you to leave now."

The ministers remained silent and nodded desperately.

"I understand! I completely understand!!"

Shocked by the terrifying majesty.

Without even having time to ask Rhine for instructions, a group of ministers stood up almost subconsciously and quickly retreated according to the empress's instructions.

And now,

The room finally became quiet again.

Italien was left sitting aside, silently eating snacks and dazing.


The expression on Empress Xia's face became soft and tender again:

"I have finished your work for you, do you have anything else to do?"

Rhine thought for a while: "For should be gone."

"That's great. Now my husband finally has time to spend time with his beloved wife? Since he has nothing to do now, so..."

Empress Shia smiled.

"Come in?"

Rhine smiled: "Dear... don't be like this, we must have a reasonable schedule. No one has to rest during the day, right?"

"Come in?"

"Come inside!"

"Oh, wait, you..."

that's all.

Italian watched helplessly as his brother was dragged into the bedroom.

Italian watched everything happen in silence.


Silently turned off the video recording technique.

What happened in the past two days is really outrageous.

to be honest,

She couldn't help it! She finally couldn't help it anymore! !

She opened the communication channel between the sisters of the Forbidden Army, and then uploaded the video of the spell.

[Italian: Video File]

[Italian: Sisters, big news, watch it before I am beaten to death! 】


All the Imperial Guards saw how Rhine was like a weak girl being coerced, being forcibly grabbed by the arm by a majestic, domineering and fierce demigod empress, and forced to take her pitifully and helplessly upstairs.

This shocking scene immediately caused an uproar in the channel.

[Hela:? ? ? ? 】

[Beth:? ? ? ? 】

[Lilia: Blackmail, that’s not right. Support the construction of the colonial group in the Falling Star Land. 1 will be deducted! 】

At this time, some people were looking for lemons, some were shocked, some were concentrating on their careers, and some were diving. Only Miss Hestia asked a very straightforward question.

[Histia: Shia, is this your mother? 】

[Xia: No. 】


Private Marseille, there is only one update today, the next plot is quite long, I probably can’t finish it today, I’ll leave it for tomorrow, I’ll write more tomorrow.

On a side note, according to everyone’s previous voting results, the heroines of the next volume have been decided to be Prosperity and Beth. The general idea of ​​the plot is already there, but regarding the role of Prosperity, what developments do you expect from this character? You can tell the author what qualities you like about this character, and the author will refer to them and write them into the book. After all, the author is just a book writer and doesn't understand prosperity. Please give him some advice.

Chapter 210 God Princess: My dear, when I become a widow, we can be together!!

The great victory at Mansia and Marigold was enough to excite the whole kingdom of heaven.

However, for the God Princess personally...

In addition to the joy of victory, Shia Hein, who suddenly emerged from the marigolds in heaven, gave the God Princess a big blow.

How could the God Princess have thought of that?

Her lover, the young Prince of the Rhine, actually already had a deeply emotional wife...

For this, Princess God did not mean to blame Rhine at all, because judging from the situation at the time, Princess God could easily conclude that the relationship between these two people did not seem to be... ordinary. common types,

It seems more like a childhood sweetheart who once died and suddenly came back to life.

You can't blame Rhine for having sex with his wife behind his back.

And not to mention, the Godly Princess herself was a married woman.

As the God Princess herself once said to Rhine, she will not ask the next emperor of Rhine to be devoted to her, but the problem is...

Although the God Princess can be tolerant and generous,

But the real wife who suddenly appeared didn't seem to be that easy to talk to.

At that time, the threat Empress Shia whispered coldly into the ear of the God Princess seemed to still ring in her ears.

To be honest...

The God Princess was a little frightened.

The God Princess has never seen someone with such a strong aura. This has nothing to do with strength or divinity. It is completely the result of a soul that has gone through countless pains and tests and has been tempered.

Coming from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, we went through countless struggles on the battlefield and in the officialdom, and defeated countless powerful enemies. Bit by bit, it took more than ten years and decades to finally emerge from the huge melting pot of the mortal world. The iron-blooded emperor forged from the middle.

No matter how tender she is towards her husband, she is still towards her husband.

If it were anyone else, whoever dared to say no in front of this arrogant empress would have to endure what terrible consequences...

Not to mention, the strength of this empress is unfathomable. Even Etalion, one of the strongest demigods in the world, is forced to ask for help from her brother when confronting her.

The God Princess had to face this sad fact,

The appearance of a strong wife who deeply loves Rhine has completely ended the relationship between the God Princess and Rhine...

This made the God Princess very disappointed.

However, she didn't wait long for disappointment,

When the God Princess returned to Chenxi, she heard another bad news.

God King, something happened.

I heard that the God King suddenly fell ill while the God Princess left Chenxi, and locked himself in the palace. He even took the initiative to invite Moonlight King Alice to set up a barrier, and completely sealed himself in the palace like a prisoner. In the palace.

There are different opinions in the morning light about the God-King who suddenly fell ill.

However, after the God Princess inquired about the news from Alice, the only person who had ever entered the palace and met the God King,

The God Princess was silent.

The God King is indeed sick, but this disease is more terrible than anyone imagined.

God King......

It is the anchor point of silence buried in heaven.

When she learned the news, the God Princess was surprisingly calm.

The God King who had worked with him for ten years turned out to be the anchor point buried by Yuan Ji. Normally... the God Princess should be at least a little surprised.

But the God Princess is so calm...

It was so calm that the God Princess herself felt scared.

just like......

She had expected this from the beginning...

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that if this high elf heaven alliance and even the god king of heaven are just an anchor point disguised by Yuan Ji...

Then a desperate fact was placed in front of the God Princess and the high elves.

The third war with Yuanji,

Before the fight begins, you are bound to lose!

From the very beginning, the God Princess imagined that one day the Kingdom of Heaven would be able to regain its morale, unite as one in the face of a formidable enemy, and join hands to fight against Yuanji... It was simply impossible!

From the very beginning, what Yuanji wanted to do was not to reduce the threat from the Heavenly Alliance and give itself a greater chance of victory.

They are more greedy and cruel.

They want to corrode and corrupt the Kingdom of Heaven without any bloodshed, and turn the Kingdom of Heaven into their base for invading the mortal world!

The news of Sha made the God Princess suffocate.

The life and death of the God King is not important at all. What is important is the terrifying intention revealed by Yuan Ji in this incident!

But that's it.

A voice suddenly sounded in the mind of the God Princess.

[Isn’t this a good thing? 】

The God Princess was startled and looked around hurriedly: "Who, who is talking?!"

However, there was no one around the Divine Princess.

Then the voice sounded again.

[Everything is under control, everything in the way has been cleared, this is our last chance]

[It’s time to enter the next stage of the plan]

【It’s time for you to wake up】

Only then did the God Princess react.

That voice actually sounded from her consciousness.

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