Olivia: "Then, put on my reverse scale and become my legion commander!"

This is Olivia's plan.

She wanted to completely exceed the treatment given to Rhine by justice. Not only did she want to give Rhine his own reverse scale, but she also wanted to directly make Rhine the commander of the army.

This is without examination, without sacrifice, without performing any ceremony or paying any price. As soon as you come up, you will be directly promoted to the commander of one of the strongest demon legions in the Nether Realm!

Of course, Olivia knew that Rhine was not necessarily suitable for this position.

Rhine is too free, he has things he wants to do, and he will not conquer the city for Olivia.

In the view of the succubi, perhaps the Moonlight King Alice is more suitable to lead them in their future battles in the mortal world than Rhine, who is just a mortal.

In fact, Olivia did originally intend for Alice to succeed Euphemia and become the next legion commander.

But this, it’s okay!

Alice is devoted to Rhine. From now on, Olivia can let Alice do the job of regiment commander for her, but this honor must belong to her dear Rhine! !

And on the other side,

When Lai Yin heard this, his smile remained unchanged.

Filter out the divine blood of righteousness?

Olivia's reverse scale is very tempting, and from Olivia's perspective, her desire for Rhine is sincere enough.

But the price she had to pay for Rhine was also painful.

What Olivia wants is to use this reverse scale to completely bribe Rhine and make Rhine her property.

Belongs to her alone.

For this reverse scale, Rhine must drain the blood of justice from his body and completely distance himself from justice.

He can no longer enjoy the blessings of justice, control the Blood Demon of justice, and it is even less possible for him to make justice his pawn and the top combat force under his command in the future.

None of these will work.

Rhine must be loyal to Olivia wholeheartedly and respect Olivia as the only god from now on.

This kind of thing, of course Rhine...

Rhine's face was full of happiness: "Ah, of course, of course I am willing, my princess."

After all,

Rhine was moved and happy, and without any hesitation, he cut his wrist.

Without Olivia's help, Rhine used the reverse scale that Olivia gave him as a staff and constructed a spell that was enough to purify the goddess's blood.

The blood of justice trickled out along the wound and was discharged from the body.

Rhine stared at Olivia and said affectionately:

"I can't refuse my invitation. Being able to get your favor... Your Highness Olivia, this is an honor that I, as a mortal, would never dare to dream about."

This is Rhine's answer.

Olivia was overjoyed.

Rhine promised Olivia!

really! Rhine's loyalty to her has never changed. Even if his body is filled with the blood of the Goddess of Justice, there will always be only one goddess to whom he is loyal in his heart! !

Olivia was so moved that she almost cried: "Rhine!!"

And Rhine said affectionately: "I have never forgotten you for a moment, my princess."

Olivia nodded hard: "Yeah, yeah!"

Rhine: "My soul and body have long been decided to be dedicated to you, my princess."

Olivia wiped away her tears: "Yes! Okay! Okay! I will cherish it!!"

Rhine showed an infatuated smile: "After all, I know that you must be working very hard to rescue me during this period, right?"

As soon as these words came out.

The moved expression of Her Royal Highness Princess Gu Long suddenly froze.

Rhine's smile was so sincere: "Although so much time has passed, I thought you had forgotten me. But I know that is not the case..."

Rhine stared deeply into Olivia's eyes and said movedly:

"I know, you must be trying to rescue me, right? My goddess!"

"Dangdang, of course..."

For some reason, under Rhine's gaze, Princess Gu Long, who had just been expressing affectionately, now had wandering eyes and an increasingly awkward smile:

Olivia: "I have indeed been working hard to rescue you... Look, isn't Alice here..."

"Your Highness, please stop being modest. You don't have to give all the credit to Alice."

Rhine smiled: "Although I know that the final result of this incident was that Alice learned of my danger and came to rescue me. All this seems to be Alice's credit... .But I know, Your Highness Olivia, you must have made a lot of efforts in places I didn’t know about, and finally gave Alice the chance to come to me, right?”

In Rhine's eyes,

Full of unwavering trust.

However, Olivia was already breaking out in cold sweat...

She didn't know how to explain it to Rhine... Rhine's secret efforts and the fierce competition between the two goddesses on unknown occasions finally allowed Olivia to successfully take back Rhine's script from the hands of justice—— Doesn't exist at all?

Actually, there isn't...?

I actually didn’t make much effort... I just lent Alice a door to the Netherworld...

As for what Olivia has done recently to rescue Rhine...

The tears she shed when she missed Rhine had already made her throne bloom - is this, is this considered hard work?

Olivia felt even more guilty.

She suddenly discovered...

Compared to Rhine's loyalty to her, the things she did for Rhine were so insignificant! !

Feeling guilty,


Feelings of inferiority welled up in her heart, and Olivia's smile was a little forced, making it difficult to look directly at Rhine's smile that was as bright and innocent as the sun.

Rhine, he likes Olivia so much...

Olivia really didn't have the courage to tell Rhine the truth...

The goddess of justice's strict defense made her helpless. In fact, she... had been waiting for Rhine to save herself...

Olivia lowered her head and hesitated: "I have been...trying...to use your previous magic projection to...self-self... ..."

"What are you projecting with magic?"

Rhine looked at Olivia with a smile, looking forward to the next step.

"No, it's nothing! I mean I have been observing your movements with magic projection, trying to free you from the control of justice! I'm sorry to keep you waiting!!"

"Your Highness, I knew it!!"

Rhine said from the bottom of his heart: "Although I once admired Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty the Princess... only when I saw you appearing in front of me again did I finally know who the god who has always been caring for me is. who."

Look at Rhine's moved look.

Olivia's smile couldn't help but twitch...

Olivia couldn't help but recall... She was defeated one after another in the Long Night. First she was expelled from Rhine's body, and then she was defeated by justice on the Ark. After a series of blows, Olivia was completely destroyed. Every day I was remembering Rhine on the throne, but I couldn't take any practical action to take away Rhine...

I really want to die! !

Olivia was about to collapse because of her guilt.

sorry! Rhine! In fact, the goddess you worship is just a waste who is not worthy of your expectations at all...


Rhine did not dwell on this topic for too long.

Rather, he had no doubts about Olivia at all. After expressing his admiration and gratitude for Olivia, he then moved on to the next topic.

"Speaking of..."

Rhine smiled and said: "Your Highness Olivia doesn't know, right? She has inherited the legacy of the Fifth Era and been promoted to one of the original gods. This matter... you shouldn't mind, right? "

"Of course it won't happen...

Olivia smiled: "The replacement of the original gods has happened throughout the ages. As long as the god who can inherit the serial number is the master to whom the servant race is loyal."

Rhine breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "The battle with Prosperity was really dangerous. Thanks to His Majesty's divine blood, I had a chance to defeat the enemy."

Rhine sighed affectionately: "But how I hope that the person fighting alongside me at that time is you, the princess."

Olivia smiled and encouraged: "It doesn't matter! There will be many opportunities in the future!"

391. Olivia: I’ve wanted to give you my first kiss since a hundred thousand years ago

Rhine recalled the tragic scene of the battle and murmured:

"The blood of the Queen of Blood has blessed me with an unparalleled tenacity. It was the blood of the Goddess of Justice that saved me in the beginning, allowing me to withstand the burning of the twinkling star flames. However, I believe that if I hadn't lost Her Highness Olivia, With your blessing, I could have won more easily!"

"Huh? This..."

Olivia's cold sweat started to flow again: "D-Probably..."

Excuse me,

Due to the power gap, Olivia's Chosen One, even with the blessing of dragon scales, cannot have much powerful survivability...


Olivia's blessing doesn't quite match Rhine's Star Sword...

Olivia felt even more guilty: "My reverse scale is probably also very powerful... It can make you more ferocious when you are... and so on..."

Rhine asked in disbelief: "Is that just that?"

Olivia stammered and said: "It seems that it can also strengthen magic power...but the high-intensity recovery ability...should be gone. After all, you are not an ancient dragon, and neither am I." I can't give you immortality, I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter."

Rhine shook his head gently, his eyes full of piety: "As long as it is something given to me by Your Highness Olivia, I like it."

woo woo woo woo......

Olivia felt guilty and moved at the same time.

Rheinhe - so good to me! !

It is obvious that my blessing is completely inconsistent with his requirements...

But he doesn't dislike me at all!

His smile is so sincere and his heart is so pious...

He even abandoned the powerful blessing of the Goddess of Justice without hesitation for me, betrayed the strongest goddess in the Netherland on the spot, and gave everything to me unconditionally!

But what about Olivia?

What can Olivia give Rhine...

She just abandoned herself like a lost dog after being snatched away from Rhine, and hid at home doing blasphemous things, with no regard for Rhine's life or death...

However, when Rhine's lover rescued him, she despicably pretended to take the credit, making Rhine burst into tears of gratitude to her. For the "effort" that never existed, she resolutely abandoned another goddess who coveted him.


Olivia was so ashamed that she almost cried.

In the past, she could not have imagined that one day she would use cruel methods even more cruel than treating her enemies, and thus mutilate her favorite believer! !

And Rhine's harmless torture continued.

Rhine: "Your Highness, did it bother you that I asked you about rescuing me?"

Olivia shook her head quickly: "No, how could it be..."

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