After hearing this, Rhine did not faithfully carry out her orders as before.

On the contrary, he looked a little reluctant to leave: "You are my beloved goddess, and I will obey your orders, but Your Majesty... I think these creatures are very interesting. You know, I am very good at training them." .”


Indeed, when he was in the desperate frozen soil, Justice had seen how Rhine controlled the endless insect swarm and crushed the black army of the Crystal Ark.

Justice at that time did not express too much dissatisfaction with Rhine's actions.

Because at that time, the resurgence of the insect swarm did not have any impact on the Netherland.

but now......

According to the report from the devil under his command,

In the very center of the Nether Realm, the space was distorted and a vast land appeared out of thin air. There, there was already a powerful collection of gods, which was gradually reviving and using its divine power to open up territory in the Nether Realm. , creating her own kingdom...

The most powerful evil god in the Nether Realm, the endless insect swarm united by all, gathered all the despicable and noble aspects of human intelligence and cast a huge reflection in the Nether Realm, just like the collection of the gods of the Nether Realm...


She is waking up.

"Rhine, I have seen your performance during this period of time. I know very well that you know many, many more things than ordinary mortals."

Zhengyi gently persuaded: "I think you should be able to understand the pros and cons to some extent. These evil beasts are believers of a monster. If they are allowed to survive in the world, sooner or later, the monster will be awakened."

That monster is harmony.

Once harmony awakens, the most powerful goddess in the Nether Realm will definitely cause turmoil in the Nether Realm and greatly shake the status of justice!

Although Zhengyi is not afraid of that guy, there is no need for her to cause trouble for herself at this critical moment.

But now, Rhine's attitude,

But it puzzles Zhengyi.

Rhine seems to be... deliberately protecting these bugs?

Is it my imagination...

Justice didn't care about the thoughts that flashed through her mind, because she was sure that as a god, Rhine would not have any objections to her words to this point.

However, things went counterproductive...

Rhine: "I am fully aware of the risks involved, but my majesty, just a few more larvae in the mortal world are not enough to awaken the goddess. I beg your majesty to spare their lives."

When Zhengyi heard this, she was stunned.


Rhine once again refused to execute the order of justice.

What happened to Rhine?

Zhengyi's eyes turned cold and his tone became stronger: "Rhine, did I hear you correctly...are you ordering me?"

"That's not what I meant!"

Rhine was frightened: "But I really hope that your majesty can be lenient."

absurd! !

Rhine's answer made Zhengyi angry and shocked!

Why does Rhine have to speak for these bugs again and again?

For this reason, he even dared to disobey justice! Let justice take back the order she has decided! !

Are these bugs so important?

More important than justice? !

for a moment,

Justice seems to understand something!

An extremely terrifying suspicion appeared in her mind.

Insect eggs hatch in the desperate frozen soil, summon large-scale insect swarms, and stimulate sleeping harmony.

In the long night, the insect swarm that escaped from the fragments of the timeline was deliberately released, so that the insect swarm would stay in the sixth era, continue to deliver energy to harmony, and promote its true awakening...

In fact,

So far, aren't all the signs of harmony's revival...aren't they all caused by Rhine? !

Yes, Justice certainly knew that everything Rhine did was reasonable.

To deal with Hee, he needed soldiers.

The emergence of ancient insect swarms from the timeline fragments was simply an accident.

However, everything seems to be a coincidence,


Do "coincidences" and "mistakes" really happen to this man Rhein Hein?

So far,

Everything he does has a unique and profound meaning, and every seemingly absurd action will have a series of chain reactions in the aftermath, until an astonishing result is achieved miraculously...

He never does anything wrong, nor does he do anything unnecessary.

That being the case... then in the end, justice can only come to one conclusion.

Rhine Hein...

He worships [Harmony], so he wants to resurrect [Harmony]! !

boom! !

In the blood-red sky of the Skull Earth, an earth-shattering thunderstorm erupted, and its aftermath roared endlessly!

"Rhine Hein!!"

The blood god was angry.

"You turned a deaf ear to my orders, but frequently protected other gods... What exactly do you want to do!!"

For the first time, the Blood Queen had the thought of being disappointed with her beloved Chosen One.

The angry goddess of justice is also deafening and enlightening in her questioning.

Even though there were two worlds apart, the Queen of the Netherland's gushing rage still almost burned out Rhine's soul!

Rhine's heart was frightened and his body was shaking.

But inside, he still tried hard to maintain peace.

Prosperity on the side looked like a formidable enemy, silently opening the singularity of space and getting ready to protect Rhine from the rampaging goddess of justice.

Justice knows,

Rhine was not an innocent believer.

The former Rhine and Olivia were not clear about it, and they even signed a contract of sacrifice...

Justice forgives Rhine's past,

Because she knew that Olivia was just a useless dragon, not comparable to her at all, and the trivial feelings from her old self would not affect the relationship between Zhengyi and Rhine at all.

But harmony...

Harmony is different...

There is one thing that Lady Justice will never admit.

That was Rhine's excessive enthusiasm for harmony, which gave Justice a slight sense of inferiority!

Among the hundreds of millions of demons in the Nether Realm, the reputation of the most powerful goddess in the Nether Realm is spread everywhere.

Even though justice has ruled the Nether Realm for several epochs, he slaughtered the entire Nether Realm with the most bellicose power and made the gods tremble and surrender.

But the legend about the most powerful goddess in the Netherland,

But there was no change at all.

It's as if... everyone has determined that Justice can become the Queen of the Nether Realm simply because the most powerful goddess who appears briefly is still in deep sleep.


Do you even want to deny me now? !

The angry Goddess of Justice was supposed to inflict horrific divine punishment on the ignorant creatures who angered her, but looking at Rhine, the Goddess of Justice finally dissipated her anger, only revealing...disappointment and sadness.

Lady Justice asked softly: "Tell me... Lain, you are actually looking forward to that guy's resurrection, right?"

Rhine: "...No, no..."

At this moment, Rhine's soul almost collapsed under the anger of the goddess, and he finally came back to his senses...

Then he was shocked to find that just because he didn't say a word in time, it led to such a huge misunderstanding.

"I can swear to you with my goddess, I have never had even a trace of goodwill towards [Harmony]..."

Rhine’s extremely sincere answer:

"Whether Harmony is revived or not has nothing to do with me. I want to save this gentleman, not because if he exists, he can resurrect any god..."

Zhengyi was still angry and asked coldly: "Then why do you want to protect these evil beasts?!"

Rhine said confidently and loudly: "Ask the goddess! Because this gentleman just told me that he knows the whereabouts of the last Sword of the Era!!"


As soon as these words came out, Zhengyi was stunned again.

Her eyes were shocked and she asked word by word: "Say another word."

Rhine: "Your Majesty the Queen, this is the deal between me and this gentleman. I will protect him, and he will lead me to find the Sword of the Last Era, the weapon that belongs exclusively to you..."

This is Rhine's true intention.

Justice moved.

The fifth sword of the era.


That is justice, the treasure you have been searching for!

As the Queen of the Nether Realm, Zhengyi inherited four disaster crystals that fell into the Nether Realm. However, the world has experienced five destructions, and she has yet to find the last Sword of the Era.

turn out to be......

This is why Rhine wants to protect these bugs...

He wants to find the last Sword of the Era for justice!

Justice saw the way Rhine was communicating with the swarm just now.

Justice himself cannot actually understand the words of the insect swarm. The language of these monsters is not only the collision and vibration of the mouthparts, but also accompanied by the resonance of the soul.

They only let their voices be heard by the people they designate.

And Rhine was the one designated by the swarm to talk to, and it just so happened that Rhine was really able to understand the ancient language of the swarm.


Why do these bugs know the whereabouts of the Sword of Era?

Lady Justice was doubtful: "Seriously?"

"It's absolutely true, my goddess..."

Rhine’s voice is sincere:

"The insect swarm is a huge collective, and each of them possesses all the knowledge mastered by the race. Now, I already know the location of the Sword of the Era. As long as I continue to cooperate with the insect swarm, I will definitely offer you that The final crystallization of disaster.”

Rhine stared into the Queen's eyes and said with a smile: "As long as you can get the fifth sword, then I believe that even if harmony is revived, my goddess will still be the strongest queen in the Netherland!"

This is what Rhine wants to do!

He knows things about harmony very clearly, but he will not be like those mediocre people who only know how to persuade justice and prevent the recovery of harmony.

Rhine is different from them,

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