Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 113 New Generation Processor

Therefore, the chips of TSMC are the most stable, and under the same circumstances, even in terms of overclocking performance and stability, the chips of TSMC are all better than the chips produced by Sanxing Electronics!

For example, the Snapdragon 888 chip, which has been cheated miserably, uses the 5-nanometer process technology of Sanxing Electronics.

As a result, there are serious heat generation and frequency reduction problems, which is simply a big pit.

All the mobile phone manufacturers using this mobile phone chip shouted cheating and returned their products one after another.

And the same experience is not limited to the Gaotong family, even Pingguo company was once miserably cheated by Sanxing Electronics.

Among them, take Pingguo's A9 chip as an example. Sanxing uses 14 nanometers, while TSMC uses a backward 16-nanometer process technology.

But the actual result of the final chip is beyond everyone's expectations, using the Pingguo A9 chip with a 16nm self-process.

Its heat generation is lower than Sanxing’s 14nm process technology, and its performance parameters and stability also surpass the 14nm Apple A9 chip.

Moreover, the power consumption is even lower than that of 14nm, and the most important thing is that this a9 processor using Sanxing's 14nm process technology is unstable and frequently down-frequency!

Therefore, Sanxing's chip manufacturing process is also dubbed the world's top leakage technology by the Internet eaters!

Under such circumstances, customers who want to buy Pingguo icrazy mobile phones are naturally forced to choose processors to buy icrazy mobile phones. Who should Pingguo company turn to for reasoning?

So since then, that is, since 2015, Pingguo has resolutely abandoned Sanxing Electronics, and since then it has chosen TSMC to produce its chips.

After hearing the news, the whole world was in an instant uproar.

From then on, this incident made them realize that advanced manufacturing technology does not necessarily mean strong, and he may also be cheating!

And this cheating incident is not a one-time event. In later generations, Gaotong, who was cheated by the Snapdragon 888, also gave up Sanxing, and even Yingwei, the world's largest graphics card manufacturer, also gave up Sanxing.

Because Sanxing's chip manufacturing process is too stretched and too cheating, in 2022, almost all mainstream technology manufacturers in the world have given up on Sanxing!

In the future, if Lin Xuan wants to stabilize his chip factory, there will be no frequent thunderstorms like Sanxing's poor manufacturing process.

Then Lin Xuan must improve his own process technology and chip stability, which is commonly known as accumulated experience.

If you want to accumulate experience to improve the chip yield rate and even chip stability, there is no faster way to grow than the annual production of billions of chips!

But now the result has gone wrong. At this time, Lianfuke took advantage of this opportunity to occupy the mobile phone market in Daxia, and it seems that there is a tendency to monopolize the mobile phone chip market for a long time.

Under such circumstances, the hope of Lin Xuan's mobile phone chip to rise is very slim.

Now many mobile phone companies in China have adopted Lianfuke's MTK chip platform, and those mobile phone companies have designed finished mobile phones to declare for listing!

In this case, even if Lin Xuan immediately designed the same one-stop solution, the MTK mobile phone chip platform was born.

But this seems to just give the market one more choice. Will those domestic mobile phone manufacturers who have chosen the MTK chip platform choose themselves? It's hard!

Even if Lin Xuan wants to lower the price to sell it, it seems that he can't lower it, because the more chips are produced, the cheaper they will be.

As for why this is so, it is because in the chip production process, the more chips are produced, the chip factory will continue to improve in it.

That is to continuously improve the yield rate of the chip. When the yield rate increases, the chip price will naturally drop.

And even if Lin Xuan designed the same one-stop integrated chip platform at this time, because of the yield rate and chip orders, the price of Lin Xuan's chip platform must be more expensive than Lianfuke's chip!

Because Lin Xuan has fewer chips than Shao, the chip foundry will naturally have less experience in the process of producing the chips.

Moreover, the quantity is too small and it is not easy to negotiate the price with the chip foundry. In the end, Lianfuke's chips will be cheaper than Lin Xuan's chips!

So even if Lin Xuan wanted to fight a price war, he couldn't win him. On the contrary, he had an advantage in a price war.

Because they have a 30 million-level order for Boshima mobile phones, coupled with domestic mobile phone orders, will eventually form a situation where the strong will always be strong.

Because the more mobile phones purchase Lianfuke chips, the higher the yield rate will be.

Lianfaweike is holding a terrible order in its hands. With the capital to negotiate with chip foundries, Lianfafuke's mobile phone chips will only get cheaper in the end!

And the more attractive the cheap Lianfa chips are to those mobile phone manufacturers, the more they will be inseparable from Lianfa's chips.

This is a situation where the strong are always strong. Lin Xuan is facing Lianfa, who almost dominates the mobile phone chip field in Daxia, and he seems to be completely unable to defeat Lianfu directly!

The price war is not dominant, and it seems inappropriate to enter the high-end field.

Even if it enters the high-end field for differentiated competition, the price of chips will inevitably increase, even if Lin Xuan sells high-end chips at the price of ordinary chips.

But it seems that it can't stop Lianfuke's momentum of dominating the world. Faced with this picture of a strong man who is always strong and wants to interrupt Lianfake at this time, Lin Xuan unexpectedly fell into distress for a while.

What should Hantang Technology do? Do you want to give up the dream of making the big Xia chip industry rise?

If the Daxia chip industry wants to rise, or let a chip factory rise, there is nothing more suitable than having a chip factory that produces hundreds of millions of chips every year.

But how difficult is it for a newly established chip factory to receive manufacturing orders of hundreds of millions of chips per year?

To achieve this goal, the only way to achieve the goal of the rise of Daxia Chip is to control the design and sales by yourself.

But now that Lianfuke has the momentum to dominate the mobile phone market, how can Lin Xuan stop Lianfuke from dominating the world? Lin Xuan was lost in thought.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan raised his head as if thinking of something!

"The only thing that can defeat magic is magic."

Lin Xuan slowly uttered a certain classic quote.

So, at this time, Lin Xuan had a plan in his mind, he wanted to use Lianfuke's former king-making routine to defeat Lianfuke!

Needless to say, how did I defeat Lianfuke? Naturally, he is taking the road of the king of the cottage!

However, it is not so easy to defeat Lianfuke, nor is it something that can be solved if it can be solved.

Lin Xuan is going to divide it into three steps. First, solve the problem of how to purchase chips at low cost, that is, solve the problem of yield rate!

How to solve the problem of yield rate, this naturally starts with chip production, and how to solve the problem of yield rate of chip production, of course, still has to find a way at Zhongxin International!

The current Zhongxin International is actually not weak, because at this time Zhongxin International was established from April 2000 to August 4, 2004.

After four years of development, Zhongxin International takes foundry as the core, and has made rapid progress in both the quality of the foundry and the process technology.

Last year, that is, at the end of 2003, Zhongxin International reached a 90-nanometer process from the laboratory level.

It even successfully built a 90nm chip production line in the middle of this year, so it is already in a trial production state and has the ability to manufacture 90nm chips on a small scale.

According to the future history, it will cooperate with Texas Instruments in October, and finally produce 90-nanometer chips for Texas Instruments.

Although the 90-nanometer chip is so bad in the eyes of later generations, it will be looked down upon if the chip does not reach 32 nanometers.

But who would know that the island country Nintendo launched the Wii home game console in 2006, with a total historical sales volume of 116 million units, and its chip uses a 90-nanometer process technology!

Therefore, the 90nm process technology is actually not considered backward, which is already the third-rate level in the world.

After all, the most advanced process technology in the world is only 45nm at TSMC.

But the problem now is that although TSMC can mass-produce 45nm chips on a small scale, they also need to overcome the yield rate of chips just like Zhongxin International.

There is still a long way to go for mass production of 45nm chips. According to history, they did not officially solve the mass production of 45nm chips until 2007!

At this time, even Intel, the absolute overlord of computer processors, when they wanted to use chips with a 65-nanometer process technology, they released 65-nanometer chips in 2005, which is the next year!

Therefore, the current situation is that the first-class 45nm process technology cannot be mass-produced due to yield problems.

The 65nm process technology is a truly advanced technology. Although the 90nm process technology is the third-rate in the world, it is actually at the second-rate level of market application.

Now Sanxing Electronics' process technology is at the mainstream 65nm level in the market, and Hanfeng's first-generation chips also use 65nm process technology!

Theoretically speaking, Zhongxin International seems unable to produce the first-generation Hanfeng chips for Lin Xuan at this time, but who said that Lin Xuan must produce the first-generation Hanfeng chips? !

The current Hanfeng generation chip is actually a bit high-end, and the high-end one is used in the current Hantang glory generation mobile phone.

In fact, there are many functions that are not used at all, resulting in a huge waste of performance and useless loss of standby!

Among them, the most serious loss is the camera function. The Han and Tang glory generation does not have a camera at all, but the chip does not care whether you have a camera or not, it will consume a certain amount of power!

In this case, Lin Xuan can completely design the monkey board chip, such as removing the camera function.

Then add the transistors saved after removing the camera to other parts, such as adding to the computing core part, so as to make the mobile phone smoother and so on.

Of course, with Zhongxin International's 90nm technology, the removed camera must be removed forever.

Transistors will not be added to the computing core, because the number of transistors that can be accommodated in the 90nm process is definitely not as much as 65nm!

Thinking of achieving the high performance of the first generation of Hanfeng, we can only give up the unused function of the camera. In addition, further castration can be carried out!

The editor said that on the 17th, I haven't stood short yet, so the duck that I won't get is about to fly.

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