Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 537: Dove occupying magpie's nest

"Dilal" was attacked for nearly half a month, and the Morningstar finally hurried back "fastest."

Today’s “Dillard” is in a different form from the time when it travels. From the edge of the star system to the satellite “Christier” of “Laxsis”, the patrol boats, engineering ships, and medical ships of the 44th Fleet of the Star Alliance Navy are woven and swimming. Shuttle in the same starry sky.

The resupply space station that was originally deployed above "Christier" was torn apart under the attack of the First Fleet of the Hell Corps, turned into a pile of steel wreckage, and was pulled away by naval engineering ships.

The above-ground buildings in the industrial park were once again baptized by war. Nearly half of them were reduced to ruins. The defense and communication systems were paralyzed. They were devastated at first glance. Only the area around the connecting passage leading to the underground part barely maintained its original appearance.

The place where "Morning Star" appeared was near the sixth planet "Rudope". It was not because Captain Tang was cautious. He was forced out of virtual space. The culprit was 3 heavy interceptors and one A patrol fleet consisting of 30 frigates and 5 destroyers.

Being intercepted by someone at his door makes no one happy. Under Tang Fang's instructions, Yu Fei immediately sent a contact request to the patrol fleet to inform the identity information.

In her view, this is just a routine, because the "Morning Star" has long been known as the Star Alliance, and unless the patrol commander is blind, she will not be able to recognize the origin of her warship.

The commander of the patrol was naturally not blind, but he did not let him go immediately. Instead, he asked them to wait a while on the grounds that they needed to inform the fleet command.

Wait a moment...it is indeed a moment!

About half an hour later, only after receiving the "release" order from the Fleet Command, the fleet command layer did not even show its face, as if this was their chassis. Rather than the home of the "Morning Star", it seemed that Captain Tang was an insignificant little character, not worthy of personal reception by the generals of the headquarters.

This can be called arrogance, or premeditated.

Yuffi was a little unhappy, and Joey next to her gritted his teeth with hatred. When I was in "Jakartapur" before, whether it was Newton Bell or Dalton Evelyn, they were polite to him and Walton, and they were polite. Now they are on their own turf. But it depends on the colors of others.

Tang Fang sat in the captain’s seat, his expression unchanged, and ordered the pilot crew to continue heading towards "Christier", and casually said, "I think this is for our safety. Why are we all stern. I should be grateful. Correct."

Freya pulled it out of her arms, and said very seriously, "Tang Fang, you are lying."

Claire filled his glass with boiled water, smiled and said, "Oh, even Freya knows you are telling lies."

Tang Fang said, "Is the word'bad guy' engraved on my face?"

Everyone on the bridge nodded.

"Well, I admit that I am speaking without conscience."


After a while, the "Morning Star" reached the "Christier" high-altitude orbit. A longsword-class frigate sailed out of the shadow, it was the ship that Yasen Nicholas sent to pick up everyone.

After a brief conversation, the "Morning Star" drove behind it towards the back of "Christier".

Because the two space stations on the "Christier" high-altitude orbit have been damaged. The pirate fleet led by Chen Jian and Stephen Sue can only be anchored in space, like a helpless duckweed.

Not far away, a large space station is taking shape on the high-altitude orbit of "Laxsis". It comes from the Star Alliance Navy and is made up of specially made large ships. Like the ancient military camps, it provides supplies, maintenance, dispatch, and command for the frontline fleet.

The 44th Fleet is definitely a loyal naval fleet. David Conan ordered them to strengthen their defenses and protect "Dillard." In order to avoid being attacked by the Hell Legion or the Pirates again, they simply moved the headquarters to "Dillard". While helping "Morning Star Casting" and "Venus Pharmaceuticals" unconditionally clean up the battlefield and implement rescue work, while stepping up the construction of a military space station and laying a defensive net with "Laxsis" as the core.

If viewed from a far distance, the space-based defense facilities and the outlying patrol fleet deployed by the 44th Fleet look like two large nets, which tightly wrap "Christier" in the middle, as long as Harrington Harris’ Hells or Ai The pirate group of Burt, Baibeard and others came, and they would definitely encounter a head-on blow.

Of course, some people don't think so. Not only don't they feel safe, but they feel like they are in danger, such as Steven Sue.

"These **** are simply weasels giving New Year greetings to the chickens. They are not at ease."

This was the first sentence he said after seeing Captain Tang,

Yasen Nicholas’s face was also not very good-looking, he didn’t care about greetings, and said anxiously, “What are you thinking about? Or what are you planning? Now even the Star Alliance Navy is involved. Isn’t it too much trouble? ?"

"That's right... There is no reason to deliberately sell the old den to the enemy. It's good now. The wolf is leaving, and the tiger is blocking the door... The navy **** are simply monitoring and restricting us."

Steven Su said a lot more today than usual, because he couldn't afford to ride a sister. Why did Tang Fang do this?

In fact, even if Albert, Whitebeard, and the Black Pearl, Cobra, and Hannibal Pirates were not in the no man’s land to perform this scene, he and Chen Jian would find other excuses to lead the garrison fleet out for a tour. Therefore, Albert's stupid lack of taking out his nest as bait is purely clever.

But... from Albert's standpoint, he was forced to sell his nest. Why did Captain Tang sell his nest? What good will the destruction of the "Christier" industrial park do for him? No matter how you look at it, it is a painful thing for the adversary. Now it has attracted the Star Alliance Navy to play the dove occupying the magpie’s nest. To describe it in an unpleasant sentence, it is, Soldiers."

Stephen Sue, as a senior conspiracy theorist, on the one hand thinks that a smart person like Captain Tang cannot be so stupid as to do business that shot himself in the foot, but on the other hand he does not understand the attack on "Dillard". What benefits will it bring him.

Tang Fang did not answer his question, nor did he explain it to Yasen Nicholas. Instead, he asked Chen Jian, who was in charge of the intelligence collection work, "Tell me about the fleet's losses?"

"This operation resulted in the sinking of 15 frigates, 4 destroyers, and 1 cruiser. Another 40 warships suffered varying degrees of damage. There were also 3 warships left in the patrol in'Dillard' and were caught off guard by the Hell Corps. The first fleet sank, and the remaining ships escaped the battle according to the original plan and were able to be preserved. In addition...Albert's spies placed inside the fleet have been eradicated."

He nodded. Asked again: "Where are Ruskin and Sheridan?"

Chen Jian was about to tell him that he was on his way. Suddenly, the door of the Headless Horseman bridge opened, and Sheridan and Ruskin stepped into the bridge.

It can be seen that the two of them are full of spirits, and they are very different from the tragic situation of the ground buildings in the industrial park, and they are not like the attack.

Stephen Sue thinks that these two guys must have hatred with those who died. Otherwise, why their bones are not cold, these two **** are still smiling like a rose, but he watched the park staff who survived the war bury those who died in the war in the cold soil of "Christier". Names were carved on the broken stone tablet.

Tang Fang asked, "How is it?"

Sheridan asked for a cigar from the veteran. Sucked hard and gave him an "ok" gesture.

Ruskin added two more sentences: "Only Meteleev had some minor problems, and he was abducted by the landing troops belonging to the First Fleet of the Eye Legion. Life or death is unknown."

"It's okay." Tang Fang waved his hand: "As long as the military is not suspicious."

Sheridan stepped up smoking the cigar and wiped it out in the ashtray, saying: "The military does not need to worry. They have limited knowledge of the industrial park and it is impossible to investigate and deal with any omissions. It is the staff and the newly arrived Soviet Union. The Lu and Mongolian Asian laborers will inevitably show fear. Some people have found me in the past few days, hoping to send them away."

"Send them away." Tang Fang waved his hand: "The old saying is good. Real gold must be tempered by fire. Only those who dare to stay after a disaster can be trusted."

Sheridan nodded: "I'll go back and deal with this immediately."

Stephen Su was a little puzzled after hearing these words, he...he actually used this attack as a trial ground to test whether his employees are trustworthy? How ruthless a person can do it...

Ruskin walked up to Stephen Sue at some unknown time, hands folded. Intentionally or unconsciously said, "Do you believe in the phrase'seeing is believing'? Anyway, I will never believe it from now on."

Bai Yue got out of nowhere and looked at the two from a high altitude. After a long silence, he mumbled: "2 idiots."

The deputy commander's ears are very good. Hearing this furiously, he said: "What did you say? There is a kind of say it again."

Bai Yue said: "You can't beat me."

Stephen Su thought for a while, and felt that what he said was very reasonable. Not only could he not beat him, even if Chen Jian and Yasen Nicholas were added, the outcome would be up to 55 points, but... this kid's mouth is too awkward.

"Look... the truth is always harsh, and most lies are beautiful."

Stephen thought for a while, took Ruskin's arm and walked a little further, and continued to dig deeper into the meaning behind the sentence "Seeing is believing", not wanting to be true to this "brain-handicapped philosopher" living in reality.

At this moment, the Headless Horseman received a communication request from the "Morning Star" bridge from the 44th Fleet Command of the Star Alliance Navy.

Tang Fang stopped the conversation, walked to the captain's seat, and ordered the transfer to the large screen 1.

With little effort, the screen flashed, and a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, short hair and a little bit of scum on his chin appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm the deputy commander of the 44th Fleet of the Star Alliance Navy, Pompeii Clark."

The voice is loud, full of air, and there is an indisputable martial arts authority.

Tang Fang responded indifferently: "Tang Fang"

Different from Major General Pompeii's masculine, his voice is weak, like a fruit seller who wakes up from a nap in the midsummer, and makes people wonder if he has been hit so hard that he has lost his former vivaciousness and publicity.

Pompeii Clark did not care about Captain Tang’s mental state, nor did he care about the loss of the "Christier" industrial park. This time he connected to the "Morning Star" only to make a request or order, and the people over there also cooperated. Have to cooperate. You must cooperate if you don't cooperate.

"According to the command of the commander-in-chief of the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall Theater of the Star Alliance Navy, Admiral David Conan’s order, in order to ensure that Dillard will not be harassed by the Hell’s Legion and the pirate forces, the 44th Fleet I will stay here forever in the future, and I hope you can cooperate."

Tang Fang was not surprised. He continued to say in his sickly tone: "How is cooperation called?"

"The defense mission of the entire star system is entrusted to us. You only need to worry about commercial production. In the days to come, the Star Alliance Navy will protect your personal safety."

It can be seen that he is a difficult person, and his tone of voice is horrible when he says this. It seemed that it was not a discussion at all, but a notice to the detainee, with a cold face and a colder tone.

The literati has the loftiness of the literati, and the warrior has the pride of the warrior.

He looks down on businessmen who are digging everywhere and seeking profit. I also despise the insidious, cunning, long-sleeved politicians, who feel that these people are easy to work, greedy for life and fear of death, and have no masculinity. They are just a group of villains who play power.

To protect such a person, he feels wronged and not worth it.

Tang Fang's identity is very subtle. He is a businessman with some political attributes, and he is also a foreigner. If it hadn't been for a few words on sns TV that were pretty good, the major general would not even bother to say hello.

This is different from the arrogance of the nobles of the Monya Empire towards civilians, it is a professional arrogance.

Pompeii believes that he is a soldier, with his bounden duty to defend the people and his duty to protect the country, so. He is patriotic and dedicated, willing to sacrifice his life for the Star Alliance. So noble, so great. A ground mouse like Tang Fang who can only show off his scheming and power tricks should be in awe of him.

He really looked down upon the listless young man facing him.

Tang Fang did not immediately reply, moved his body slightly to the back, and shrank his whole body in the soft fur of the tiger skin cushion. He was not arrogant, not irritable, not anxious, and still said in that weak voice: "I finally know you. Why is it only a deputy commander because of his age."

"Huh." Pompeii Clark did not become irritated by this sentence. Of course, people with status would not care about small people. Even if this small person makes some people in the council troubled, but in his eyes, he is still a small person. Things like "Dillard" happened not long ago.

In front of the army, Tang Fang and his "Morning Star Casting" are just a clown who can't make it to the table. The only thing he is good at is to kidnap public opinion with despicable means, use the people of the Star Alliance as a shield, and run into the Hell Legion. Domineering forces can only be slaughtered like a coward, and then hide in the corner to lick the wound.

He really looked down on such a person, thinking that Captain Tang's retort was even more cowardly and incompetent, and he would only act quickly.

"The words I have brought...to this."

After speaking, without waiting for Tang Fang's reaction, he unilaterally cut off the connection.

No one spoke until Bai Yue started complaining for Tang Fang, but his point of view was strange, even saying that he was unique: "Have you paid taxes? Just pay taxes to raise a group of dogs to bark in front of yourself? I really feel worthless for you. "

Roy said: "The soldiers have to risk their lives to defend the country. They are very cute and respectable. Don't hack them."

Bai Yue asked in return: "So they can unscrupulously hack us? For example,'Diaomin'... I remember your homeland is the Monya Empire. When you were captured by Faraday for experiments, where were the soldiers who were supposed to protect you? Oh... they are watching Faraday's door."

Roy's face flushed, but he didn't know what to say to refute.

Bai Hao is not there right now, so Bai Yue is much more arrogant than usual.

Tang Fang still shrank in the silky fluff of Captain Xi's tiger-skin cushion, and the emotions on his lips were not real.

"What are you thinking?" Zhou Ai asked.

"He is very tugged."

Zhou Ai said, "You are also very dragged."

Captain Tang said: "I didn't drag him."

Zhou Ai said: "No...no...you are definitely more dragged than him. As the saying goes,'It's easy to stop the show, but it's hard to guard against it.'"

"Zhou Ai, who did you learn the kung fu of cheating? You are good at it."

Without thinking about it, the girl replied smoothly: "You."

Stephen Sue’s skin under his eyelids was shaking like a sieve, and he muttered: "Is there any mistake? Those in the Navy blocked the door of their house, and they were joking."

Chen Jian suddenly remembered something, looked at Captain Xi and asked, "Where is Byron? Where is Byron?"

Howson dropped his cigarette **** and said a very literary saying: "Whose new love is not someone else's old love."

The veteran said: "You obviously can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Captain Tang's family was careless and unconscious, the "Laxsis" High Altitude Orbit Star Alliance Navy 44th Fleet On the bridge of the flagship "Independence Day", Pompeii Clark stepped down from the captain's seat and looked at an Asian woman much younger than him, and said, "Why did you give me this job? Knowing that I hate people like him. "

"I also know that you don't like me." A smile flew from the corner of the woman's mouth, charming and sultry, and squinted and said: "If I said that I did this to irritate him, would you believe it?"

Pompeii said: "What good is this for you?"

"Don't you think it's fun to molest a bereaved dog?"

"Huh, Mie Nakamura, if someone like you is doing this, it must be better than what I did."

"So you can only be my deputy-a big man like you, to be a deputy for a little woman like me." She smiled and said, very happy, very splendid, just like high-hanging nine days The big sun above. (To be continued)

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