A certain substance concentrated in seawater gives it a bright red color.

In the red sea water, deformed corpses are piled up layer by layer. They are all unborn embryos, maintaining the appearance of painful struggles before death, and they are lifelike.

They do not corrupt.

Because even the microorganisms that cause corruption have been killed by pollution.

But this ocean is not completely silent...

There are also creatures here that have overcome pollution and survived despite serious mutations.

Most of them are slender humanoids called "Children of Haine" and "Original Creatures".

But there are other forms of things as well.

Like an island crawling forward in the sea...

In addition, this ocean seems to be inherently repellent to the existence of magic and divinity.

Since the insect swarm itself combines multiple power systems, she can especially feel the difference.

The power based on biological characteristics is basically unaffected, and the umbilical cord inherited from the high-dimensional life white duck is also not affected. However, only the power based on the spirituality of the planet is rapidly declining in this ocean. .

The swarm finally understood why Rhine had to accompany her when she visited the Plane of Death.

If it were not a swarm of insects,

No matter how powerful a divine creature enters this land, it will be seriously injured by the pollution of the annihilation layer, and will be unable to return due to the rapid loss of spiritual matter.

So here comes the question... Where should the insect swarm and the others go to find Miss Dai Xi Lei? "

"We have to wait for her."

Upon hearing this, Rhine immediately gave an answer: "Abandoned babies are strongly hostile to all spiritual life. This place is too big and it is extremely dangerous to wander around."


Rhine and the swarm of insects might as well stay where they are and wait for Dai Xi Lei to discover them.

Haiyin under the abyss is Dai Xilei's hometown.

Unlike Shia, Dai Xi Lei is not some kind of infinitely powerful saint, a remnant that survived after losing its power and memory.

But she did have high hopes to become that kind of existence.

What exactly is Dai Xi Lei?

Why did she go crazy, and why did she have great power and be able to attract primitive creatures from the depths of destruction?

Perhaps for many insiders in the Hein Empire, this is a mystery that cannot be solved in a lifetime.

However, Lai Yin already knew Dai Xi Lei's true identity.

The answer is simple,

She is a Heine.

This polluted sea of ​​origin is called Haine. Dai Xilei was the son of Hein who was brought to the mortal world to be raised after Hein made a deal with a mortal on earth.

She will grow up healthily in the mortal world without being eroded by the pollution of the Realm of Death.

Perhaps she will be weakly assimilated to the spirituality of the mortal planet to a certain extent and develop some unnecessary feelings for mortal creatures, but she is still pure, unsullied, and correct - this sea of ​​origin the ultimate masterpiece.

One day she will

To return to Haiyin and become Haiyin.

Let Sequence Five come again to this planet full of curses and betrayal, and begin his revenge.

To sum up, although Dai Xilei was a strong demigod in the mortal world, she had extremely high authority in the depths of destruction, almost equal to the ruler of this place.

This is Dai Xi Lei's home field, so it won't be difficult for her to find Rhine.

Just wait silently.

If Rhine can see Dai Xilei, it means that Dai Xilei still remembers Rhine and is willing to communicate with Rhine.

But on the contrary,

If Dai Xi Lei no longer takes the initiative to look for Lain.

Then... Rhine could only give up the trip and reluctantly admitted that he was still late.


In the endless darkness, Rhine could only hear his own subtle breathing and the occasional rattling of the umbilical cords on the insects.

Using the Rhine Ring, the insect swarm carefully balances the pollution of the Extermination Layer, ensuring that the Rhine without the ring will not be eroded.

It is difficult for the insect swarm to describe what harmful substances are filled in the air of the Extermination Layer.

It seemed like a poison,

It can pollute water quality, mutate life, and force a life form to come to an end.

But it also seems to have a soul...

A gentle gaze that was completely different from its decaying nature gently caressed the frail little creature in the hands of the insect swarm.

Then shortly after...

In the darkness, a soft call came.

"Rhine, is that you?"

Rhine suddenly followed the sound and saw a glimmer of light appearing in the originally empty darkness.

Under that faint light source,

Rhine saw clearly who was coming.

She walked from the sea full of corpses. Her clothes were ragged. Perhaps because she had wandered in this ancient ocean for too long, all the fabrics on her body had been corroded, and the only remaining armor had become tattered.


As a substitute for fabric, a certain form of substantial darkness turned into tulle and connected to the tattered equipment, becoming a black skirt floating on the sea.

Darkness filled the broken armor, replaced the original fabric with a more gorgeous and complex shape, wrapped her whole body with thin darkness, and created a brand new dress for her.

This beauty, who had cut the darkness into clothes, looked up at the Rhine in the sky, walking step by step with surprise on her face.

The gold-quality equipment from the mortal world has been riddled with holes, and the dress belonging to this ancient world has become her new dress.

Dai Xi Lei o Hai Yin......

It seems,

She has adapted to life here.

Behind her are countless sons of Haiyin.

Those abandoned babies who are violent and irritable, forever wailing in grief and anger,

At this moment, it was as if they were on a pilgrimage, quietly following their "mother".

"Insect Swarm, send me down."

The swarm of insects descended to the sea surface according to Rhine's instructions.

Rhine jumped off the palm of the Arthropod Goddess.

Rhine was not dropped into the sea, but stood on the sea.

He has no right to touch this pot of biological soup that symbolizes the origin of life.

As an advanced spiritual creature flowing with high-purity divine blood, Rhine is an alien rejected by this ocean.

At this time, Dai Xilei had already walked in front of Lain.

Haven’t seen each other for many years,

Rhine could only vaguely remember her former appearance.

Compared with Dai Xi Lei in the vague memory, she seemed to have become... more mature.

Temperamentally, physically.

Unlike the girl who took away Rhine's first time back then, Dai Xilei has now grown into a real woman.

A beauty that can drive all the opposite sexes in the world crazy about her.

She looks very weak now, her black hair is messy and disheveled, and her peerless face looks extremely haggard. The dark dress makes her skin look whiter and even a little sick... ...

Dai Xi Lei had changed a lot, but only her smile was still gentle and sincere, and only the love in her eyes was still as passionate as fire.

Dai Xi Lei could let Lain know with just one look... Her infatuation for Lain had not changed at all compared to the past.

And what makes Rhine most gratified is that,

Under the well-defined collarbone and the area above the ■■■■,

It is a piece of soft skin covered by a thin layer of darkness, whiter than snow,

There is no void,

This time, Rhine was not late.

And on the other side,

Dai Xilei was smiling and staring at Rhine quietly. Under her peaceful appearance, there was an uncontrollable surge in her heart.


"I've been waiting for you..."

Dai Xilei couldn't help but have tears in her eyes as she looked at her beloved, with a happy smile and tears.

From accepting Rhine with his body, to sublimating into a demigod and being forced to break up, to getting sicker and being locked into an ecological tank.

From being imprisoned in the ecological box, to being thrown into the depth of destruction, and then the long wandering on this sea of ​​origin.

The time Dai Xilei has experienced before and after is actually only a few years...

But these few short years gave Dai Xilei endless pain and suffering.

But what's more terrifying than pain is change.

Dai Xi Lei learned too much about the truth about the world in the depth of destruction, and the huge amount of information was subtly affecting Dai Xi Lei's judgment of the world.

All of this urged Dai Xi Lei to say goodbye to her former self.

Throw yourself into the darkness of destruction,

She could only try not to forget.

In that ugly, sinful, and hopeless earthly world, there lived...her beloved.

Rhine, waiting for her to go back.

With this belief, I endured the endless painful years.

This reunion after a long separation is too long for both of them...

The two of them smiled and just looked at each other silently, unable to say anything.

Rhine: "Can... give me a hug?"

Dai Xilei: "?"

This goddess, who was named Hein and ruled the plane of destruction, complied with Lein's request without hesitation at this moment, threw herself into Lein's arms, and hugged Lein tightly.

The sons of Haiyin watched all this silently, without any movement.

They can feel their mother's love for this spiritual alien,

So they will endure the hatred in their hearts.

Dai Xilei: "How have you been during this time?"

Rhine: "Not very good..."

Dai Xi Lei wiped her tears with a sad smile on her face: "Me too, but every time when I am about to despair, just thinking of my promise to you gives me the motivation to persevere...because Rhine, has been waiting for me to go back, I have not given birth to a baby for Rhine, and I have not accompanied Rhine as a wife."

Dai Xi Lei smiled and cried, and confessed to Lain infatuatedly: "After all, Lain said that he will only love me for the rest of his life, so I can't become a monster no matter what...otherwise, Lain Don’t I have to be alone for the rest of my life? I never want that. I can betray anyone, but I will never betray Rhine..."

"So happy......"

Dai Xi Lei clung to Lain's arms, her voice trembling with joy:

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