Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 373 Han and Tang Smartphone Released!

In later generations iPhone.e mobile phone is no longer a simple mobile phone!

Because the iPhone.e mobile phone has successfully turned itself into a status symbol, a noble symbol of the rich and successful!

It is precisely because of this noble status symbol and the good experience with this mobile phone that the iPhone.e mobile phone in the previous life can last forever.

At this time, Pingguo mobile phones seem to have grasped this point, so they are recently turning their mobile phones into a status and noble symbol of successful people!

However, the operation of this symbolic image of successful people and noble status is still very short.

Advertisements and ideas are not popular enough, so Hantang Technology still has the possibility of defeating the iPhone.e mobile phone!

As for whether the iPhone.e can be completely strangled, the iPhone.e mobile phone will completely decline, and their strategy will be interrupted, it depends on the Hantang S3 mobile phone to be released next.

If the Hantang S3 mobile phone cannot completely defeat the crushing iPhone.e mobile phone, it will reverse the impression that having it in people's minds represents a successful person and noble.

Turn it from a "god" to a simple mobile phone, and the competition between Hantang Technology and Pingguo Company will never stop!

After all, once Pingguo Company successfully binds its mobile phone with successful people and nobility, and becomes a symbol from then on, how can Han and Tang mobile phones compete with the concept of status symbol and nobility?

Such an iPhone.e mobile phone will completely become an immortal Xiaoqiang, and it will also become the same as the iPhone.e mobile phone of later generations.

Even in the face of the impact of global mobile phones, even with a lot of hardware, iPhone.e mobile phones are still as stable as Mount Tai!

So everything will depend on the Hantang S3 mobile phone. If the Hantang S3 mobile phone can cause a global sensation, it will become a magic phone that people are enthusiastically pursuing.

That would break the strategic layout of Pingguo mobile phones being closer to successful people and noble status symbols, and make Jobs and Kuke vomit blood with anger!


May 15, 2006.

After a few days of advertising, it is finally about to usher in the harvest.

In the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium on this day.

Tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world, as well as nearly 2,000 reporters, have gathered in the conference venue.

Outside the site of this press conference, nearly 20 million people around the world, including overseas Internet, are watching this conference in real time!

Although the number of viewers of this press conference is not as high as the number of viewers released by Hantang Computer, its influence is definitely not weak!

Because it's not just Daxia people who are paying attention to this press conference this time, but people all over the world.

After the launch of Hantang Computer, Hantang Technology has been completely recognized by the people all over the world, and the impression of Hantang Technology's strong scientific research strength has been implanted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, the release of the Hantang S3 mobile phone has attracted nearly 20 million people around the world to watch the latest news in real time!

"Look, that's Mr. Jobs!"

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

In an instant, the people nearby all focused their attention on the shouter, and then they looked around.

Soon, they found two people slowly coming in from the VIP-only passage.

Those two people are Jobs, the president of Pingguo Company, and Kuke, the CEO of Pingguo Company!

"It turned out to be Jobs, the president of Pingguo, who also attended this meeting?!"

"It turned out to be Jobs from Pingguo?!"

"My God, I was so lucky to see Jobs with my own eyes"...

There was a burst of heated discussion at the scene.

After the launch of the iPhone. e mobile phone, especially after the company eventually deified Jobs through publicity.

Jobs' global reputation has greatly improved, and he can be said to have become a god in this world!

Many people at the scene may not know who is the leader of the Meidi Kingdom? But they absolutely knew who Jobs was, and they adored him.

This is the power of public opinion!

Public opinion can create gods, it can turn a person into a god, it can make a person worship a "stranger" in his heart, and worship him as a god!

But at this time, there were bursts of mocking voices at the scene.

"Isn't it normal that Jobs will attend this press conference? After all, this is the Han Tang mobile phone conference!"

"That's right, why are you so excited? It's just Jobs. Is he as great as Lin Xuan?"

"That's right, I, Lin Xuan, are the most powerful. Although the so-called Jobs has been praised a lot, has he invented anything?

He just made a smart phone, and it's really intoxicating that a mere smart phone is touted by so many people. "

After all, this press conference is Hantang Technology's press conference, and all the fans who came to this conference are fans of Hantang Technology, fans of Lin Xuan.

So although Jobs came to the scene and caused a sensation, it was not a big sensation!

After all, in the eyes of fans of Hantang Technology, Lin Xuan is the real god. He is more worthy of admiration than Jobs, who only designed a smart phone that is not worthy of the name, but was praised all over the world.

So they curled their lips at the small number of people who became extremely excited after seeing Jobs in real life.

I feel that those people have been brainwashed by the media, and they have forgotten many great inventions and contributions of Hantang Technology!

But before they could continue to ridicule, a new wave of people came to the entrance of the VIP passage.

"Look, that's Huang Zicheng, the boss of TLC Mobile Phone Company!"

"That's Mr. Li from Qiandu Company!"

"That's the little pony who chatted with the penguins!"

"That's Rebus from Jinshan Software!"

"My God, Boss Li from Sanxing Electronics is also here!"

"That's right, look, even the new president of Intel, Pat Singer, is here."

"Look, that seems to be Cai Jie, the president of Lianfa. I've seen his photo before, but I didn't expect him to come too."

"Damn it, there are a lot of bigwigs coming to this press conference, and every bigwig is a bigwig who can shake their industry."

There were bursts of exclamations at the scene, and every time a person appeared in the passageway of the VIP room, many of the tens of thousands of spectators would exclaim and shock them.

Ten minutes later, as the time gradually approached 11 o'clock, all the distinguished guests had arrived at the scene and chatted with each other.

"Mr. Jobs, good morning."

Boss Li of Sanxing Company came to Jobs and said hello. At this time, the two met like two old foxes, and the atmosphere was exceptionally harmonious.

"Hello, Boss Li."

Jobs also smiled and shook hands with Boss Li, as if they were not competitors in the mobile phone industry.

"Mr. Jobs came to this press conference, which was a bit beyond my expectation."

Boss Li sighed with a smile, then slowly asked:

"I wonder what Mr. Jobs thinks about this Hantang S3 mobile phone?"

Hearing Boss Li's question, Jobs pondered slightly, then smiled slowly:

"The Hantang S3 mobile phone is indeed a small trouble, but it is only a small trouble when facing my iPhone.e mobile phone."

Jobs said so with confidence in his eyes, which is his confidence in the iPhone.e mobile phone.

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