The blindfolded beauty appeared outside the cell.

The tall and voluptuous body is shrouded in the most sacred light, and the eyes covered by white cloth are predictably charming dragon eyes that are no different from Rhine.

She is so holy....and fallen.

For a moment, Rhine was filled with emotion.

The beautiful woman in front of her has long been blurred in Rhine's memory.

The archangel, who had been away for thousands of years, finally came to Rhine again.

"Long time no see, Rhine..."

The archangel's voice is full of affection and love.

Euphemia originally had a lot to say when she reunited with her beloved student after a long absence, but today, she was not here to greet Rhine.

The Templar Knights were watching silently not far away, so Euphemia simply explained her purpose of coming.

"You may not know yet, Your Highness, the church has arranged a Holy Advent ceremony for you, for Chief Bishop Beth."

"Since you are now guilty, in order not to affect the progress of the trial, please start the first Holy Advent ceremony today."

"And I came here on the order of Bishop Kleist to conduct the inspection process before the ceremony for His Highness."

Euphemia smiled:

"Your Highness Rhine, I'm here to conduct a physical examination on you."


temporary announcement

Temporary Announcement 2

320. The Holy Archangel and the Collapsed Fallen Prince

As a time traveler, Rhine has experienced a thousand reincarnations since arriving in this world.

The constant death and rebirth gave Rhine's soul endless torture.

But Rhine's thousand reincarnations did not start when he traveled through time and landed.

Before succeeding Emperor Hein and starting the endless bloody storm,

Rhine once had a carefree childhood for nineteen years.

At that time, Rhine was naive and ignorant, with completely wrong confidence in the future, and even more unrealistic trust in those childhood sweethearts who grew up with him, the Imperial Guards.

It can be seen from the fact that just because Shia rejected his confession, he was devastated and deeply shocked.

The life in Rhine for these nineteen years has been so comfortable and comfortable.

And in this happy childhood life,

Euphemia is undoubtedly a being with a very special status in Rhine's heart.

Euphemia is Rhine's mother and the sworn angel of Queen Kessus, and her close relationship with her mother closely links her to Rhine.

Twenty years ago, the mortal world was still peaceful, and there were not many tasks that required the help of Pinnacle Wings.

Therefore, Euphemia would stay in the Hein Imperial Capital most of the time, accompanying the Queen, and teaching the next generation of young Imperial Guards in the Imperial Capital.

As for Rhine, he was also required to take Euphemia's course back then.

Rhine's bloodline was so good that it was as pure as an ordinary demigod. It was enough for him to be the next Emperor of Rhine as soon as he was born.

The prince should receive the highest-end education and establish a good relationship foundation with his imperial guards in advance.

So, Rhine followed a group of future imperial troops and listened to lectures every day by one of the strongest goddess apostles on the planet.

Rhine is really hard to describe. A gentle elder sister taught a group of little lolita children's songs in the kindergarten using the chants of the city-destroying curse. Moreover, the elder sister had to sing only half of the children's songs because once she was asked to finish the children's songs, The entire imperial capital was gone...what a wonderful scene it was.

Unlike my mother who is busy with government affairs,

As Rhine's teacher, Euphemia accompanied Rhine almost throughout his childhood.

Teacher Euphemia is a very special person.

Although she is a purely divine creature, she is very friendly to Rhine and those candidates who are not demigods. At that time, she seemed not to notice the difference between these mortal children and herself, and was full of enthusiasm and tenderness towards her. They teach carefully.

Especially Rhine.

Perhaps that was not an illusion. Among all the children, Euphemia seemed to love Rhine especially.

That's probably because Rhine is Kaiser's child?

But it’s obvious that Etalaine is also the daughter of Kessus…

After Rhine traveled through time, it was Euphemia who shaped Rhine's world view of this strange world.

Rhine was full of gratitude and respect for Euphemia.

At the same time, her words and deeds also left a deep impression on Laing, and even influenced Laing's life to a great extent from then on.

For example...

Since the first divine creature Rhine came into contact with was the special case of Euphemia, this led to his naive understanding of the despicable nature of divine creatures.

He screwed Rhine into trouble.

Later, a thousand reincarnations began, and his ten-thousand-year nightmare began in Rhine.

Rhine had imagined more than once whether everything would be a different situation if Euphemia was by his side in this miserable world where everyone was surrounded by enemies.

But it's a pity,

It was not until after the White Tower incident that Euphemia returned from Leita without success. She was disheartened and finally made a decision. She knocked on Rhine's door late one night and said goodbye to Rhine in tears.

Ten thousand years since then,

Rhine never saw Euphemia again.


In the dark dungeon, a silvery white light flashed,

The sealing barrier attached to the Rhine Prison door was broken by the archangel.

Euphemia opened the cell door and came to Rhine.

This beautiful archangel has the same golden hair as the goddess. Although her appearance is similar to the goddess, she has a completely different charm and is completely different from the two.

She is the pinnacle wing, the strongest artificial time corpse, and the strongest possibility that the goddess of order found after exhausting all world lines.

Her experience and soul are even greater and legendary than the goddess of order in this world.

She is so holy and beautiful, more divine than a goddess, as if she was born to be high in the sky.

It seemed incompatible with this dirty and cold prison, and it was extremely inconsistent.

"We... haven't seen each other for ten years, right?"

The archangel sat down opposite Rhine, and as she entered, it seemed as if the entire cell was illuminated by an invisible light.

Euphemia looked at Rhine's face, with a gentle smile on her face. She was about to say something to this lovely child who had reunited with her after a long separation...

But the next moment, staring into Rhine's eyes, Euphemia's eyes gradually became serious and trembled slightly.

In fact, in the past ten years, Euphemia secretly returned to the imperial capital more than once and visited Rhine without Rhine knowing.

After all, next door to the palace is a gate to the netherworld that permanently connects the mortal world to the Evil Dragon Garden, which is very convenient.

Every time Euphemia goes to see Rhine, she can see some changes in Rhine.

Growing taller, improving in studies, becoming lustful and so on.

However, this time when she reunited with Rhine, Euphemia discovered that the changes in Rhine... were actually astonishing.

First of all, Rhine became more handsome.

Thanks to the divine blessing of the blood of the God of Justice, the charm buff of the dragon eye, and deliberate exercise, Rhine's current appearance has reached a level that makes Euphemia, a high-level divine creature, find it pleasing to look at. .


What has changed more in Rhine is his soul...

This child's eyes have changed so much from the last time they met.

Becoming vicissitudes of life, becoming tired, hiding madness...

It was not that it was on the edge of collapse, but that it had already fallen into the abyss. After endless torture and pain, peace and despair were reconciled.

He seemed to be deliberately hiding his negative emotions, but Euphemia was still careful to see through Rhine's disguise.

Euphemia didn't know what Rhine had experienced during this period...

It was just the changes in Rhine that made Euphemia very heartbroken. She couldn't help but touch Rhine's face with her hands and her eyes were heavy:


But Rhine just showed a faint smile: "Teacher Euphemia, long time no see."


There are five updates in total, please refresh

321. The evil fallen angel who sacrificed everything for love

Euphemia has served Olivia for ten years, and finally has the opportunity to return to the imperial capital and reunite with Rhine.

However, in fact,

This parting lasted longer than Euphemia imagined.

Although now is not a good time to reminisce,

But now,

For her long-awaited student, Euphemia really needs to give Rhine an explanation.

But now, Euphemia is more worried about Rhine.

"Rhine, how have you been doing these past few years?"

"It's not very good, teacher, but fortunately everything will be over soon." Rhine still had a faint smile on his face, and he calmly let go of the ten thousand years of suffering.

"Where are you, teacher?"


Euphemia smiled bitterly and whispered: "I don't know how to explain to you. Teacher has done a lot of things that you will look down on over the years..."

Euphemia did not explain the matter in too detail, but she knew that Rhine would understand.

After leaving Hein ten years ago, Euphemia turned around and joined the evil dragon Olivia.

Euphemia is no longer as holy and flawless as she seems.

She was corrupted and dirty.

She became a fanatical believer of the evil god, and she was accompanied by crazy and debauched scenes every day that ordinary people could not even imagine, and she had to learn those depraved techniques to please her goddess.

Euphemia didn't want her beloved student to see such an evil and despicable side of herself.

But... I don’t know whether to call it lucky or unlucky.

This guy Rhine... actually also learned bad things.

He also fell, and took refuge with Olivia,

She even did better than Euphemia...

This is why Euphemia can muster the courage to return to Hein and return to Rhine.

"Sorry, Rhine, I didn't explain anything to you and just left in a hurry..."

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