Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 116: Day of fall

   Waves and swells on the sea, like the last days, there are explosions everywhere, the screams of sailors, the "creaking" of the fracture of the steel structure, and of course, there are also the muffled sounds of countless heavy objects falling into the water.

  Clothing, shoes and hats, photos, sheets and bedding, toiletries, and even floating corpses in life jackets. Waves surging one after another, rolling them up into the sky, and then throwing them into the sea again.

The hull of the ship was slowly separated by the disintegrating light of the mechanical sentry. The steel trash tens of meters in diameter was slowly submerged into the seabed. The crew standing on the antenna tower clinging to the satellite antenna and not letting go would inevitably fall into the water. Then it was overturned by a wave and caught in the vortex caused by the evaporation of seawater by the stalker's particle fragmentation cannon.

   Da Tuan Da Tuan lubricating fluid gushes from the power cabin and the electromechanical room, and overflows the sea, rendering patches of dazzling oily waters.

A rubber dinghy was crowded with soldiers who jumped into the sea to escape. They were trembling and huddled together, watching with horror at the giants around them turning and overturning, then spit out countless bubbles, slowly sinking into the water, and finally buried on the seabed. .

The flag embroidered with the "Celtic" holy sword is floating on the sea, along with a lot of rubbish, it is soaked in water, beaten by waves, and polluted by oil stains, and finally washed away by the toilet, sinking into a whirlpool. deep.

   A jay-billed gull gunship flew by. It wanted to put down the ladder and rescue a major officer on the side deck of a frigate ship whose half of the hull sank into the water. Suddenly, bubbles surged on the water, and a round, shining silver energy ball rose from bottom to top, like a galloping soap bubble, hitting the chassis of an armed helicopter with a "wave".

   The electric charge film burst, and the highly compressed antiparticle lightning burst into a burst of dazzling and dazzling light.

"Boom!" Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the bottom of the long-billed gull seemed to be hollowed out by an invisible hand. Numerous broken rubber tubes sprayed out large bursts of electric sparks. There were also two drivers, lower body. It evaporates directly, revealing an extremely bright red abdominal cavity. Blood rained on the faces of officers waiting for rescue on the side of the frigate deck that turned over, followed by organs of various colors and large intestines with blood and smell.

   "Oh..." The major turned blue and couldn't help vomiting violently.

"Buzzing..." The jay-nosed gull gunship that lost control plunged into the sea with a "wow" at a 45-degree depression angle. The high-speed rotating propeller swept across the water, and an inflatable boat in front was too late to escape. The seven sailors on the boat seemed to be thrown into a meat grinder, directly cut into pieces of minced meat, and splashed all around, driven by the airflow.

Major   's face was more ugly, his vomiting worsened, and almost all the acid in his stomach was poured out.

   This is a shocking scene. For the sea battlefield with a radius of more than 3,000 meters, it is only equivalent to the behind-the-scenes footage of a major production movie. A bunch of particle beams were shot from underwater, causing countless vortices, and at the same time they shot down gunship helicopters hovering in mid-air, stirring up cascading waves on the otherwise unstable sea.

Several helicopters tried to fight back toward the sea, and depth-water bombs were thrown into the sea. However, their blind attacks like blind strikes, except for a surge of air, brought even more to the survivors who were floating on the water. Apart from the casualties, it has no impact on those Protoss units at all.

The water vapor is permeated, the raindrops are flying, the phase splitting bombs sprayed by the dragon knight are like one after another, rising from the surface of the water, drawing a very round parabola in the air, and then very "shyly" landing on the two remaining guided missile destroyers. On the stern deck, communication tower, and bow air defense missile system of the ship on the right.

   Three muffled sounds of "wave, wave, wave" came, and a large number of antimatter particles spread out, and all charged particles on the trajectory of movement had a neutralization effect. Within the radiation range of energy lightning, all matter was turned into dust.

At this moment, when viewed from a distance, the guided missile destroyer Antorin is like a creamy ice cream with pits dug out by a spoon. Three craters with a total radiation area of ​​hundreds of square meters directly cut the ship’s body into three sections. Some of the crewmembers who were lucky enough to survive stared blankly at the super-large "skylight" above their heads from the bottom of the hull, and cold sweat trickled down their cheeks.

   On the fiery red steel structure at the edge of the upper deck, some half-length bodies of the crew were lying sideways, blood gushing out from the wound, converging into a line, and flowing down the section. "Papa, papa..." drop by drop fell on the bottom deck.

   "Ah, ah..."

   There was a cry of wailing. It was an act of losing a hand or a leg to relieve the pain in the body and to vent the fear of the undead.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a series of explosions, and then the crew felt their feet shaking. Accompanied by a creak of steel bars, Antorin's huge hull began to tilt back. A large amount of sea water poured into the stern tank from the opening of the phase splitting bomb on the side of the ship, and many heavy objects on the deck fell rapidly, which undoubtedly increased the sinking speed of the battleship.

Nakamura looked at the scene out of the window with a dull face. The celebration party turned into a memorial service. The smell of champagne was still rippling in the air, but everyone present was in no mood to toast again, laugh again, and imagine the beautiful sunshine of Mond. Beach.

   The fear of death is flowing on everyone's face. Today's Izumo is like a flat boat in the trembling ocean, and it is in danger of sinking at any time.

"Sonar team, what do you eat? Why didn't you find the enemy approaching? Why?" Nakamura snarled loudly. At this moment, he has lost his former calmness, just like those two trembling violently on a weapon display rack. The samurai sword gives people a sense of restlessness.

   "Ship... Captain, the sonar system cannot lock the target."

"Can't lock the target?" Nakamura's face was even more ugly. This sudden enemy not only had a powerful firepower far surpassing the government army, but also had the ability to hide in terror. This made him feel numb in his limbs and hands and feet. Cold, a sense of powerlessness filled my mind.

   "What about those underwater reconnaissance robots, they... can they always find something?"

   The crew in front of the monitor array raised their heads and glanced at him with some fear: "Captain, underwater... the underwater cameras are almost completely destroyed..."

   "Pop." The wine glass in Nakamura's hand fell to the ground, and the rose-colored liquor was smeared into a ball.


   At this moment, on the water 15KM away from the sea fleet, Tang Fang sat quietly on the back of the Euglena and cast his eyes on the patrol route of the submarine formation. While the protoss unit mixed squad composed of stalkers, mechanical sentries, and dragon knights attacked the sea fleet, the sniper mission against the **** submarine was also launched at the same time.

   Unlike the big scene on the sea, the underwater scene can only be seen by the commander who shares his vision with the combat unit.

   There are 24 nuclear submarines, which is more than the formation of guided missile destroyers on the sea.

Underwater battles, no smoke, no fire, only dull explosions and billowing surges, one after another submarine was pierced by the stalker’s particle fragmentation cannon, and one end plunged into the silt on the seabed, splashing countless dust , Polluted the originally clear sea water.

   Other submarines were hit by the dragon knight’s phase shattering cannon in the belly of the ship, blasting large holes, and the sea water poured in, swallowing the lives of all crew members in a blink of an eye.

Fanatics and mechanical sentinels are like doctors holding a scalpel shell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In those disobedient "patients", open a series of fiery red gaps, and then look at all kinds of "organs" , Or stop pacing, stop peristalsis, or directly explode and crack. Of course, there are countless "minced meat" that drifted around under the scouring of the ocean currents, and then were eaten as an appetizer by meat-eating fish, pecked into bones wrapped in blood-red meridians.

   Even if they put on the power armor and survived the flooding, the poor crew still cannot escape the fate of death. The stalker’s particle shattering cannon, the dragon knight’s phase splitting bomb, and the disintegrating light of the mechanical sentry, like the maggots of tarsus, will kill them one by one. This is tantamount to killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, no matter what form of attack, under a single blow, waiting for those poor bugs will all end with no bones.

  The action of sniping submarines is much faster than the end of the battle on the sea, because there is less interference from armed helicopters and underwater reconnaissance robots.

   In this battle, he doesn't plan to let anyone go, because Grant said that there is a large space-based weapon, an ion cannon, on Harto Star Harbor. Although this weapon of mass destruction is unlikely to be applied to the local people due to the problem of international influence, but in the face of stalkers and dragon knights who are obviously alien, God knows whether Aldridge will jump the wall. , Go to Ramsden for help.

   For the sake of his own life, while driving the illusion of the fish to confuse the opponent's sight, and controlling the dragon knight to clean up the underwater reconnaissance robots first, he ordered the stalker to kill the aerial vehicle.

   As for the mechanical sentry, he did a dismemberment of the crazy demon, cutting and separating the large and small ships on the water one by one, and sent them to the deep sea hell.


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