Dai Xilei won't notice,

Because the original purpose was to kill Lai Yin without Dai Xi Lei being able to detect it.

And the swarm of insects might not know that when Dai Xi Lei smelled the strange fragrance on Lain's body and hugged Lain, her eyes gradually turned bad.

The sudden panic in Lain's eyes was not because of Dai Xi Lei's questioning.

It's because of what he told the swarm in advance - "a little discomfort" that people encounter when entering the Sea of ​​Origin.

Convince Dai Xilei,

Never difficult.

No matter how lame the excuse Rhine gave, as long as Rhine still wanted Dai Xi Lei to believe him, Dai Xi Lei would be willing to believe him.

Maybe even Dai Xilei knew that Lain was lying.

But maybe just the fact that "Rhine is still willing to lie to me" can rekindle hope in Dai Xi Lei's heart.

Rhine knew very well how much Dai Xilei loved her. The Sea of ​​Origin tried to make her forget all the concerns she had in the mortal world. She did forget a lot, but she still stubbornly remembered that she had a lover who was in the mortal world. Wait for her to come back and marry her.

Even the eradication of this memory actually purified Dai Xielei's feelings for Lain.


Dai Xilei's willpower has its limit after all.

Every time Rhine has the ability to overcome the erosion of the Death Layer and personally go to the cursed world of origin,

He could only see a monster that had been completely transformed into Hein, unable to think, losing its soul, and just kept begging Lein to kill her.

Like a suicide note left to Rhine,

It is filled with her despair and infatuation.

But this time...

Probably, we have caught up.

Compared with pollution and corruption, compared with the tragic death and heart-rending pain that had long made him numb,

On the contrary, it was this feeling... as if he had finally grasped something, that made Rhine unforgettable.

Rhine was a little at a loss...

What's this?

He actually has hope of bringing back Dai Xi Lei from the plane of destruction?

The lover who had disappeared from his memory for ten thousand years would return to his life again.

At that time, Dai Xi Lei will meet Xia, and then one day she will know about Xia and Rhine.

With Sister Dai's character, she would not blame Rhine. She would only think that it was Sia, the despicable Sequence God, who was as despicable and hateful as ever, and seduced her dear Rhine.

Maybe the two of them would quarrel and become jealous because of this.

Maybe the two sequence gods will fight over who is Rhine's true love?

This, what kind of nonsense script is this?

But maybe it will happen in the future, really happen...

After being resurrected by Beth again, the hole in Rhine's chest had shrunk by two-thirds.

Most of the pollution has been removed.

Rhine looked at Beth:

"Do you believe that someone can remain intact and even have thoughts after living in the plane of death for several years?"

Beth shook her head slightly.

The resentment Beth originally felt towards Rhine was now completely gone.

She just felt distressed...

Rhine has burned himself twenty times. This is the price of going to the plane of destruction.

He could have directly skipped Dai Xi Lei's referee. No one would force him to go to the annihilation level. After all, it would be better to execute him directly than that.

He didn't want a not guilty verdict.

He just wanted to see Dai Xi Lei again.

Beth reluctantly and lovingly used the healing spell to touch Rhine's body.

How silly...

Lain smiled: "But Dai Xi Lei is indeed still alive. I saw her and she still remembers me."

Rhine: "Thanks to it..."

With that said, Rhine took out the treasure that saved his life from the deep malice of the Sea of ​​Origin from the crack in space.

The reverse scale that Olivia gave him.

Rhine has indeed withstood some of the pollution through perseverance.

But it would be ridiculous to say that Rhine blocked the evil intentions of a primitive god with his little mortal power.

At this moment, the originally snow-white scales of Princess Gu Long had turned into a deep dark red, like dried blood stains.

The pollution removed through incineration is only a very small amount of residue.

In the end, most of the poisons introduced into Rhine's body by the Sea of ​​Origin were stored in Olivia's reverse scales.

Thanks to this gift from Olivia, Rhine was able to meet Dai Xi Lei.

However, although Rhine can use incineration to cleanse the pollution, how to remove the pollution on this reverse scale is a troublesome problem.

But fortunately, if Olivia's mood is not considered, it is actually just right for Ni Lin to become like this...

After all, even if it is malice, poison, or pollution, it is still the legacy of the God of Sequence, the strongest being on the planet.

Its combination with Ancient Dragon Nilin,

It's perfect.


I have written 6K words, and the plot of Beth in the next 2K is a bit unclear. I will think about it again and upload it before 1 o'clock tomorrow morning.

402. The Bishop’s Lonely Confession and the Nun’s Prayer of Depravity

Rhine did not hide Olivia's reversal from Beth. During the high-temperature sterilization break, Rhine told Beth everything.

The value of the reverse scale, the meaning of the reverse scale, and why Olivia gave the reverse scale to Rhine.

The prince of Haiyin made a contract with the evil dragon's reverse scale and obtained the dirty power enough to travel through the layer of destruction.

This should have been the most abominable depravity.

But at this moment...

But there was no trace of disgust on the chief bishop's face.

Rhine: "Your Highness Olivia used this reverse scale to help me see Dai Xi Lei. Now Dai Xi Lei has seen a glimmer of hope in the Extermination Layer, and the danger of the Extermination Layer has been pushed back a little. This is all Good thing - but Beth, what do you think, if I pray to the goddess of order and pray to see Dai Xi Lei again..."

Rhine: "The goddess of order, she probably won't give me this chance."

of course not,

Beth answered the question in her mind.

The crisis that has been suppressed for thousands of years in the mortal world has now been detonated, and divine creatures and demons are causing trouble everywhere.

However, the goddess of order who maintains peace in the world is nowhere to be seen, as if she has completely abandoned all living beings in the world and is nowhere to be found.

Compared to the sacred image that has been worshiped by the mortal world for thousands of years, the current order appears... cruel and unfamiliar.

In fact, if the Goddess of Order had remained silent, Beth might be able to attribute the indifference of the upper gods to reasons such as "she just ignored whatever trouble the goddess encountered."

But this is not the case with the Goddess of Order.

She just showed up some time ago and sentenced Rhine to blasphemy.

Then, it was this blasphemer who opened the diplomatic situation for the empire, stabilized the huge hidden dangers underground, and did his best to perform the work that originally belonged to the goddess of order. .

And all of this was accomplished by Rhine using the blessing of the evil god.

Maybe Rhine is right...

The power of the evil god is not unusable.

Sometimes, their effect is even more powerful than the crystal gun that destroys all things...

The conversation is over for now,

Before the hole completely disappeared, Rhine cut off one of his hands and gave it to Beth, walking into the sea of ​​fire again.

And Beth just stayed with Rhine quietly. After Rhine turned into steam, she resurrected Rhine and started the next cycle.

Just like that, a few hours passed.

The hole in Rhine's chest finally disappeared completely.

Rhine was in a calm mood throughout the whole process, without showing any signs of pain, which almost made Beth forget that Rhine was constantly burning his body to dissolve the pollution in his body, and was really just taking a bath at home...

After the last resurrection, Rhine confirmed his physical condition and then got dressed.

The disinfection work was over, and he and Beth could finally leave the room.

At this time, it was already dark outside.

Beth saw that the time was almost up.


After hesitating for a moment, Beth still endured the shame and asked proactively:

"Shall we go to the sanctuary now?"

Beth's voice was a little shy. Her own positive attitude towards the Advent ceremony made her feel very embarrassed:

"There is no need to trouble Teacher Euphemia this time. As for the physical examination, I can actually do it for you..."

Beth was shy and looking forward to it, but when she finally mustered up the courage to look at Rhine's face.

But he found that there was a somewhat helpless smile on Rhine's face.

"Forget it for today."

Rhine shook his head regretfully: "I still want to take a day off."

"Are you asking for leave again?"

Beth's eyes trembled, her mood was very complicated:


Rhine answered truthfully: "I'm very tired..."

Beth lowered her head.

A certain emotion had been brewing in her heart for a long time.


She nodded slightly.

Beth: "Yeah, you really have a hard time today. I understand. I approved your leave..."

However, Beth lowered her head and asked softly: "But Rhine, tell me... you have used various reasons to refuse the Advent ceremony for three days in a row. Is it really just because you are busy?"

With Rhine's ability, it wouldn't be that difficult to squeeze out some time at night, right?


Rhine just didn't want to participate in the ceremony, so he kept making excuses to take leave...

If this is the case, then no matter whether Rhine's reasons are reasonable or not, even the day after tomorrow, Beth will still receive an application that she cannot refuse.

Beth first questioned Rhine, but then her tone immediately softened: "You haven't answered my question yet. Did I... make you unhappy about what happened before?"

Beth's tone was very weak, completely different from the archbishop who scolded Rhine in Mir.

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