Then in the next few days, Laing will work hard to compensate these three bosses with his body.

But just when Rhine was about to shut down the communication and start preparing the medicine,

Rhine counted the days and suddenly realized something.

Autumn... seems to be here.

So, Rhine immediately edited another message.

[Dear, have you heard of it? Among us humans, it is popular for girlfriends to make the first transfer of money to boys in autumn, right? 】


Rhine sent it to all his licking cats.

next moment,

Wallet arrived...

One, six, two, seven, eight hundred, billion, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, million, original, original, original, original—


Rhine's corrupt style had no intention of hiding it from his wife.

As a wife, although she was dissatisfied with her husband's misbehavior, she also knew that she could not satisfy her husband, so she could only hide in a place where her children could not see her and shed tears every day.

She is so sad——

She is really sad——

She is really sad that her husband is taken over by another woman——

Priphimus knew that her efficiency in making money was far less efficient than assisting Rhine as a mistress, so she concentrated on playing the role of Rhine's wife. She was responsible for watching her husband leave in despair when Rhine was taken away by a woman. Go back and the dog barks.

However... as time went by, Purephimos, who was originally just assisting Rhine's leek, gradually felt... that she seemed to be a bit into the drama.

Now whenever I see Rhine,

Her affectionate words "Husband——" would almost come out of her mouth uncontrollably.

And whenever Purephimus called Rhine like this, Rhine would always respond with a gentle smile.

It was as if...she really regarded Purephimus as her wife.

Originally, the two of them were just joining in to provide the best service to customers. ,

But recently, when looking at Rhine's gentle and affectionate eyes, Priphimos was... a little too shy to look directly at her.

And when sometimes,

On a rare occasion when Rhine didn't have to go out to work, she stayed home and slept in her bedroom.

Priphimus looked at her old enemy's handsome and peaceful sleeping eyes, and her mood was always filled with inexplicable joy.

Ah, my husband is finally willing to stay at home with me today.

Purephimus smiled knowingly. In a daze, she couldn't tell whether the smile on her face was acting or...

Time passes like this day by day.

One month later, another week passed.

On this night, Rhine did not go out to fool around. Ever since she saw Rhine being taken away by other women every day in order to make money, Unonia's gratitude to Rhine became stronger day by day. In order to prevent her from repaying her kindness to Rhine, Rhine As usual, he stayed in Purephimus' bedroom to rest.

And late at night, when Priphimose was lying on the table, looking at Rhine in a daze, suddenly Priphimose became energetic and stood up suddenly.

Her senses suddenly detected an existence that was so powerful that it was almost like a god. He tore apart the space, regarded the defensive barrier of the Sand Capital as nothing, and easily broke into the Imperial City of the Sand Capital.

Purephimus knew that under this situation, 90% of those who could do this would only be one kind of existence.

Rhine and Purephimus had been waiting for the opportunity for a whole month, and finally it appeared.'s Gu Long here.

455. Princess White Dragon and her lovely granddaughter, and the predicted ancient dragon harem

Under the tower that reaches the sky,

The orcs are holding a barbaric feast,

The green ocean is swaying endlessly on the earth, accompanied by the earth-shattering roars of the orcs. The crazy thoughts of billions of green crazies are being conveyed to the vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the world through the tower that reaches the sky.

In the endless silence of the deep space, some indescribable great souls were disturbed by these tiny ripples, and slowly cast their gaze towards this small but vibrant planet...

A historic encounter is about to begin.

Exactly what happened on this planet tens of thousands of years ago...


Right now.

The orcs suddenly discovered that above their heads, in the dark night sky, a deep crack suddenly appeared.

A huge snow-white shadow suddenly burst out of the crack and sprayed a ball of dragon's breath onto the garbage pile in the sky!

boom! !

The exploding dragon's breath contained astonishingly powerful magic. It was a blow that could kill a god. The spire of the garbage pile above the clouds suddenly broke, and the ceremony came to an abrupt end!

It's an ancient dragon!

The giant white dragon spread out her equally pure white wings, soared in the sky for a week, and then found the right moment to bombard the weak point of the garbage pile with a ball of dragon breath!

boom! !

The towering giant garbage pile began to tremble violently, and debris continued to fall down.

And the snow-white ancient dragon launched a fierce attack on Tongtian's altar.

The dragon's breath roared and exploded, and the tower quickly collapsed.

The green sea in the garbage dump was enraged. They roared like crazy, quickly pulled out various siege-level long-range firepower, and began to fire at the giant snow-white shadow in the sky.

However, the snow-white dragon simply ignored the ants under its feet and just focused on destroying the tower.

The great power from outside the universe was quickly destroyed and evaporated by the dragon's breath, because this white dragon had another great being from the stars who gave her supreme protection.

On the other side, among the orcs, a trembling mountain of meat was roaring at the giant dragon in the sky.

This orc is very strange. During the long war, more than half of his body is no longer flesh and blood, but mechanical parts filled with blessings from the galaxy.

He is the leader of this huge tribe of orcs numbering hundreds of millions.

He is called - "Poet".

And when the "poet" raised his giant mechanical claw, a giant cannon popped out of it, and locked onto the white dragon in the sky...

The space was torn apart again, and another portal opened behind the "poet".

A pair of giant snow-white wings cast a terrifying shadow on the top of the "poet's" head.

It was actually a second ancient dragon that joined the battlefield.

Compared with the first giant dragon, which is all white and spotless, although the second ancient dragon is also white, some flaws can still be found if you look closely, and her body shape is also much thinner than the ancient dragon in the sky.

Obviously, she was just the second-in-command in this battle.

The pure white dragon in the sky is responsible for destroying the altar that has established a connection with the god outside the sky.

The deputy is responsible for eradicating secondary targets.

The second white dragon set its sights on the "poet".

Passing through the space rift, the snow-white ancient dragon transformed into a form more suitable for fighting.

A beautifully dressed white-haired girl fell to the ground with an expressionless face.

On the battlefield, the furious orcs seemed to have noticed something, and they all retreated voluntarily, giving the two men a fighting space.

The two powerful beings looked at each other, and they determined that the other party was the powerful enemy they were going to fight to the death today.

The "poet" became excited.

This snow-white ancient dragon is powerful enough to be a formidable enemy that can add several sets of mechanical parts to his body!


The violent rage and bloodthirsty impulse almost opened the skull of this giant orc. He was going to twist off the head of this ancient dragon and throw it to the damn thing in the sky that kept destroying his hard work! !

The next moment, with a deafening roar, the "poet" began to run with all his strength, and the speed continued to increase. This mountain-like steel body quickly rushed towards the white dragon girl! !

The "Poet" is determined to crush this thin and frail little thing with just one blow!

However, the girl saw the giant beast approaching her, but she just... watched forcefully.

what is the reason?

This gave the orc the illusion that the pure and proud Demetria would challenge him in a duel?

I saw the white-haired girl folding her arms and calmly looking at the approaching "poet".


Just a second before the poet was about to smash the girl's body and twist off her head.

Eight space cracks opened around the "poet" at the same time! !

Eight peak demigods from all over the world took action boldly. Each of them launched an attack with all their strength, and instantly devoured the orcs with a dazzling light! !

The surging magic storm swept across the battlefield, and countless orcs died tragically in the aftermath of the eight bombardments.

As the smoke from the explosion dissipated,

The "poet" has completely disappeared.

He did not escape, but was completely caught in the explosion, leaving no trace of his death...

Poor "Poet" has been famous all his life, but he didn't expect to meet such a bastard young dragon with no martial ethics.

It is true that this orc leader, who commands hundreds of millions of orcs, has extremely strong combat power.

But facing the sneak attacks of eight peak-level demigods...

The "poet" is still dead without any suspense.

The white-haired girl turned around gracefully, took out eight compressed raw sheets with too many zeros to count, and handed them to the bosses.

The boss took the money, retracted his arm, and the space crack gradually disappeared.


Soon after,

The tall tower in the sky was finally cleared.

The snow-white dragon descended from the sky and also transformed into a white-haired woman.

This beautiful and solemn face was almost unknown to everyone in the ancient world.

The agent of sequence three,

messenger of destiny,

The ancient dragon princess, Olivia.

The person on the other end who was performing the mission with her was the child of Olivia's relative, a newcomer with a promising future.


I have to say that taking this child out is really the right choice.

Olivia obviously brought her own thugs, but in the end she had to tip the expenses of eight mercenaries and three times the remuneration.

Demetria walked up to Princess Gu Long and said calmly:

"Grandma, the enemy has been dealt with."

Demetria doesn't seem to have any shame about her prodigal behavior - as a noble pure white dragon, and a young dragon reborn in the sixth era, Demetria's pampered and pampered short-term dragon life During this time, she had not yet realized that there was any need to conserve and use the white scrap metal that was piled up in one dimensional warehouse after another.

Olivia: "Yeah."

Olivia did not express her position on her great-granddaughter's prodigal behavior. After all, now...she has more things to worry about.


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