
Ten thousand words, family members! I've paid off all my debts, family members! !

443. Sword of Guiyi, timeline reset, the last survivors

So far in this war, everything has gone smoothly beyond expectations, and it is all under the control of the love of heaven.

All the combat power of demigods and above within the Hein Imperial Capital were paralyzed, and everything was just as she had rehearsed.

Although there are still many fish that have slipped through the net, the most critical targets have all been killed - this is enough.

The only surprise in this operation was the heavy damage to the Divine Forged Wings [Life].

But this is just planned consumption and harmless.

Aurelion only had one.

But there are more than one divinely forged wings controlled by Heaven's Love.

The dominant side in this war is still the upper-level God Realm. Although Rhine's unexpected counterattack is wonderful, it has no strategic significance.

Heaven's love,

Tell yourself this.

The Rhine in front of her made her feel a pressure that could not be dissipated, but Tianzhi Ai knew very well - she did not need to be afraid of Rhine and Heine.

Tian Zhi Ai has made full preparations for this war. After all, Tian Zhi Ai has already prepared to die to calm her sister's anger. This is a war with no return.

The cowardly order can no longer kill Rhine,

Therefore, the love of heaven must be sure of victory.

The God-forged Wings, the pinnacle wings with crystal rings and armor, and the thousand Punishment Angels.

These chess pieces that were originally going to be used to start a war with the original gods are now more than enough to attack a mortal country.

In fact, just a thousand of these demigod-level units are enough to easily destroy the entire imperial capital.

However, Tianzhi Ai still chose the safest method.

First, he took out most of the upper-level God Realm structures and offset them with the Crystal Ark, forcing my sister to go offline.

Then, the heavily armed Heaven's Love narrowly defeated Heaven's Wrath during the paused time, and at the same time used the Divine Forged Wings [Life] to defeat other high-end combat forces.

This sneak attack was flawless;

The only regret is that I couldn't take away Rhine and Heine in one wave.

But even if he succeeds, the Divine Forged Wings [Life] loses its combat effectiveness...

Rhine still has no chance of winning.

Tianzhi Ai: "Are you going to continue to struggle? Rhein o Hein."

Tianzhi Ai: "You have already lost."

Rhine Hein is indeed very strong. He once had the experience of restraining his serious sister for ten minutes with his demigod strength...

so what?

Heaven's Love, as well as any God-forged Wings, can accompany him to fight all day long.

This miserable mortal has become a polished commander.

Rhine did not answer Tian Zhi'ai's question, but he also did not take action to fight her.

Lai Yin looked at Tianzhi Ai: "Your words have become more numerous."

Heaven's Love: "..."

Tianzhi Ai: "That's the look."

Rhine: "?"

Tianzhi Ai suddenly sighed: "This is you. Rhine Heine, although I have lost my memory, I still remember your eyes, perseverance, calmness, and madness. Even if I treat the love of my life, I will never Show a smile."

However, now, Rhine has begun to play house with those demigods. Now he has become able to laugh, and he can laugh non-stop.

Flirting with those demigods, speaking sweet words to them, and there seemed to be some genuine affection in his eyes.

But the good thing is.

With the destruction of those weak demigods,

Rhine seemed to have finally become his original self.

Such eyes are suitable for this monster...and worthy of being hunted by the love of heaven.

Hearing this, Rhine just replied lightly:

"Maybe. It seems that those demigods are indeed of no use. I will have to rely on myself for this next war."

After Rhine said that, he casually pushed aside the mist that separated the two time and space.


"Get serious and change places with me to show off."

After he said that, without waiting for Tianzhi Ai's reply, he walked into Zhen Haiyin.

But although Tianzhi's love didn't stop Rhine, it didn't follow immediately either.

The love of heaven is still wary of every move and every choice of Rhine.

Such as now.

A question that anyone would think about at this moment emerged in Tian Zhi'ai's mind.

Rhein o Hein, why did you choose to fight in Zhen Hein?

In Zhenhaiyin, a thousand Punishment Angels under the command of Heavenly Love are on standby. Each of them has semi-god-level combat power. They have no thoughts and are not afraid of death. They accept the centralized dispatch of Heavenly Love and are perfect for war. machine.

If there was a decisive battle in the Imperial Capital, those angels would only be able to project crystal spears.

But in Zhenhaiin,

They can even form a light wing array with Tianzhi Ai and enter a decisive battle stance.

Why did he deliberately put himself at a disadvantage? What's his plot?

Is he still afraid that he will destroy the imperial capital?

Is he so confident that he wants to destroy the love of heaven together with the thousand punishment angels?


it's not true.

Tianzhi Ai asked Lai Yin: "You are hoping to enter another Hai Yin and then use the power of the Sea of ​​Origin to destroy me, right?"

Rhine heard the words, but did not answer.

But the expression on the prince's face seemed a little stiff.

Tianzhi Ai finally knew the reason why Rhine was so calm so far.

The sister is silent, the angel is dying, and now in the entire Hein Imperial City, and even in the entire mortal world, the only one who may be able to help Rhine, and can effectively defeat the love of heaven and the existence of the upper gods - only the last one is left.

Sequence five...

What Rhine is looking forward to is the support of the Mother of Origin entrenched under the True Sea Abyss.

The demigod controlled by Rhine is not dead yet.

Sequence Five, or the Seventh Forbidden Army Dai Xi Lei—this is probably his final trump card.

This is Rhine's conspiracy.

Rhine understood the authority of Sequence 2, and he could have unimpeded access to real and fake Hein. Therefore, even if Rhine openly told Tianzhi's plan about his plan now - Tianzhi would not be able to stop it.

Come to Zhenhaiyin and pray for Dai Xi Lei's help so that Dai Xi Lei can destroy the Angel of Heaven's Love and Punishment.

If this is really the plan... then Rhine will be disappointed.

What a coincidence......

The real prey that Tian Zhi Ai wants to kill during this trip is Sequence Five!

Rhine smiled: "When you heard the name of Sequence Five, you were so scared that you couldn't even move. Are you so afraid of her?"

Rhine, who entered Zhenhaiyin, turned to look at the love of heaven.

"Hold on."

Tianzhi Ai looked up at the sky and said in a cold voice: "Get some work done."

All the enemies around the landing point have been silenced, and the clearance area is guaranteed. At the same time, there are signs of resistance in sequence five, which are in urgent need of suppression.

It's time to use that weapon.

Tianzhi Ai decided to activate that key piece of equipment that could determine success or failure.

Then reset the timeline, expel Sequence Five, and start the first battle of the war for the position of Star God.

——The Sword of Guiyi.

Above the clear blue sky, a silvery white storm suddenly blew.

From the other dimension that cannot be observed by the naked eye, the remaining upper-level divine structure turned into a fine crystallized storm and blew into the mortal world, forming a silver-white vortex over the imperial capital. Massive nanocrystals gradually formed in the eye of the wind. Gathering and solidification, the scale continues to grow.

After a while,

A giant crystal gun made of crystals, which looks like some kind of complex tower building, shines with silvery brilliance and is suspended in the sky above the Hain Imperial Capital.

That is the main console that controls the time axis misalignment.

The divine authority from sequence two begins to operate.

On the border of Haiyin, the silvery white light turned into a wall of light and began to cut the empire.

The sky above the Imperial Capital was changing accordingly, leaving only a chaotic and disorderly vortex, surging above the heads of the people in the Imperial Capital.

The Hein Empire is being cut off from the mortal world in a literal sense.

Heaven's Love: "Don't be surprised, mortal people of the Heine Empire, God's love comes at a price. Reset the timeline and expel Sequence Five. This is the ultimate mission of you Heine people - accept your fate."

Tianzhi Ai looked at the panicked crowd in the distance and softly comforted the hesitant crowd.

They seemed to finally realize that they were about to be in trouble.


Tianzhi Ai looked at the two dead angels and a certain weak silver-haired imperial soldier.

Fortunately, all the factors that could turn the tide have been eliminated.

Three thousand years ago, it was this machine, under the control of Order and with the power of Sequence Two, that tore the timeline apart and forcibly grafted a section of the ancient timeline into the current Haiyin, allowing the two time-spaces to run in parallel. Evolve, and gradually assimilate and exchange matter with each other, gradually becoming indistinguishable from each other.

This instrument is very large in size and consumes a lot of material. After using most of the upper divine realm materials to control the crystallized ark, Tianzhi Ai's remaining nanomachines are only enough to manufacture such a machine.

This is the method conceived by Order to defeat Sequence Five.

She forcibly created two Heyin by grafting a broken timeline,

It will take three thousand years to blur the boundary between the sea of ​​origin and the false sea. When the time is right, reset the timeline and return the false sea to its proper time and space. At the same time, the sea of ​​origin will also be Expelled together.

This doesn't really kill Sequence Five.

But this can perfectly drive Sequence 5 out of the battlefield, leaving a vacancy in Sequence 5 in today's time and space - at that time, find the artificial servant race No. 5, imitate the steps of prosperity and ascend to the gods, and seize the Sequence through a ritual. The god of the fifth.

Plan completed.

This plan is impeccable. The only flaw that can be called a flaw is that it will kill all the mortals in the Hein Empire.

After all, the original timeline where Fake Heine was located was simply a primitive wilderness where humans could not survive.

But of course,

This is harmless.

To be on the safe side, Tianzhi Ai originally planned to kill Laihein Hein before activating the machine.

However, if Rhine enters True Heine and awakens Sequence Five, things will only become more troublesome.

Tianzhi Ai: "Maybe you can't see that scene."

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