The keystones, tokens, deeds, and contracts he gave to Beth not only solved the current troubles, but every trophy was a real fighting force!

What kind of cultist would go so far as to selflessly dedicate himself to Heine?

This man is so calm, rational, and gentle.

There is no trace of what a fallen person should look like.

It is true that Beth was attracted and tempted by him, but Beth's affection for him was not at all because of those eyes.

At least......

For most factors, no.

Suddenly, Beth remembered the scene a few days ago when she was hysterical in the Royal Sanctuary and stabbed him in the heart.

What if Beth really misunderstood Rhine?

That's really...

I feel very sorry for him.

Although I really want to end this somewhat regrettable date like this.

However, Beth has already promised Rhine,

As a prince, although Rhine has the obligation to do his best for the empire, he has done too much and he needs to be rewarded.

And Beth is his reward,

Beth has agreed to date Rhine. This is a matter of Beth's integrity as the Archbishop of the Temple, and it is related to Beth's credibility.


Deal with the credibility issue first. ’

Suddenly, Beth gently poked Lain, who was focused on watching the show.

Rhine looked at Beth.


"What's wrong?"

Beth blushed and asked in a low voice: "Do you just...want to take me to the hotel so much?"

Rhine was stunned when he heard this, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Then, he came close to Beth, put his ear to Beth's ear, and gave a firm answer:



Beth lowered her head and was silent for a long time.

Finally, she whispered: "We should go back soon, probably... we don't have time."

Rhine smiled: "Yes."


If you don't go, will you regret this date?

Beth said that this was her only date with Rhine.

Maybe if possible,

Beth hoped that Rhine would be happy.

that's all,

After a moment of hesitation.

Beth asked in a super low voice: "Then let me do something for you that only lovers would do...?"

After getting a yes answer.

Beth took a deep breath and gathered her courage.

Beth quietly got under the chair and said softly:

"Don't talk, don't move."

Beth stared at Rhine's lower body, her eyes wandering all the way from the crotch to Rhine's feet.

"Your shoes are dirty...let me wipe them for you."

After all,

Beth buried her head.


In the theater, halfway through the performance, the plot has reached its climax.

And Bess, the distinguished Archbishop of the Holy Temple, is still selling his dignity to quietly please Rhine.

All right,

If you think about it carefully, maybe not a betrayal of dignity.

After all, to lovers who truly love each other, does this really mean anything?

Rhine's shoes were not dirty, but they were not very clean either.

He spent ten hours fighting continuously in various parts of the mortal world, destroying demons, conquering the Chosen Ones, negotiating with demigod kings, and even exploring a ruins that was about to cause trouble.

And all of this is reflected in his shoes.

There were stains from various countries that remained. Although they were not obvious, Beth could see and smell them.

It doesn't matter,

Beth would clean him up.

Kneeling at the crotch of others and wiping their shoes... This is an extremely despicable and humiliating job only for the proud Archbishop of the Temple.

But precisely because of this,

That’s why Beth’s sincerity in apologizing can be reflected.


Only once.

He betrayed the doctrine, tarnished his identity as the spokesperson of the goddess, and carried out this behavior that had no positive significance for the Advent ceremony.

Absolutely...not a second time.

Although Beth is a priest, she is first and foremost a decision-maker. She must make amends for her wrong judgment.

It is true that Rhine is now a suspected blasphemer, so he can be bullied by Beth at will.

But if Rhine is proven innocent,

Then he will be the next emperor of Haiyin,

There are simply no words to describe how offensive Beth's actions were, beating up the hard-working innocent prince...


That's it.

Beth told herself.

Just to appease His Highness the Prince... So I had to use such despicable actions to please him...

By no means...

I want him to leave a pleasant memory when he goes on a date with me... or something.

This is the only time in my life.

Beth told herself seriously, and at the same time raised her head with unruly eyes, silently warning Rhine.!

Why did I lose my temper with him again!

Beth quickly lowered her head and continued to polish her shoes, expressing her apology with more attentive and meticulous service...

The dignified Archbishop of the Holy Cathedral... Kneeling in the back row of a foreign theater to shine the prince's shoes. This kind of thing must of course not be seen by outsiders even to the death.

But it's not a big problem...

Because Beth was prepared for this.

Although he complied with Lain's wishes and had a date with Lain in public,

However, Beth still took some precautions to prevent her and Rhine's secret from being exposed, causing both of them to be ruined in Rhine.

She set up a shielding barrier for herself and Rhine.


381. The Archbishop under the table, Hestia outside the table

This is an adjusted shielding barrier.

The essence of the shielding barrier is actually the filtering of information.

Demigods can choose to filter out all information, creating an information vacuum within the barrier.

But you can also leave some incomplete information and deliberately display it to the outside world.

This is a little trick Rhine gave to Beth.

Through Professor Rhine's matrix formula, Beth used the shielding barrier to successfully block out the divinity in her and Rhine. This extremely effectively reduced her and Rhine's appearance, making them look much more ordinary.

Although in the eyes of the outside world, he is still a rich dude, taking the captured nuns to the streets to show off - it is quite a decline in society.


It is no longer the forbidden private meeting between Prince Hein, who is bleeding with the blood of the God of Order, and the Archbishop of Hein Temple.

That's no problem.

Although Beth is still embarrassed,

But no one can recognize who is so depraved and shameless.


The terrible thing is that as long as there is a shielding barrier, there must be a phenomenon.

That is, there is no way to resist the prying eyes of stronger people.

But the problem is not big. After all, in this remote demigod kingdom far away from the center of the mortal world, there is no demigod more powerful than Beth.

Beth is indeed not the most powerful among the sisters.

But he can still beat most of the demigods in the mortal world.

The only people who can probably see through Beth's shielding barrier are Hela, Etalion, and Hestia...

But how could they find it here without any problems?


In case.

Rhine still taught Beth a method to strengthen the barrier, so that the performance of the shielding barrier could be upgraded enough to counter the perception of stronger people.

That’s right, it’s better to be careful.

Maybe Hestia and the others have been busy with work recently, and they might have sent me a message to come to me to sign or stamp something, maybe...

While thinking like this, suddenly... Beth felt something was wrong.

Space fluctuations! !

There is a demigod who is about to teleport through space and arrive at the theater! !

Beth quickly activated the shielding barrier, completely covering herself instantly!

same time,

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