The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 180 Cyberpunk World Players

Of course he didn't respond to these unknown letters, it was meaningless, and it was impossible to ask something from these purposeful people.

The battle in the fortress is still going on, and through various electronic systems, the details of the frontline battle are continuously transmitted to him, so that he can clearly know the situation on the frontline without leaving home.

Unprepared, the security brigade of the so-called Jianyu branch had no resistance to their main invasion. After being defeated by two brigades in a row, there was no new resistance. The troops successfully entered the city and began to eliminate sporadic resistance. .

There are no defenders in the city, mainly some sporadic robot military police who counterattack automatically, or some low-level gangsters who take advantage of the war to create chaos everywhere.

They wore overcoats or jackets, their hair was cut in a variety of ways, and they were dyed in very bright colors. Many of them wore smoky makeup, hung various metal ornaments on their bodies, and held machetes or various weapons. Many parts of their bodies had been mechanically transformed.

Taking advantage of the lack of military and police control during the war, they rushed into the chaotic streets in groups of whistling and strangely modified vehicles to wreak havoc and rob property.

This kind of low-level people was called gangsters and hooligans in ancient times, no matter where they are.

Even in the prosperous urban planets of the United Human Empire, even if the various welfare benefits are enough to ensure that no one will starve to death, there are always some thrill-seeking or other gangsters who walk on the edge of the law.

These people wantonly destroyed, killed, and robbed under the sign of welcoming intruders.

For this kind of person, Li Qing just coldly issued a supplementary order to the three commanders:

"Anyone who disrupts order and creates chaos will be executed on the spot!"


Less than ten seconds after he issued the order, the fastest responding robot commando launched an attack on a group of gangsters who were smashing the door in front of them. The three gangsters who smashed the door were smashed into a sieve.

In less than ten minutes, the gangsters who were still wandering on the edge of the occupied block were easily suppressed.

With the passage of time, a steady stream of ground troops entered the battlefield. The three major battlefields had invested about 200,000 ground troops in the second hour of the battle, and completed the defeat of the current city defenders, establishing a stable bridgehead .

Then, with the bridgehead as the center, start block by block, block by block, and then start to encircle and wipe out, and every time an area is occupied, all network signals in this area will be cut off, shielding the enemy's signal.

This tactic is mainly because the defense may come from the control of the core of the fortress. Although the fortress seems to have been abandoned and lost its combat ability, the interior may not be completely damaged. It is not guaranteed that many functions inside can still be used. If it starts suddenly, it will be dangerous.

The war against the current city lasted a full week before the entire city was completely captured.

After it was confirmed that all the lines in the entire city were disconnected and the city became an isolated island on the Internet, Li Qing ordered the troops to drive out the residents in the city and concentrate them in the center of the city.


In the center of the city, before the super giant building with a zenith ten kilometers high and a ground floor, it had been completely occupied by troops.

A large number of civilians were driven out and walked along the streets to dozens of large squares in the city. Looking down from a high altitude, they looked like dragons swimming.

The streets on the ground, the suspended streets on the middle floor, and the suspended streets on the upper floor, human beings of different classes were all driven out violently, and those who did not cooperate were all shot on the spot.

When Li Qing came to the central square, dense crowds of people had already gathered in the square.

Prosthetic bodies full of cyber-style appear on every human body. The body, arms, eyes, ears, mouth, and even the bones of the whole body, various internal organs, etc. are replaced by mechanical organs, and the flesh and blood are combined with cold metal.

A cyberpunk style that he could only see in movies and games hit his face, making him feel an inexplicable sense of absurdity.

The direct subjects of the Xinghai lord, who once dominated Xinghai and possessed a sixth-level scientific and technological civilization, have degenerated to the present level after seven thousand years.

Li Qing can be sure that their technology has degraded significantly. Although he doesn't understand the route of mechanical ascension, he can also see the strength and weakness. The mechanical prosthetic bodies and weapons of these civilians in front of him are not far behind the average technological level of human beings. big.

He was sizing up these civilians. Among the civilians, there were quite a few figures with player identities watching around vigilantly among the potential crowd. At the same time, they communicated with each other in the channel that only players could enter.

"There's something about this army. It looks so strong, and they actually use clones to form an army. It's too extravagant. Which group is this from? Is biotechnology such a big deal?"

"I've never heard of it. It is said that although the Perfect Bio Group with the strongest biotechnology can also produce complete clones, the cost is very high."

"Then the strongest biological group on Cybertron is no longer the perfect biological group. This unknown force completely exploded them."

"Do you think there is a possibility that this unknown army is actually from the Perfect Bio Group, and their bio-gene technology has recently made a breakthrough."

Immediately it was denied:

"Impossible. With the greed of capital, they can't do this. If they have good technology and more advanced technology, they must keep it as a backup. The price of a clone is as high as 5 million stars. How can they be willing to take it out to form an army? Lowering the pressure on your own products doesn’t do anything.”

At this time, Li Qing asked from behind:

"Are there very few clones here?"

Lu Yu looked at the garbled code displayed on the light screen in front of him. It was obviously just a garbled code on the player channel, but it exuded an aura that was incompatible with this world. With just one glance, he knew that this garbled code did not belong to his world.

Like all players who saw this gibberish, the biggest reason for Lu Yu's silence was fear.

If it is true that NPC civilians do not know the past history, players can communicate with player channels that are not controlled by the group capital, and the cultural inheritance has not been cut off. Of course, they know what the string of garbled characters in front of them represents.

According to the exclusiveness of the local system, once a string of garbled characters appears, it means that an outsider has come in.

This makes them not only curious, but also fearful.

Curious which alien player civilization is here, is it human.

Fear is the fear that the coming player is a civilization of a foreign player, if it is

They know very well what the situation in Cybertron is like. If a foreign player civilization discovers them, there will only be one consequence.

'die! '

There is no other possibility.

If it is just a foreign race, there may be a chance to be a slave, but if it is a foreign race player, there is no other possibility but death.

Don't say that if the ground troops are clones, they must be human players. Using human clones to confuse them is also one of the tactics. It can only be said that the possibility of human players is very high, but it is not absolute.

At this moment, the post that had been interrupted for a long time suddenly had the name of a golden emblem appear below, and answered the pair of garbled characters:

"Dear Your Excellency, I am Chang Jianlong, CEO of Undertide Group, and I welcome you on behalf of Cybertron World."

Li Qing pinched his chin and thought for a while, then responded:

"I don't think you'd welcome me here."

Without waiting for his response, Li Qing continued:

"However, whether it's true or false, it doesn't really make sense to me. I also know your purpose, so I can tell you now that I am a human player, of your kind."

As soon as this sentence fell, the thousands of players who silently followed in the channel showed shocked expressions, and an inexplicable feeling swept over their brains or consciousness chips.

After the initial shock, Chang Jianlong, the CEO of Undertide Group, turned his mind quickly, and immediately said in an excited tone:

"Unexpectedly, after being lost for seven thousand years, I can finally meet other people of the same race. This is the luck of my generation. I don't know where you come from. Has the United Empire expanded to this place?"

Below him, many questions immediately appeared. Many IDs with bronze badges or silver badges had never been seen before, and various inquiries came in an endless stream.

Li Qing looked at these questions expressionlessly, as well as the communication requests of several golden names in the private chat, Shao Qing smiled slightly and said:

"It doesn't need to be so complicated, I can answer you one by one."

"I come from the United Empire of Mankind. I was born in the Li Clan of Qinghe. Now I am the lord of Garan and a member of the Senate of the United Empire of Mankind. Three hours ago, I started a full-scale landing operation on the mobile fortress where you are."

Ignoring a series of shocked question marks, he continued:

"I will send a huge army to land on this fort one after another, flatten all the rebels, completely conquer you, seize this mobile fortress, and bring you under my rule."

After a long silence, everyone was shocked by the news.

A few people with an ID without a badge asked:

"I don't know if Your Excellency conquered us, what is our destiny?"

Li Qing replied:

"We are all human beings, and we all have the same inheritance. Although I can't make any promises now, do you think there is anything worse than your current situation?"

"Crazy, decadent, closed, without hope, without goals, living your whole life in this small fortress like a tomb, from birth to death, without freedom, without self, do you still want to live like this forever? "

"Don't you want to drive the interstellar warship across the star sea like your ancestors?"

Persuading surrender is also considered an inducement.

After discovering that there were actually a lot of players inside the fortress, he thought about how to use these players to achieve his goals.

It's not that he's attracted to this group of players. To be honest, Li Qing's territory doesn't have a high demand for players.

It's not just him. In the United Empire of Mankind, other than his own clan members, the main clansmen of the major armies rarely recruit players to serve him, unless it is the kind of family.

The so-called family-born children are the descendants of the player family who have served the family for generations.

Serving the family from generation to generation, they are relatively more loyal. Only such players will continue to use them and dare to entrust them with important responsibilities. It is almost impossible to recruit unfamiliar players halfway.

The main reason is that the player's thinking is too active, and the identity of the player endows them with more possibilities, which makes their ability greatly surpass that of ordinary humans at the same level, and at the same time, the uncertainty is also higher. Generally, the stable forces that have formed are not very I like to use it.

Li Qing doesn't like to use it either, and he has servants of light, so he doesn't have a high demand for player talents. Naturally, he doesn't like the fact that the Cybertron Fortress has been closed for more than 7,000 years, and his knowledge and knowledge are outdated. , the key is players who were born in this cyberworld view of cannibalism controlled by capital.

But he wanted to persuade them to surrender, the main reason being that he wanted to subdue as many humans as safely as possible.

As he learned more, he discovered that the number of natural humans inside the Cybertron Fortress was much greater than he had expected.

The original estimate was about one billion, but the information we have now is at least five times more than the estimate, and it may be more.

If so many human beings can be safely received, what a fortune it would be.

For the sake of this super rich wealth, even if he doesn't like this group of players anymore, he has to accept it.

As for the receiving method, it is very simple. He opened the address book, connected the player whose title is the executive officer of the Undertide Group among the three gold-named IDs, and said straight to the point:

"I will now give you a chance to bring your group to submit to me and accept my rule."

Chang Jianlong frowned after receiving the expected news, and took off his gold-rimmed glasses to reveal a pair of shining eyes, but if someone looked closely, he would find that his seemingly normal eyes were actually bionic implants.

He looked back at the dozen or so men and women exuding extraordinary aura around the long conference table behind him, and said in a deep voice:

"He contacted me, and I will send you the conditions."

A light curtain unfolded, displaying Li Qing's words.

More than a dozen men and women dressed in luxurious and imposing manners frowned. One of them, an old man in a navy blue Chinese tunic suit, paused his dark gold faucet-headed cane lightly, and asked a bald man in military uniform opposite the conference table:

"The Armed Forces should have received information about their army. What do you think of their strength?"

The whole head of the bald man is made of shiny metal, with complicated lines drawn on it. From time to time, he saw tiny electric lights jumping along the lines. He said with a blank expression:

"The information collected now shows that they have a complete five-generation technology, which is stronger than us. With the current strength of the group, they can barely stop it, but the army they are sending now is obviously not all their strength, and I received news that it is not far away from ours. Both the Sky Fury Group and the Qiandu Group have been attacked, and they should be attacking from three directions, which means that their strength must be stronger than we expected, and if we use force, our chances of winning are not high."

After a pause, he continued:

"Unless the nearby groups are persuaded to unite, it will be difficult to defeat them. Once defeated, we will have no room for raising conditions."

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