Tech Translator

Chapter 68 Moving with Friends

February 24th, today is the weekend, but it is still a day to go to work.

The employees of Qingci Technology are busy. They are sorting out office supplies and preparing to move to a new office location.

Employees moved their personal belongings to trucks parked at the building's entrance. As for the company's items, Qingci Technology really doesn't have anything valuable.

Their most valuable thing is data, which is located in the data center in Fangshan, where there is only a server for transfer and backup.

Li Hao looked at the busy figures of the employees, and said to Zhou Yunsheng next to him, "Isn't it too much to spend 500 million yuan at once?"

"It's a rare opportunity. This is a fixed asset. With Yanjing's current housing prices, it won't be a disadvantage." Zhou Yunsheng replied in a happy tone.

Li Hao thought back to the reason why they were able to move so quickly, that was Zhou Yunsheng found an opportunity to pick up the leak.

When she went to contact to rent an office building, there was a large office building in the HD area. They didn't rent it out, but changed it to transfer.

The manager actually asked Zhou Yunsheng if he had any intention of buying. At first she thought it was a liar, but after a period of investigation, she realized that it was not a liar.

This office building is owned by Baida Group. They are currently short of funds and are planning to sell some non-core assets at a low price.

After knowing this information, they are very happy, this is really a good opportunity.

He knows the situation of the Baida Group. They transfer assets to foreign countries, such as buying foreign teams and buying some unfamous paintings at high prices. Being regarded as a typical example by Yang Ma, she was severely warned.

Notify commercial banks to review their loans, which means that banks will not grant loans to them. This is fatal to a real estate company.

In order to survive, Baida Group could only cut the meat with pain, turned to many assets, and collected cash flow to protect assets with high value.

Li Hao knew about this matter because at the end of last year, Baida Group did something unpopular, which caused a lot of trouble on the Internet.

Focusing on dismissing a large number of employees before the end of the year is to save a year-end bonus.

After learning about this situation, they found out after inquiring from many sources. This office space is for sale in cash only.

Its value is somewhat tasteless to the real rich. Most of those who want to buy this office building can't afford a whole building.

Later, someone came up with a good idea, preparing to unite companies that wanted to buy a building, each of us would buy a part, and raise enough funds to buy the entire office building.

The manager cast a wide net before they got the news.

Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng have contacted people who want to buy properties. After everyone's negotiation, Qingci Technology subscribed for five floors. Even taxes and miscellaneous fees such as property fees are included, with an average of 100 million yuan per floor.

Thinking of this, Li Hao sighed and said, "Our company's working capital will be exhausted at once. Besides, the house has not been officially traded, so it's not good for us to move there."

"I always think about your little money, what a great opportunity this is. If Baida didn't need cash flow, it would be our turn to buy a house with a loan.

Don't worry, so many of us buy houses. There will be no problem if there are lawyers, notaries and banks to jointly supervise the money. "

Zhou Yunsheng knew that Li Hao was just complaining. Without his signature, such a large amount of money could not be transferred to the special account.

She knew that Li Hao was worried that the company's capital chain would be broken, and the projects that had been approved or were about to be approved would die prematurely.

Zhou Yunsheng said patiently: "Now the advertising platform built with intelligent translation software generates liquidity every day. They are enough to support the development of game projects.

The funds invested in Tsinghua University's iron graphene battery pack will last for a long time. When we make the next payment, it will be enough for our capital turnover.

You have prepared the funds for the production of organs, and now this project is only in the preparation stage. After our game project is profitable, I guess it is still in the preparation stage.

Now we are using the funds of the later plan to pay our upfront expenses. As long as the company's cash flow circulates smoothly, there will be no problems.

Even in unexpected accidents, the office building we purchased is real estate, and we can also borrow a large amount of money from the bank.

No matter how you look at it, it is suitable to buy an office building. As for moving there so early. It's not that there aren't enough corporate offices these days.

Our money has been transferred to the designated account of the bank, and now we are going through the procedure of house transaction. With the permission of the owner of the office building, we can of course move in early. "

Li Hao was rendered speechless by Zhou Yunsheng's words. She couldn't refute such a well-founded explanation.

He knew that when he said that, he had his own office building so quickly, and it always felt a little unreal.

"We are going to move. Fortunately, the office building has been renovated. We can move in immediately after buying office equipment."

Li Hao said relaxedly that he also agrees with the act of buying a house in his heart.

At this moment, Li Hao's cell phone rang, and he saw that it was Wang Feng, his roommate from the university.

They have a great relationship. It's just that after college, they went out into the society separately, and they can only contact occasionally on social software.

"Hello, is this Li Hao? I'm Wang Feng." Just as Li Hao connected the phone, a voice came from the other end.

"It's me, Wang Feng, what do you want from me?" Li Hao asked suspiciously, he could hear the imploring tone in Wang Feng's words. You must know that Wang Feng has a very arrogant personality, and generally he can't do things like begging for help.

Wang Feng said briefly: "I saw your deeds on the Internet and found that your company's technical level is very high.

Let me ask you, do you have the technology to restore pictures with very unclear pixels. "

"It depends on the quality of the picture, and I can't guarantee it. Let's try it." Li Hao said cautiously.

Finally they made an appointment to meet in a teahouse.

"Yun Sheng, my good friend from college came to me for something, and you will preside over the company's relocation."

After Li Hao confessed to Zhou Yunsheng, he took his suitcase and drove to the agreed place.

After coming to this teahouse, Li Hao found that Wang Feng was waiting for him here. Wang Feng called the waiter, poured two cups of tea, and waved them down.

"Brother Hao, see if you can restore the content on this picture." Wang Feng took out a USB flash drive.

Li Hao took the USB flash drive and opened the suitcase server. Create a blank virtual machine and prepare to use it to read data from the U disk.

After reading the data in the USB flash drive, this is a screenshot of a video taken by a roadside camera far away. There were actually two people inside, but they were so blurry that they couldn't even see their faces clearly.

Wang Feng asked expectantly: "Can you restore the clear faces of those two people. It would be even better if you can restore the documents in their hands."

"I'll try my best." After Li Hao finished speaking, he began to remotely contact the parrot for pigment compensation.

Wang Feng waited nervously, his palms were sweating. The result of this photo is related to his future. This is the first time I have handled a case independently. The technical center of the Ministry of Public Security has no way to recover.

"Okay, let's see if it's these two people. Some of the content on the document is covered, but most of it can still be seen clearly." Li Hao said relaxedly.

Wang Feng turned his head to look at the screen, and said excitedly: "Li Hao, they are right. I didn't expect to be able to recover even the files. Thank you very much. If you need anything in the future, you must call me. I will try my best to do it."

Wang Feng took the restored photos and left in a hurry.

Li Hao recalled the document on the photo, it seemed to be drug smuggling.

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