Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 200: You gave her the chance

Shen Zhizi's nails were burrowed into the meat, trying to keep a smile. "These remarks are too exaggerated. But it is good luck to accompany you. What a genius piano girl, fairy comes out."

What does Lu Xing know?

If she is so popular with her popularity, then what is her hard work over the years.

Lu Xingzhi has taken Huo Jinchen, hasn't even the talent of piano taken away?

Her Shen Zizi's piano is the best, she is the best temperament pianist.

Listening to Shen Zhezi's words, Helianchi frowned. He thought that if the two men introduced by Shen Zhezi, his concert would definitely not be as popular as it is now.

Even if Shen Zhenzi was sitting there, his concert would not have the effect as it is now.

"Sister Zi Zi, is there anything wrong with you coming to me today?" Helianchi did not want to talk to her about this topic.

No need.

Shen Zhenzi felt as if she had hit her with a punch, and she said so much in order to let Helianchi help her.

As a result, Helianchi was so calm.

"Well, how did you find Lu Xingzhi? Was it recommended by the third brother? Did she want to go this way? Isn't the third brother paving the way for her?" Shen Yanzi was jealous. She didn't expect Huo Jin Chen could do this for Lu Xingzhi.

"It has nothing to do with the third brother. It was Lu Xingzhi who I asked for myself." Helian sighed. "If it was not for the shame of the third brother, she wouldn't help me at all."

"then you……"

"Sister Zi Zi, are you here today to tell me about this?" Helianchi was actually very disappointed. He thought that at least Shen Qi Zi would apologize to him first.

"Well ..."

What else Shen Zhenzi wanted to say, Helianchi had interrupted her.

"Sister Zi Zi, you have just returned home! Hurry up and take a rest. You look bad, and have some rest before you talk about it." He Lianhe didn't want to say anything, he was tired of hearing these things.

Lu Xing knows well, but it has nothing to do with him.

If the third brother does not like Lu Xingzhi, he would do something similar, but the third brother really likes her.

"Well, do you think I'm annoying?" Shen Yan's purple eyes rose again. "I just can't control it. I think the third brother is so fond of Lu Xingzhi, I'm uncomfortable. I was thinking about going to the piano This area is the best, but when I returned to China, I found that Lu Xingzhi shines in your concert. "

Knowing this, Shen Zhizi would not go to France.

Otherwise, it would be her who shines.

Shen Ye Zitian really thinks that Lu Xingzhi just smashed Helian's passion. If she was playing piano at a concert, it would definitely be more wonderful than Lu Xingzhi.

But she forgot that many audience members could know her, all through Helian.

It was Helien howling her sister that helped her a lot.

People are not new to her, and they don't even look at her more.

"Sister Zi Zi, originally, she didn't have to shine. Didn't you give her this chance?" Helianji didn't know what to say, and who can't blame this matter.

"But, you don't need to find Lu Xingzhi! You can find other people. Do you know what kind of relationship I have with her?" Shen Zhezi finally couldn't control, and her voice increased by a few decibels. .

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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