The American Scripture

Chapter 259: Separated

[Dao Zang America] General Chapter Serial Post [Forbidden Water] m

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   "What's wrong?" Joey and the two women said in unison.


   "That Joseph's eyes are wrong, he seems... bad, but my instinct tells me that he must be... God, he will be against Lawrence..."


   Police Officer Bloy stared at Joseph, and slowly put one hand on the handle of the car door at this moment. Joseph suddenly took out a pistol from his waist, slammed the two men away, raised it towards Lawrence, and shouted loudly: "Mr. Lawrence--"


   "Be careful, Mr. Lawrence, he has a gun!" The two big guys who were knocked away by Joseph hurriedly moved away, but they still shouted loudly, trying to remind Lawrence.


Lawrence stopped, slowly raised his hand, and then slowly turned around, watching Joseph walking towards him with a pistol in his hand, he was immediately frightened, and he stammered: "What do you want, Joseph, if you want money, I still have more than three hundred dollars in my wallet!"


"No, no, Mr. Lawrence, I just want to continue working here, please!" Unexpectedly, Joseph did not yell at Lawrence in a violent manner. Instead, he showed a pleading expression. Lawrence prayed for a chance to return to work on the set.


   "Okay, okay, do you want to come back here? No problem..." Lawrence replied quickly. He decided not to suffer from the immediate loss, and nodded to Joseph, "As long as you put down the gun, everything is easy to say."


   "Put down the gun, police!"


Just as Joseph was overjoyed, he heard someone yelling loudly behind him. When he looked back subconsciously, he saw a policeman who raised his pistol at him and walked over from a police car with his eyes dead. Staring at him. This police officer is Officer Bloy.


   "Okay, okay, don't get excited, officer, I'll put down the gun right away!" Joseph threw the gun down quickly, without any hesitation, or even intending to take Lawrence as a hostage. Raise your hands up, then hold your head and turn around.


   "Kneel down, hurry up!" Broy approached, kicked the pistol thrown on the ground with one kick, then put the gun against Joseph's head, "Get down, get down!"


   Joseph fell down very cooperatively, Bloy took out the handcuffs, handcuffed him, then lifted him up again, let him stand against the tree, and went to pick up his pistol.


"That's not true!" Joseph called to Bloy. "That's not a real pistol, it's just... just a water gun. I don't have the money to buy a real guy. I just want to scare Mr. Lawrence. I go deeper. You can’t be worse than a beggar, Mr. Officer, I’m telling the truth!”


   Bloy picked up the pistol and looked at it carefully. It turned out to be a very exquisite water gun. Pulling the trigger, a jet of water shot out, which made Bloy, who had been nervous, a little bit dumbfounded.


"Is this a Reaper's visit?" Joey, who had got off the car following Officer Bloy, shrugged his shoulders to the woman standing beside him, and said with a dumbfounded look. "This time But it's really not a threat from the **** of death! It's really...very worried just now."


   "Then we still need to stay here?" Laura asked, "I don't like the atmosphere here!"


   "Stay here for now and wait until I'm done!" Officer Bloy began to contact the police in Los Angeles and the officer in charge of this area. You have to finish the matter on hand first.


   Lawrence shrugged at the three people, then smiled, relaxed. Although he didn't say a word, but from his triumphant look, he knew that this guy was mocking Joey.


  " "Look, who are we protecting! Anyway, I can't stand it anymore! "Laura looked at Lawrence and got into the car again, sulking.


Not long after two police cars drove in, a sergeant was negotiating with Officer Bloy, and finally reached an agreement. Officer Bloy handed Joseph over to the police in Los Angeles, and then the sergeant asked Lawrence some more questions. As well as several witnesses around, the two police cars roared away after getting the assurance that Lawrence would be there.


"Okay, the matter is finished, let's continue to wait here, maybe this is just a test!" Bloy also got in the car and smiled at several people, "Joseph was sent by Death to test our patience. "Speaking of seeing Laura's very unhappy face, I quickly added.


   "Of course, I was kidding."


   From the start of work in the morning to the end of work in the evening, Lawrence is no longer in danger, this time it seems to have passed. At this time someone was yelling: "Turn off that **** blower."


   "Where is Jos? Isn't he managing the blower?" Lawrence asked impatiently looking at the blower that was still blowing.


"He resigned and quit. God knows what this guy is thinking." A staff member replied, about to turn off the blower, but just after two steps, the props in his hand fell to the ground. He couldn't help but cursed, then leaned over to pick up the things that fell.


"Oh, it's great. I have to shut down the stuff myself. Sooner or later I will get a cold by it, Megan, remember, tomorrow I will find a dramatist and let him take care of this station. Blower, my god, it's messy, it makes me feel dizzy, it seems that I have to find a good assistant director!"


"Remember, let me come!" Megan said, preparing to turn off the blower, but suddenly Lawrence kicked a rope away. The rope was entangled by the blower, and he immediately pulled up the next one. The used metal pole of the tent flew up in the air, making a "woooo" sound, and thrust it toward Lawrence like a javelin.


   "Be careful!" Megan yelled subconsciously, but his actions were slow, and he couldn't make it time to push Lawrence away. And Joey and Bloe even sat in the car without reacting, they watched the metal pole "swish" through Lawrence.


   And at this moment, Lawrence saw with his own eyes the jade pendant on his chest emitting a ray of light, a shining light, and disappeared in an instant. The metal rod stuck straight in, making Lawrence also dumbfounded.


   "Hum——", the metal rod made a trembling sound and a dull insertion sound.


   "God!" Alyssa exclaimed. She could see the metal pole passing through Lawrence's body and sticking to the ground behind him, "He was stuck!"


   "Damn it!"


   This sentence is the voice that Joey and Bloy call out almost at the same time. Obviously their first glance was to see the metal pole passing through Lawrence's body and then nailing it to the ground.


   "God!" Lawrence couldn't help wiping his sweat, and then slowly backed up until he was completely free from the metal pole. This pole almost killed him. He just passed under his crotch, but he didn't suffer any harm.


Almost subconsciously, Lawrence touched the jade pendant on his chest, then squeezed it tightly in his hand, and then slowly loosened it. The fluorescent light just now was not his dazzle, it was indeed It saved itself again.


   Watching Lawrence push it out, the metal pole was clearly stuck on the ground. At this time, Joey, Bloy and others also understood that Lawrence had not been inserted just now.


"Lawrence--" Lilith screamed and ran towards Lawrence, who had just removed her makeup. Seeing Lawrence intact, she couldn't help kissing him hard, "God bless you, you are intact!" Her hands subconsciously. He peeked under Lawrence and smiled as he felt that the thing was still there.


"Look, I'm fine!" Lawrence opened his arms, smiled at Lilith, then attached himself to Lilith's ear and said softly, "It was Zhen Zhen’s Jade Pei who saved me again, believe me, Lilith, it can also save you, don't worry, everything will pass."


   "I know, I am not worried!" Although Lilith said so, she was really relieved in her heart, "Don't forget the evening date!"


   "Well, I won't!" Lawrence was really speechless to this woman. Is this also a way of comfort?


   Facing Lawrence's good luck, Alyssa once again questioned Death.


   "Look, Joey, Lawrence is okay, nothing happened, neither our salvation nor the presence of death. Is this an accident or death's visit?"


   "I don't know!" In the face of this situation, Joey didn't know what to do. He turned his head to look at Officer Bloy, "Do whatever you want to do!"


Officer Bloy looked at Lawrence, then shook his head: "Forget it, I think if there is a **** of death, I think he is just trying to joke with us people! Let's go, get out of here, To be honest, I have been thinking about this issue for the past two days, but... I am still confused until now."


   Saying that Bloy started the car without Lawrence saying hello, he left the set. Along the way, the four of them were silent and did not speak, as if they were just performing a farce.


However, just as they left, a few leaves fell under the front windshield of their car. Bloy ignored them and drove the car away. They found a place, stopped first, and then Walking into a restaurant, four people called hot dogs and and sat around to discuss the next step.


   "Do we still have to go on?" Alyssa asked first.


The other three people were silent. After a while, Laura said, "I don't want to. I have been nervous about this for several days. Isn't it all right now? What I need most is not this. , But go home and take a good hot bath, and then sleep comfortably for a day."


   "I want to do the same, but..." Joey stopped talking.


"Well, guys, I'll come up with an idea!" At last Police Officer Bloy said, "This thing is obviously not as bad as everyone thinks, maybe we scare ourselves, of course, it may be death and us Just a joke, I suggest you break up on this, I’ll go back to Nevada, you stay at your home, and don’t go out in the past few days. If you have any questions, please call in time."


   "Well, this is the safest way!" Joey agreed.


The two women agreed, and the last four broke up in the shop. Joey, Alyssa and Laura went home separately, while Officer Bloy drove a police car and walked alone from Los Angeles to Nevada. State highway. The leaves on the front windshield of his car were shaking in the wind, and they were firmly stuck to the glass...



   [To be continued "This text is provided by the Shanshen Tuban group@情知道所起hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. If you want to provide the fastest and best updates for your friends like us, please click to search for the Flash God Tuban group and join us! 】

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