Technology Treasure King

Chapter 1005: The coalition begins its offensive: World War 3?

That afternoon...

This world is very unfair. At the same time, some people in the world hegemonic China Alliance are making a fortune or enjoying a good life in the new era, eating and playing. .) But some people want to go to the unknown and dangerous fate involuntarily-on the battlefield.

The wind is calm, the sea breeze is slow, and the Bali Sea is warm and sunny in May.

But now there are a plethora of ships in this azure sea. From the newest Citigroup invincible aircraft carrier battle group to the dilapidated, old destroyer that can almost only run through the waters of Somalia. And countless ships are covered with flags of various countries.

I'm afraid this scene...... Even if the ghost ship incident, you won't see so many national flags.

In the sky, among the same countless aircraft, the latest European Airbus a-400m military transport plane, Ferros had a panoramic view of the "strange" scene in the sea, and he knew the miracle of the Java Sea. After the general "fisherman's profit", almost all countries in the world have been boiling and have joined the war.

As a result, in the 21st century, an unprecedentedly powerful and extremely complex joint army was formed.

The former world hegemon has lost the dollar hegemony and there is no need to come out...become a "Master", but still a lot of power. For example, the aircraft carrier battle group has already reimbursed one. The old age was the ultimate event of total war.

The British Commonwealth, the European Union, large and small countries are deeply afraid, but now they all joined them for... None of the European Union countries are backward, even if they have no combat effectiveness... The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Also officially declared war on the two Smecta countries.

Therefore, after the victory of the Great War, unprecedented conventional military forces were concentrated in the 21st century. Regardless of nationality, historical contradictions, and entangled national grievances, they united and carried out justice, UN resolutions and other righteousness to the two Smecta countries, and finally force. Intervene...Two "crazy" Smecta countries.

Of course, everyone chose to ignore a certain Central Asian rich khanate that was about to fall quickly...just kidding, that guy, Pakistan is a mainland country. All forces are used to develop the army, and the main battle tank has been upgraded to the point of "invincible".

Who is going to die?

Use the ultimate weapon Superman? Forgot the "Superman Treaty"? What's more, almost all the powerful supermen in the western world are relatives of the abdominal muscle brother, and they will not beat their own family at all.

Ferus' heart was cold because of the fear that was coming: What was it for? Freedom and equality? Humph. The dog dismissed it.

Almost all the "participating countries", including them, were inferior to the former elite fighters, and now an ant knows it well, with two main purposes: one. Suppress the aggressive ambitions of unequal high-tech powers.

Everyone in modern countries after World War II knows that there is no illusion in the real world, and sometimes the next one to tolerate aggression is oneself.

There is absolutely no doubt. At least the members of the Commonwealth are so rich that they are rich in oil, and Australia, which is full of minerals underground, cannot keep it.

This is also the beginning of the Commonwealth and others desperately uniting the old brother Citi boss. And the fundamental reason why a large number of "war forces" were gathered in the European Union, and then joined the war without hesitation, and joined the two wars.

The lesson of World War II is enough. Now let the two Smecta countries get population, resources, and time.

They will be strong enough to conquer all other "normal" countries.

Second, get high technology. And, all kinds of benefits that you can't buy at all, there are "a lot" of genius brain pills.

This is the most important ultimate goal that both large and small countries covet.

Now only through this way to get... what you want to get. It is better to challenge the China Alliance than to commit suicide yourself.

Obtained through trade or espionage... It would be easier to dream.

And Ferrus, who joined the war at the beginning, couldn't believe it. The direction of the war is simply...God still favors the Western world. The two Smecta countries that were invincible in the world suddenly turned over because of their huge interests-in the end, they got the dominance of the sea? then. Originally because there was no chance of winning... all countries rushed to join in, almost all the countries around the world, including... limited to the oil countries and the Kingdom of David in the civil war, and some warlords in Africa, etc. Of course, it does not count as the allies of the China Alliance and China. They don't need any "high-tech". This scale must be World War III. However, the opponent is too... a really ridiculous war.

However, he was extremely shocked, and his mood was even colder. I can't imagine that the damaged but still "invincible"... the guy who was just a new battleship... actually... lost all the air defense firepower. The coalition forces almost threw thousands of missiles and paid hundreds of billions of dollars to completely send them to the cold embrace of the ocean.

And now... it was their turn. Everything you want is not available in the ocean, only on land.

But...*, our Great Britain’s greatest army, the air crew is still fighting with... flesh and blood, *Smecta, an idiot soldier has armor, mecha, although simple and ugly.

However...Looking at the current use of at least 350,000 troops, the offensive is based on intelligence with only 1,500 smart armors and thousands of machine guards. Normal order maintenance is certainly a very brutal war killing machine.

An ugly, big guy who doesn't even paint due to limited time. It's like a metal octopus off the shore. But... the highest speed is equal to the hurricane Ferrari.

Ordinary people were killed when they were hit.

It is this kind of **** all over the world, "normal" countries are always dreaming-of course, it is best to attach some genius brain pills, so that research can be done, otherwise the optical intelligence program will be... impossible task.

Thinking of this, the elite soldier of the air crew, Sergeant Ferrus... was born with the idea that this time he was dead.

There has never been a war like this, like a medieval crusader who wanted to fight against the army of World War I.

I can only... rely on "him", that... God.

Of course it’s not the Abdominal Brother, the Abdominal Brother is... the "father" who made the gods, which can be called simply "the priest".

Ferrus looked at "him" secretly. Before the battle of life and death, "he" was still very relaxed, as if going to a banquet.

If you don't count your body, you can arm one... company. The weight is specially required for large military aircraft, that is, the large aircraft specializes in transporting their team. Because originally including him, there were only...11 air crew members.

This is because limited to the "Superman Treaty", superhuman power cannot be used to slaughter.

But didn't you say you can't use conventional power? Long-range thermal weapon? Anyway, just like ordinary people pull the trigger.

I hurriedly glanced at a lot of new weapons that I had never heard of before, but looked at all kinds of ugly appearances, such as what was copied with the scientific equipment under the Cologne Cathedral..."green biochemical" plasma gun.

Of course...Ferrus believed it. The quality is absolutely...not manufactured by Abdominal Muscle and can be used with peace of mind like the one manufactured by Huaxia. It is powerful and can be used in one shot. The enemy will die forever, and in the end will only leave some... regrettable traces on the earth.

Holmes personally investigated and thought it was just some "weird electrolyte", rather than... was a carbon-based monkey that might bump into it.

There are also a large number of imitations...electronic individual weapons, but the's easy to "boom" even if you don't shoot. So it can only be used by Superman. And it is stored in a special weapon box.

The pilot and himself these team members. A group of carbon-based monkeys prayed for the other side not to... "Boom."

Even if the big plane is attacked electronically... it will end up falling down.

There are also a large number of unknown equipment, including a ridiculously imitated piece of nanotechnology. In fact, everyone can see it, but *...wool texture. How can nanotechnology be so easy to imitate? Even if you are a hundred years ago, the sun never sets in the British Empire.

Ferrus believes that many equipment is just a test product. If it can really hurt Superman, then it must be a great weapon. The superman weapon produced by the "devil" must know that the weapons made by humans are only nuclear weapons, and the opponent cannot escape to hurt the super life.

But how is this possible?

Finally, a vague glance glanced over the other's extremely handsome face, and what kind of "dark king" physique was. Really... an indescribable beautiful man.

Fortunately, I am not... a chrysanthemum lover.

"I'm really envious. This guy was just...a member of the royal family. Why...hey!"

The air crew sergeant sighed and suddenly heard some high-tech gunshots and explosions. He knew that the battlefield had arrived. The next moment his gaze swept across the faces of his compatriots, the elite air crew of the past. The regiment soldiers, the members of the world's first special forces, are gradually becoming uneasy.

Captain Alberta. A middle-aged man with a hard gray-white short beard all over his chin and sharp eyes like an eagle. The man whose physical stamina was still at his peak said: "Prepare for the final checkup. Remember our mission, like the **** tank attacking with Mr. Apple as the center."

"Apple" is the code name for that Superman. This is for confidentiality.

After all, you must know that any superman is... the treasure of the country. Far more powerful and powerful than the nuclear weapons of the old age. It can be used permanently. The ultimate weapon that will never be eliminated.

"Understood!" Ferrus habitually followed the players loudly. Breathing becomes hurried. Crossed his chest and prayed to God to bless him. Time and time again-now there may be a new world of God.

The "miracles" in the game of the great age, the real Christ has not been seen.

And the real world is not like novels or TV sets...full of all the "arrogant" feelings in my heart.

There has never been a smooth and invincible military force.

Except for those "super powers" now.

In modern warfare with overwhelming superiority, everyone also used the always brave and ambitious...comrade missiles.

In normal combat, it is simply...Be careful like a mouse, speed like a snail, and become a tortoise when attacked.

There has never been a battlefield... jumped out to kill.

That was the end of being killed immediately.

Whether you are a small soldier who just pulled the trigger for the first time or an experienced elite commando, you will be treated the same on the battlefield.

The immortal "protagonist" does not exist in the real world.


The exit opened, and the wind filled with the smell of gunpowder rolled in like a white waterfall. The war is right in front of the mind and the coldness of nature and the high altitude of nature. Even the elites of the air crew are trembling in the hearts that are usually described as steel in various novels;

After hard work, the body that is stronger than ordinary people is also panicking-no ordinary person can be as arrogant as a bandit in a modern war, and the end is...If you are not lucky, you will be glorious.

And these elites... just like the electric power masters who have always been in awe of the "electric tiger", they also... face the war in awe at all times.

Of course, someone who can jump directly without using a parachute, and then hit a big hole unscathed by himself, will have no sense of fear, and can enjoy "arrogance and ignorance". He is not an "ordinary person", and he can drop 20 tons of war materials.


After being baptized in the cold air, Ferros set foot on... another foreign land. This time it was a real "justice soldier", coming to rescue the invaded people.

And this land is called Lombok, and its location is the administrative center of Lombok. Mataram.

This is a tourist attraction, of course, the guy on the other side called "Bali" is a world famous tourist attraction.

Thankfully, the two arrogant and self-confident Smecta nations have not deployed anti-aircraft firepower on unimportant islands, etc.

Therefore, the joint army's combat plan is simple: use the country of a thousand islands as the battlefield to consume the opponent's strength. Occupy small islands and surround big cities. Finally, attack the enemy's homeland, especially the city where ships are built-in any case, once someone builds a new new battleship, then wait until they perish over time.

The most united and most powerful military operation in the world after World War II also means astronomical daily logistic requirements.

Thankfully, the American emperor in the new era is still...a very reliable transportation captain, especially with a lot of basic technology. And a lot of gold, as well as the high-tech under the Cologne Cathedral, such as some operational atomic energy furnaces... and everyone’s confidence in the world in the new era. Everything makes the capitalist world economy inferior to open countries, but it soars by dozens %, or even more than 100%, that is trivial.

You must know that if... the US imperialism in the old era had an annual economic growth rate of 2%, the incumbent president could be called "great."

Of course it is a real growth rate, not the old age is not full of water. It's a complete lie like the growth rate that is now exposed by the big-time game.


It didn't take long. In the environment of fighting everywhere, a row of smart armor appeared in front of Ferus. They were immediately packing up their supplies and they immediately looked for a favorable spot, hid, and the captain shouted loudly in English that the opponent would not understand.

(Even in the past with the help of the English-American Dad’s garrison, but Smecta was too stupid: so I learned English in Smecta as...a superior)

"Hide now. Remember, their bullets are the power of heavy snipers! Don't think that you are safe by hiding behind a concrete wall. Get away from the attack."

"Hide behind Mr. Superman. I guarantee safety." The captain said, a black team member. The uncontrollable guy joked.

"Suddenly!" Just as the air crew was moving quickly and fleeing for the "guerrilla warfare" in Sanda, the Smecta soldiers in a row of about 12 smart mechas opened fire one after another. The instant power swept across this street like a storm of bullets fired by a heavy sniper, and the power directly swept through everything, even the main battle tank "challenger" that had just been airdropped was immediately treated as a piece of waste like tofu.

However, in the unequal high-tech battle, a human being stood in a bullet storm. Moreover, he was as flexible as a light, a piece of water flowing, shooting out the weapon in his hand.

"Boom!" The group was really ugly, and the plasma that was about to disperse sprayed on a mecha at close range. Mechas are simple and ugly things at best, not the China Alliance, they are like robots, a perfect armored intelligent paving and fighting system.

So the plasma easily penetrated the very strong new steel, burning the new electronic integration inside, the foul smelling black smoke, and invading the manipulator, he immediately...only screamed again and again, because he was lost in an instant Any body part that is infested by plasma. Including bones.

"Ah! Ahhh... it hurts me!"

"He is a super life, report immediately! We retreat!"

A group of Korean roared a few words, this group of aggressive smart mechanized South Korean soldiers immediately transformed the smart mech into a mobile mode, which is a chariot like a motorcycle. Want to escape immediately with the fastest speed. The combat mode has been tested and it is impossible to escape the super life, even if it is pursued by Superman.

In the real world, normal people are not fools. They are all superhumans and go up to die?

However, just after coming down, even though he was just a rookie on the battlefield, the nervous reaction of the life of Little Superman immediately made the Little Superman code-named "Apple" attack with new weapons.

The air crew and the nearby soldiers who came up by landing hurriedly used powerful weapons to beat the "falling dogs".

In the end, only half of the smart mecha savagely crashed into the street and escaped.

Stay away from life threats temporarily. The soldiers cheered.

"Smecta is a bunch of fools. Where can you escape? There is also the air force! Your iron shells can't stop the air force's attack."

Some soldiers laughed and said, everyone laughed.

Ferus looked up to the sky. I saw that the United Nations Air Force, which controlled the air supremacy, was launching frantically...just kidding, it feels great where there is no air defense force.

However, many areas still have very effective air defense defenses. That is a new military technology, a military fortress that is super difficult to gnaw. He* needs to know that new-style cement is also... a nightmare, everything is an epoch-making, non-equivalent high-tech.

So...Thank God, at least they still have superhuman power to help fight.


Killing all the way, thank goodness, a large number of ordinary South Korean soldiers finally let Ferrus find the pleasure of fighting "normal creatures".

It's just...the weapons of these **** are unbearable. The bullets of ordinary submachine guns seem to be shot out heavily. Hidden behind the wall are all...accidentally, it is the result of the whole body becoming a meat sauce.

That's all. Weapons such as electromagnetic, plasma, and electricity are not in the novel, especially in the "Radiation" game...cute things. In reality, it is absolutely life-killing as easy as eating and drinking.

Even if the electromagnetic ball is shot, all the creatures within ten meters of the target will run away in horror than seeing... a nuclear weapon. This thing has a good rate of fire, like it is a little slower than an arrow, and the color is so bright, so it can be avoided.

Once hit the range, it is the result of being killed immediately.

The center is okay, it has turned into a ball of meat sauce, and it is still green and cute. Super rare in the old days. And the carbine will be twisted into... a lovely ball.

It is extremely disgusting to be nearby. Even the brain organs were exploded, and immediately rushed to the street because of extreme dizziness. The pain was indescribable. It seemed to fall into a dark abyss of endless rotation, without extreme rotation, and finally suffocated because of losing control of the respiratory system. Or the body is dehydrated to death.

Both are very painful, and hopelessly end-unless you are a Chinese soldier. Possess or can buy the same Huaxia battlefield drugs as penicillin hundreds of years ago.

There is no war in the China Alliance, and it is still the past. So... of course they are willing to sell a large number of battlefield and military drugs that will be eliminated sooner or later.

But the price is so high that no army wants to purchase it. Are you kidding me? A soldier is dead if he dies; **** democracy and human rights will not protest, this is a glorious sacrifice.

If you buy these medicines? Bankruptcy immediately.

Plasma weapons are generally fired with laser weapons. Not only the scale is as large as full of geometrically beautiful shapes, as if a net has been struck out, but also...there are also attack methods like raindrops.

However, being hit is an immediate...death. The laser usually divides any human body tissue into a smooth, complete, and very orderly flow of blood.

The plasma is even more unlucky. Once it's hit, it's... the terrifying body instantly bursts into high temperature, and when you come back, you see a big hole through your I lowered my head and took a look. Plop" fell to the ground.

The cold plasma is even more terrible, hitting the arm is to freeze the body tissue immediately, if the finger is still on the trigger, it will definitely light the bullet in one breath. Then, a little sonic explosion nearby would shatter this unlucky ghost.

Electronic weapons are very effective against tanks. As long as they are fired, the old-fashioned electronic integration inside the tank will be... "cracking" smoke... The main battle tank worth millions of dollars will be fired at most. It takes a few cents of energy rays to reimburse.

So the war has just begun, and countries have cancelled the decision to put a large number of main battle tanks on the battlefield.

It's not that the armored iron flow has been eliminated, but a certain Pakistani tank is... God, one can single out a destroyer, right?

But... this is a very unequal high-tech battle. So... can only be piled up with human lives.

ps: The first one. To be continued. . )



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