Now, the love-struck couple are making love in Rutherford's subterranean sanctuary, Glimmer Place.

However, just when the queen is getting to know the taste of the marrow and is getting better...

Everything came to an abrupt end.

"Honey, it's time for me to go."

"Why, obviously you still..."

However, the Queen wanted more... but was gently but firmly rejected by Prince Rhine.

The queen stared at Rhine infatuatedly: "Then will we meet again?"

Rhine smiled: "Of course, dear, you signed a contract with me. Rutherford and Heine are already inseparable partners."

The queen smiled charmingly.

"Then the next time we meet, Your Highness must take good care of me until you are exhausted..."

Rhine: "I will definitely fulfill your Majesty's wish, but I think that at that time, Your Majesty will also be able to show enough sincerity to satisfy me."

"'s really strict, chirp."

The Queen held her lover's face in her hands and kissed her lovingly goodbye.

This man, whom she only met once, deeply moved the queen, making her have a strong desire for this man, and even... a desire to please.

The queen knew that the feeling in her heart was more of a simple physical desire than love.

She is a woman.

When she meets an excellent man, she will naturally feel admiration for him, and then...want to create better offspring together.

She is obviously a noble descendant with divine blood flowing through her body, but the ugly nature that exists in mortals and all low-level animals is now vividly displayed in her body.

It turns out that she is... just a demigod after all.

In order to taste this man again,

She is willing to make some deals within her ability with the country called Haiyin in her spare time.

if only......

He can be happy.

"Rhein Hein..."

The queen licked her lips, her smile full of infatuation and greed:

"I must impress you and make you my possession?"


After opening the portal and leaving Rutherford, Rhine arrived at his next destination.

Rhine used the wind blade technique to activate teleportation magic. In fact, there was a lot of hidden dangers, and there was a small chance of overturning.

However, there is no way,

There is no demigod to accompany him now.

The mortal world has just begun to become lively, divine creatures causing trouble continue to appear, and demons are becoming more and more unscrupulous.

However, those forces that can give the mortal world a new order have not yet come back, so during this period, the Imperial Guards are very busy.

And prosperity cannot leave the imperial capital, so no one can accompany Rhine out.

However, when Rhine activated teleportation magic today, Rhine could always see a giant snow-white shadow walking with him outside the narrow passage, as if escorting him.

With the escort of the snow-white giant beast, the safety factor of the wind blade's teleportation magic has been greatly improved.

In return.

Rhine threw an echo terminal at the snow-white monster, and received a high-frequency flashing light in response.

Pass through the space slit and arrive at the next stop.

This is also the capital of a prosperous demigod kingdom.

His job at this station is still diplomacy.

It has to be said that Rhine used to hate diplomacy very much.

The mortal kingdom is too weak and does not need Rhine to be responsible for their diplomacy.

The demigod kingdom is powerful enough, but engaging in diplomacy with them is really a torture.

Demi god......

It's really hard to figure out.

First of all, the positioning of creatures like demigods is very special in the mortal world.

They possess invincible fighting power and are destined to stand at the top of the food chain and enslave mortal beings.

And their rare quantity ensures that each of them can occupy a large area of ​​territory and resources.

In addition, Order has explicitly prohibited any territorial expansion during these millennia, making it impossible for the demigod rulers to compete with other demigods in the raging war for the world - this undoubtedly completely cut off their last pursuit.

Now that they are in the mortal world, there is almost no situation where their desires cannot be satisfied. They are carefree and do whatever they want, and they regard mortals as domestic animals that they feed and enslave.

Faced with these people, how do you discuss cooperation with them?

If you want to impress them, perhaps precious golden equipment is an option. After all, this thing is considered a luxury item among demigods.

It's just that if they pay too much for that thing, it will often arouse their greed, and then there is a certain probability that they will be killed or blackmailed...

It's very troublesome.

However, in this last reincarnation, Rhine finally discovered the biggest weakness of these demigods, and made full use of this weakness to launch an offensive against the demigods - which was ultimately successful.

That is,

Demigods generally have no experience in love, so their resistance to scumbags is miserable - basically zero!

As long as he is handsome enough and has pure blood.

He's so handsome that they don't regard him as a domestic animal, but he's so pure that he's treated as one of the same kind.

Then you can cheat and have sex freely, enjoy cheating, and raise as many licking dogs as you want!

Of course, demigods who are self-centered are theoretically unwilling to share their lovers with other demigods.

However, Rhine's ten thousand years were not in vain. At least he used some speaking skills to educate them.

It's so easy to control the demigods.

As their former enemy.

Rhine also knows each of them well enough, which makes Rhine more skillful in educating them and able to prescribe the right medicine.

in addition,

There is one more thing, maybe not that important...

Although Rhine is not obsessed with enjoying the beauty of demigods, it has to be said...

These wild demigods who accidentally sublimated due to coincidence, their beauty and quality in all aspects are indeed more than a star and a half worse than the most elite order demigods in the world.

He is still his own demigod, even more pleasing to the eye——


Right now.

A space crack suddenly tore open behind him!

What followed was a violent storm of magic and the shining light of the enhanced forbidden spell!

The "own demigod" whom Rhine misses,

Come and deal with him!

Beth rushed in like a violent wind, her speed was fast, her attack was even more fierce, her eyes were so serious that they were as cold as ice. In an instant, she grabbed Rhine by the throat, continued to sprint forward, and knocked Rhine against the wall. .

Short, fast!

In an instant, Beth took the stance of fighting a demigod opponent, attacking and controlling Rhine with all her strength.

The sealing barriers greeted Lain unambiguously.

Rhine completely lost his ability to resist.

Deal with this guy.

Beth did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

The battle ended instantly, with great ease.

Rhine looked confused and was pushed against the wall by Beth without any chance of fighting back...

After all, Rhine is just a mortal. Even if you include the manipulation of time, the law of cause and effect, and teleportation magic... His weak physical fitness and weak magic resistance are destined to be treated unreasonably by the demigods. The spell is easy to master.

Of's also possible that he was taken down voluntarily at this time.

But no matter what,

The interrogation can begin.

"Rhein Hein, what are you doing!"

Beth's eyes were cold and serious, she gritted her teeth and asked coldly.

"What is your purpose of escaping from the imperial capital without authorization? Are you absconding out of fear of crime?! Do you know how bad what you did is! The Holy Church will not forgive a criminal who tries to escape justice!"

Beth: "Explain to me why now, Your Highness Rhein Hein."

Rhine was choked by Beth and could hardly breathe. He could only raise his hand with difficulty and tremblingly handed a bag to Beth.

Rhine: "Look...look at this..."

Beth didn't pick up the bag. Her senses activated and she scanned the bag instantly.

Beth froze.

The contents of the bag are a large number of fresh remains of divine creatures, as well as several documents, tokens of soul contracts...

And when she used her perception to briefly read the contents of these documents,

Beth suddenly realized something.

She quickly let go of Rhine: "What...are these? Why do you have these?"

"Thirty-seven pieces of lockstones sealing the apostles of the Netherworld, nine pieces of trophies peeled from the corpses of highly threatening divine creatures, an access key to an ancient ruins, and seven pieces of tokens of alliance between the demigod kingdoms. , there are also two soul contracts for the chosen ones to pledge their allegiance to Hein, and contract certificates from five demigod mercenary groups."

Rhine showed a sincere smile: "Sister Beth, these are the troubles that the Forbidden Army has not solved recently. I have completed some of them for you."

In addition, Rhine also activated the large-scale sealing place in Archibald Sand Sea, borrowing the hand of the ancient dragon to annihilate a large number of potential doomsday disasters in one fell swoop.

That great seal in the sea of ​​sand, while imprisoning divine creatures, also greatly restricted the ancient dragon's freedom. According to the agreement between the ancient dragons and Order, the ancient dragons will be protected from the pursuit of angels, but they must also guard the seal left by Order.

Now that the seal has been destroyed, in a sense, this has also allowed Gu Long to regain his freedom.

And this will also cause a series of positive chain reactions.

Beth was completely stunned: "So, is that so..."

The loot in the bag spoke for itself, and Beth knew what Rhine said was true.

Rhine is not absconding out of fear of crime;

He really wants to help Beth and share her worries!

However, Beth hurt Rhine severely and regarded him as a traitor...

The anger in Beth's eyes disappeared, and the cold hostility disappeared in an instant.

Beth was simply unbelievable: "But...Rhine, how did you do it? Such a huge workload, but you are only one person...and you also defeated so many demons and gods." Sexual creatures.”

Hearing this, Rhine smiled.

After years of torture, Rhine discovered that things in the world are actually not that complicated.

Want to defeat an enemy far more powerful than yourself?

At best, there are only two methods.

Do it yourself, others do it.

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