Hela was stunned for a moment.

Then, Hela asked incredulously: "What... did you just say?"

The dolls were so frightened that they trembled. They answered truthfully: "His Royal Highness Rhine and Hela are separated in two places, and both have important tasks to complete. His Highness Rhine misses Hela very much because he has not been able to see Hela, so His Highness said ... Whenever he sees us, it's like... Hela is still by his side..."

After the dolls finished speaking, they looked at Hela with innocent faces.

And Hela fell into silence.

She couldn't believe it!

It turns out that His Highness Rhine... misses me so much?

He keeps inviting the dolls to come to him, but... just to remember Hela, and use the dolls as meal replacements to relieve the pain of lovesickness? !


Still doesn’t make sense!

Lain clearly misses Hela so much, but for two whole months, he has clearly not invited Hela once! !

However, before Hela could question him, the dolls gave pitiful answers.

Dolls: "While His Highness Rhine was fighting Yuanji in the Kingdom of Heaven, Hela was monitoring the migration of coral dragons in the Five Abyss. At that time, Hela could not withdraw from her work, and His Highness Rhine had to always be wary of Yuanji's movements... ....”


During that time, thousands of petrified coral dragons in the five abyss suddenly revived, along with an entire ecosystem of divine creatures. The awakened coral dragons immediately dug into the bottom of the abyss and migrated deeper into the bottom, bringing them with them. The parasites on the body have entered a darker abyss.

And once those thousands of colorful dragons changed their minds and attacked the surface, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous - not only Hela, but also many local demigods, who accompanied Hela in fear for a month.

At that time, Hela really couldn't escape from her work. As an opinion leader among the demigods, she couldn't escape from the battle.

The puppet continued to look timid for fear of offending Hela, and continued cautiously: "During the long night, the gods in the sky monitor the distribution of combat power in the long night. Only our puppets who are weak can enter quietly. Changye, if Hela comes...the God of Machines will throw down his spear of light and destroy the entire Haiyin and Changye!"

Then...it all makes sense! !

Dolls: "Your Highness, he has actually been telling us that he misses Hela very much, and he doesn't know when he will be reunited with Hela!"

Hela was stunned.

At some point, the weapon in her hand had disappeared.

And the plaintive anger in the beauty's heart has been completely extinguished.

She looked at Rhine with emotion:

"Your Highness...are they telling the truth?"

Rhine showed an infatuated smile:

"I'm so happy, Hela, after so long... I can finally see my lover again."

Rhine's affectionate "my love" made Hela suffer a critical blow, her heart beat wildly, and her little deer bumped wildly.

Hela's eyes couldn't help but tremble.

She had no idea how much lovesickness His Highness Rhine had endured during this period.

She was so rude and arrogant, she got angry at His Highness Rhine, and threatened her beloved with the divine judge...

She regrets it so much...

How could she speculate on His Highness Rhine like this? Questioning His Highness's feelings for him? !

Although His Highness is a little lecherous and a little sentimental,

But facts aside, isn’t His Highness the best and most competent lover in the world! !

That day, the affectionate look Lain showed her and the loving words he spoke... how could they be false! !

"Your Highness...I'm sorry..."

Hela looked at Lain lovingly, feeling guilty in her heart.

And Lain also stood up at this time and walked to Hela.

Rhine looked at the beauty in front of him and caressed her cheek. The beauty also stared at Rhine affectionately and enjoyed his touch.

Then, Rhine's fingers slid across the delicate and fair skin, rubbing all the way down, and finally came to the collar on her neck.

Rhine asked with a smile: "You are still wearing it."

Hela nodded shyly: "Well...because this is a gift from His Highness...it is the proof of our contract...it will always tell me... ..”

Hela said softly:

"I'm...your thing."

After Hela said that, she saw from Rhine's eyes the deep love he had for her.


Hela's answer made Rhine very satisfied.

For a moment, Hela felt a strange sense of satisfaction in her heart, as if as long as she could make this man happy, her life would be complete.

When the love reaches the depths, everything begins as a matter of course...

Lain hugged Hela gently. He leaned against Hela's ear and whispered: "Hela, you make me horny. Do you mind... the environment in the interrogation room?"

Rhine extended an invitation.

And for that...

Hela stared at Rhine, and finally she showed an infatuated smile and answered meekly:



After this, the puppets were kicked out of the interrogation room.

Through the shielding barrier, the dolls could not see anything.

The shielding barrier set up by Hela looked very much like a certain goddess last night.

It seems to be the most advanced defense, but due to the gap between the times, the barriers set up are not essential, and there are frequent loopholes, and a little bit of information will be leaked accidentally - a perfect show off to the onlookers.

The puppets standing outside the interrogation room did not feel any remorse in their hearts.

They were just very emotional...

Watching Hela act like a dog, posing in various poses and barking to please her good master.

This reminded the dolls of what they themselves had just said.

Those words... were actually taught by His Highness Rhine to the puppets a long time ago.

It’s not that the dolls thought... everything Rhine said was a lie.

But it just feels like His Highness Rhine has long expected such a day in the future and has made preparations for it.


Poor Hela…

He was completely manipulated by His Highness Rhine.

But forget it...

What does it matter?

As long as Hela is happy!

365. Miss Insect’s Fall and Redemption

[Today I uploaded two updates. This is the second update. The first update is a follow-up to Hela’s interrogation room. I don’t know which of the two chapters will pass the review first, so I’ll explain it in advance]

While the two men were fighting fiercely in the interrogation room,

Another epic fight is taking place in the narrow space far away from Hein.

There are two aliens, one big and one small, roaring strange syllables, using various abnormal organs that are so deformed that the world view is shattered in shock, colliding, fighting, destroying, and recovering!

The snow-white alien shape is like an active floating island floating in the vortex of time and space. Its intertwined and twisted limbs are shaking violently with excitement, and its shrill roar like a duck is deafening. It is madly firing various forms of energy around it indiscriminately. A long-range attack in an attempt to destroy the fly harassing it.

And its challenger, relying on its almost miniscule stature compared to it, constantly maneuvers around the snow-white alien, uses amazingly powerful firepower to continuously output it, blasts its tentacles, blasts its shell, and then catches it in time. The machine pounces on the body of the snow-white alien, gnaws the flesh and blood of the snow-white alien, fuses its genes, replicates its abilities, and continues to evolve and become stronger.

That night, the little white duck and Miss Insect Swarm met in the quiet garden.

Both parties fell in love with each other's body at first sight.


The hunt begins.

The little white duck and the insect swarm are equally greedy for each other's body. The insect swarm will naturally not be satisfied with fighting with the little white duck's exposed hair in the real world.

She wants to eat it,

It is the entire body of the little white duck.

Since the little white duck's habitat is a slit in space, the insect swarm followed the little white duck and broke into the slit.

In the never-ending turbulence of time and space, the insect swarm found that they were surprisingly adapted to the environment here, and they were like a fish in water.

Obviously, this is the innate instinct rooted in the egg of hope,

The insect swarm was originally a race that drifted around through the rift of time and space.

From the initial human form with a hollow chest, the insect swarm evolved rapidly, constantly devouring the body of the little white duck and strengthening itself.

Gradually, in the fierce fighting, the insect swarm acquired a brand new life form.

The ugly and glorious arthropod goddess appeared again, but this time, the goddess's size became smaller, and her body structure began to be simplified. She abandoned many of the bloated functions hunted from the ecology box, and instead extended a slender body from her lower abdomen. Pink tentacles like umbilical cords,

The umbilical cord was tied to her body, like a chain of fire, burning with the blue fluorescence of the original creatures in the slit, burning the energy in her body, and - she transformed into a god in the slit of space!

With this specialized body in the narrow space, she fought endlessly with the little white duck. Even though her strength was far weaker than that of the little white duck, the little white duck was still unable to defeat the insect swarm and could only be defeated by the insect swarm. Stop biting and continue bleeding.


The light strips around the little white duck flashed more densely and frequently, and the vibrations caused by the flashing light strips also resounded shrilly in the narrow space.

Listening to the screams of the same kind,

Swarms of insects flew up happily.

This wonderful hunt made the insect swarm extremely excited. The splashing plasma dyed her body red. When she swallowed it into her mouth, the pieces of meat poured into the dissolving singularity gave her a new understanding of the world every second. ,

Every cell in the body is dividing and mutating in order to become stronger! !

So cool!

Zerg Swarm had to admit that she really couldn't get rid of Zerg Swarm's warlike instinct! !

How hypocritical I used to be.

While calling for love and peace, he killed all the life in the eco-box without hesitation!

this moment,

In the midst of the crazy battle, the insect swarm finally had an epiphany.

Devouring everything is the instinct of the endless insect swarm, and it is her destiny to exist in the world! !

Sorry, Mr. Rhine...

The Arthropod Goddess made a strange neighing sound, as if she was laughing.

It’s like...there’s no going back hahahahaha! ! !

The slit is the little white duck’s home ground,

But the real world is the home ground of the insect swarm.

There are two monsters, one big and one small, constantly switching between different battlefields, fighting endlessly.

The powerful little white duck was obviously strong enough to crush the insect swarm, but her bloated body made it difficult for her to launch a fatal blow against the insect swarm.

Stupid little brat! !

The swarm was laughing.

If this guy can still escape alive today, then the swarm hopes that she can understand a truth.

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