Rhine's high-purity divine blood has completely activated the taste buds of all vampires through the sense of smell.

"Who is this man following His Majesty Elliot?"

"What's going on with this scent...Why is there such sweet blood in the world?!"

"Damn it... I'm addicted to blood... I can't control myself anymore!"

The Vampires were all conquered by the strange fragrance, just like Echibald when he first met Rhine.

Especially the female vampires among the crowd.

Intoxicated under those magical eyes, they drooled... not just saliva.

This man is so damn sweet!

Want to eat it!

In every sense! !

Noticing the evil-seeking eyes, Prosperity took a step forward and blocked Rhine behind him, strictly protecting his master from being eaten up by these hungry vampires.

Ah this...

yes! !

It was only then that Aiqibode realized with horror.

The blood of Rhine is sweet and of the highest quality. Even Akipod cannot resist the temptation of such a perfect food.

For other vampires, this is a taboo delicacy that is enough to corrode the soul.

Some female vampires are already on the verge of losing control.

If Echibald hadn't been by Rhine's side, her true ancestor could still have shocked her compatriots who were overwhelmed by appetite...

The result is simply unimaginable! !

At this time, shadows were cast in the sky, and then a group of vampire bosses fell from the sky.

"Your Majesty, we heard that you brought the Prince of Rhine to Cowper, so we came here specially to welcome... Where can I go?"

However, as soon as the big guys landed, they were amazed by the man in front of them.

When the fragrant fragrance penetrated into their nostrils, an uncontrollable strong desire immediately arose in their minds.

This was the first time they had seen a human whose blood was so delicious.

This is just a little fragrance of Rhine coming out from under the skin. I can’t imagine how sweet and tempting it would be if Rhine’s blood vessels were punctured and the blood was exposed to the air...

Some vampires stared at Rhine in shock:

"Holy Grandmother...how could there be such an alluring human being in the world."

Another vampire commented seriously:

"His blood is very pure, very pure, and it has been refined out of impurities that can burn your mouth... It is truly a treasure given by God."

A vampire's face was full of flattery: "Your Highness Rhine, would you mind participating in a blood donation in Cowper City..."

A vampire looked at her with charming eyes: "Your Highness Rhine, do you have an appointment tonight?"

Eijibald tried his best to persuade his compatriots to calm down: "No, everyone, calm down, this is His Highness Rhein Hein! Everyone, please be reserved..."

However, before Akipod could finish his words...

Rhine took the lead and put his arm around Aiqibode's shoulders.

Elliot was startled by this sudden gesture of intimacy.

Then, the wise Rhine Hein, facing this group of hungry vampires, played a trump card that would kill him at this critical moment.

"Although I really want to donate some of my blood to entertain you, but it is a pity..."

Rhine showed a smile, gently lifted Echibald's chin, stared into those bright red eyes that were full of confusion, but shy and emotional, and said softly:

"I have become His Majesty Akipod's private property."

Ichibald: "!!!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent for a moment.

The restless vampires suddenly calmed down as if a basin of cold water was poured on their heads.

It turns out... His Majesty has accepted His Highness Rhine as his blood servant.

No, with the identity of Rhine Hein, it is not appropriate to be the blood servant of His Majesty Echibald...

So these two...

Is it just a simple confirmation of the couple's relationship?

At this time, the vampire bosses who gradually regained their rationality couldn't help but cast a pleased look at their ancestors:

"Your Majesty is so quick..."

"As expected of you!!"

"Your Majesty, you should have told me earlier... Even if you gave us a hundred courages, we would not dare to compete with you for men."

Eijibald didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She looked at Rhine complainingly and said shyly:

"No, don't make such a joke. Seriously, Your Highness Rhine...I will be angry!"

However, although Elkbald was angry on the surface, a wonderful idea immediately came to his mind...

Could it be that His Highness Rhine...likes me? !

Could it be that he was taking this opportunity to secretly confess his love to me? !

I, how should I respond to him? ! !

Vampires are the natural enemies of humans. From their appearance, voice, to body fluids, they all have an innate charming effect on humans.

These talents allow vampires to easily enchant people's hearts and manipulate their human prey into the palm of their hands with just a few words, allowing them to take whatever they want from them.

But now...

This kind of hunting relationship between vampires and humans seems to be completely reversed on the side of Rhine and Echibald...

However, after only one day of meeting, Rhine used some careless words and a few gentle provocations, and the last true ancestor of the blood clan was fascinated and kept thinking wildly.

Perhaps... resisting the temptation of this prince is better than defeating the goddess and the wolf king.

It's going to be difficult...

It was not that Ellipbald had not thought about accepting Rhine's temptation and tasting his blood to his heart's content.

But the thing that scares Akipod the most is...

The blood of Rhine is irreplaceable...

Even if we look at the entire world, this is the only one with the sweet blood of Rhine.

Once Archibald drank the blood of the Rhine,

Then she will be like a hopeless person addicted to drugs, and the only provider in the world who can satisfy her craving...

The relationship between the two of them will definitely...definitely become quite bad...?


5k. To report, there were 800 monthly passes yesterday and 300 monthly passes today. This number is really too much. I can only owe you another chapter to update.

I should owe you two chapters now. If I can update one chapter tomorrow morning, I will owe you one chapter.

Thanks for the reward from Twisted Tutu, the boss is very generous!

Chapter 244: Drinking forbidden blood, the Wolf King’s sincere invitation

Aiqibode was very convinced that although the current situation was critical, there must be a better solution besides Rhine's method.

But Rhine chose this most ambiguous method...

It was simply a naked provocation to Aikibod.

In order to drive away the tribesmen who were about to make a move, Ai Qibode had no choice but to cooperate with Lain's acting, excitedly and shyly hugged Lain's waist, and declared his sovereignty to the tribesmen.

Out of absolute reverence for their true ancestor, the vampires eventually retreated.

After the onlookers walked away, Archibald quickly put a layer of shielding around Rhine, blocking out Rhine's scent.

"In this way, you can live in Cowper with peace of mind. Your Highness Rhine."

Elliot looked at his watch and before he knew it, it was already lunch time.

Ichibald calmed down, regained her energy, and forgot about the accident that panicked her just now. She looked at Rhine and asked with a smile:

"Your Highness Rhine, are you hungry?"


Next, Echibold took Rhine and Prosperity to a bar for dinner.

Since humans live in Cowper, of course there is human food, but in this sewer where supplies are scarce, there are not many types of food to choose from.

But the mice are enough.

It's a pity that humans don't seem to like eating much.

Ichibald didn't eat here, he just ordered a drink for himself, and Prosperity didn't need to put anything else in his mouth except the master's special feed.

So Lain ordered some food for himself, and the two stunning beauties who were comparable to gods sat silently on both sides of Lain, admiring Lain's meal.

"By the way, Your Majesty, take a look at this."

During the meal, Rhine handed a leaflet to Aiqibode.

"Prosperity brought this back this morning when he went out to buy groceries. It should be plastered all over the city now."

Aiqibode took the flyer, which was an official notice issued by the Evernight Government.

The above is very simple.

The Queen of the Night personally ordered a city-wide search for Rhine Hein and the demigod Prosperity, and anyone who found them should report immediately.

Whether he failed to report the discovery or concealed the two persons, it would be a serious crime.

The highest...the death penalty.

Looking at the flyer, Aiqibode felt a little emotional.

The war has finally begun...

The former Cowper City was the last habitat of the vampires, and wolves would not invade at will.

But now, the city of Cowper, which hides the Rhineland and prosperity, has lost its legitimacy.

Even Elkbald and the Wolf King already had a reason to kill her.

And compared to my own side...

Ichibald asked tentatively: "Your Highness Rhine, do you really not want to seek refuge with Hedwig? She is stronger than me and should be able to protect you better?"

“It’s enough that I have prosperity to protect me.”

Rhine smiled and said: "I am kind to the Wolf King, but the Wolf King has already repaid me. We are already settled. It is impossible for me to ask for more from the Wolf King, but your Majesty, Eichipod, is different."

Rhine said sincerely: "I can't let the Mek-god and the wolves destroy prosperity, and you also want to defeat the Mek-god and the wolf pack and revive your tribe - we have the same goal, right?"

Echibald smiled and nodded slightly.

Then, Echibald said shyly: "But having said that... Your Highness Rhine, could you please stop making jokes like that with me in the future? Your blood is really tempting, and I won't be able to hold it anymore."

Rhine asked with a smile: "I told you, Your Majesty Echibald, that is not a joke. If you want to suck blood, I will welcome you at any time."


Rhine solemnly said:

"If you don't suck blood, Your Majesty Elkbald, do you think you can defeat the Wolf King Hedwig?"

These words made Échibald silent.

The power of the True Ancestor comes from blood,

Although it does not mean that if Aiqi Pod sucks blood, he will definitely be able to defeat the Wolf King, but now that Ai Qi Pod is anemic, he has no chance of winning in front of the Wolf King.

However, she really didn't know whether she should try Rhine's blood...

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