Tech Translator

Chapter 30 The Gray Rhino in the Translation World

The number of users of intelligent voice input method is as high as 30 million.

At about one o'clock on January 10, users successively received pushes from Qingci Technology's intelligent translation software.

The input method is only the Android version, and the Android users are the first to come into contact with the intelligent translation software.

In fact, this is also normal. The software has just been developed, and Apple's review is notoriously long. There won't be an Apple version of the software anytime soon.

Lu Wenyuan, an old professor at the School of Languages ​​at Yenching University.

He has retired for several years and was hired back to work at the school. Has been engaged in the translation of famous works at home and abroad.

In recent years, fingers have become less and less flexible, and computer typing is very slow.

Now he holds a smartphone in his hand and uses the smart voice input method to record what he wants to say.

He lamented that domestic artificial intelligence technology is really developed. Tongue is not very flexible due to age.

What he said was trembling, but the intelligent voice input method software could easily recognize it.

Suddenly, a notification sounded, and the voice software pushed a piece of software to him.

Lu Wenyuan saw that the name was intelligent translation software, and he was doing translation work himself. Download this software with curiosity.

"Convenient communication, communication without distance, the world is vast because of me. Welcome to use intelligent translation software." A clear female voice sounded.

Then there is the electronic synthesis sound, which guides the operation of the software.

After Lu Wenyuan learned the basic operations, he logged in to his account.

The software prompts, use 0.5 yuan for one hour, 59 for monthly use, and 590 for annual use.

You can use it for free for 30 minutes for the first time.

Lu Wenyuan directly paid 59 yuan for a monthly subscription, and he didn't care about such a small amount of money.

He discovered that intelligent translation software is doing activities, buy one get one free. If you buy it for one month, you can directly activate it for two months.

He found that his voice information can be directly synchronized to the intelligent translation software.

Lu Wenyuan is proficient in English, French, Russian, German, Japanese and Spanish.

He began to test the translation software, and verified the accuracy of the intelligent translation software through the mutual translation of multiple languages.

He opened the software and found that the operation of the software is very simple and the settings are exquisite.

Through his many years of experience in translation, Lu Wenyuan was delighted to see this software. Only one slight flaw in the software was found.

It's not actually a flaw. Except for special simultaneous interpreters, ordinary translators cannot do this kind of thing.

That is a simultaneous translation of a sentence.

This is not a bug of the software, but a syntax limitation of various languages.

No one can know the general meaning of the whole sentence until the complete sentence is finished.

Only in large public places, the simultaneous interpreters have the counterpart's manuscript.

Only then can the translation of the other party's words be carried out smoothly and synchronously.

Lu Wenyuan knows that he can translate different languages ​​in real time without finishing a complete sentence.

This is not a materialistic view of science, but rises to the level of theology.

In addition to providing voice translation, the software also provides text, image and video translation functions.

It's just that text image and video translation need to be purchased separately.

The text and image translation function costs 40 yuan per month, and the video translation function costs 60 yuan per month. Yearly subscriptions are not available for this feature.

Lu Wenyuan checked this function, text translation supports reading documents and pictures with a size of 50 megabytes.

Video translation, supports five g size video.

Lu Wenyuan was very happy in his heart. This small software has too much influence on the country.

People around the world can communicate freely, and the benefits that can be brought about will be huge.

Especially in China, as the largest industrial country in the world, the intuitive feeling is that the products sell better.

Lu Wenyuan published an article on his official account.

"The gray rhinoceros in the translation world is coming, and artificial intelligence will replace most of the translations. Colleagues do it and cherish it. "

In the article, he briefly introduces the capabilities of intelligent translation software.

The main idea of ​​the article is that there is no literary accomplishment. People who can only translate mechanically will soon be eliminated by artificial intelligence.

A person with literary accomplishment can no longer be called a translator, but a translator. The level of literature is almost equal to that of writers.

Lu Wenyuan, who highly admires translation software, gave a simple example. Indicates the translation accuracy of the translation software.

He translated "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" from Chinese to Russian, and then from Russian to English.

Finally, it was translated into French from English to compare with French translators.

Lu Wenyuan specifically pointed out that the reason why he did not translate into Chinese for comparison is that there are too many vernacular versions in Chinese.

Regardless of what intelligent software translates into? As long as the general meaning is correct, you can always find the corresponding vernacular translation.

The final result is that the translation software can perfectly translate the main meaning of the book.

When Lu Wenyuan wrote this, he changed his style of writing. He also pointed out the shortcomings of intelligent translation software, which can only translate vernacular Chinese.

As for classical Chinese and semi-classical Chinese, which contain the essence of Chinese culture, they can only be translated into vernacular, but not vice versa.

Lu Wenyuan's official account has a lot of followers. He published an article, which was quickly reposted by multiple self-media.

sensational version

The work of translation will be completely replaced by artificial intelligence. All translators will be laid off in the future.

schadenfreude version

Extra, extra. Yet another profession is about to disappear. Some people used to think that learning to translate is superior, but now it has been replaced by robots.


Professor Lu repeatedly mentioned the term gray rhino. Some readers don't understand, so let me introduce it to you.

Gray rhinos refer to dangers we can see. But it is usually not dangerous, we all ignore it.

At a certain moment, it suddenly accelerated and ran towards us.

A noun similar to it is black swan. This refers to the risks that we cannot foresee, which suddenly erupt at a certain moment.

This news spread wildly in the circle of friends, and people who had never seen intelligent translation software. also attracted.

As the news spread, it also attracted the attention of the mainstream media.

China's mainstream media Global Times. It is still a somewhat responsible media in this era.

After detailed research by the editorial department and interviews with many translators.

On the evening of January 10, the Global Times official website and official account pushed a new editorial.

The Coming of the Gray Rhinoceros in the Translation World

The subtitle is Where do we go from here?

The article quoted Lu Wenyuan's words, and pointed out profoundly that after artificial intelligence entered the field of translation strongly.

Most translators will lose their jobs and have to change careers.

The article discusses the millions of practitioners in the screenwriting industry in China, where will they go?

Young people still have the opportunity to transform, and the elderly will also retire.

But for middle-aged people whose careers have been finalized, old industries disappear and they cannot join new fields.

New things are the most painful existence for them.

At the end of the article, I changed my style. Translation software can realize the intercommunication and translation of major languages ​​in the world.

Is Huaxia English class still necessary?

Where will they go for tens of millions of English teachers and the English training industry with a market of hundreds of billions?

As many mainstream media reprinted this editorial, the trend caused by intelligent translation software.

It is sweeping the public opinion field in China at a speed beyond Li Hao's imagination.

Thanks to Mysterious God and yhm000 for the reward.

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