Even counting her blood descendants...

For a moment, a strong feeling of love arose in Cowper's heart.

She swallowed.

That’s all…

There is no need to be so harsh.

"Rhine Hein, this is your first offense, so I will forgive you. Now, give me your blood."

In the end, Cowper did not use the bloody methods she used to punish human slaves to punish Rhine.

Cowper sighed in her heart. After sleeping for three hundred years, she found that she had become soft-hearted.

This act is truly generous and compassionate...

After all, Rhine was finally back, and she was saved. Moreover, Rhine was the only being in the world who could provide that alluring blood, and Cowper couldn't bear to hurt him.

Faced with such a merciful decision, Cowper originally thought that Rhine would be grateful to her like the mortal slaves she met before, kowtow to thank her, and then tear open his own blood vessels with his own crazy love for Cowper, In the midst of passionate infatuation, he devoted himself to the beautiful vampire queen.


Cowper thought too much, she thought everything would develop as she expected.

After all, she is the supreme "ancestor", after all, Rhine has promised her.


The magic was lifted, and Rhine stood up calmly. Although he had just suffered from the heavy pressure of the magic and even had broken bones, he did not show any signs of pain.

"True Ancestor Cowper...your arrogance is disappointing."

Rhine looked calmly into Cowper's eyes and said word by word: "The agreement between us is now void, and I will no longer provide you with blood."


Upon hearing this, the Third True Ancestor was of course furious!

Rhine actually wanted to deny her blood?

This undoubtedly touched Cowper's reverse scale!

The furious True Ancestor activated his magic almost instinctively. The bloody craze, like a barrier, instantly surrounded Rhine and wanted to tear Rhine to pieces!

But the next moment, Prosperity, who had been silently watching the show behind Rhine, took action.

The spear of light, which had been brewing for a long time, immediately took shape in the hands of prosperity, accompanied by dazzling brilliance.

It was a fatal spear whose power exceeded all forbidden spells, but Prosperity Xun did not project this fatal spear of light.

Instead, he struck the ground with the tip of the spear!

Zheng! !

The energy of the light spear is stimulated! The dazzling light turned into waves of violent waves and rushed out, crushing the blood tide rushing towards Rhine like a torrent!

Under the brilliance of the scorching sun, the blood magic that could only hide in the shadows was instantly defeated and easily dispersed! !

Cowper's magic was repulsed by Prosperity's light spear.

Cowper was stunned for a moment...

How dare this mortal dare to resist her? !

True Ancestor Cowper suddenly became even more angry. However, the glorious spear held by the maid was so dazzling that Cowper was afraid of the spear and did not immediately launch a more violent attack.

Cowper asked sharply: "Rhein Hein! What on earth do you want to do!!"

Rhine was still calm: "Zhenzu Cowper, I think you don't respect me enough."

W-what? !

When he heard this, Cowper was stunned.

respect? !

Why should I respect a domestic animal? Cowper gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You fed me to drink your blood and promised me a stable supply in the future. However, you broke your promise on the first day and didn't even give an explanation. You went missing without even staying, shouldn’t you be punished?!”

Rhine listened and remained indifferent.

The prince just frowned in disgust: "Yes, that's it... Cowper, I hate your arrogant attitude. Our cooperation ends here, and I will leave this city."

After saying that, Rhine turned around and left.


Cowper almost screamed: "Rhine Hein! Your actions are too strange! Are you kidding me?! Why do you have to lose the friendship of a true ancestor just because of this trivial matter? Really?! It was obviously you who broke your promise first!!"

There is some truth to what Cowper said.

Rhine's broken promise is the source of today's conflict. Rhine did indeed make a mistake.

But so what?

Now Cowper, in this game, is destined to be the loser who kneels down and begs for mercy from Rhine.

After drinking Rhine's blood, Cowper was completely addicted to the taste, so much so that ordinary blood turned into foul-smelling swill in her mouth, making it impossible to swallow.

Rhine may not need her, but she must need Rhine...

In the current situation, Cowper could be tough. If Rhine wanted to break the agreement, she would kill Prosperity, take Rhine away by force, and keep Rhine in captivity so that she can enjoy this peerless delicacy forever.


What if Cowper angered Rhine and made him commit suicide?

This possibility is very small...

But once this happens, can she bear the price?

She can't, she can't tolerate Rhine's death even more than Rhine! !

She couldn't let Rhine die, she didn't even dare to hurt Rhine!

Cowper stared at Rhine. Seeing that Rhine had decided to leave, he turned around to leave again...

Finally, the proud queen's eyes trembled, and she stopped Rhine. At this moment, she abandoned the dignity of her true ancestor and whispered to a two-legged domestic animal:

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

It was just a simple apology, but it almost emptied Cowper's soul, leaving her eyes empty and desperate...

Cowper said with a trembling voice: "Rhein Hein, please forgive me for being rude..."

However, Cowper's apology made Rhine frown.

Rhine: "Is that rude? Cowper, tell me, what did you do that was rude?"

Cowper's body trembled, and she looked at Rhine in disbelief.

This mortal...

How dare you talk to me like that?

Rhine's question is a naked attempt to make things difficult and a pure humiliation! !

What does he think I am? !

Cowper gritted his teeth and glared at Rhine bitterly.

However, Rhine looked calm as usual, not at all intimidated by the True Ancestor's aura.

On the contrary, it was Cowper. In Rhine's calm and indifferent eyes, she felt a little guilty and unreasonable... awe in her heart.

In the end, Cowper clenched his fists, his muscles trembling all over his body, suppressing the rage in his heart, and said:

"I...shouldn't use magic to attack you, or reprimand you, Rhine Hein. You are different from other mortals. I should...respect you more."

"Those are not important."

Rhine's face was expressionless: "Third True Ancestor, that doesn't matter. As you said, I was at fault first. I shouldn't have left the city suddenly and made you worry."

Cowper felt relieved, Rhine finally forgave her, and he himself admitted the mistakes he had made.

In this way, both parties apologize to each other and give each other a step down, and this incident will finally be over...

Cowper finally saw through Rhine.

Although Rhine Hein, a mortal, was arrogant and rude, after all, he still respected Cowper.

After all, he is also the prince of a country, and he still has some self-respect. He will inevitably feel sorry for being beaten and scolded by Cowper like this. But now, out of respect for his true ancestor, as long as he regains a little dignity, he will calm down and be obedient. Continue to obey Cowper.

Cowper gave him a face, and he would be grateful to Cowper.


Lain continued calmly: "But you shouldn't look down on me, Third True Ancestor, and you shouldn't let me kneel down to you as compensation..."

Rhine said: "Kneel down too."

"!!" This human...

He actually asked my noble true ancestor to kneel down to him? !

In an instant, Cowper could no longer hold back his anger, and the monstrous blood flow turned into a sharp sword and stabbed straight at Rhine!

However, the prosperous light spear swung out, the light dispelled the blood magic again, and stabbed directly at Cowper.

But the next moment!

Cowper held the light spear with his bare hands!

The scorching beam of light caused Cowper's palms to burn and his flesh to wither rapidly.

But Cowper didn't care.

She just stared at Rhine with ferocious blood-red eyes! !

"Don't think I'm afraid of this!!"

Cowper roared: "Rhine Hein!! Why do you ask me to kneel down to you? I have never in my life -"

But before Cowper could finish his rant...

Prosperity handed Rhine a black nano cup, and Rhine used the cup to fill a cup of blood.

Cowper's eyes widened.

The aroma of blood rushed into Cowper's nose, and it was so magical that the anger in Cowper's heart suddenly dissipated...

It seems that everything in the world is no longer important.

Only the bright red liquid in the cup was everything to her.


This is the taste...

This is the supreme divine blood that makes Cowper dream about it. Just one sip will be unforgettable for the rest of her life, and it can even distort her eating habits.

Cowper's trembling eyes focused uncontrollably on the cup of blood. A large amount of fluid was secreted, causing her throat to repeat the swallowing action.

As long as he can drink it again, Cowper prayed wildly in his heart, as long as he can drink it again...


Rhine, with an expressionless face, casually poured the blood in the cup onto the ground.

"Huh? Huh?!"

Cowper was shocked and couldn't help but scream. However, she could only watch the blood being splashed all over the floor, and the alluring fragrance spread, making Cowper even more intoxicated.

The best blood, which she regarded as a treasure, was just... wasted casually.

But this didn't matter to Rhine at all.

Blood, he had plenty of it in his body, so he didn't need to cherish it too much.

But what about Cowper?

If she doesn't get Rhine's charity, she will say goodbye to this unique delicacy forever.

She might not even be able to drink ordinary blood anymore, and she might even starve to death.

"True Ancestor Cowper, I said that I donated my blood to you out of respect and admiration for you, but now I realize that you are not worthy of my respect."

Rhine's voice was gentle: "So, now I can still contribute my blood to you, and I can let you taste it, but you... must kneel down to me, and you must develop this habit."

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