In the field of high-end mobile phones, Lin Xuan's screen must be purchased from other people's screens, and he must also use foreign mobile phone screens.

Because the current domestic mobile phone screens certainly cannot meet the requirements of high-end mobile phones, we can only purchase screens from companies in island countries, cold countries, or Gulf Islands and American Empire.

In terms of mobile phone chips, Lin Xuan can use his own mobile phone chips. At present, the performance and functions of the first-generation Hanfeng mobile phone chips are enough to support high-end use.

As for the memory, of course there is nothing to say, and we can only purchase foreign memory chips.

The memory chip includes running memory and storage memory, both of which cannot be produced in China for high-end mobile phone memory, so Lin Xuan can only purchase foreign memory.

The same is true for cameras. At present, domestic camera companies cannot support them at all, nor can they adopt them.

In this case, Lin Xuan can only choose the lens module of Deutsche Zeiss or the lens module of the island country Sony.

As for the remaining batteries, the domestic battery field is not considered backward at present, and they are also in the first echelon of lithium batteries. Of course, the companies that belong to the first team can no longer be counted as domestic companies.

Because ATL, once the leading lithium battery in China, has been wholly acquired by a group named TDK in the island country.

Even so, the root of this ATL company is still here in Daxia, and it can be regarded as half of a domestic company, so ATL's soft-pack batteries can be used for lithium batteries.

Except for the processor chip, the five major accessories of the mobile phone all need to be purchased from others. The pricing power is not in Lin Xuan's hands, and Lin Xuan can't decide the performance of these accessories.

Therefore, in terms of the four major accessories, Lin Xuan can only purchase other people's accessories because of the lack of strength in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

It can't reach the status of Pingguo in the later generations, and it can't be specially optimized. Naturally, it can't outshine others.

Moreover, some accessories may have an exclusive agreement. At that time, Lin Xuan may not be able to purchase the most advanced accessories, but only second-rate performance accessories.

In this case, Lin Xuan faced such a long time ago, worrying about how to find a way to make his mobile phone unique, so as to make high-end consumers shine and choose Hantang mobile phones.

"WiFi Internet access function!"

Lin Xuan slowly said the solution he came up with.

Mobile phones in this era do not have WiFi functions, and those with WiFi functions are parallel imported mobile phones that entered Daxia through abnormal means.

Because Daxia created its own WiFi standard in 2003!

Of course, it is a WiFi standard, but in fact it is because WIFI has security loopholes, so Daxia has strengthened security on the basis of WiFi.

Let the user's middle end, router, and Internet terminal all be authenticated by three parties, forming a wireless mobile local area network standard, WIPI standard!

The essence of this standard is to strengthen security and make up for the natural protocol loopholes of early WiFi, but there is no innovation in terms of performance or other aspects.

This routine is actually the same as some Linux system source code and system microarchitecture and compiler.

Even more serious, directly took someone else's open source system and modified it and added its own UI interface, and then claimed to have developed a domestic computer system by itself.

But for the organization of the building, there is no way to do it like this, it's not that Da Xia wants to make trouble.

It's because the owner of this patent wants to collect patent fees from all over the world since the US Empire passed the patent ownership of an Australian institution!

Once the Institute of Electrical and Engineers of the United States, that is, IEEE, strongly demanded WiFi technology as a basic patent, and WiFi should be free for everyone to use.

However, the patent owner naturally strongly opposed it. In the end, the relevant agencies in Australia successfully collected global WiFi patent fees.

In this case, from the approval of the patent to the end of the patent, it was not until 2013 that their patent expired to make WiFi truly free, and there is no need to pay patent fees since then!

Although his request for patent fees is reasonable, the problem is that they charge too much, which makes the use of WiFi too expensive!

It can be said that this kind of behavior of collecting patent fees and very expensive patent fees has prevented the high WiFi from being really popularized and truly entered the general public, which has dragged down the development of the world for more than 20 years!

It can be said that when the US Empire agreed to relevant Australian research institutions to obtain WiFi patents, it actually not only deceived themselves, but also deceived the whole world, making the use of WiFi around the world very expensive.

Under such circumstances, Daxia can only launch its own wireless LAN standard, and set the WIPI wireless mobile standard as the Daxia wireless LAN standard.

From then on, all devices that want to use wireless mobile networks must use this standard!

So although this is an act that looks like taking off your pants and farting, it is a behavior similar to Linux and domestic systems.

But this is actually a means of negotiation and a helpless means of coping.

But no matter what, it seems to have failed in terms of the results. Facts have proved that Daxia has developed its own WiFi standard.

But foreign companies just refuse to accept you, so now the high-end mobile phones in the Daxia range do not support the WiFi function!

And because Daxia's own company doesn't have a WIPI standard WiFi chip, their mobile phones can't use the WiFi function even if they want to, so this is a way to block others and block themselves.

As a result, this seems to be a lose-lose situation, so people who eat melons on the Internet in later generations have a lot of criticisms about this period of history. Although some of them agree, there are not many people who agree.

Critics have scolded that if they didn't do this back then, they would have been able to enjoy the convenience of WiFi early.

They don't have to watch those Daxia Mobile charge their phone bills crazily, after all, the traffic charges in that era were very distressing.

In that era, the traffic fee was 1 KB equal to a penny. Now that everyone's salary is not high, who can afford mobile Internet access!

So they all cried bitterly and spent a lot of wronged money back then, but all of them were given to Daxia Mobile.

If I knew that there was such a good thing as WiFi at that time, it would not cost money to surf the Internet with a mobile phone and the Internet speed would be faster.

They desperately want to buy this mobile phone. If they have this mobile phone and pay Daxia Mobile communication fee, then they will never use mobile phones again!

"As long as I solve the WiFi function, the Hantang mobile phone will definitely become the most special tree in the sea of ​​trees!"

Lin Xuan's eyes shone with excitement. For Lin Xuan, it was difficult to solve the WiFi function, but it was not particularly difficult. It was not so difficult that it could not be changed.

Although he doesn't understand wireless local area network technology at all now, Lin Xuan can learn knowledge about wireless networks and even radios. A living person can't be suffocated to death by urine!

Now Daxia has set WIPI as the Daxia wireless standard. If you want to use the wireless LAN function, you must use the WIPI standard!

Although this situation has aroused the resentment of countless netizens in later generations, it has even made the resentment a lot.

But this is actually an umbrella, an umbrella to protect Daxia's wireless Internet!

As long as Lin Xuan launches a WIPI standard communication chip, then Lin Xuan can monopolize the market in this field!

If WIPI-standard chips can be launched, the market value of such a chip company alone may exceed the entire Hantang company by more than ten times!

After all, Cisco, which specializes in the Internet, can compete with semiconductor giants such as Intel and Weisoft!

So at this time, Lin Xuan discovered a blue ocean market, a blue ocean market that appeared because it was boycotted and given up by major companies around the world!

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's mouth curled into a smile, and then he already knew what Hantang Technology Company should do.


There was nothing to say the next night, Lin Xuan took an evening flight to Rongcheng, Sichuan Province, and soon arrived nearby the next day, on October 25th.

At the same time, an old watch from Yuzhou City, Gui Province slowly walked into the company's door. He is a representative of a state-owned machinery factory in Yuzhou City, Gui Province.

This time, he mainly learned the experience of advanced domestic enterprises, and then returned to the state-owned enterprise to report to the middle and high-level leaders of the state-owned enterprise and put forward various improvement suggestions and so on.

In this way, state-owned enterprises can go further, which is a very popular learning mode in the current era.

"Hello, I am the representative of Haoyu Machinery Factory in Yuzhou City, Guangxi Province. This is an official letter from our company requesting for inspection and study."

At this time, the old cousin from Yuzhou City submitted his official letter to the guard, but it was obvious that the security guard did not receive him warmly.

After all, this is a private company. It is not up to him, a security guard, to decide whether or not a representative of a state-owned company wants to come over and study for approval.

So the security guard nodded slightly, and then said:

"Leave the official letter and your phone number, and then go back and wait for the notification. There are too many people who want to come to our Hantang mobile phone factory for inspection, and it is estimated that there will be a queue."

"Waiting for confirmation?"

Hearing that he had to wait for the notice, he could not inspect it immediately, the representative of Haoyu Machinery Factory, a state-owned enterprise in Yuzhou City, immediately became anxious.

"Brother, can you be more accommodating, I am here at public expense, and now every day there is no progress, but I have to pay for the board and lodging myself.

And our machinery factory is in trouble now, but we need to learn advanced experience to bring us back to life. "


When the security guard heard the words of the old cousin of a machinery factory in Yuzhou City, he was a little embarrassed.

But in the end, seeing that there were more than a dozen of the same official documents piled up in the security room, and they were also official documents for inspection and study, he could only say helplessly:

"You look at so many things here, I can't let you jump in the queue, seeing that our factory is so big, there must always be first come, first served.

Too many inspectors will affect the operation of our factory, so there can only be so many inspectors, and there will be queues. "

Hearing the security guard's words, the old cousin from a machinery factory in Yuzhou City, Guangxi Province immediately begged anxiously:

"Brother, it doesn't matter if I pay for the food myself, the big deal is that I will pay a few months' wages myself.

But our factory really can't delay, we have to learn advanced experience, and then let our Haoyu Machinery Factory come alive. "

The loud conversation in the security room attracted the attention of Lin Xuan and his secretary Chen He who were walking towards the iron gate of the company.


When Lin Xuan looked at them, they also saw Lin Xuan.

The two security guards in the security room also rushed to Lin Xuan to say hello, with deep admiration in their eyes.

Thanks to the hawthorn in the yard

Diss Starry Sky

cultural cloudification


£ Confused Love Beast

Peacock Mantis Shrimp


Post-90s Achievement Avenue

Li Zheng

Earn Magnesium Nail Boy

Book friend 20180430010827986

Ma Liqun

lone wolf

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Rewards from 14 brothers!

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