Then Prosperity received the order and came instantly with a singularity.

This sudden accident caused Order's light cannon, which could blow up Euphemia's head in the next second, to be suppressed.

Don't kill in front of Rhine.

There can be no conflict with Rhine...

Now, my sister is protecting Rhine closely! She loves Rhine deeply and will not let Rhine get hurt.

If Order doesn't want to go to war with her sister,

So the best thing to do is not to conflict with Rhine, or even not to appear in front of Rhine at all.

My sister may not care about order and how to deal with the tools she uses.

But if Rhine is threatened by order, she will not sit idly by...

Although we have already agreed that we will be enemies next time we meet,

But Jiji felt that... there was no need to fight with his sister over such a trivial matter.


Order sighed.

All right......

That's all.

Order took a few steps back and stood in the corner. The surrounding micro-shielding positions took effect, slowly isolating Order from the outside world from top to bottom.

Just like that, the figure of Order gradually disappeared from Euphemia's eyes, until no trace of her existence could be sensed anymore.

Order is hidden,

In order to temporarily avoid Rhine.

Euphemia took off the crystal gun from her shoulder and hid it silently. Then, she walked to the door of the interrogation room and opened the door for Rhine.

Outside the door, Rhine looked worried. Seeing Euphemia opening the door so late, he couldn't help but asked with concern: "Teacher Euphemia, did something happen in the interrogation room?"

"No, nothing, thank you for worrying about me."

Euphemia quietly used magic to cover the wound on her shoulder again, showing a gentle smile.

As if nothing happened....

She invited Rhine into the interrogation room, and Rhine consciously sat down on the chair reserved for the prisoner, preparing to be interrogated. .

Rhine asked: "Start the interrogation now?"

Euphemia shook her head slightly: "No... no need.".

Euphemia felt very regretful because her plan was disrupted by the advent of order, and now she had to end the referee immediately and leave the interrogation room.

She originally...planned to stay here with Rhine all day long.

Euphemia ran her thumb over the paper, imprinting her signature on the document of acquittal, and handed it to Rhine.

"The verdict has been written, and today's trial...can be concluded."

"Thank you, teacher."

However, Rhine took the referee document and handed it to Prosperity to keep.

But after that, he had no intention of leaving.

Rhine received the verdict, but still looked at Euphemia seriously.

Euphemia smiled and asked: "What's wrong? Is there anything else that the teacher hasn't done yet?"

"No, it's not."

Rhine asked: "Teacher, does this end the refereeing?"

Euphemia: "Oh...?"

Euphemia smiled: "Has the referee book been signed?"

Rhine asked in confusion: "But Teacher Euphemia, didn't you say you need me to bribe you?"

Euphemia's heart beat faster when she heard this.

But she glanced at the corner where order had disappeared and forced herself to smile:

" won't be necessary this time."

Rhine was stunned for a moment, feeling very disappointed:


Euphemia was shocked and said quickly: "Wait, Rhine, I didn't mean anything else. I really just..."

Rhine smiled and his mood calmed down: "It doesn't matter, the teacher is an angel after all. In fact, I also know that there are very few things I can do for the teacher..."

"Really, really..."

Euphemia clearly knew that her creator, the invincible goddess of order, was staring at her coldly.

But looking at Rhine, there was a look of grievance in his eyes,

The love in Euphemia's heart still made her unable to help but take action.

She held Rhine's cheek and kissed it gently

Euphemia comforted Rhine affectionately: "Don't think too much. You are very important to the teacher. The teacher likes you the most."

Rhine: "Teacher..."

"Huh? Rhine?!"

Euphemia exclaimed,

And Rhine had already held Euphemia in his arms.

In response to this sudden attack, Euphemia, who had just refused to obey the order, instantly softened her body.

Euphemia softly begged: "Rhine...don't do this..."

However, although the archangel resisted with his mouth, his body could not take any action at all.

He even tried hard to suppress his power, not daring to harm Rhine in the slightest.

There is no struggle to resist,

She just fell into Lain's arms obediently, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she wanted to refuse but still welcomed him.

She obviously dares to disobey even the true God,


But he couldn't escape from Rhine's arms.

Euphemia was shy and panicked. Her eyes kept glancing towards the silent corner: ", what are you doing?"

Today's Rhine is very abnormal, or in other words, a bit evil.

As if he was deliberately trying to impress someone, he was intimate with Euphemia unscrupulously: "Teacher Euphemia, you smell so good..."


Euphemia let out a shy cry.

Rhine hugged Euphemia and smelled the intoxicating and fragrant floral fragrance of the archangel.

Rhine asked in Euphemia's ear: "What perfume does the teacher use?"

Euphemia blushed and admitted softly: "I, I'm useless..."

Rhine: "Really? He is indeed an angel, no... he is the strongest peak wing under the command of the Goddess of Order."

Rhine was very intoxicated and hugged the beauty in his arms a little tighter.

Euphemia was still powerless to resist.

Euphemia's current situation is completely passive. In fact, when facing Rhine, she should have maintained her dignity as an elder, been more proactive, and let Rhine become the passive party...

but now.....

As soon as she thought of a pair of cold eyes staring at her in that corner, Euphemia's limbs lost their strength, like a doll, and could only be manipulated by Rhine.

At this moment, she was hugging the enemies of Order in front of Order. This strong sense of betrayal... had almost destroyed her brain, leaving her consciousness blank.

However, Rhine seemed unaware of this.

He is still affectionately close to his beloved teacher and expresses his respect for the teacher with his actions.

And on the other side,

In that dead corner...


When the archangel and her students were making love,

A certain goddess has broken her defense! !

The people of order were stupid.

No. 03 in Rhine's arms was so gentle that it was almost weak. How could there be any trace of the majesty that belonged to the Peak Wings?

Order's eyes...trembled slightly.

what happened......

Is this guy really Zero-3? !

my angel,

Why are you so well-behaved? !

She made it clear before that she didn't want to have any more entanglements with Lain.

But why... now she is surrendering and falling into Rhine's arms, letting this mortal taste her fragrance...

How could her will be changed so easily? !

It was obvious that she was not willing to succumb to order even if she died! !

The order was greatly shaken! !

At this moment, that unruly and noble soul who dared to disobey the strongest goddess in the world and refused to surrender even to death,

But as docile as a sheep...

Is this because of my sister's order?

No, from the moment Lain walked into the interrogation room, Tian Zhilian's eyes have been focused on Lain without shifting for a moment.

She only has Rhine in her eyes,

Jiji couldn't believe it, her mood was extremely complicated.

This weak mortal, this despicable and affectionate stallion... actually made Zero Three pour more love and obedience than order! !

This is humiliating!

A naked provocation! !

Standing helplessly in front of the order, he rides a fierce horse that the order cannot control, gallops to his heart's content, plays with it wantonly, and shows off arrogantly in front of the order!

Order at this time - rightfully angry.

But what can order do at this time?

Her sister is watching her!


Prosperity is really looking at her! !

While Rhine and Euphemia were flirting, Prosperity stood by quietly, his emotionless eyes leisurely glancing in the direction where Order had set up a shielding barrier.

Of course my sister saw through the pretense of order.

Even my sister could clearly see Order's trembling expression that was holding tight.

But my sister didn't say anything, she just watched silently.

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