At this time, do you know that I am your elder?

Isn't that what you said when you pressed me against the wall and forced me to kiss you?

Shalei once really wanted to gain Lain's respect and love her as a junior...but now what she not Lain's respect.

She is so mean...

Obviously she wanted to test Lain's thoughts, but now that the test had produced results, she was dissatisfied.

...Why can't you just do what you did to Cowper...pursue me, pamper me, possess me, just like you did to me?

Rhine's respectful attitude surprised Sha Lei.

Even some injuries.

Shalei's eyes were complicated. She lowered her head and asked weakly: "Your Highness Rhine, why do you... suddenly say such things?"

"I know, Miss Sarai."

Rhine's eyes were sincere: "I was once obsessed with your beauty and did many things that were rude to you. I apologize for my offense and accept any compensation and punishment you propose. Please rest assured that I will accept it in the future." Clear your identity and I won’t do anything to embarrass you again.”

Rhine's solemn words made Sarai, who was about to reject the greeting, deeply stunned.

His eyes were filled with astonishment.


Rhine took out a bottle of blood.

red blood.

Rhine handed the blood bottle to Sha Lei: "I will never let you take that blasphemous drink again. Regarding the throne of Long Night, no matter what your choice is, it will not affect the friendship between our two countries. I will be responsible for your and Cowper’s meals from now on, this is this week’s blood, please accept it.”

Sha Lei took the blood bottle blankly, her eyes blank.

Rhine sighed and continued: "After returning from the mine, I reflected on what I did. Maybe I am really a scumbag...I actually blasphemed you like this."

"What I did to Cowper can be explained by the relationship between you and me...I am very ashamed of what you did. I am simply a disgrace to the Hein royal family."

Shalei's voice was bitter and she echoed with great difficulty: "No... Your Highness Rhine, you don't have to blame yourself so much. I can understand your difficulties..."

Lai Yin expressed his deep gratitude to Sha Lei for her tolerance, and he showed a sincere smile: "Then from now on, let us establish a normal friendship. The friendship between Hai Yin and Chang Ye will last forever, and we will overcome the difficulties together. I miss you. We must understand what kind of test we are about to face.”

Sha Lei nodded with a wry smile.

Among the fragments of the timeline, Sha Lei also learned a lot about the truth about the world from the few words of the machine god's blessing.

She was mentally prepared for this.


What made her feel sad was not the problems in the future.

It's Rhine's attitude.

That kid...does he want to keep distance from me?

Although it seems that it should be a good thing, after all, Sha Lei has been troubled by Rhine's stalking...

But...why, when Rhine changed his ways and took the initiative to straighten their relationship...

But she was so disappointed... heartbroken.


That child would suddenly say this?

Is it because he is leaving Chang Ye and Sarai is no longer of use? Or has he found someone he likes and no longer cares about boring women like Sarai who are just attractive in appearance?


Sha Lei's mood suddenly hit rock bottom and her mind went blank.

Next, Shalei didn't listen to anything that Rhine and Shalei discussed...

She just nodded dully, echoing absentmindedly, while feeling secretly sad in her heart.

Rhine saw this in his eyes and was also very helpless...

This may make Sarai sad, but Rhine thinks it will be a good start.

The sacrifice of prosperity made Rhine understand a truth.

Demigods are not cold monsters, they are also flesh and blood, living people.

They should not be deceived emotionally by Rhine,

Perhaps Rhine should let go of his hatred, truly try to understand them, use an equal personality to get into their hearts, let them understand him, and be willing to fight side by side with him.

He wanted Sarai for once.

But soon, Rhine discovered that something seemed wrong.

The passage of time did not make Sha Lei relieved. On the contrary, Sha Lei's emotions seemed to become more and more unstable.

There was no light in Sha Lei's eyes.

"That kid hates me. That kid hates me. That kid hates me. That kid hates me..."

Her eyes were empty, her head lowered, and she kept whispering.

Rhine: "..."

Rhine had only had experience fighting with demigods before, but now this development trend... seems to be a bit beyond Rhine's control.

Is she okay?

307. The infatuated threat of the yandere true ancestor

Just when Rhine was about to say something...

Sha Lei suddenly raised her hand and picked up the blood bottle that Rhine gave her...

Her eyes were dull and she stared at the blood bottle dreamily, but she had no intention of drinking.


boom! !

She suddenly crushed the blood bottle!

Broken chips flew everywhere, and Rhine's divine blood also spilled everywhere.

Fresh blood splashed on the carpet, and the alluring aroma spread in the air.

This was originally the ultimate delicacy that could drive any Vampire crazy.

But at this moment...

Sarai had no appetite.

She stared at her hands infatuatedly, watching the blood dripping down her white and creamy wrists, like a piece of snow-white satin dyed red.

That kid... hates me...

That kid... doesn't want me anymore...

Shalei's eyes were dull, without light or emotion, just empty.

It's like her heart... broken, empty.

Only when she truly lost it did Sha Lei realize how much she loved this child who was thousands of years younger than herself.

Although the delicious food at her feet makes her crazy,

But the child's cold rejection broke her heart even more.

Shalei asked foolishly: "Why...Your Highness Rhine, you suddenly want to be so cruel to me..."

Rhine sighed: "I just feel that I have been using blood to control you and take advantage of you, which is very disgraceful. You have obviously been begging me not to do this... I also know that I shouldn't do this. "

However, Rhine's explanation only made Sha Lei more sad.

His empty eyes became more and more gloomy.

Sha Lei asked quietly: "Your Highness Rhine...why are you pretending to be stupid?"

"If I really wanted to reject could you have a chance to get close to me?"

"For thousands of years, countless mortals have been seduced by my charm. They have lost their minds and are desperate to touch those who offend me..."

"But do you know what happened to them?"

"They all... died miserably."

"You are the only one who can push me against the wall and force me to kiss you."

"You are also the only one who has no resistance when you touch me."

" lovely child..."

"It's not like you respect're just...tired of me...right?"

Rhine was speechless about this.

He was very embarrassed now. He never expected that a person like Sha Lei, who had lived for thousands of years, would lose her mind so easily for the sake of feelings.

It should be said that these demigods have not been able to meet men all year round, so they are pure and do not know how to correctly handle their love for the opposite sex in their hearts.


Is the temptation that Rhine gave her so great?

Seeing that Rhine was unable to answer his question.

Sha Lei let out a silly laugh.

"Your Highness Rhine, Aiqi... likes you very much."

Rhine was stunned for a moment: "That's right."

Sha Lei smiled and asked gently: "But if she knew... that you had forcibly kissed her mother and expressed your love to her mother many times, what would she think?"

"Aiqi... although she is a strong child, it takes time to heal emotional injuries."

"Don't you want that child to rule the night? For this reason, you are so careful that you don't even want to touch her. If things really turn out like that... you will also have a headache, right?"

Sha Lei looked at Rhine dreamingly:

"Your Highness Rhine, you don't want Aiqi to know that you harassed me, right?"

Rhine sighed, and finally persuaded: "I really don't want Aijibald to know about this, but Sarai, I'm not doing this for myself - I just hope that Changye, when the disaster really breaks out, can... Try to have stronger national power, that’s all.”

"Well, I know, Your Highness Rhine, you have great ideals and a selfless soul. This is why I like you. You are so handsome, perfect, like the stars in the sky, great and distant... you It drives me crazy, I would even rather become a love rival with my favorite daughter.”

"But unfortunately, I don't have such lofty ambitions as you. Now I just want to know... what should I do to make that cute child who likes me and admires me change his mind... My ambition is That’s all.”

Shalei's true identity is an artificial star-eating strain created by Zhili World.

The man-made series shoulders the great mission of guarding civilization and resisting the harvest of the supreme god.

However, in this regard,

The man-made series don’t know it.

Shalei doesn't know her origin. She only knows that she was born in an endless forest made of steel. The fine gravel under her feet makes it impossible to imagine why there are plants in this sea of ​​sand... ....But of course, generally speaking, no one would regard the giant steel building that blocks the sky and the sun as a plant.

Shalei has not received any orders since she was born.

She just wandered around the world in a daze, until one day, she suddenly felt unbearable loneliness, so...she started to create similar people.

All vampires assimilated by her are puppets and slaves with her as the main body.

But she never regarded the vampires as her tools.

But as family.

She regarded those true ancestors who were willing to accept this identity as her own daughters, and treated them as mother and daughter, enjoying the false happiness of a family relationship.

She likes this kind of life.

However, after so many years...

Rhine was also the first male who made Shalei's heart beat... and gave her a second feeling besides family affection.


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