Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 352: Mighty Morningstar

"Commander, I have forwarded the operation instructions of the shield system to the bridge, and the ship officer Yuffi is arranging for manual study. :top:dot:3..o"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work these days." Tang Fang thanked him. Regardless of Emma's indifference, he opened the core and core airtight chamber in the manual console, and then walked to the core of the universal force field generator to connect to the psychic energy. Flame adjusts the operating mode of the shield from the zero-element "high energy level" to the "low energy level" of nuclear power. That is, the type of shield is changed from "universal shield" to "plasma shield".

After adjusting, he turned and walked to the console, connected to the bridge, and ordered Yuffi to notify the pilot crew and off-ship engineers to prepare for the trial. Then, walk out of the Morningstar, enter an equipment control room in the relay station harbor area, open the airport gate, and push the berthing platform of the Morningstar to the landing pad.

After that, board the ship from the fast track and walk straight into the bridge.

Naval officer Yuffi, deputy captain Grant, staff officer Nehemiah, artillery group Churchill and others are ready. Claire yawned and sat on the sofa on the side of the command level of the bridge, Zhou Ai also had distressed eyes, as if she was not getting enough sleep.

Tang Fang thought that something had happened, so he did not rush to issue a trial flight order and walked up to the two of them to ask the reason. Zhou Ai explained, and he figured out the reason. It turned out that the two were tossed by Linglong most of the night last night. It was already 3 am when they slept, and they were woken up by Yuffi’s whole ship broadcast earlier this morning. 4 or 5 hours of sleep, it’s strange not to fall asleep again and again.

Speaking of which, he also heard about Linglong's "apprenticeship", but he didn't expect the girl to work so hard. Zhou Ai promised her. After all, everyone is a "hometown" relationship, but it is reasonable. Why would you even think that Claire would be pulled into the water.

"Captain... Captain..." At this moment, Yuffi next to the front central command platform interrupted their conversation. The report said: "The inspection of power, navigation, ship power and other systems has been completed, and the sea trial is ready at any time."

Tang Fang nodded, glanced at the central display, and ordered: "Go."

The driving crew got the order, set the route, and started the booster engine. With the hull connected to the docking platform's stabilizing equipment disconnected. The tail thruster of the Morningstar spewed out a blue light, and the hull slowly moved out of the berth and entered the shield space outside the relay station.

"Activate the shield system." After the Morningstar drove a certain distance, Tang Fang issued a second instruction.

"The power of the reactor is 91%, plasma jet is injected, the countdown to the shield system goes online, 10, 9, 8... the star ring is deployed, and the shield system is online."

After 10 seconds, the countdown ends. The outer covers of the six equipment wells on the belly of the Morningstar were opened, and the telescopic rods of the universal force field generator popped out, stretched in sections, and then unfolded into a ring structure.

Then, a large group of blue-blue fluid ejected from the stellar ring fissure, and under the constraint of the force field, like the previous "Aurora", forming a plasma shield with a spindle structure.

"Successful!" Even though they knew that Tang Fang had great confidence in doing this, Zhou Ai and Claire couldn't help but exclaimed.

Grant, Nehemiah and others are also happy. The general force field generator is transplanted to the Morningstar, and how will it increase the capabilities of the warship. Just thinking about it is exciting.

In Lancelot's hands, it was a prodigal lady, but when it was aboard the Morningstar, it became a virtuous man and wife. Under normal circumstances, the plasma shield can be activated by a nuclear reactor. To achieve the purpose of protecting ships. In some difficult environments, you can also switch modes, switch on the zero element reactor, and activate a universal shield like "Aurora".

Previously in Marion's fleet, the Morningstar was just a new warship. It is no different from the Lightning Python-class destroyer of the Charles Federation. However, since it was in Tang Fang's hands, it was really a shotgun change, and Zhang Wuji had practiced Nine Yang Gong.

Not to mention that the Morningstar also has strategic stealth/transition components such as the "Nero-particle Space Effect Field Generator", combined with the "Universal Force Field Generator", this is an invincible destroyer.

Of course, the Morningstar has a great lack of attack power. Because it is a destroyer with a total length of 200 meters, it is difficult to be equipped with heavy weapons. It only has a two-string 200-track cannon group and 120 fast guns arranged in a plum blossom pattern below. Array, and deep space torpedo launch system.

Such a weapon system is okay to hit destroyers and frigates. When it comes to large main battleships such as heavy cruisers and battleships, it is somewhat stretched in terms of firepower.

However, as long as Tang Fang sits on the bridge, all problems will be solved. There are Corruptors, Flying Dragons, Viking Fighters, and Ravens. Morningstar is like a fearless aircraft carrier, a miniature fortress.

With such a warship here, although the Xinghai is wide, you can go there.

"Captain, you have arrived at the border of the relay station shield. Please tell me." About a quarter of an hour later, the Morningstar drove to the edge of the relay station shield area. Ship Officer Yuffi stopped his work and looked back at Tang Fang.

"Order the driving crew and powerhouse members to get ready, let's get started."

"Yes." Yu Fei promised, and in accordance with the established plan, sent instructions to the members of the major systems.

"Engine thrust 46%, current coordinates, end star 67.55n, 254.54, altitude 40000."

"The zero element reactor is running, the shield mode starts to switch, the anti-gravity engine starts, the extreme environment adaptation subsystem is online, all boosters are ignited, and the special cleaning equipment is on standby. It is expected to rush out of the protection zone in 5 seconds."


The "Aurora" blended with the isolation shield released by the relay station, and the Morningstar resembled a swimming fish that broke through the bubbles. It emerged from the reserve at one end and was completely exposed to the harsh high-altitude atmosphere of the terminal star.

Gale winds roared around the hull, and the complex gas composition formed clouds of different depths, like espresso coffee rotating rapidly under the agitation of chopsticks. The colorful clouds and waves generally surging, and lightning flashes from time to time, adding a touch of brilliance to the restless final star.

There are almost five gravitational forces on the terminal star. Morningstar has started the zero-element engine, with plasma engine, anti-gravity booster, extreme environment adaptation subsystem, auxiliary balance equipment, etc. to counter the harsh navigation environment of terminal star .

Everyone held their breath and stared at the large central screen, and Yuffi, Nehemiah, Joey and others even clung to the edge of the device. Prepare for the shock that may arise.

However, something unexpected happened. Under such a harsh environment, the Morningstar was like catkins flying in March, without a trace of strength. On the display screen of the extreme environment adaptation system, the output power of the zero element engine is 0. The anti-gravity booster stays on standby, there is no alarm, no long buzzing, everything is the same, just like in the protection zone of the relay station.

Outside the "Aurora", hurricanes approaching the speed of sound raged into disaster, thunderstorms resembled winds and waves, and gloomy clouds shone with blue light, like the end of the world. "Aurora" inside and outside. The difference between heaven and hell.

"This... this... it's amazing." Churchill looked at the central screen with a dull expression. The wind is roaring and the waves are violent outside, but the Morningstar is calm, as if not in the same space and time.

Grant, Nehemiah, Zhou Ai and others all looked at each other with "shock" written on their faces. This is the end star, a standard gas giant planet. The Morning Star that activated the "Aurora" shield could see the storm and gravity as nothing, which is amazing.

Sitting on the captain's seat, Tang Fang smiled and took a cup of tea, taking a sip. Do it leisurely. Sure enough, as he expected. "Aurora" did not disappoint him.

Before the transplantation project was over, he had already planned to sail on the final star. Needless to say, the plasma shield and the defensive capabilities of the "Aurora" do not require experimentation. What Tang Fang cares about is how the "Aurora" will perform in extremely harsh environments.

Since the Epsilon relay station that uses fusion energy can gain a foothold on the Terminal, what about the Morningstar equipped with a universal force field generator? Will it also be able to adapt to this dangerous environment?

We must know that in the particles of the "Aurora", there are gravitons, which can form a mass effect field. Distorting or offsetting external forces, adapting to a hurricane climate like the end star is not a difficult task.

Facts proved that his idea was correct. The Morningstar transplanted with "Aurora" has not only greatly improved its defenses, but also its adaptability. It can run smoothly under the conditions of high gravity and strong storms like Terminal Star.

"Okay. Go back. Let's take a day off. Everyone is ready to set off tomorrow at 8 am and target the Tianchao area." After confirming the airworthiness of the Morningstar, Tang expressed his plan to the bridge.

Grant, Zhou Ai and others had heard about it, and they all nodded to show that they knew. Yuffi first conveyed the return instruction, and then informed all the crew of the trip to the Tianchao star area through the whole ship's broadcast.

There were only 200 people around the Morningstar, many of whom were saved by Tang Fang during the Battle of Crotan, so naturally there would be no objections.

A few minutes later, the Morningstar slowly drove into the invisible protection zone following the incoming route. The "Aurora" faded slowly, the shield system was offline, and the Morningstar sailed to the docking platform of the relay station at a constant speed.

After the modification of s, the Morningstar today is slightly different from before. There are more cylindrical external gas tank compartments on the belly of the ship, which are used to store plasma raw materials.

Compared with the "Silver Wheel", the ring of Morningstar has shrunk significantly. The diameter of the ring has changed from 200 meters before to more than 60 meters, which is slightly wider than the trident-shaped propeller array at the tail.

During the flight, the starring on the belly of the Morningstar did not retract, but slowly turned, and the light blue material was sucked into the fissures around the starring crystals like soothing flowing water.

This is another function of the universal force field generator, which absorbs free hydrogen and helium plasma in space. Like a relay station, the Ypsilon battleship is generally equipped with a high-power fusion reactor.

Similar to the solar sail spacecraft built by humans in the past, endless energy is the eternal pursuit of every civilization and race in the universe, and the Ypsilons are naturally no exception.

The universe is not actually "vacuum." In a seemingly empty and dark environment, there is background radiation, various rays, star dust, and a lot of plasma.

Whether it is solar storms, flares, or daily burning, stars will throw large amounts of hydrogen and helium particles into the universe.

As a creation of Epsilon, the universal force field generator transplanted by Tang Fang from the "Silver Wheel" in addition to its protective function also integrates a plasma collection module to collect interstellar free hydrogen, helium and other fusion elements , For the fusion reactor of the battleship and the plasma shield in the "low energy consumption" mode.

The Morningstar is just a destroyer, unable to install a huge nuclear fusion reactor, naturally it cannot achieve unlimited acceleration. However, they can be collected and used as raw materials for plasma shields.

"It would be great if we could get the controllable nuclear fusion technology of the Ypsilon clan." Looking at the relay station on the central screen getting closer and closer, Tang Fang muttered to himself.

The scientific and technological information obtained at Namistar is the refining technology of zero source element isotope. And the method of using the fission energy of the earth's core. There is no fusion related information. After coming to the Meghal star system, I found a relay station on Terminal, which contained fusion reaction facilities. However, the relay station is only a transportation hub, not a scientific research facility, only finished products. There is no technical information.

If one day masters the technology of the Ipsyron’s micro-fusion reactor, then the Morningstar with him will be completely transformed into a mobile fortress.

The silver-gray painting passed over the monitors on both sides, and the Morningstar slowly entered the relay station dock.

When he stopped, Tang Fang told Grant and Nehemiah to plan the itinerary and familiarize himself with the star map of the Tianchao star area, the distribution of forces, and the current situation. He turned and walked out of the bridge. Enter the relay station and walk towards the central control room in the inner ring area.

As early as when he got rid of the giant snake and occupied the relay station, he had inspected the star map of Ypsilon in the psionic flame, and also glanced at the distribution of the relay station.

For transportation hubs like relay stations, the Ypsilon people built a total of 18 in the Hilumbel region. Basically, there will be one such relay station every 80-150 light-years.

The Monya Empire has. There are also in the territory of the Charles Federation, as are the Sulu Empire and the Republic of Date. The Tianchao area is no exception. Not only are there relay stations, but their identifier level is even higher than that of the terminal station.

After entering the central control room, connecting to the psychic flame, browsing the star map again, and reconfirming the existence of the relay station in the Tianchao star area, Tang Fang used the relay station's quantum communication equipment. Send a relocation request to the relay station in the Tianchao star area.

As a family of Ipsilons whose technological level far exceeds that of human beings, their attainments in the field of quantum communication are different from those of human beings. Under normal circumstances, the establishment of an information channel for a hundred light grade level, but only a few seconds to ten seconds, even cross-border communication. One or two minutes is enough.

However, what surprised Tang Fang was that more than half an hour after the relocation request was sent, the relay station in the Tianchao star area sent a set of azimuth coordinates.

From the star chart alone, the distance between the Megall star system and the relay station in the Tianchao region is only more than 200 light-years. How could it take so much time? It's really strange, is there any cosmic phenomenon between the Tianchao star area and the Megall star system that hinders the connection speed? Or, what happened to the relay station in the Tianchao star area, for example, it was occupied by epic creatures such as giant snakes and cyclops, so what happened?

For example, the relay station of Terminal Star, although the super-curved piloting function is still there, it has been swallowed by giant snakes and mushroom monsters over the years, and the stock of veggies is already less than 30 tons. Fortunately, they came in time, otherwise, maybe When the relay station will be exhausted due to zero elements, it will lose the super-curved jump piloting ability, and even affect the operation of shields and life support systems. This is also the reason why Tang Fang didn't collect it, knowing that there were some spare resources in the relay station.

The relay station, as the hub of the hyper-flexible transition, is unquestionably precious. It is also a springboard for his future counterattack against Monya, a military fortress that belongs only to himself. Naturally, he would not do such a thing as a fisherman and a road to his own back.

Forget it, what are you doing? Since there is a response from the Tianchao area, it means that the relay station is still operating. The "Nertial Particle Spatial Effect Field Generator" can conduct super-high curved interstellar navigation based on the azimuth coordinate value sent by the relay station in the Tianchao star area. What is the reason? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, with the current combat power of Morningstar, even if there are creatures like giant snakes, there is no need to worry.

Next, after setting the operating parameters of the relay station, Tang Fang left the central control room and returned to the Morningstar bridge.

Nehemiah is browsing the star map of the Tianchao area with Grant. If it is started from the Megal star system, excluding factors such as man-made, border interception zone, etc.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the speed of Morningstar, it will reach the sky. Chaoxing District, how can it take more than six months.

"Tang Fang, is this going to the Tianchao star area, is it sailing at normal speed? Or is it to use the ultra-high speed jump of the'zero element space effect field generator'?"

For this problem, Grant looked for him on the ship for most of the day. Tang Fang once explained to them the operating principle of the "Nero-particle Space Effect Field Generator" that if there is no relay station in the Tianchao area, it will naturally not be able to perform ultra-high curved speed transitions and can only choose ordinary navigation methods.

Just as the ancient countries on the earth set up early warning posts on the border, in the cosmic environment, there is a natural military buffer zone between the border star systems of all countries. Depending on the distance between the two frontier star systems, the width of the buffer zone is also different, roughly in light-level units.

In such a military buffer zone, countries not only have frontline observation stations, a large number of curved velocity probes, and some warriors also have a cross-star system curved velocity interception chain.

As we all know, before human warships are engaged in interstellar voyages, the navigation system will calculate specific and complex flight parameters based on the star map, and then start the warp engine to distort the front time and space, expand the back time and space, construct a curved force field, and then enter the virtual space. Walk towards the destination. (To be continued...)

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