At this moment, she was like a candle that was about to burn out.

The mighty divinity turned into raging flames, constantly burning this once beautiful and flawless divine body.

Maybe... She didn't speak just because this broken body had long lost the ability to speak.

The snow-white girl looked at the dying goddess with great interest:

"I didn't expect that a mortal could really live for three thousand years by relying on obsession."

The girl asked:

"Do you really want to see him?"


The god said nothing.

"Rhine o Hein... I have been waiting for a man with this name for a long, long time."

The first time she heard this name mentioned by her subordinates who often went out at her door, she was silent for a long time out of surprise.

Unexpectedly, in this world that is about to be broken,

She actually finally waited for him.

"Now...he has become a believer in the black one? And I also heard that he seems to have a very close relationship with the black one? Are the two of them about to conclude a vow?"


"I am very touched."

"Is this the power of true love?"

"Even if she lost that part of her memory, she could still recognize him again, fall in love with him again, and become his...lover again?"

The white girl seems to be very unsure about the word "lover".

Another more appropriate and embarrassing word was on her lips, but she didn't want to say it.

But anyway...

"Now... it's not a good time to reunite with you, so just allow me to wait and see for a while."

Princess White Dragon, who is usually solemn and solemn, can smile so generously only at this moment.

She stared at the hero of the feast with a smile and asked to herself:

"You think so? My love."


434. Qi Yue: Can I make you pregnant with Rhine’s baby?

The content of this chapter has not been approved

435. The first day of heavenly love, loving my wife in front of the teacher

The upper realm of gods.

This is the worry-free paradise where the goddess of order and her angels, who protect the mortal world, live.

The legendary upper divine realm is a perfect fairyland that represents all truth, goodness and beauty, opposite to the Nether Realm.

That is the place where the souls of devout and kind believers of Order return. There, kind souls will enjoy endless life beside the goddess and obtain the peace and happiness that they dare not expect in the mortal world.


In fact, the real upper realm of gods is not that beautiful.

It is just a silver-white cube 1087.6 meters long and 1087.6 meters wide.

It is suspended in a different dimension and maintains the minimum connection with the mortal world with only a meager link.

Just like a secluded realm.

In fact, the upper divine realm is essentially a small ghost realm used by the order to accommodate its powerful godhead.

In order to allow the elements raised on the planet to grow in a healthy environment that is relatively safe but can promote their progress.

The original gods allowed the demons of the Nether Realm to invade the mortal world and harvest emotions, but they strictly prohibited the gods of the Nether Realm from doing so themselves.

In order for the war between the original gods to proceed fairly, the gods should exit as soon as possible after setting the evolutionary direction for the elements of the new reincarnation. They must remain silent until the reckoning.

The goddess of order is also not exempt from vulgarity.

This cold solid cube is made up of endless, dormant crystallized nanorobots. Their existence turns this cube into a giant factory with endless possibilities.

This is an upgraded version of the crystalline ark blessed by divinity.

This place has never been a paradise for devout people. Even the Punishment Angel is usually stored in the form of materials in the cube.

Those brainless soldiers that can be produced in unlimited quantities are only temporarily produced when fighting is needed, and then they are intensively destroyed after the battle to recycle resources.

And in this cold cube,

There are only two beings with souls, and they occasionally have extremely limited communication within the crystalline circuit of the cube.

One is the goddess of order herself.

The other one is the only pair of pinnacle wings that can understand order and share the same goals with order.

Zero One Peak Wings,

God's love.

This is also the pinnacle wing that led the Angel of Punishment to attack [Hein] in True Haiyin before.

Although that battle ended in a disastrous defeat for Tian Zhi Ai.

But that's obviously harmless.

That war was not an all-out attack by the upper gods at all, and in that battle, Order and she had already obtained satisfactory information.

The dying remnants of Sequence Five [Hein] have been revived.

The countdown to the war before the Day of Reckoning has come.

However, at this moment, in the data ocean of the upper divine realm, the two wills had differences in their strategies against [Hein].

Heaven's Love: "You disappoint me."

Tianzhi Ai: "Why do you want to abort the plan?"

The signal representing order was silent for a moment before answering: "I just need time to think."

Order: "That country may still have value."

Tianzhi Ai: "The civilization of the Sixth Age is too fragile. Their meager combat power is of no use at all. You know this well."

Tianzhi Ai: "If those two malfunctioning machines don't obey orders, just give up. You still have the gods, and you still have me."

Tianzhi Ai uses emotionless words to express his cold and determined emotions:

"Now is the best time to reset the timeline and expel Heine. The war has begun. You have been planning for three thousand years, isn't it just for this moment?"

Order said nothing.

To annihilate all the original gods and seize the eternal throne, her belief has not wavered in the slightest.


I just don't know the current order...

Does all this really have to start from that country?

Tianzhi Ai: "What are you hesitating about?"

Tianzhi Ai: "Is it because of those malfunctioning machines? Do you really think their words are of reference? They all failed, and their way cannot save prosperity, or... you are bewitched by Rhine Heine Already?"


Heaven's Love: "Rhine and Heine are enemies, remember, he is by no means an ordinary mortal!"

"He must be related to the Broken Saint. His actions show his illogical rich experience in everything. Have you forgotten our previous conjecture? He is probably the back-up man left behind by the Broken Saint. , is the enemy we need to be most wary of! Do you really think...that you defeated one of the strongest individuals on the planet with your strength back then?"

"This is all the Broken Saint's plan. I am more and more convinced now that if we don't kill Rhein Hein - we will never be able to break the situation!"

Order was silent for a moment:

"Your judgment is too arbitrary..."

Tianzhi Ai: "Don't you believe it? If you hadn't deleted my memory when you summoned me, maybe I could tell you clearly now why I hate Rhine Hein so much!"

Tianzhi Ai firmly believes that her inexplicable hatred for Rhine... is definitely not groundless. This must be an unforgettable experience she has left behind in her own world!

Moreover, even if we don’t mention Tianzhi’s personal bad impression of Rhine.

There is an objective fact that both order and the love of heaven have to admit.

Heaven's Love: "He has already won over the three-digit sequence of [Heine], [Broken Saint], [Divine Grace and Radiance]!"

Although these sequences, without exception, are all in a weak state of dying, awaiting resurrection, and already dead,


That's still a three-number sequence.

Before the war even started, a mortal man had obtained one-third of the fruits of victory.

It's scary.

Not to mention...

The most important thing, the most intolerable thing for the love of heaven is...

He actually took away the prosperity.

God's love will never allow it, never allow it...! !

Tianzhi Ai: "Prosperity was bewitched by him and became a tool for him to fight and vent his desires! How can you still sit back and do nothing?"

Order: "Prosperity said she loved him..."

Tianzhi Ai: "Then do you know what despicable means he used to obtain prosperity? He used the corruption of the evil dragon to make prosperity only desire him."

Order will not compromise on the issue of prosperity. She emphasized: "Prosperity has long belonged to justice. The corruption of the evil dragon will not affect her much. She is sincere."

Tianzhi Ai asked coldly: "Really, so you are willing to let prosperity be a slave to a mortal, right?"

Order: "This is Prosperity's decision and I shouldn't interfere."

Tianzhi Ai sneered: "Yes, that's what you said when the Zhili World decided to abandon you."

Tianzhi Ai: "You are still so cowardly."

Heaven's Love: "Prosperity has protected you, but now, you are unwilling to protect Prosperity."

Order: "You can't convince Prosperity unless you kill Rhein O Hein."

Tianzhi Ai: "I know that his death will make Prosperity sad."

Order: "Since you know..."

Tianzhi Ai: "Then let me take action. If Prosperity hates me, you can destroy me in front of her. No matter what, we cannot let Rhine Hein continue to tarnish Prosperity."


Heaven's Love: "Do you really think Rhein-Hain is important to prosperity?"

Heaven's Love: "A mere mortal only has a lifespan of a hundred years at most. However, you and Prosperity will accompany each other until the end of time. His existence and his companionship are only for a moment. In this case, he will be there sooner or later. Disappearance—does it matter?”

The view of heaven’s love is impeccable.

She pointed out one way to order - the most correct path.

Everything on the planet is either an enemy or an ant, and none of them need her to care about.

All she had to do was protect the prosperity.

Fight, keep fighting, until only Order and sister are left on this planet... This is Order's only mission.


Order recalled many things.

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