The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 209 Goodbye Luo Zhen

He didn't have time to communicate with the natives on the planet. It would be too strenuous and troublesome. He would take them away by force and put them in the universe in his palm.

The next day, a total of 100,000 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft sent to the planet brought first-hand information and found out the location of a large number of gathering places.

Although reconnaissance on the planet is inconvenient, the thick clouds of radiation and the mutated monsters inside will destroy the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, but such a huge amount spread, basically covering the entire planet.

There are two kinds of intelligent creatures on the planet. In addition to the Hulls, the other species is actually a kind of insect evolved.

looks like

It reminded Li Qing instantly of the cockroaches in a sci-fi movie called Martian Aliens that he had seen in his previous life. Of course, he was not as perverted as the cockroaches in the movie, but his ability to survive in this wasteland planet was obviously better than that of the Hulls. , Individuals are very strong in terms of strength and adaptability, and some not very strong radiation can do nothing to them at all.

this species

Li Qing directly gave up the idea of ​​acceptance.

At the beginning, the sea spider-men family was taken in for the sake of a planet and a division-level fleet. This cockroach-man race did not have any benefits, so he was not interested.

Next, Li Qing sent a large number of escort ships into the interior of the planet to locate gathering places one by one, and then directly opened the palm universe inside the planet. The gate of the black hole shrouded the sky above the gathering place, and the powerful attraction directly attracted all the buildings and people in the entire city. Swallowed into the door of the black hole.

The other side of the gate of the black hole is not the void, but a super livable area. The other side of the gate of the black hole is only two meters above the ground. If you swallow it and fall directly into the jungle, it is difficult to break a bone at a height of two meters.

Simple, brutal, and scary.

Suddenly encountering such a situation would scare anyone.

I was sleeping soundly, and suddenly the whole world was dark, and then I appeared in an unfamiliar environment in the blink of an eye, and I was bound to be afraid. Now, a system prompt for survival in the wilderness sounded in my mind.

However, after getting through the initial chaos, they found that the place where they appeared was in a beautiful forest without radiation, and all the people of Hull began to make up their minds that it was the gods who came to save themselves.

One by one the settlements were uprooted, many buildings with unstable foundations were sucked into them, and the super livable areas were in chaos.

Li Qing didn't pay attention to these, let them mess up for a while, it's fine, just wait until they calm down and wake up.

He has already issued an administrative order to the Cybertron area, and has prepared a batch of supplies, which will be delivered in a special way in a day or two.

According to the calculation that a super livable area can only accommodate one billion people, in fact, only about three to four billion people will be overcrowded, and only one livable area can be changed. It is estimated that the premise of accommodating a maximum of 10 billion people is to build a large number of high-rise buildings with three-dimensional space Accommodate, now the entire primitive jungle is flat, how can it accommodate so many people.

This wave of operations has lasted for almost a month and has not yet ended. The gathering places are too scattered, and several gathering places have not been completed in a day.

While he was trying to search for Hull survivors from all over the planet, in a galaxy two hundred and seventy light-years away from this waste planet, a frigate jumped into the galaxy and adjusted its direction to the galaxy. Central flew.

Two hours later, the frigate broke away from the sublight speed state and appeared in the void not far from a huge planet.

Looking at the huge star city above the orbit of the planet and the huge fleet moored around it, Luo Fen gritted his teeth and sent his identification code to star city.

He can already predict what he will face when he comes back this time. You must know that because of his own selfishness, he did not inform the base of the life planet and the production of ultra-rare resource star diamonds on it, but collected it privately. The company does not know about it.

Now that I failed and came back to report the information, I can predict that I will be severely punished by the company.

Although it seems that there will be nothing wrong with his family as one of the shareholders of the company, but his future is bound to be gone.

When he thought that his future would be lost because of this matter, at least tens of billions of star diamonds had nothing to do with him, his heart was bleeding.

But at this moment.

"No, I still have to struggle."

Luo Fen was still not reconciled to his fate.

After thinking about it, when the spaceship entered Star City, he applied to Star City for an internal ultra-long-distance transmission device to send a letter for himself.

This star city is located inside the Zutar Nebula. Due to factors such as interference, distance, and maintenance difficulties, there is no star gate installed, but an ultra-long-distance transmission device is installed, which can transmit some small things, such as letters and other information.

After sending the letter, only five days later, a special battleship jumped to Star City.

Luo Fen's private room inside Star City, Luo Fen who had been staying in the room heard the doorbell, opened the room and saw his younger brother Luo Zhen with bodyguards standing at the door with a blank expression.

"come on in."

Luo Zhen asked the bodyguards to wait outside, and the first time he entered the room, he took out an instrument and put it on the table, touched it lightly with his fingers, and a circle of clear light spread to three meters away, before he sat down, looking at the opposite side and looking a little nervous Rofin.

After a while, he stood up suddenly and slapped Luo Fen hard on the face. The huge force knocked him upside down and fell on the sofa.

Luo Zhen pointed at him and cursed loudly:

"Stupid, how could I have such a stupid brother like you, if it wasn't for the fact that you are my own brother, I would kill you now."

Luo Fen covered his face and sat on the sofa, whispering:

"I'm not doing it for the family. If I tell you, how much does this planet and the star diamonds on it have to do with us?"

Luo Zhen poked him and counted, angrily said with a smile:

"Are you sure it's for the family? Are you sure it's not because of your own greed?"

Luo Fen stepped forward and grabbed Luo Zhen's leg and shouted:

"Brother, I am really for the family."

"Go away!"

Luo Zhen kicked him away, walked back and forth several times with his hands on his hips, stopped to look at Luo Fen, and said for a while:

"Tell me the situation in detail, don't hide anything, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Luo Fen lowered his head, was silent for a while and said:

"The planet is in the southwest direction, about 270 light-years away. It is a waste earth planet with a standard size of about 23 grids. The nuclear radiation intensity on it is extremely high. There are two species, one humanoid and one humanoid. An arthropod species, the total population on the planet is about two billion."

"The rare mineral star crystals are produced on the planet, and the reserves and output are very high. It is estimated that the estimated reserves are at least 20 million or more."

After saying this, he looked at his pensive brother nervously.

Luo Zhen thought for a while, unexpectedly he did not continue to be angry, but asked:

"Can you be sure there are so many reserves?"

"I can't be sure, but judging from our current mining speed, the reserves are definitely extremely rich. I have obtained nearly 100,000 star diamonds in just one year of mining."

"Show me the star diamond."

Luo Fen was embarrassed, shook his head and said:

"No, they robbed them all."


Luo Zhen walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, meditating with his hands behind his back for a while, pinching his chin with his hands for a while, turning around a little and saying:

"I will apply to my father and call the family's security fleet to come over."

He glanced at Luo Fen and said:

"I hope the harvest is really that big, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Luo Fen nodded again and again:

"Don't worry, the harvest must be very big, there are really a lot of star diamonds in it."

On the wasteland planet, after more than a month of hard work, Li Qing finally copied most of the Hull people's gathering places, and most of the large and medium-sized gathering places were taken away by him, leaving only a few scattered around. There is no way for a small gathering place.

It's not that he was too lazy to take that trip, but that most of those gathering places are hidden in some very hidden places, such as in lush jungles, ravines and canyons, or underground. can't find it.

For this kind of gathering place, Li Qing didn't have the time to search slowly. After calculating the time when Luo Fen would go back and call for support, he decided to stop the procedure and start the Broken Star Project.

First withdraw all the human drones and escort ships on the planet, and then drive the entire fleet away from the planet.

Although it is not a star, the energy impact produced by the planet being blasted is not weak. If the battleship stops in the orbit of the planet, and the sky is full of broken continents and the impact is blasted, even the battleship cannot withstand this terrible impact.

Think about how terrifying the impact would be if a piece of planetary fragments hundreds of kilometers smashed across.

It was still quick to adjust the position, but after the fleet was in place, he didn't do it immediately, but looked into the void with his chin propped on his hand.

"I don't know when they will come."

Of course, murder must be punished, blowing up quietly, how could blowing up the Sanhua Trading Company under the noses of Sanhua Trading Company, and taking away all the wreckage under their noses would hit them more.

It didn't take long, only after waiting for two days, the warships scattered around patrolling sent a communication, and there was a sudden strong hyperspace jump fluctuation in the void at a certain location.

Li Qing's spirit was shocked immediately, and he cheered up.

Soon the reconnaissance ship sent a picture, which showed a sudden distortion of the calm void, and then a huge fleet jumped out of it.

About 700 battleships, more than 2,000 cruisers, more than 4,000 destroyers, more than 16,000 frigates, followed by thousands of industrial ships and transport ships, as well as some special ships such as scientific research ships.

There is no flagship. Although Li Qing holds a lot of blueprints for flagships, there are very few of them overall.

Of course, with the strength of the Sanhua Trading Company and the support of the Baji Consortium, it is not difficult to obtain the flagship blueprint. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no huge shipyard for the flagship.

"The strength is good!"

Li Qing will communicate with a servant of light in the universe in the palm who is in charge of the area of ​​the light of the gods, and let him be ready to recharge the main cannon of the light of the gods, as long as he gives an order to start charging.

Inside the bridge of a re-modified Excellence-class battleship, the two brothers Luo Zhen and Luo Fen are standing in the center of the bridge. In front of them, a huge planetary projection is unfolding in front of them. Turn left and right in front of the display.

"It is indeed a living planet, but it's a pity."

Trying to caress the thick gray atmosphere projected by the planet with his right hand, he shook his head and said:

"The environment is too harsh and the distance is too far to develop, but it is worth conquering."

At this moment, Luo Fen said:

"There is a preliminary estimate of about two billion people on this planet, and there is no complete political system. This is a ready-made miner. We only need to pay for some cheap and cheap food and industrial products that exceed their civilization level, and we can easily control them economically."

Luo Zhen glanced at his brother, nodded and said:

"Your idea is good, but it can be more radical."

"We can add force to directly control them, and then integrate their manpower to start transforming the planet by ourselves. First, reduce the radiation concentration in the atmosphere, and then slowly clear the mutated creatures on the planet. When the radiation concentration decreases, Then they can slowly transform the environment and use their own power to transform the planet."

"Anyway, we are not in a hurry. Let them transform the planet while mining star diamonds. We can accept it in ten, twenty, or even thirty years."

"At that time, we can use the funds obtained from the sale of star diamonds to complete the final development and construction of the planet, and then emigrate. At that time, we will also have a living planet belonging to our family."

But Luo Fen pondered for a while and said:

"Your idea is very good, but there is a problem. We don't have the first priority for this planet. This planet was first discovered by another group of adventure players."

Luo Zhen glanced at him, pointed to his head and said with a bit of hatred:

"Are you stupid? You can't do anything to a group of adventurous players? Can't you just drive them away by force?"

"But they are all new pioneers, and they are still under ten-year development protection. They discovered this planet a year earlier than me. According to the default rules, the first priority of this planet is in their hands."

"How about the newborn pioneers? What about the first priority? You can't drive them away by force and you won't think of other ways? Have you forgotten what your father taught you?"

The more he talked, the more Luo Zhen became angry, and he almost roared afterwards, because the word "new pioneer" reminded him of Li Qing, the lord of Jialan not long ago.

Although I had already completed the task of the consortium, I was really only one step away from success at that time, and I was only one step away from swindling that kid's underwear. Once I really succeeded, I would definitely become famous in the business circle inside the United Empire , With this brilliant record, he can directly enter the consortium system in one step, and his status has greatly increased.

However, it still failed, mainly due to the ten-year protection period of the so-called new pioneer, so that the other party had no fear, which made him extremely annoyed.

Now he encountered a so-called freshman pioneer against him by relying on the novice protection period, new hatred and old hatred came to his heart, his mind turned quickly, thinking of any way to bypass this so-called novice protection period.

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