Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 155: You are Lu Xingzhi, but so

"You're early too."

"I went to sit in front, I don't have good eyesight, so I won't sit with you." Liu Bailu really didn't want to sit with Lu Xingzhi, but it is undeniable that she still has a little envy.

When she was in school, teachers and classmates still liked her.

However, when she came to this university, she only realized that if she didn't have good grades and good personality, others would like you.

You have to be pretty.

"Okay." Lu Xing knew nothing.

The class guide came quickly, and Sun Jiaheng stood on the podium, still in a lazy state.

"How's everyone going on the weekend? Are you happy? Jingcheng has a lot of delicious food. Have you all eaten?"

"Class guide, we can't afford to visit Beijing! Consumption is much larger than our small cities. Let's just stay in the dormitory and play games!" A boy said jokingly.

The other boys followed, "Yes. Class guide, we are poor! We can't afford to stroll."

"Aren't you studying finance? It doesn't matter. When you learn to invest, you will have money." Sun Jiaheng shrugged.

Then he knocked on the rostrum, "Let's get back to business, there are still a few class committees in the class. Who do you recommend yourself? Let's talk to the monitor first. Does anyone want it? Or recommend it?"

"Class guide, I think it's appropriate for Xiaozhi." After half a month of getting along, during the military training period, everyone in the class called Luxingzhi Xiaozhi.

"Yes, yes, little knowledge is fine."

"We recommend Xiaozhi."


The students in the class followed suit, and after Sun Jiaheng took control of the scene, he said, "Since everyone recommends Lu Xingzhi, the position of the class leader is left by ..."

"Wait a minute." Lu Xingzhi raised his hand and stood up. "I have opinions and you all recommend me. Why don't you ask me if this party is willing."

"Xiaozhi classmates, I think since the students choose you, it means that you have this ability. You can't live up to the enthusiasm of the classmates, right?" Sun Jiaheng said earnestly.

"I don't live in school most of the time, I can't control anything. I can't be a class cadre, and I'm lazy. I might still take a long vacation." Lu Xingzhi was most afraid of affairs, when he was in high school, She just doesn't want to.

"Since that is the case, you have to choose again!" Sun Jiaheng would not reluctantly.

In the end, the monitor chose a boy.

Liu Bailu volunteered for the study committee.

These are just these things in the morning, and they are officially class in the afternoon.

Back to the dormitory with Liu Bailu, on the way, they met Xiong Yali and Ke Yanchu.

"Xiaozhi, I haven't seen you in two days, you are beautiful again." Ke Yanchu turned around Lu Xingzhi, "Your skirt is so beautiful, it must be expensive!"

"Not my money, I can't afford it myself." Lu Xingzhi said honestly.

"It's not a matter of money. It's worn on me, and it doesn't necessarily look good." Ke Yanchu shook his head. "I'm short, you're wearing a skirt that goes all the way to the calf. I'm wearing a mop."

"Very self-knowledge!" Xiong Yali patted her shoulder. "Don't be discouraged, at least you have a loli face."

"You are Lu Xingzhi? I thought she looked like Tianxian, but I didn't live like this." A girl came over, looking at Lu Xingzhi, her eyes arrogant and disdainful.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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