Rhine: "You don't want to let him down?"

Karina replied softly: "Yes..."

"Well, Sister Karina, I have an idea to get the best of both worlds."

Rhine bent down and looked at Karina from almost zero distance. Those charming dragon eyes looked at Karina very close to her.

Karina once again felt the terrifying charm of Rhine.

In the past, she only felt attracted to Rhine.

But now, this man is driving her crazy!

At this time, Rhine's voice sounded,

Like a devil's whisper,

It’s also like the sounds of nature from the divine realm:

"...Why don't you give your husband a child?"

Karina: "!!"

Karina was completely stunned.

This sentence deeply touched Karina's heartstrings.

Uncontrollable lust was surging crazily. She stared at the handsome man in front of her with trembling eyes.

But the next moment, she suddenly woke up.

"No, you can't...!!"

Karina's face was flushed with embarrassment and her heart was shaken, but she tried to make her voice sound firmer:

"Rhein Hein! I said, what happened back then is in the past!!"

Karina pushed Rhine away and kept retreating.

"If it weren't for this trial, I wouldn't have planned to see you again at all! Don't be presumptuous, I didn't want to save you at all! It's even more impossible to accept your suggestion! That's a complete sin, you know how crazy it is ?!"

Karina was full of remorse and said painfully: "I made a mistake and betrayed my husband. In the past few years... I have been repenting. Don't force me to make mistakes again..."

However, the more Karina said this, the more guilty she felt.

She didn't dare to look at Rhine's face,

Because she was unwilling to accept the fact that she actually didn't feel that regretful now.

She even...

I feel like Rhine’s proposal...

Incredibly tempting.

She's such a dirty slut...

But even so, she still wants...

Karina's eyes became hotter and hotter. She had already walked to the wall and looked at Lain walking towards her. She had no fear, just...she was trembling with excitement.

The former Rhine has been unforgettable for her for many years.

And now...

This man who can conquer even demigods,

What will it turn into?

But now, there is still one last shred of faith that supports Karina's sanity.


Karina's eyes were full of spring water, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to persist.

"If I use your child to deceive him, haven't you thought about how bad the result will be if the matter is revealed?!"

Karina knew the absurdity of what she was doing;

But... maybe... just maybe, what the Oriel family needs is only a descendant with a highly pure bloodline, a tool to help them advance politically. Is it their family's? Kids, maybe... they just don't care.

Even the most exaggerated thing is that for the benefit of the family, they will take the initiative to conceal the matter for Karina! Treat that child like a treasure!

Even her husband said that if they really couldn't have a child, they would be willing to let Karina attend the Advent ceremony.

That proposal was sternly rejected by Karina. She was disgusted with Advent ceremonies and she never wanted her child to be a demigod.

But then again…

If Karina really wants to attend the Advent ceremony,

The person she was paired with...couldn't it be Rhine?

This man's bloodline is so amazing. The former Holy Ceremony Priest still needs to conduct huge data analysis and bloodline matching simulation through the spirit of secret spells to select the most perfect match.

but now,

Rhine Hein's almost demigod pure blood has become the best solution to all holy advent rituals in a simple and crude manner!

Karina was completely shaken;

She no longer knows what is right or wrong...

She didn't know what other methods Rhine had to seduce her, and what words he would use to make Carina completely give up resistance, give up her pride and elegance as a royal, and become a shameless and despicable woman for the sake of animal lust.

She will resist to the end because she still has loyalty to her husband in her heart.

She won't obey, never...



Karina was trembling, no longer out of grief and anger, but out of desire.

Just like a hungry traveler running in the endless desert, and a clear spring that accidentally appears in front of you...

Strong desire!

Can't listen! Can't listen!

At some point, this interrogation turned into a torture of Karina.

Karina's mood collapsed, her soul kept swinging from side to side, struggling.

She still has sense and reserve, she secretly warned herself in her heart,

Rhine Hein was seducing her,

He's cheating on her!

No matter what kind of love words come out of his mouth, you can't believe it, you absolutely can't believe it! !


Karina clenched her fists and assumed a decisive battle stance, preparing to face Rhine's evil offensive.

And Rhine slowly opened her mouth, telling the story of the depraved temptation that completely destroyed her soul.


"what are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Rhine smiled in surprise:

"I mean, I have a treatment that can circumvent the bloodline gap and help you couple have children. What are you talking about?"

Karina: "..."


There was a moment of dead silence.



boom! !

The door of the interrogation room, which was blocked by the shielding barrier, was violently smashed open from the inside.

Karina rushed out of the interrogation room angrily. At this time, her expression was cold, her teeth were gritted, and she was about to leave the scene immediately with shame and grief.

She was so humiliated!

And what’s even more hateful is that this humiliation comes entirely from her own fault, and she is the one causing it! !

And in the interrogation room,

Rhine was stunned on the spot with an innocent face, seemingly at a loss.

He seemed to have no idea what he said was wrong.



That mysterious holy blood suddenly had an inspiration. How about setting it up so that Yinzi is actually the perfect husband created by Order. Yinzi’s system is actually Order, and Yinzi’s reset ability is actually given by Order. Meow. Hahahaha, meow the laughing mouse, meow joking.


Let me explain, there are three chapters updated today. This is the second chapter. The first chapter is the draft I posted this morning. I modified the new content directly on the draft. You can view it after refreshing.

This chapter has not been approved

The content of this chapter has not been approved

344. Pure Love Warrior Version Karina’s Deal

[Praising the power of the Broken Saint, the journey of the savior diverges at this moment, and the final timeline splits but closes again, leaving only two different stories]

[Human words: In view of the feedback from pure love warriors that they can't watch the tauren, I will write a pure love version here. It will not affect the subsequent plot. Which version you like, just read which version is the official history. 】

[ps: As a reminder, the author uploaded three chapters yesterday and deducted the middle chapter from review, which caused the plot to break and the perception to decline. In addition, remember to refresh before reading the first chapter [342] today, otherwise you will see Possibly a draft]



He and Karina talked about her children and her husband, and gradually he was able to induce her. Finally, he gently led to the idea of ​​​​bribing Karina with a prescription.

But Karina didn't appreciate it at all.

How is this going?

Rhine walked to the table nearby and picked up the trial document handed to Karina by the Templar.

There is no signature on it.

"Mrs. Karina, you haven't signed yet. Am I guilty or not guilty?"

Karina's fiery eyes gradually cooled down.

She glanced at Rhine helplessly.

What just happened was like a dream, but after Rhine's reminder, Karina finally regained her clarity again.

Just like that banquet night two years ago,

Karina finally took control of herself at the last moment.

She is a woman with a husband.

Although her husband may sometimes be unable to understand her and have undue expectations for her, and his appearance is not as good as that of Rhine...

so what?

He loved himself...and Karina accepted this love.

Karina is just one of the eleven judges. In fact, she cannot decide Rhine's life or death arbitrarily.

In this case,

Why not accept the prince's deal?

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