Technology Treasure King

Chapter 497: Shuangshuangshuang, hahaha...

~-~ Chapter 497 Shuang Shuang Shuang, hahaha...

After a while, He Ming was "tied" back to the obelisk. He was too lazy to describe what he got, because even he didn’t know what he got. There was too much time, and the memory seemed to be a cosmic Pacific entering his body, and power just enjoyed the rune gene chain. At the moment of entering the body, that unprecedented, wonderful pleasure from the body to the soul.

The sense of power that was overwhelming after taking the powerful essence of the gods and demons did not appear. If it hadn't been for Oda's reminder, He Ming would not have discovered that the huge power he had exploded, but that he had not digested the treasure, etc., a total explosion of all energy. At that time, he thought...well, here I am, the Sun Demon, another Mr. Sun Demon. The little brother is not talented, so the earth is hanging on the wire. But from now on, I will call me brother Sun Abs...

So think about it, a tear, life is like a dream, it is not so easy for a powerful **** and demon. Don't think that you are glowing and hot and think of yourself as the sun, maybe a firefly. Or it's on fire. What's even worse is that you were cremated... or seventy yards flying across the road.

"Look at it." He Ming returned to the chair on the platform, it didn't matter, he could just deal with the memory just like just now. Anyway, there is a big secret treasure in the universe, he can't, he doesn't have the courage to explore alone. The kind of person in the novel who takes risks alone and then eats alone is nothing more than the author's lack of security. But in reality, the real environment is far more sinister than the human heart, and there is no ability to go dangerously. A wolf can easily eat a mortal.

Besides, Shanmeng is so high-tech, how can it not even share the spoils reasonably? So how did civilization develop? This is the top high-tech civilization alliance spanning half of the universe. How could it be possible that the thinking is still the nervousness of the Earth's carbon-based monkeys?

What's more, the ethos that only existed in countries with relatively bad ethos is replaced by the current Huaxia, the Huaxia in this world is very safe, and there is no way of seeing money and killing money. Anyway, normal people understand that killing is easy, how to deal with it? Take a breath as if this person does not exist? Will the police believe you? Neuropathy must also be taken to a neuropathy hospital to spend the rest of his life.

"Okay, okay, great, let's start." The excited Shanmeng scientists began to search the entire memory.

Then, in the light curtains before He Ming's eyes, it was very plain. The newly added memory can be said to be dispensable, and it is just some of the things that have just happened. Most of the others are "deposited memories" that are unbelievably large and cannot be processed.

This kind of memory is so far away because time is so far away that countless memories are added together, and it is impossible to tell what it is.

Nevertheless, the scientist seemed more eager than seeing the disc cross. God, they almost found an old library, which is understandable, with pictures and the truth.

"These memories are of no use to you. Let's clean them up? We will send them to you as soon as possible to ensure your power." The chief scientist said with excitement.

The "deposited memory" can only be further processed in this way, otherwise, when it is unlocked a little, He Ming's body instinct will automatically resist due to too many other lives' memories, which will cause them to disappear forever and be eaten by He Ming instinct.

"Okay, no problem, but anything that is good, such as ancient secrets, must be sent to me first."

He Ming doesn’t care. These bad memories must be cleaned up, otherwise he will cause a split in his personality. One is the earth’s hanging silk, which is full of life and vitality. He himself, and the other is very painful, because of endless memories, endless plain and lonely places. A crazy personality.

This is what Solomon's knowledge told him, and it is also the result of a little thinking about the superintelligence who feels getting smarter.

Compared with the memory of this world-destroying demon, even the memory washed by the river of time still kills Solomon's memory in seconds. Compared with the latter, Solomon is endless, as if the wonderful life of a hundred metropolitan libraries is just a pitiful feather, a wind, and a grain of sand.

And how does He Ming's memory compare? It's a pity, then Solomon's knowledge is a planet, and he is a real grain of sand. And very boring, 14 years of innocent and lovely life for a kid. Then there is 7 years of boring life. And in recent months... Shuangshuang Shuangshuang, I will kill you! Hahahaha, Shuangshuangshuang, I am going to kill you, hahahaha-it's that simple.

The mediocre memories of "big group" and "big group", memories that He Ming couldn't understand were pulled out by the instrument one by one, and unexpectedly formed a memory group visible to the naked eye in the air.

He Ming knew that because the World Exterminating Demon had slept in the river of time for countless years, there was no memory of the time of sleep in the middle. The process is so long that it can only be described as eternal.

So he is like an earth mortal who wants to reach the moon on foot. Basically, even if there is a road, it will take a certain amount of time, and it may not be successful.

An instrument that specializes in memory is equivalent to a demon aircraft. These memories will definitely be accessible. As for the results, He Ming and the scientists held their breath, expecting the first group of memories to be put into the top memory processing center of Shanmeng. In a blue beam of light rising behind the platform.

Then it expanded infinitely in the beam of light, instantly expanding to an indescribable level, as if a grain of sand instantly turned into a continent. Following this, the beam of light also became extremely large, making He Ming feel as if an... Atlantic Ocean suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Damn! Oh, damn... No, god. Trouble. Headache, it's over... It's too long, so the memory has no content... It becomes a mass of nothing, nothing, or we can't find it." The top memory scientist said something that made the five chief scientists of Shanmeng crazy.

The expression of the Blu-ray man became distorted and angry. He raised a pair of light fists and said angrily: "Use the latest memory, the latest memory research, the latest memory before going to bed. We need to know what exiled this world-destroying demon, exile What is the world before? What technology do they have, what civilization are they, and what is their power?"

"Just now is the latest memory."

Regrettably, the chief scientist was so dumb on the spot, and turned to an even more angry answer.

"I don't care! Damn, don't analyze it, transfer to Shanmeng headquarters, we have to fight a protracted battle. We will make the best instruments for deposited memory, adopt the best ideas, and use the best technological power. Everything is the best , The most effective way to decipher these memories. Even if there is only one group, it is the infinite mystery, the last universe, perhaps the great knowledge of the universe, the infinite mystery."

"Yes, let's take a step first. You must deal with He Ming's problem, including all skills, the disc cross and the death sun must be studied carefully."

After a big boss said these words, many scientists immediately evacuated incomparably quickly, and could not wait to study countless groups of memories. As for He Ming's question, he is very cooperative here, so there will be a result soon, and they are not interested in things that are destined to know the result.

As for the reason, as for the answer, they believe that He Ming is absolutely not sure why? what is this……

"Wait, what death sun did you just say?"

Seeing the words in the light curtain, natural Chinese translation, He Ming asked in surprise. "What death sun? It looks amazing, I have this stuff? Why don't I know."

"Take your shirt off and see for yourself."

He Ming quickly took off his shirt, and the related light curtain immediately enlarged, and the back muscles of the Sun Demon behind him appeared very clearly in the light curtain. Soon there were more explanations from top scientists in related strength characteristics research.

He Ming was shocked to find that his original ferocious but young and energetic Sun Demon's face had grown old?

"How is it possible that my muscles are getting older? More developed, younger and stronger. It's strange, why the face has become so old? Especially, why do the muscle lines that make up the face look pale?"

He Ming with long hands touched his back muscles, the face of the Sun Demon on the back muscles did grow old, an extremely fierce, clearer, bigger, and more domineering old face... The "Blu-ray Man" sighed. , This stupid donkey has no wisdom in his mind. He didn't even know that such a huge change had taken place?

"That is a characteristic of strength, not a problem with your muscles. Congratulations, you have survived the death sun, which is more powerful than the sun demon. It is the dream of the great sun demon. We must protect you by law to prevent leaks. Otherwise it will cause interstellar war."

"I know, I know. Just kidding."

He Ming said with an expert expression. Many scientists couldn't help but laugh. Lao Lan's deflated appearance is very interesting.

The "Blu-ray Man" shook his head and said: "You know, but you know what happened? What did you do? We need to look at all your memories. Any useful memory is needed from birth. Is it okay?"

He Ming thought about it and said: "Yes. But I request that the memory protection procedure be adopted, and it must be skipped. Well, how about using the memory smart scan? I will operate it, and you will observe?"

Lao Lan said in amazement, "You actually know the memory smart scan? There is also a memory protection program? Great, great, have you learned memory? There shouldn't be this science on earth."

"A genius is self-taught without a teacher. Rejoice is self-confidence." He Ming also said a joke that he thought to be a joke. The scientists and the onlookers continued to laugh, and the He family laughed together. It's so funny.

Lao Lan gave a wry smile and sighed again, "Well, let's get started. I don't appreciate your humor, but I defend your right to tell jokes."

"It's so so, God Earthman, no talent, no technology, only a pauper eloquence."

The related memory device came up, and it started scanning He Ming's memory as if anti-virus software was scanning for viruses.

Thanks to the smart program scanning, it seems like you are having **** on the bed. The big bed and furniture look at you, and you have no feeling at all. Because they are all tools without wisdom.

He Ming's 21 years of life passed in a flash, only a few minutes, but it was so clear that there would be no missing events. If there are no miracles and no abnormal events, smart programs will not "catch" out like viruses.

So the pick-up incidents that he was worried about, etc., will not appear, and he can still be happy.

Soon, after He Ming got the magic glasses, a series of memories appeared, indicating that the degree is the green mutation index, which means that a powerful, but not too big impact mutation occurs.

Just like a low-level virus. It shows that a miraculous change has begun in He Ming's life. For the people of the earth, this is like a miracle. For Shanmeng, they are already clear about it, and they have exerted a lot of power in collecting magic glasses, and they often send some real magic eye fragments.

Accurate and professional, unlike the people on earth who still need to search warehouse by warehouse.

What makes He Ming even more depressed is that the three important components, the outer shell, the processing center, and the power center, disappear into the sea of ​​people as if they were *not on the earth or in the solar system. If there is a sea in the universe.

But the magic glasses told him that it was falling on the earth and it was impossible to fly away from the earth automatically.

Following a series of battles and so on, the gods watched with great curiosity, deep why Ming was shameless and cruel, and admired by the bravery and decisiveness, the absolute natural example of carbon-based monkeys. But the He family could see that, Xiao Hao secretly frightened, it turned out that the road of eldest brother's struggle was so difficult, precarious, and moved the world.

But there is too much luck in shit, I really envy and hate it!

He Ming's stunning wives don't have a feeling in their hearts. Really, why didn't my dear tell them? It looks like a hippie smile all day, but there is so much pain in my heart——

Hurt? He Ming knew that their thoughts must have thrown up, as for? I'm just hacking, slashing, killing, what hurt? Oh, I am a youth, not a literary art.

"You... cow b, drank 30 barrels of strange blood?!" Oda said with difficulty.

When they saw enjoying the strange blood, the gods were dumbfounded, and finally understood how bold this stupid donkey was. He also marveled at his instinct, or **** luck, so powerful, the barren demons were all made to "vomit blood" by him.

He Ming shrugged, "Good stuff, naturally enjoy it a lot, don't learn from me, it's no blood."

Seeing this, Odajun shrugged, convinced, cosmic myth! Courage must be cosmic level!

"Wait, Solomon's memory is super smart? No wonder the last time I dealt with memory, I thought your memory was too big. I didn't expect that Solomon's memory merged with you? There is super wisdom? Is this a cosmic joke? You don’t want someone with 500 universal intelligence at all!"

Lao Lan was shocked. In any case, he couldn't believe that He Ming's intelligence is as high as 500 points? It means that he can join a scientific institution at all, which means-this is impossible!

Scientists were surprised to discuss, He Ming's wisdom has surpassed many of them.

The gods looked at the God Jehovah unkindly, and his spirits and gods, angels, who have wisdom, mostly smiled bitterly, or shook their heads. This Solomon is really not a good thing.

Then, there is a red warning that makes everyone nervous, which means that the instrument has scanned enough memory to harm the good alliance, that is, once had a very detailed and clear plan, thoughts, etc., but it is absolutely impossible to think about it. He Ming is so holy. Degree means that he has no evil thoughts.

After a while, after reading the fast memories and complete plans one by one, the gods realized in vain that Solomon, the king of the earth, was a **** and man, and he deserved to have a terrible existence with super intelligence. The plan was terrible.

The powerful gods and demons on God's side were so angry that their nostrils spit fire, bastard, so vicious! The gods in charge of the banking system, the goddess of management, the central light brain, etc. were scared, and smiled at He Ming to express gratitude.

If the grandson pretended to be assaulted by He Ming, Shanmeng’s economic system was ruined. But that Solomon was too tragic, and the result made God quite sympathetic.

"Jehovah, you really deserve to be the king you used to fancy. The wisdom and scheming are indeed extraordinary. Fortunately, He Ming... the good is the good. The benevolent is invincible.

Da Ri Tathagata smiled and smiled to the calm God.

The latter shook his head slightly and nodded again. They respectively indicated that Solomon was really not a good thing, and agreed with the saying that the benevolent is invincible.

Fortunately, God has been depersonalized. Otherwise, he must smile bitterly or shake his head to express his shame. Too kind is not good.

Da Ri Tathagata narrowed his face, maybe he thought it was really funny in his heart. How many years have you seen such a funny thing? How did a wise king who deceived God end up like this? Was so defeated by an ordinary earthling?

However, when he saw Solomon's mud prints, Dainichi Tathagata finally transformed, and the Buddhas with powerful gods and demons around Tathagata were shocked and recognized this thing.

"What is it?" God couldn't help but said, it had never seen Da Ri Tathagata such a gaffe.

Da Ri Tathagata is generous and upright, with a look of shock on the handsome face full of infinite compassion.

"Unexpectedly... it is the seventh most wanted criminal in the ancient multiverse in the oldest cosmic literature in our country. It controls the evil Buddha, Morrisius. It is the Great Evil Buddha, the Great Buddha, and the one who plays with life forms. The Giant Buddha in the sky. It once controlled countless demons and committed evil universes. It was sealed by the oldest existence such as the origin Buddha of our Buddhist kingdom and the primitive Buddha—"

"...Don't, hey. He Ming ate it. That's why the dark power in his body is derived from it. And looking at his reaction now, the ancient evil Buddha can be comparable to the universe-level evil Buddha of the demons. He was actually eaten by He Ming."

"...I began to believe that he was the one who fate took, ignoring the cause and effect, ending the evil, and reaching the other side."

Seeing He Ming eating the mud mark, Da Ni Tathagata and the gods understood an important source of power: Although it was the blood of the desolate devil, it was only the blood, not the essence, let alone the main essence. It is absolutely impossible, unless the desolate demon that lives a peak is eaten, it is possible to evolve a **** and demon into a powerful **** and demon. But now, everyone finally understands that as early as in the past, he was alive and completely ate an evil Buddha that could be comparable to the demons.

" Buddha is merciful..." The Buddhas around Dainichi Tathagata chanted the name of Buddha.

The angels looked at each other; the robots quickly calculated, the elemental beings exchanged "flames", etc., powerful gods and demons, gods, gods, including God, really convinced He Ming.

"Solomon, do you know that the powerful power you dream of is in the mud imprints you have. It has made you, but you did not realize its ultimate power. Just as you think the void of the void is the void, but you don't know the right Because of this, we must work hard to live a good life full of kindness."

God is compassionate and authentic. The angels began to read, "O Lord of Hosts, my lord, my lord..."

However, when He Ming knew God’s words, he must “weakly” rebutting on the premise of maintaining a respectful attitude: “Lord, it’s not that simple. Ah Solomon is handsome and rich. No, handsome, he can’t eat a piece of garbage. , Let alone a river of rubbish. How does he eat mud prints? Dare? How can my brother abs have a natural romantic, unparalleled domineering destiny darling, and the courage to serve the people always inspiring!"

ps: Second more.


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