Technology Bigshot

【Chapter 250: Perfect Response】

【Chapter 250: Perfect Response】

"We still know one thing, and I have always believed that everything has two sides, good and bad. ± Vertex Fiction, x. Matrix Technology is sticking to its own path, changing people's way of life, and creating new things, there will always be a part People are inevitably affected, and Matrix Technology has neither admitted nor denied this, and I think the so-called explanations, so-called denials, and even reversal of right and wrong are not more convincing than actual actions." He smiled and faced everyone. A series of shots, said:

"So, our series of products have chosen agents, chosen to share, and given a large part of the benefits to everyone, many people or Wall Street can't understand why, why Matrix Technology is so indifferent to the international market or even ignore it ? Some people even think that Matrix Technology has a perceptual bias against it, no."

In the backstage of the exhibition, Gao Yue couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled when she heard these words. She clearly remembered that when she decided to withdraw from the international market, she used Jobs' prejudice against the Greater China region to describe his prejudice against the entire international market. When the market comes, it's just open-eyed and nonsense, nothing more than that. Sure enough, every leader is an excellent performer.

Ideas may be sentimental, or they may be truly biased, but practices and actions cannot be ignored.

Ren Hong continued with a smile: "Sharing! This is an era of sharing, and Matrix Technology needs to learn to share even more. We chose to give up our own development and cultivation of the international market, gave up a large amount of unimaginable profits and wealth, and chose to let the agent If people do it, countless people will benefit from it, and they will all rely on one or more related industrial chains with matrix technology as the core to obtain employment and gain benefits."

"Take the newly established subsidiary 'Matrix Patrol' as an example, 'Matrix Patrol' has set up several areas around the world, even the senior executive general manager of the area chooses to use non-Chinese, and the company members in each area also It will focus on absorbing local people for jobs. Matrix Paunyin's major companies in the region will attract countless new jobs locally. The mst platform will also be a platform for multi-party participation, multi-party sharing, and multi-party benefits. After seeing the collapse of Matrix Technology While seeing these problems, I think it cannot be ignored that Matrix Technology has changed an industry, discovered new business models, led a certain field, and created new demand, providing countless jobs and other positive factors.”

"This is not subversion, but a process of reintegration and redistribution of resources. Then choose to be conservative? Or to embrace innovation? Everyone has the right to accept and reject." Ren Hong finally concluded: "...and history has Tell us, who is the real future between the two? What choice should we make?"

With a bang, the audience instantly responded to its incomparably warm applause. Ren Hong perfectly answered the question of the American reporter, leaving him speechless. It was also the first time he responded to the world's Matrix Technology's abide by the creed and responsibility.

"Disruptors? No! It's trailblazers and innovators,

It won't be too long, and in two decades, he will be the godfather of business and engineering. "

"I never imagined that such a world-class figure would be born in China."

"This is the thinking of leaders and godfathers, a realm that ordinary people cannot achieve!"

"Embracing Matrix Technology is equivalent to embracing the future, why not the United States?"

The warm applause slowly came to an end. Kang Tao, the leader of the third group in the exhibition, heard the whispers mixed with the applause, not to mention how comfortable he was, because this company is in the country, and the founder of the person being praised is also the same. It is also domestic, and Matrix Technology is simply a sparkling baby bump.

After the applause ended, the second reporter was selected.

"Hello, Mr. Cyrus, I'm Consner Lord, a reporter for the Daily Mail. Every well-known company in the world has a charitable foundation, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Others are more committed to charity. Matrix Technology is now a global giant-level company, but it has not carried out any charity activities, what is the reason for this?"

Ren Hong suddenly smiled and said, "I hope the next question is about the mst platform."

After a pause, he said: "First of all, there is a problem with your question itself. There are specialties in the art industry, and the responsibilities of each person's role are not the same. Matrix Technology is best at engaging in high technology. We Our energy is limited, and Matrix Technology is not omnipotent, but the fact that Matrix Technology has not done charity so far does not mean that we have no heart in this regard, nor does it mean that we have no action, but he can’t see it.”

"In the future, Matrix Technology will pay a high tax rate every year. To be honest, a large number of people do charitable companies to avoid tax reasonably. Of course, we don't care whether they really have a charitable heart, but do Actual action is more convincing than any propaganda and its colloquialism, and it is unquestionable. Matrix Technology will not take any tax avoidance measures, and pay as much as it should. In the future, Matrix Technology will pay a high amount of more than 100 billion US dollars every year. Tax rates, these resources will be involved in various ways depending on the country.”

Ren Hong said confidently: "Matrix Technology does not need to use charity to beautify itself. We know better than anyone where our responsibilities lie. We do not need others to teach and supervise what we should do. The improvement of infrastructure in a region. Whether it is the root cause of poverty, which cannot be implemented by our business or personal area, must be planned and implemented by the state, how can enterprises or individuals participate? Indirect participation. In this matrix technology promises never Tax avoidance, the high tax rate paid by Matrix Technology is indirect participation. I have always been proud of my country. Although some aspects are unsatisfactory, we have been implementing and improving it to the best of our ability. Externally, our country is helping to the best of its ability. Poor countries build local infrastructure. Only by building infrastructure can poverty be fundamentally resolved. The major infrastructures in Europe and the United States are the most complete in the world. Therefore, instead of doing superficial efforts, it is better to participate in helping poor areas build Infrastructure, truth is judged by the world, and we have a clear conscience."

"I can say here without hesitation that Matrix Technology does not do charity, but she has done her due responsibilities, and she has done even better than more people. There is an old saying in our country, and our country is also fulfilling it. This famous saying is, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.”

Ren Hong not only dealt with the reporter's question perfectly, but also caused embarrassment to many so-called giant companies abroad. The feeling of hitting. Ren Hong's response is tantamount to an indirect mockery of European and American countries for shouting for fraternity on the one hand, but just shouting and shouting without any actual action on the other hand.

The previous two consecutive encounters have also made the reporters below a lot more honest. With Ren Hong's deliberate reminder, no one dares to make things difficult, and finally transferred the problem to the mst platform.


The headline content of Netease Technology News: "With the successful conclusion of the world-renowned mst platform exhibition, the major news about this exhibition was quickly spread to all parts of the world through the Internet for the first time. It is worth mentioning that the matrix is The first two questions asked by the technology founder Ren Hong at the exhibition were also widely discussed all over the world, and the topic of charity was also included in the discussion. The unique style and straightforwardness of Matrix Technology also Having won the praise of the world, what could be more convincing than the real direct payment? Companies all over the world are trying their best to avoid taxes. A fruit company, which technology giant company is not directly nominated. Matrix Technology Choice For the diametrically opposite approach, maybe some people think that the company's approach is a bit stupid? For this question, the author would like to ask a rhetorical question, officially because this company that is considered to be stupid, the revenue generated every year is your company's 100 years of revenue. If it can’t be done, this issue is very necessary and worth thinking about…”NetEase Technology”, organize the reports.”

(To be continued) (To be continued.)

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