Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 365: Jobs' World-Shaking Genesis!


Medigo, Pingguo Company.

"These damned guys, their behavior is the behavior of national thieves!

Don't they know that they collectively use the Hantang mobile phone operating system, which will hand over the control of the global mobile phone operating system to Hantang Technology, and to the Daxia people? ! "

At this time, Kuke, the CEO of Pingguo Company, cursed Sanxing and Heimei angrily, venting his depression.

But at this time, he didn't think about whether he should confirm whether the two companies belonged to Meidiguo when he called them national thieves.

However, considering that these two companies are indeed controlled by Meidiguo Capital, it makes sense in a sense that Kuke scolded these two companies for their actions as national thieves!

"Mr. Jobs, it's not good news that the smartphones of Sanxing and Heimei have joined the Hantang Mobile Operating System Alliance.

In the future, the combined sales volume of these three mobile phone companies will definitely far exceed that of our Pingguo mobile phone company.

And the more they sell, the more game and software companies will develop games and software on the Hantang mobile operating system. This is not good news! "

Speaking of this, Kuke questioned a little, then slowly said:

"I think we should lower the fees charged by the platform, 30% of all profit-making behaviors is indeed a bit high.

Now that we are facing such a strong enemy, we should probably reduce the cost a little. "

After finishing speaking, Kuke cast his eyes on Jobs, who seemed to be in deep thought with his hands resting on his chin, waiting for Jobs' answer.

"No! Not only can't it be lowered, but it must always insist on a 30% commission and never waver!"

Jobs uttered an answer that surprised Kuke, and made his eyes widen with puzzlement.

Faced with this unfavorable situation, why did Jobs not only refuse to lower the platform fee, but insisted on a 30% platform fee and refused to waver?

Faced with Kuke's surprised gaze, Jobs slowly explained why he did this:

"Kuke, you haven't figured it out yet, and you haven't set your sights on the distant future."

"The distant future?"

Cook looked at Jobs curiously, waiting for Jobs' next words.

"That's right, the distant future!

Kuke, you have to realize that the ios system of our Pingguo iPhone.e mobile phone is a closed-source system.

Also realize that whether it is now or in the future, for a good experience, our system can only be used by ourselves! "

Hearing this, Kuke nodded slightly. Pingguo's iOS system is a great system, and Pingguo has no plans to let other mobile phone companies use this system.

"You have to realize that because only we can use our ios system, our system is destined to be niche.

We don't have to dream that there will never be another operating system in this world.

Therefore, there will be other systems in the future without the Hantang mobile phone operating system, such as the Android system acquired by Google last year. "

Hearing the words, Kuke couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and then he couldn't help agreeing that what Mr. Jobs said was indeed the truth!

Because the facts are exactly as Mr. Jobs said, because their Pingguo ios system is a closed-source system, only they can use this system.

In this case, other mobile phone companies will definitely develop their own operating systems or use other open source systems.

Faced with such a result, Pingguo Company has no way to prevent it, so the facts are indeed as Mr. Jobs said, Pingguo Company should be mentally prepared!

"We should be prepared, and be prepared that our Pingguo mobile phone market share will never surpass the Hantang mobile phone operating system."

However, in the face of Jobs' words, Kuke frowned and said:

"But can we just acquiesce in this, acquiescing that their number of games and software surpasses ours, and then wait for our iPhone.e phones to become weaker and weaker?!"

In this regard, Jobs shook his head slightly, then said with a smile:

"Kuke, you have to realize that the more sales a product has, the stronger it is, nor is it that the higher the sales, the higher the profitability."

Hearing Jobs' words, Kuke's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

He seemed to understand something, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't understand anything.

At this time, he felt that Jobs deserved to be Jobs, and this foresight was indeed not comparable to him.

"Kuke, next we will conduct a selection contest for software and games, which will be held every quarter.

All winning individuals or companies can get our huge bonus for free!

As for the amount of this bonus, the amount is 10% of the "platform fee profit" in each quarter!

I want 10% of the "platform fee profit" every quarter, all of which will be rewarded in the form of free bonuses for those excellent game and software companies! "


Hearing Jobs' words, Kuke looked at Jobs in shock.

Although the 10% of the "platform fee profit" is not obvious just by looking at the numbers, this "10% of the platform fee profit" is actually a huge sum of up to 50 million U.S. dollars.

And the most frightening thing is that the 50 million US dollars is just the current bonus of Pingguo Company.

In the future, as Pingguo Company sells more and more mobile phones, the more "platform fee profits" Pingguo Company can earn, so it may reward hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars every quarter !

Of course, this does not need to talk about the future, because just relying on the fact that 50 million US dollars is used to reward developers every quarter, this is the only one in the world, and it can be called amazing in the world.

This will definitely deeply stimulate those game and software companies, making them look crazy and want to develop excellent games and software for iPhone.e mobile phones!

However, Jobs' big moves didn't stop, and he slowly made his second decision:

"Kuke, Hantang Technology can allocate a large amount of funds every month to support those game and software companies, so that those game and software companies have enough cash to develop new games and software.

For this reason, Pingguo Company cannot lag behind, so be it.

Every quarter, we use 20% of the "platform fee profit" to invest in those outstanding game and software companies, and tie them to our iPhone.e mobile phone camp! "

"I see."

Kuke, who heard Jobs' words, agreed excitedly.

I have to say that Jobs deserves to be Jobs. The two solutions he proposed reversed all the unfavorable situations faced by Pingguo Company at once!

At this time, Kuke sincerely praised the greedy behavior of Zan Jobs who decided to charge 30% of the platform fee for all games and software profits!

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