Technology Treasure King

Chapter 687: From the untouchable knife executive, the most "bull" company

But before he became a senior, Salbunan quickly understood that the company of Abs was as mysterious as Abs. M. Although many people work very poorly, they are not only zero-efficiency but also often unhelpful. For example, illiterate people like themselves, who just came in and want to prove that they are "useful", can't even turn on the computer, let alone connect. The phone is up and normal work is going on.

However, once someone is corrupt, etc., his behavior will be discovered within 24 hours. It is more difficult for him to be promoted than normal employees after warning and leaving a bad record in his personal experience.

Give priority to normal employees-many illiterate employees who have just come in and are called to hire because of a small number of people usually make this mistake. They are so scared that they think that their lives are over but nothing happened, so they quickly breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to normal people.

However, when other employees who have not been corrupted are promoted in the future, it will be more difficult for them-if the top management makes a mistake, they will be replaced, and they will continue to be in the position when they perform well.

The employees of the company, other companies, and even the governments of various countries are very puzzled. What I really envy is that the company of Abdomen doesn't know what power it has, as if the gods are supervising it. After all, people are greedy. Once they have power, they will be abused, and a social law will be formed in various ways. But it is destined to damage the interests of most people and satisfy a small number of people. Once productivity cannot keep up with demand, various problems naturally arise.

Therefore, anti-corruption has always been a problem that humans care about and are eager to solve.

In the past, I didn’t understand the company of Abdomen, no matter how big or small. Despite the Ministry of Security. There are many chefs and supervisors, but how can this solve the corruption problem of at least 60 million people in this huge money empire?

People used to think that it was the mysterious power of the abs, after all, he brought even more incredible problems to the world. This is a corrupt drizzle.

Especially in the recent big era game, oh, god, people finally understand, cow, what kind of corruption is there under such demon technology? The development process of your little brother. The growth state of each hair, the abdominal muscle brother is clear.

While dealing with the workload that ordinary people can't cope with, and that would crash within a minute, Sarbunan turned on a computer. It is specially used to store, process, and communicate with the latest mathematics problems-the blessing of the abdominal muscle brother, and people who "nip" genius medicine specialize in communicating problems on the genius network. Because geniuses cannot be mixed with mortals.

Although many ordinary people observe these indescribable wisdom and absolutely do not understand, they are absolutely shocked. For example, the distribution of some atoms, the distribution of new materials, and the design drawings of various buildings, objects, etc., are wonderful. Of course, the most popular are film technology, novels and so on. Seek updates all day long.

Ordinary people are obsessed with it, they also admire jealousy and hate, and there are a lot of sprays, because geniuses never pay attention to them and get angry.

"If it wasn't for the genius medicine given to you by the abdominal muscles brother, do you have such an achievement? What a shit!"

They don't understand. It is not the reason for being proud, but no one is wasting time in the time of genius medicine. However, after the genius medicinal effect turned back to a mortal, the wisdom of the gods left from his brain, and he was very lost and did not know what language to use to communicate with ordinary netizens.

Because the other party will soon understand that he has changed back to an ordinary person and doesn't have what they need.

Sarbunan enjoys the mystery of wisdom and is addicted to the kingdom of mathematics. It is hard for anyone to believe that Ah San was still illiterate a month ago.

Spent some time and energy to deal with affairs. He started "ideological education" again, hoping that this can be useful. He understands that in any company that enters Abdomina, no matter what job he is, he will enjoy a carefree life and work as a cleaner.

And the dress is very advanced. Looks like senior managers of other companies.

As for cleaning work, there are various new high-tech tools that can help, such as cartoon-style automatic floor cleaning robots. Just turn it on and off and put it away.

It’s okay if you don’t like high technology, are afraid of high technology, and cannot understand high technology. The Buddha Kingdom lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of poor people. Mumbai has the largest slum in the world. More than 50% of the population of 1,500 live in slums.

Therefore, when the most dedicated temporary workers arrive on call, they only need to spend a few tenths of their monthly income to replace their positions. jobs.

He is very clear, because he came out of it, there is no "Slumdog Millionaire" in the real world that touches many people. Because many people are illiterate and the elites are not good enough, how do you want to be illiterate to answer the questions?

The executive deeply understands that the slums can betray his wife for a few yuan or a few cents. That is, let the wife make the customer cool off all night. Of course, the customer cannot be a superman, or a real man who has practiced toad gong like him. It's just a refreshing moment, scientifically speaking: money is lost, and the physical struggle is only for a few seconds of pleasure.

So entering the company of Abdominal Muscles means that in this country, you have stepped into the heaven on earth as mentioned in Christianity. Of course, for the Buddha country, um, everyone has become a prince, from the untouchable caste class to the Brahman class. .

Therefore, a lot of wealthy people, the class that occupies the great wealth of the Buddha country, also want to enter the company of the abdominal muscles, even if they are small workers who sell fuel.

After all, who can guarantee that you will continue to be rich in a world that changes every day? Therefore, joining Abdomen is unprecedented, and the money empire that has ruled the earth means that from now on... the confidence index has skyrocketed, and there is a future. Go, I am here.

"Mr. Mambo..." Sarbunan used the new communication method to talk quickly, and "cold-bloodedly" warned one by one against the information in the computer, because he did not have the right to dismiss, etc., but he and them taking the genius medicine, The elites of the real abs company have countless ways to clean up these "stupid" employees. */.//*

"Untouchables..." Many employees of "noble castes" were exposed on the spot for their hard work, trying to break their brains. For example, hiding one rich person who has received benefits among a hundred poor people. There is only one!

However, although it is not on the earth, the earth uses only a few hundred billion one-hundred-billion computing power to monitor the central optical brain of the earth and the various companies of the abdominal muscles with the degree of clarity. The high-levels have specially allocated genius brain medicine. Under the super-intelligence like a god, everything is just a dream full of mental retardation.

Sarbunan once even "waste" a few minutes, creating an interesting model for this and putting it on the web of genius co-prosperity, which immediately aroused laughter. Ordinary netizens are ashamed and annoyed. Because it can analyze your lie interestingly, and it belongs to that kind of lie, how many people have used it. What a low-level and ridiculous lie.

After being exposed, someone cursed softly before Sarbunan changed the phone.

Put it in the past. Only 23 years old, and growing up in a slum cluster of untouchables, the strong and impulsive former members of the black society will definitely swear.

But now there is no feeling anymore, no feeling at all. He knows that this is the reason that the genius brain has improved unprecedentedly, the reason that ordinary people don't understand and won't have, it is accurate to every second.

So how can you care about insults that ordinary people care about, and waste time on it?

What a joke in a joke, a real insult, an insult to the genius drug!

The intellectual pleasure of an almost omnipotent genius reappeared in my heart. However, when I saw the red statue of the great man on the desk, Salbunan immediately warned him not to be arrogant, and arrogance is the power of genius. Achilles heel of genius.

Geniuses are not afraid of mortals, especially superhuman geniuses. They rule the planet easily.

However, they are afraid of the abdominal muscle brother, which is the source of all their superhuman strength and genius intelligence. And he is the savior of the poor, mortals, idiots, and ordinary monkeys, the most indestructible and the greatest support.

So offended the ordinary monkeys, they were so embarrassed that they united and filed a complaint with the abdominal muscles brother, and they would be miserable.

It is more than 100% possible that Brother Abdomen will definitely destroy a real genius for a group of stupid monkeys-give him medicine!

With a wry smile, the executive couldn't help thinking of the past. One or two months ago, the days were really too bitter and too bitter, and it was just like life now... Incredibly bitter, the officials of the Buddhist kingdom, the federal government that prides itself on democracy and freedom. Don't know what to do all day?

He finally understood when there was a big era game. Those **** **** have been corrupting, and the money they have is worthy of the ancient Brahmins-the richest group of people on the planet. After all, ancient India has been one of the most economically developed regions in the world since ancient times, and it has been competing with China as the world's number one GDP power. Together, the two are equal to the prosperity of the world.

And he, the now superior Sarbunan executive is a pariah caste, from the past to the present, he is a group of people who have nothing and have been deliberately forgotten by the Buddhist society.

Although Buddhism is already a modern society, traditional habits exist everywhere and in any country. Those aloof whites will only use, enslave, and laugh at them. No idea to help them at all. This is true from the British Empire to Citi America.

People like to prove their nobility by completely overwhelming all the rights of a small group of people, from which they think that their lives are not that bad.

And he, who grew up in the garbage and sewage, joined the omnipresent blackness in the slums in order to survive.

In the hopeless days of extreme poverty, he married a woman of the untouchable caste as his wife. Worrying about children's food all day long.

Until the end, one or two months ago, destiny finally smiled at him, and perhaps his wife's secret prayers to gods and Buddhas all day long had finally paid off. It was done secretly because the untouchables of the Buddha country could not conduct religious acts.

Because he often mixes on the road, he is well informed. After knowing about the abdominal muscles, Sarbunan told himself that his opportunity has come. There is really a **** who has appeared in this world without miracles. No matter what, he will become him. In his company, or a member of any industry, it doesn’t matter even to be the lowest-level thug in his black club.

Thinking of the simple thoughts in the past, Sarbunan smiled slightly. He really thinks that companies like Abdomen also raise illegal and violent people.

Because many large companies, government, and police in the country are the upper echelons of the black society. Is the master.

And at that time. The usual thing is just a small advertisement. Abdominal Bombay Energy Company opened. At that time, only well-informed upper-class people crowded the energy company, with owners and servants everywhere.

What made Sarbunan very happy at the time was that no wealthy class could join the company. No matter how poor they pretend to be, they create flawless information and housing conditions in slums, miserable family members and so on.

However, there seemed to be invisible gods watching their ridiculous behavior quietly.

When he finally leaned in front of him, he could not write any words when he said his name. He is illiterate.

The rich people around first snickered and sneered, and then knew that he was a pariah and immediately hid away and kept silent.

This is the truth they have understood since ancient times: indifference is more terrifying than ridicule.

However, the next day, he was approached by a few big yellow-skinned men with round shoulders and round backs. He was notified that he had officially become a member of the Mumbai Energy Group, and distributed 100,000 yuan, equivalent to 900,000 Buddhist rupees in cash, and five minutes later. They are almost forced to throw away worthless garbage, including all furniture made of rotten wood. Plastic furniture has recently been collected in the slums with a little money...

Then he took the murderous convoy, escorted him and his family, and found the same lucky ones, and finally came to the private hotel of Brother Abdominals in Mumbai, which was temporarily used as the residence of their employees. Free to use.

Finally...Salbunan stopped working temporarily, still excited under the effect of the genius medicine.

He will never forget that day, a day that cannot be described in words.

He couldn't imagine that in this world, in this country, the life enjoyed by those Brahmins who **** the blood of the poor can also be enjoyed by themselves? Even surpassed it?

His seven children married at the age of 14. My parents, their brothers and sisters, and more than a dozen of my own brothers and sisters regarded themselves as living gods at that moment...and then plunged into such a happy life. Everyone can't walk without eating; soak in the white bathtub like the sky to clean themselves again and again. In the past, even the drinking water was sewage.

The family fell ill countless times. It's all on immunity to persevere—if you don’t persevere, you die.

So I remembered that when his child was sick in the past, Sarbunan specially went to find clean water to restore his health.

He sighed beautifully, that was the happiest time in life, and now I am getting richer and richer, that feeling gradually fades—He Ming knows that he will definitely hold this Ah San’s hand and shout Said: "My confidant. Life is just like seeing it at first. The moment when a poor person becomes a rich person is the most happy! Then, there is no more... I'm lonely again."

After that, he vowed to repay his abs and contribute to the energy group. But he soon discovered that this company was super weird, even though he had never joined any company and was illiterate, but his instinct felt that this was really too...normal:

No matter when he goes to work, what kind of work he wants to do, or what kind of work he doesn't want to do. can.

No matter what kind of food he wants to eat, what kind of company products he wants to take. What kind of benefits do you want to apply for?

If you want to talk to a beautiful boring chick during work hours or spend the day in the company’s entertainment room, you can.

So for the first time, he was illiterate from the slum with a group of boring company employees on the company's high-end cricket ground, and of course the illiterate played cricket every day. As a result, the football skills...and the children's skills are greatly improved.

Because within a few days, everyone discovered that family members can also come to the company-at first, to let the family enjoy the indescribable rich and free food.

And many Chinese people who are in charge of recruitment, Chinese people who are lazy all day, and many more muscular little Supermen who are responsible for security or diet, especially like showy little Supermen, or chefs from various countries tell them that The company's characteristic of muscle brother is freedom: you can bring a lump of **** to work and a lump of **** to get off work without disturbing others.

So it didn't take long for women to have more pets, and then the employees of Huaxia who were bored and wanted to show off brought all kinds of cattle to work. Then it was used to take a selfie with the bull head and himself on the Internet to entertain the netizens, to prove the power of the sacred bull of the Buddha country and the magic of the A three kingdom.

"Look at it, Ah San's God Niu even took over the company of Brother Abs. Sure enough, sure enough, cats and Wang Xingren are the ball. Moo Xing talents are the masters of the earth."

"I will tell you. Is it eating a high-oil corn raised as a pet? I hope its owner will not find out that I did it! I believe that idiot will not find out. He is not Sherlock Holmes or Sherlock Holmes My good friend Watson. Because in our company, there are more cows than people in the magical Abdominal Bombay Energy Group... so it is also called Abdominal Bombay Niu B Company..."

Of course the netizens laughed together. Companies in various places and various industries quickly followed suit. For example, companies in Africa ask lions to help themselves become popular-completely wild lions, but its temporary owner is an extremely strong and handsome little superman.

In such a life, Sarbunan gradually learned dozens of written letters in the first language that he could write, Chinese. Specifically, thank you, thank you sir, thank you madam. I'm sorry--but he never thought that it was the language he learned under "hard work" that made the company's senior executives notice him. He had just entered the company of Abdominal Muscles in just a week, and he became a member of the enviable and enviable hatred, and everyone in Buddhism wanted to flatter... the recruitment team.

In fact, it is just a simple microphone, "Nan. He, you can get out."

Then he explained "euphemistically" in Buddhist Mandarin, "You can go back and wait for the news, we need to check." Although he is illiterate, he speaks the local dialect absolutely.

However, Sarbunan did not expect that he had just become a member of the recruitment team. He seemed to compete for the president of the Buddha country overnight and became famous on the earth. In the evening, he returned to the luxury hotel where his family lived for free in the evening. Found that countless guests were waiting for him. The wealth they offered has never seen before, and the family members who have just escaped from extreme poverty have surrendered, and are conquered by piles of various gifts, and the feeling of untouchables being asked by the Brahmin class to help is really too Cool.

However, because of his dark background and a tough personality, he dismissed it and acted absolutely impartially. The rich got out. The poor receive one per family. (The situation in Buddhism is complicated, so accepting one family member can change a family. Therefore, it is not possible for a family to overcharge like Huaxia."

Then Sarbunan never expected that not only was the cashier, but the head of the Huaxia Recruitment Team who had accepted his wife and daughter was taken down. Kick back to the original shape and go as ordinary workers. And the innocence of the broken single woman requires him to marry someone else. And he became an official—just so selfless, and Bao Qingtian of the Buddha country climbed up at rocket speed—it only took one or two months to replace a ridiculous brother, a distant relative, a little superman, and a I spent the whole day looking for women in the countryside to play guns. I was so happy that I didn't know what I was called. I married more than a hundred wives in one breath and finally went home to hold a grand wedding to show off.

So he, Sarbunan, became the executive officer of the Mumbai Energy Group, the most powerful people. Also the most dedicated and funny executive-because he was still illiterate.

Then of course I went to China to enjoy the toad work. Everything is getting better and better. When I was trying to learn Chinese, something called genius medicine was snatched from the devil world by the abdominal muscle brother-so the genius who learned Chinese in one hour was born!

And now, he, the executive officer of the Bombay Energy Group from an untouchable caste, what a "legendary" experience, which greatly inspired the untouchables of the Buddha country. One can be without talent but not without virtue. This is the truth.

Although the sour Brahmins despise him infinitely, any high society has opened the door for Sarbunan and his family to enter at any time. No way, the power he controls is too strong, so strong that it almost determines that there will be no power outages in the southern part of the Buddha country tonight; is there any fuel for industry and agriculture to boom?

What's more, the major companies of Abs are scattered like stars, but they are extremely united. A gas station master can offend his own people. Only the employees of Abs can enter the forum to have relevant people go. Fuck that person.

Because for them, the power is really too big, the wife wants the extremely precious lunar gold ring to get married? Just apply for it. We are already mining on the moon, and a small amount of lunar gold can still be obtained.

Sighing over the past, Sarbunan informed the secretary to bring a premium Blue Mountain coffee to drink. At this moment, the most important communication information appeared in the most important computer dedicated to important affairs.

"The management of major companies in the Buddha country, please be prepared. This afternoon, Abdomen will visit New Delhi in his personal capacity. You'd better bring your wife with you."

With ecstasy in his heart, Sarbunan immediately remembered the moment when he first met Abdomen. It was a cold night, God, can't you believe that the land of China is so cold? How can there be the warmth of our Buddha country.

At the time, under the sign of the staff, he took off a pair of underwear and put on a cotton coat waiting for the arrival of the abs.

Then the time to truly change destiny arrived. Brother Abdomen's hands sprayed a flame from far away and changed his body forever. The body that has been working hard since I was young has so far possessed unimaginable strength, and squats can already be 3 kg! It used to be 70 kg at most!

And the lustful **** have become... well, actually I really want to, or marry a bunch of wives... But with the lazy Huaxia employees, those subordinates who think they are the masters of arrogant people say, "Head, The status is different. Marrying a little wife is not good."

At that time, at night, because of the people everywhere and the interference of various voices, Sarbunan couldn’t see the face of his abs in ecstasy. He only felt that his figure was as tall and strong as a god. An indescribable stalwart power overflowed on him.

But he can feel the incomparably sincere, warm smile of Brother Abdominals, like the smile of a Buddha and the eyes of the **** of compassion...

What else can I do? Drive quickly. A new sports car rushes to the streets and quickly returns to the luxurious newly built Buddhist style villa where the senior management lives for free. Inside it was the same as the day before yesterday. They were all guests, friends, and friends who used to be untouchables now ask him to earn a living. The woman slapped his wife and parents all day long.

Seeing him come back suddenly, everyone was shocked. Mrs. Salbunan, who was wearing a high-end saree, greeted him in surprise. Salbunan quickly said: "Brother Abs is going to New Delhi in the afternoon. You dress up immediately. We set off to meet in New Delhi at once."

The woman was startled, and then nodded quickly, and went to a room specially used to put a lot of clothes, jewelry, etc., which stunned the visitors. After Salbunan saluted everyone, he followed. Because of the effects of genius medicine, he must hurry up and do useful things. Nonsense here? Never possible!

Sarbunan, who was in the same room with his wife, immediately took out the prepared new tablet computer, the new touch type, on which was a complex and wonderful mathematical problem. He was addicted to it in just a second.

"Hey, how about this dress? What should I wear?"

His wife kept asking questions, but Sarbunan just nodded, not looking. Then the woman suddenly threw a bunch of high-end clothes on his head, from sari clothes to very high-end western dresses. He looked up puzzled but saw that the woman was and said while crying: "Are you not in love with me anymore? I know you are not the one you used to be. And I can't satisfy you! Well, I promise you that you will marry other beautiful young women!"

Sarbunan did not expect that his meek wife, who had always been so obedient, would say so. He looked at his wife, and even though life has improved greatly now, the years have passed and the past has been difficult. She still has so many gold jewels that she still has no beautiful appearance and youthful atmosphere.

But he needs... her, and the children need mothers.

Under the genius brain pill, he immediately understood the mentality of a woman. These sudden days of wealth and wealth made her deeply stressed, because she really had nothing, and did not have a woman's greatest weapon, beauty. So I am afraid to abandon her. The behavior just now inspired this accumulated pressure.

So Sarbunan wasted precious time and hurried to comfort his wife. It didn't take long before his wife who was so happy that he was fooled by the effects of the genius medicine soon became depressed and discovered that he had become the emperor of mathematics again...

ps: Second more. (To be continued...)


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