Beth once stabbed this man in the heart, and this man also left a stain on her that would be difficult to wash away for the rest of her life.

hurt each other,

Already cleared up.

From now on, let's coexist politely and peacefully.

Beth picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and threw them to Rhine: "Get dressed, and I will take you back to the imperial capital."

Rhine: "..."

Beth: "Why don't you speak?"

At this time, Rhine lowered his head and remained silent. After listening to Beth's words, he couldn't help but start to think deeply.

Rhine: "Beth, I respect your decision. You have been my beloved sister since I was a child. I believe the choice you make must be the right one."

Beth: "It would be nice if you knew..."

Rhine: "But Beth, have you ever thought about a question?"

Beth: "Huh?"

Rhine thought seriously: "For real couples, doesn't the so-called date refer to the complete process from day to day? Don't you think that we are still in the category of "one date" now?" ?"


Beth froze.

"What a ridiculous statement..."

Beth cast a disdainful look at Rhine and asked tiredly: "Your Highness Rhine, do you really think... you asked this question out of respect for me?"

What does this guy mean?

Wasn't yesterday enough? Do you still want me to be his lover today?

Isn't he satisfied?

He's just so...

Do you desire me?

Beth already knew Rhine's methods and knew that this guy would deliberately betray his appearance in order to win over people's hearts and gain support...



Obviously Beth has made her position clear to him many times. As long as the divine judgment is over and as long as he can prove his innocence, Beth will continue to be loyal to him, unconditionally serving as a minister and giving everything.

Beth would be more loyal and reliable than the demigods who coveted him.

So...even if he doesn't pursue to please me,

I will still be his loyal subordinate...

Does he... really like me?

Beth had a cold face and said calmly: "Rhine Hein... you should know that doing this will only make me despise you more. Please don't destroy what I have finally established for you. Trust, okay?”

However, Rhine smiled, and there was even a hint of coquettishness in his tone:


Beth's heart trembled.

Beth stared at Rhine for a long time, and finally said: "Alas..."

Beth imprinted a small spell on her body. With the rapid transformation of magic, her messy appearance became holy and beautiful again, as if the goddess was in person.

"never mind......"

"Since it's the last time..."

"Just do your best."


Beth walked towards Rhine,

Another session on the practice and theory of Advent,




Hein Imperial Capital.

In the morning, Rhine and Beth finally returned to the imperial capital.

In order to avoid suspicion, the two of them opened a portal each and came back at a staggered time.

Beth never told anyone about Rhine's escape from the imperial capital, and the Holy Church had no knowledge of it either.

So after returning to Rhine, everything can be treated as if nothing happened.

However, Rhine was indeed late for today's divine referee.

Fortunately, today's magistrate probably won't mind too much.

Because the person who refereed Rhine was none other than Rhine's dear twin sister, Italaine.

There was no need to guess. Italian had already prepared a free certificate of innocence and was waiting for Rhine in the interrogation room.

She might even have handed it over and left.

Such a referee is so easy...

But unfortunately, there are only two free verdicts of innocence left.

Once from Etalion and the other from Shia.

Except for these two people, every remaining not guilty verdict is somewhat difficult to obtain. .

Dai Xi Lei, Heaven's Mercy Euphemia, Heaven's Fury Priphimus, and a representative from outside the world.

And, of course, Beth.

If you want to ensure that all the above-mentioned big guys will unanimously give a verdict of not guilty, no one should be missing.

Rhine still needs to plan carefully...

However, as long as we can reach a consensus with these big guys through the divine referee, the future situation of Hein will become clear.

The above-mentioned candidates represent Hein’s entire combat effectiveness.

As long as they can be won over through the referee,

Most of Haine has already fallen into Rhine's hands.

This referee is both a test and an opportunity.

Then let's go,


The moment Rhine stepped through the space rift and arrived at the Hein Imperial Capital.

There was actually another space crack that opened in front of Rhine instantly!

Rhine was stunned for a moment.

Good guy,

Is this... someone guarding him?

The next moment, a blond girl ran out of the space crack opposite Rhine.

It's Lilia!

Lilia looks very bad today. This usually carefree girl looks unprecedentedly anxious and sad today.

The girl burst into tears, as if she were mourning her heir.

Lilia ran to Rhine crying, looking anxious for help, as if she was about to kneel down to Rhine.

And the reason for all this,

All because of the little white monster in her arms.

That little white duck.

At this time, the little white duck looked peaceful, holding the last fragment of the echo terminal with his two little paws.

That was the last bit of ration for duck and duck,

It didn't dare to take a bite.

In fact, the little white duck at this time was in a very healthy physiological state. As a super life form that could dominate the slits of space, it was very difficult for him to die.

But at this moment, the little white duck's spirit has been defeated.

Its spirit has been weakened and sluggish.

It was as if after experiencing an extremely strong stimulus, his mind went blank, wandering in the endless emptiness.

"Your Highness Rhine, do you still have that food?"

"That treasure is called...that treasure is called the Echo Terminal!"

"Please give me some more, and give me all the rest of you! Those things are very important to me, really important!"

"As soon as Yaya didn't have a terminal to eat, it became like this. I don't know what to do anymore!!"

Lilia looked at the duck in her arms distressedly,

Ever since Yaya ate the pink rations that Rhine bribed Lilia, the little white duck showed unprecedented joy.

Lilia was also very happy originally.

But soon,

After the pleasure passed, the little white duck immediately became paralyzed as there was no more echo terminal, and the light in his eyes lost.

YaYa seems to be...a little over the top.

Her heart was broken when her best friend became like this.


The only person she could turn to was Rhine.

"Your Highness Rhine, you should still have that kind of food in stock, right? Can you give me some more? I'm willing to spend money to buy it, and I can exchange it with you for other treasures! Anything is fine!!"

Lilia cried and begged:

"Please, I will do anything!"

Rhine was stunned: "Are you serious? Can you do anything?"

Lilia: "Yes!!"

Rhine: "Really?"

Lilia: "Really!!!"


With daily updates of 1.5w, the dead line warrior successfully protected his half-year award!

383. Wrath of Heaven: Your wife is here to be hot!

world outside.

An angel was sitting on a raised rock in a daze.

On this battlefield, there is theoretically no room for a combat power like a high-level demigod to stand by for a moment.

War is complex and grand, every soldier is essential, and every sacrifice is valuable.

But a super weapon must be counteracted by another super weapon, without exception.

The masters here have no manners, and their daily routine is to be ordered around by friendly forces on different lines of defense, and they work hard without complaining.

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