The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 206 The Confrontation at the Elders' Meeting

If you guessed right, this is the second time in the 10,000 years since the United Empire of Mankind saw other player civilizations in the Perseus Arm.

The first player civilization I saw was shortly after human beings entered the new universe. It was the stage of star sea survival. At that time, there were several player civilizations in the Emperor Starfield of the Perseus spiral arm. During the fight, the predecessors finally defeated or exterminated or expelled other player civilizations, monopolized the Emperor Starfield, established a powerful United Human Empire, and became the leader of the Perseus Arm.

But in the next few thousand years, human beings were sandwiched between the two powerful civilizations of the Bruwan Union and the Kaier Zaka Star Sea Empire, and their development was limited.

Although the comprehensive strength of civilization has been growing in recent years, it is difficult to add Star Marine Lords or even Star Sea Lords with the territory there. The growth rate of comprehensive strength is far less than that of three thousand years ago.

And the player civilizations of other spiral arms and even the center of the galaxy

It’s not clear if the distance is too far, and I don’t know if they will be flanked by other powerful civilizations like human civilization, maybe they will be attacked by other powerful civilizations, maybe they will fall into a disadvantage, maybe they will defeat other powerful civilizations and their strength will go further, etc. unknown.

But to be sure, it's a huge threat.

Only the player civilization knows the potential of the player civilization. If the development of this civilization is not limited, there is a high probability that the strength will be stronger than humans.

"The fourth agenda item is that Lord Chen Xuanshuang, the lord of Xuanshuang located outside Shanhaiguan, discovered an ancient repairable star gate in Xuanshuang Territory. After careful research, it was determined that the star gate is a star gate that spans a spiral arm. His Excellency Lord Chen Xuanshuang hopes that the empire will Expand the scope of the Shanhaiguan defense line, and incorporate Xuanshuangling into the Shanhaiguan defense system."


Li Qing immediately remembered that the attitudes of the two subordinates of Xuanshuang leader changed drastically after they knew their lord status. They heard that they were related to a certain agenda and did not dare to offend Li Qing, who had voting rights.

I didn't know what it was before, but now I know it's this.

The four agendas are very important. Li Qing didn't say anything. First, he checked some information that he had just obtained the viewing permission. The details of these agendas were listed above.

I won't talk about the first agenda. My territory is in the south, so of course I voted for it.

However, he felt that it was meaningless. Maybe many military leaders wanted to change the center of gravity before, but after knowing that there was a new player civilization in the north, the center of gravity could not be moved.

In fact, Li Qing already knew about the second agenda material, even when he subdued the Cybertron general, but he knew about the matter but didn't know the inside story.

After checking the information, it became clear that it was indeed the top three Star Sea Lords who responded to the call-up a long time ago, but then the other Star Sea Lords quit. Why should this kind of good deed be exclusive to you, so after years of protests, the exclusive benefits The former lords of the Star Sea had to compromise, and all the lords of the Star Sea took turns.

Simply recruiting fleets was not a good thing in the past. After all, serving in the past was not simply stationed, but to fight. It would be good if a legion-level fleet could return one-third in the past.

The reason why everyone scrambles for this opportunity is mainly because they can get in touch with real advanced civilizations there, and have the opportunity to gain some benefits from those advanced civilizations. This is what they value, and they would rather use huge losses in exchange for those benefits.


Well, this has nothing to do with Li Qing, he is not qualified to go, and no Xinghai lord has come to win him over in private. Based on the principle of not offending anyone, he will abstain from voting later.

As for the third agenda, this does not require a vote, and the situation is unclear at this stage, they just need to make preparations in advance.

The fourth agenda has nothing to do with him, and he still abstained.

An hour passed quickly, and the unknown Star Sea Lord who presided over the meeting rang the bell and said:

"Because of the third agenda, after discussing with the Star Sea Lords, the first proposal is temporarily put on hold, and a decision will be made after determining the situation of the unknown player civilization in the north."

After speaking, the venue was quiet, which was expected by everyone, even Li Qing didn't bother to raise his hand.

With no traces, the moderator immediately moved on to the next agenda:

"Now, one of the three Xinghai lords will be selected to accept the next round of recruitment. The three qualified Xinghai lords are Ximen, Nantian Ye, and Taishan Xiao. They are represented by numbers 1, 2, and 3. Please decide. Who do you support?"

After speaking, three virtual buttons appeared in front of Li Qing's eyes, and he could press the one he chose.

Li Qing took a look and had no choice.

The voting ended soon, and Simon's narrowly defeated the other two Star Sea Lords, and was eligible to be recruited.

Skip the third choice agenda, and start the fourth agenda soon.

Because it had nothing to do with him, Li Qing watched the voting the whole time.

The vote closed five minutes later, with roughly 21 percent in favor, 64 percent against, and the remainder abstaining, failing to pass the agenda.

This is reasonable. After all, if the agenda is passed, Xuanshuangling will be included in the Shanhaiguan defense system, which means that the original defense system will be expanded, and the defense scope will also be expanded. There will be some holes in the main line of defense.

Similarly, if this proposal is passed and the Xuanshuang collar is protected, as long as he does not commit suicide, there will be almost no problem in being promoted to the military leader in the future. Such a good thing is very difficult to pass.

Human nature is selfish, coupled with the exclusivity of class, there are not enough benefits, who would want you to suddenly join the ranks of military masters.

Although everyone in the Senate has the right to vote, military lords and ordinary lords are not in the same class at all.

Not to mention the gap between prestige status and strength, let’s talk about one voting right. Ordinary lords only have one vote, one vote of military lords counts as ten votes, one vote of Xinghai lords counts as one hundred votes, and each has one veto right.

Although it can only be used once every three years, this is the difference between having and not having it.

This means that when most of the military lords have reached an agreement, the votes of other small lords are actually useless, because they all add up and cannot overturn the decision. Unified opinion, the one-vote veto power of the Star Sea Lord will automatically be invalidated, which is the power of the military master.

After the four agendas were over, Li Qing made some soy sauce.

Like other small lords, most of the time participating in the elders' meeting is soy sauce, but they are all keen to participate, which is a symbol of power and status.

Reaching out to hold the back of his head and leaning back, Li Qing was about to announce the end of the meeting, but he heard the Star Sea Lord who presided over the meeting say:

"The main agenda of this meeting of elders has ended, and the next stage is the free meeting. If you have any important matters or disputes between the lords, you can bring them up at the meeting."

Immediately a little lord sitting on the edge stood up and said:

"Respected lords and military lords, I am Jiang Yuhui, the lord of the dark tide. My territory is located outside the Dayan Pass. It was taken down by me and my brothers at a huge price and hardship. However, as soon as the territory was established, there were A consortium named Norton wanted to forcibly buy a share. After being rejected, they cut off all our waterways, monopolized all business transactions, forcibly traded with us at ten times the usual high price, and tried every means to force us to transfer Equity."

"I am here to ask all the respected lords and military lords to uphold justice for us and let the Norton Consortium stop this robbery of forcibly taking other people's property."

There was a lot of noise around the venue. They were all small lords. Most of them had experienced this situation, and they had a lot of empathy.

But the inside of the venue was eerily quiet, and none of the military masters and lords made a sound.

Obviously, they have seen this situation too much, and it has long been calm.

But this kind of silence didn't last long. About a minute or so later, there was a sound of hammer knocking from above. The Star Sea Lord who presided over the meeting said to him:

"We already know your situation. As a senior, I would like to give you a suggestion. You can make a list of the situation in your territory, list the advantages and disadvantages of the territory, and then visit the military lords or lords one by one. I believe There will be seniors who will give you pointers."

this proposal

To be honest, it is fair, not to evade.

Even Li Qing can see the current situation of this undercurrent lord. It is obvious that this undercurrent lord is definitely not from a military lord or a lord. Otherwise, some elders would have stood up to support him. To be honest, a living planet is promoted to a lord, which is already very powerful.

But his development will encounter a hurdle here. Without the support of the military leader, his current ability alone can no longer support him to go further, and it is even difficult to keep the existing territory.

The meaning of this star sea lord is very simple, list the situation of his territory, ask the military lords or lords to visit one by one, and find a supporter.

It is a very simple exchange of benefits to pay a part of the territory shares in exchange for a strong supporter.

It is also an inevitable exchange of benefits. If you insist on holding all the shares in the territory, the result will definitely be miserable.

If you come from a commoner background and don't want to pay benefits, who will help you?

At this time, there was another knocking sound from above, and the unknown Star Sea Lord who presided over the meeting added another sentence:

"Our United Human Empire has not had a new army leader for a long time. There are only some old faces. I hope to have some new faces and fresh blood so that we can better deal with threats from other civilizations."


Li Qing could clearly feel that many people were surprised. The meaning of this sentence was obvious, it was to warn those financial groups not to go too far, and to leave a way for newcomers to survive.

There were quite a few people with clear thinking, and several new lords who were threatened one after another rose up to complain, and the host took the trouble to encourage them.

One thing after another was resolved, and the meeting gradually came to an end. Li Qing spent a whole day in soy sauce. Although he didn't do anything, he gained a lot of insight.

When no one spoke for a few minutes, everyone thought that nothing was wrong. The host, the unknown star sea lord, was relieved and was about to announce the end of the meeting. Suddenly, someone stood up in the military chair, and said in a deep voice:

"I have something here that I feel the need to say."

The moderator waved his hand and said:

"Please say!"

"Although it's not a big deal, I don't really need to bring it up here to talk about it, but I can't help it because someone tried to delay this matter by relying on the protection period."

"Boom, boom, get to the point!"

"It's like this. Some time ago, outside the border of Zhennan Province, the newly promoted Jialan Lord Li Qing took advantage of the accident of a caravan of my Sanhua Trading Company. Instead of providing humanitarian assistance, he took the opportunity to kill The remnants of the caravan swallowed up to 1500 trillion star goods in the caravan. This move is tantamount to stealing. We asked him to cooperate with the evidence. Not only did he not cooperate, but he used force to resist absconding .”

"Relying on the support of the Qinghe Li family and the Jinmen Yu family afterwards, they refused to pay attention to our multiple notes. In desperation, we can only go to the elders' meeting to seek justice."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was silent. Many people showed surprise, but more people looked at the military lord who spoke with strange eyes, including the Xinghai lord who presided over the meeting, as if I was listening. Wrong look.

When he heard the beginning, Li Qing had a premonition, halfway through he could be sure that it was aimed at him.

After hearing all the words, he just laughed angrily.

Being able to tell nonsense with open eyes so directly is a skill, at least he has to make a draft.

At this time, the host of the meeting knocked on the table to signal silence, and asked in a deep voice:

"Who is the Garan Lord you are talking about?"

"Li Qing."

"Are you at the venue?"

"It should be."

The host looked up and looked around, and asked in a deep voice:

"Which one is Lord Li Qing, please raise your hand."

Li Qing raised his hand expressionlessly, and thousands of eyes looked over in an instant, and the next second there was a sound of exclamation.

"how can that be?"

"How can it be so small"

The military leader who spoke was obviously dumbfounded, and even the Xinghai lords on the stage looked surprised. It was obvious that they all sat up straight and seemed to be interested.


The speaking military leader whispered to a military leader beside him:

"Are the people in the Sanhua Trading Company eating shit? Haven't investigated this clearly? How can such a young person be a super psychic?"

Another army leader on the side shook his head and said:

"how could I know."

After a pause, he said:

"The plan probably won't work. Such young super psykers, Qinghe Li and Jinmen Yu will definitely die, and the lords are unlikely to support us, even if we pass all the benefits to the past, it will be useless."

"Then what to do?"

"What else can I do if I lose face? If you admit it, you'll say you've made a mistake."

"you say."

"Dream, you can lose face alone, why drag me to lose face together."


At this time, another unknown Star Sea Lord asked Li Qing with great interest:

"Your Excellency Li Qing, I would like to ask, where is your Jialan collar? I believe that most of the lords present don't know."

Li Qing stood up and replied seriously:

"My lord, my Jialan collar is about a thousand light-years north of the border between the Tianjin star field and the Zutar star field."

"Oh, I've heard that many newcomers have gone there in the past few years. I heard that there are three alien civilizations over there. Did you steal this planet from aliens?"


"Yes, how old are you?"

"twenty four!"

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