If Beth's feelings for Rhine are due to nurture, they are childhood sweethearts whose pure souls match...

But Shia is different,

She fell in love with Rhine almost the moment she met him...

It all started with a dreamlike love at first sight.

The day and night we spent together after that was just the icing on the cake.

Ever since the two met, there has been no gap in their love, well... at least that's the case on Shia's side.

Euphemia clearly knew the reasons why Rhine brought Sia back to the imperial capital from the border, and she could understand Sia's unswerving loyalty to Rhine.

But Euphemia always felt...

There seem to be other factors involved in this.

It seems that there is some kind of power that is more mysterious and elusive, and Xia will definitely fall in love with Rhine.

Let everything that happened in that dilapidated basement become an unshakable destiny.

Then... Euphemia will like this child...

Is it also fate?

Euphemia did not know,

She only knew that this time she returned, she had changed... She had become depraved, despicable, and rebellious. She began to no longer suppress herself, and no longer ignored the taboo but indelible longing in her heart.

"Every disciplinary angel will be injected with an independent personality when they come to Heine to serve as an oath angel to facilitate single-player operations. But Lein, you know, those so-called personalities that are injected are by no means an intelligent system fabricated by the goddess—— Those are the deities of order from another world.”

Most of the power of the Goddess of Order today comes from the legacy of the Broken Saint...

Even angels are just another form of time corpse.

It is true that the corpse itself has no soul.

But like Time Corpse, they can accept other selves from another timeline.

Euphemia is such an existence. As the pinnacle wing, what Euphemia represents is one of the pinnacle possibilities of the goddess of order in the infinite world line.

She is more noble than order.

She does not need to obey the orders of order,

She can do whatever she wants...

Euphemia stared at Rhine lovingly.

Then, Euphemia took out a crystal container that stored blood for physical examination and put it aside.

Blood drawing is an essential part of physical examination.

The priests of the Advent ceremony must maintain the strictest control over Rhine's blood.

"Okay, Rhine, let's start the physical examination."

Euphemia smiled tenderly at Rhine, and after obtaining Rhine's consent, she happily began the sampling work.

"Bess is not sensible yet and needs more education..."

The delicate jade hand wrapped in white silk gloves rubbed all the way down Rhine's lips.

The seductive and depraved voice of the archangel sounded in Rhine’s ears:

"Let's make Beth a bad boy together, shall we?~"


355. The truth of the new series, Beauty Under the Scarlet Armor

The scorched earth is the true sea.

The Sons of Hein are still frantically besieging the legion commander.

They howled miserably, heartbroken, and crazily yearned for a ray of light to rekindle the extinguished embers in their breast rings.

"This group of inexhaustible beasts!!!"

Under the scarlet armor, there was a terrifying roar like a demon.

The legion commander vigorously waved the lightsaber, and the god-level magic he had learned from the Queen of the Netherland turned into simple scarlet sword lights, which roared endlessly on the scorched earth, impacting everywhere, tearing the earth, annihilating the air, and rolling up a monstrous hurricane.

The helpless followers of the Blood God were making futile resistance.

Although these light-hungry monsters are sad and ridiculous, their fighting power is outrageous.

Now being attacked by a group of them, even the legion commander was trapped in a desperate situation from which he could not escape and was being killed continuously.

Once again, the son of Hein's sharp claws tore off the legion commander's helmet, leaving a bloody section on the legion commander's shoulder.

But then,

The gushing plasma quickly reshaped into a new head,

First it was the head, then the helmet. In the gap between the restoration of the two objects, that stunning face suddenly appeared.

Even though she has been distorted by pain, she is still enough to drive thousands of creatures crazy about her.

A new helmet appeared on the headless armor.

The beauty under the armor was panting wildly, her body trembling constantly, and the pain made her brain seem to be boiling, and her soul was almost shattered.

The legion commander is immortal.

This is the blessing given to her by the Blood Queen.

But what's the cost?

Every time the legion commander dies, she will suffer severe pain, and this pain will continue to accumulate ten times as the number of her deaths continues to accumulate!

She can be resurrected infinitely, but she must also endure infinite torture.

Until she went crazy, until she gave up thinking and became a lump of flesh made of divinity,

That was the prototype of the Ordination of the Abyss.

At that time, the blood dragon will devour, digest, and merge its owner into one.

Then, the blood dragon will return to lie dormant under the throne of the Goddess of Justice, waiting for new victims to appear.

This is the cruel and terrifying "blessing" of Lady Justice.

It is the infinite reincarnation of the leader of the Blood God Army for six epochs.

It is precisely because of the legion commander that only by bearing the blessing equivalent to a curse and dedicating his soul and body can he gain some mercy from the goddess.

That's why the legion commander couldn't understand...why that cold-blooded and cruel beautiful goddess would be so favoring to a weak mortal who had paid no price, had no merit, and had no achievements...

I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! ! !

The legion commander was killed again! !

Two groups of Sons of Heyin forcibly broke through the legion commander's posture, grabbed her hands and feet, and tore her apart! !

The blood dragon next to it was already riddled with holes. A group of sons of Haiyin lay on it, tearing, chewing, and whipping the corpse wildly.

The Legion Commander is resurrected again.

In this hellish battlefield, she kept laughing and fighting. The blood and pain made her tremble with excitement. The sword in her hand became faster and faster, and the powerful magic she released destroyed the world - she felt that she was going crazy. .

But it's no use,

None of this helps.

There is still a bright light on the legion commander's body.

The mark that Histia left on her - cannot be erased.

The current legion commander is like a lighthouse on the foggy sea, lighting the way for those wandering abandoned children, giving them a sacrifice to bite and kill.

She was killed again. The sharp fingers and claws of the Sons of Hein pierced the blood-red armor and took out her heart.

When he was dying, the legion commander raised his head and looked at the imprisoned glorious beast in the sky.

...New Heaven 02.

That's the beast's name.

It seems that many people now believe that these weapons, which are branded as newly constructed and hastily created by the original gods, were created by the creation gods to govern the mortal world and implement certain grand plans of ancient and modern times.



Six eras have been too long, and that simple and cruel truth has long been forgotten.

The defense of the Nether Realm and the protection of the mortal world are just lies that the superiors and their followers instilled in their heirs for the convenience of explanation.

The original gods are already the supreme beings standing at the top of the planet. No matter they fight any enemy, they can easily win.

They don't need weapons at all.

And all divine weapons are created with only one purpose.

engage in civil war.

And now...

After piercing the Broken Saint with the ultimate sword, the Goddess of Order began to collect those deadly divine weapons.

She would not immediately take these weapons for herself.

But just like she does with those mortal races, she will arrange them skillfully, maintain balance, and ensure that all weapons are ready for her to use at any time.

The hound that has been imprisoned for three thousand years will also be liberated when necessary.

And when it is liberated, or to put it bluntly, killed, on its corpse, the second glorious heaven on earth will descend.

By then, the scorched earth destroyed by the war will be reborn.

The real Hein will return to its rightful place in time.

As for that fake seaside...

The legion commander sneered...

She had to admit that she lost.

Histia's conspiracy severely damaged her and forced her into a desperate situation. She could only bow her head and admit defeat.

Must run away......

She must...take off the armor cursed by Histia, shed the brilliant dawn, and escape from this hell.

This kind of fighting is pointless;

Even the commander of the legion has no chance of defeating these hordes of monsters by himself.

The half-dead blood dragon was finally rescued from the mouths of those monsters by the legion commander at the cost of being killed twice.

She took out the corpse's head, and the dazzling silver light illuminated the barrier between the two worlds.

Dragging his own dragon, the legion commander jumped into the mist connecting the time gap, and went to the false world of the endless cycle.

The bright light on the legion commander's body gradually dimmed.

The thick scarlet armor peeled off piece by piece, leaving only a slender and graceful figure...

Fell into the mortal world.

Behind her came the whimpering and mournful cries of the abandoned children,

They will linger in pain and despair forever,

They have no time to stop,

So, the abandoned children looked at the scorching sun beast in the sky, screaming and rushing into the sky.

The war continues.

356. The flower elf of the slave race, the legion commander’s love at first sight

By disarming himself, the legion commander finally escaped the hunt of the abandoned sons.

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