Bai Ni beast ran away after getting permission from Xiaoxiao. Qi Jun looked at the direction where the little beast disappeared and touched his chin.

Dongfang Rong came over: "What are you thinking about?"

Qi Jun said: "You said that this Bai Ni beast is very useful, lobsters live on the bottom of the sea. It doesn't matter whether it is a deep sea lobster or a shallow sea, we can't go down. If you train it, you should be able to get a lot of seafood. And the appearance of Bai Ni beast is also very cute, and the ball was touching it just now."

Dongfang Rong smiled and said: "I thought it was something, it's so simple. You can use supernatural powers on him, just like backing up the ball. After a long time, it will understand what you mean. And it listens to Xiaoxiao's words, even if you If you don't want to use the ability, you can also let it go to the bottom of the sea to hunt."

"Yeah. I never thought it would be so useful to get them in before. Well, you go and see how Grandpa and Dad are doing. It's been so long, it's fine if you can't catch them. You have to come back for dinner. Wood-fired meat is better cooked fresh. Go go go."

After Dongfang Rong was ordered, he went to look for someone. Qi Jun went back to continue processing the ingredients.

The lobster is not small, as long as the forearm of the ball, and the two pincers are also heavy enough, of course, the area occupied by the head is not small. It's just not big enough for so many people to eat. So Qi Jun decided to make lobster tofu soup, so that Xiaoxiao and **** could also eat some. Or because of the small number, if Bai Ni Beast gets ten or eight, it will be no problem! However, considering the size of the little beast, it seems that it is still impossible to eat a bigger fish in the deep sea!

Tofu in the space is a regular item. Make a full twenty at a time, and do it when there are two or three left. When he came out today, Qi Jun packed five yuan. Originally, he was there to make the clam tofu soup, but now he has to make three yuan.

Lobster should take out the paste and meat. The remaining shrimp shells cannot be wasted, because the operation is very careful when taking the meat, so the shrimp shells can still be placed quite intact. Qi Jun thinks that it can be cleaned and then treated with antiseptic, and then made into a shell specimen, which cannot be taken out, and there can be more decorations in the space. Thinking of this, he set his eyes on Maruko's "treasure box", um, there are indeed many things that can be processed!

Cut the lobster meat into slices and put them together with the shrimp paste. After the pan is hot, add the **** slices and minced garlic and saute until fragrant. Put the shrimp meat and shrimp paste into the pot and stir-fry, and then pour a little wine to remove the fishy smell. At this time, the smell from the pot attracted all the four young and old at the side. The old lady was holding the ball, Xiaoxiao ran over by herself, and You Ai was holding a half-peeled potato in her hand. Surrounding the pot and sniffing, this smell is definitely as fragrant as sniffing.

The old lady sighed: "You have fried shrimp before, but it doesn't taste like this."

Qi Jun said with a smile: "This lobster also has a lot of shrimp paste. I used to fry it without the shell, so the taste is definitely not as obvious as this one. Let's just put the tofu in and make it into a lobster tofu soup, I promise. Every bite of tofu can taste shrimp.”

You Ai sighed, "It's a pity that no one in our family is as good as water."

"Look for a chance to let Rong catch a few more Bai Ni beasts back. After they breed, we will have an underwater hunter team." Qi Jun suddenly got inspiration and said this.

After You Ai heard it, she felt quite reasonable. "It's a good idea. I think it will work."

The old lady didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Bai Ni Beast usually lives in a cave by the water, and his activities are all in the water. How can Xiao Rong catch it? And even if he asks a water hunter to catch it, the one who can get it back will definitely be dead."

The disillusionment of the mother and son was disillusioned, and both showed expressions of disappointment. Qi Jun put the tofu in the pot and continued to stir fry and crush it together, while he muttered: "Actually, a small boat is fine, and there are no strong winds or waves in the space. If you go to the sea to cast a few nets, you probably won't get anything. "

You Ai also felt that this was the only hope. "The trees in the space regenerate very quickly. How can he make one by himself after using it for a year and a half?"

"Look at the two of you, the more you talk, the farther you go. I really think about what to eat. Come on, in case the space upgrades its own ships next time. Let's hurry up and prepare all the ingredients now. They must be hungry when they come back. I don't know if they caught anything, they went for so long."

The old man and Dongfang Qi have gained something. And the harvest is not small. There are also a lot of fish in the coastal waters. Qi Jun doesn't know much about them. Anyway, the ones that Grandpa and Dad caught are all edible after testing. Among them, the grandfather also "fished" a large group of green things. At that time, Dongfang Qi also laughed and said that this was hooking up useless grass and wasting bait. The old man was angry and felt that his son was mocking him. So if it was said that it was edible, I brought it back.

After Qi Jun's determination, this is really edible. And it is a kind of seaweed that Qi Jun liked to eat in his previous life, commonly known as sea cabbage. Nutrition is also very rich, the key is that the price is not expensive in the city where Qi Jun lives. It will be very fishy if you don't make it well, but it tastes delicious when you do it well. The old man brought this ball up. Even if the eight of them came to eat, they could eat it four or five times. Although this thing is delicious, it should not be eaten too much.

Hearing that this seaweed can be eaten, it is a seafood product that Xiaojun can sell in his previous life. The old man is pleased. "Young people have to be convinced. This is the feeling that has settled in life. Learn more."

The big guys are not happy either. Dongfang Qi didn't want to raise the bar, but honestly went to clean up the fish that he caught. The old man was in a good mood and took the initiative to take over the task of bringing the two children. The old lady can finally join the "kitchen" work camp.

After the lobster tofu soup was finished, it looked golden. Qi Jun put the finished product in the storage space to avoid heat loss. You must know that although the items outside the small building will not be spoiled, the temperature will change. This dish is best eaten warm.

You Ai's own fried green pepper clams. Chicken mashed potatoes are also her masterpiece. She also completed the spicy snail meat under the guidance of Qi Jun. Seeing that the beautiful snails in his "treasure box" were dug up by his mother and father, Maruko felt distressed for a long time. It was not until a small bowl of mashed potatoes with chicken sauce was brought to his mouth that he ignored the destruction of the "baby".

The thirteen fish caught by the old man and Dongfang Qi were different in size. And there are as many as five. Qi Jun really couldn't recognize the species, so he simply picked two of them and made tomato sauce fish that felt firm when pressed. The rest of the fish was grilled. Qi Jun prepared three seasonings. Black pepper flavor, cumin flavor, and fruit flavor. Chili noodles are added according to individual needs, anyway, the old man said. Except for the two children, everyone else bakes and eats it by themselves, don't count on others.

The meatballs unexpectedly like lobster tofu soup very much, and he does not eat lobster meat slices, but only likes to eat tender tofu. A small bowl was eaten very quickly, but after eating, my stomach was round and it was obviously uncomfortable. No way, who made me eat half a bowl of mashed potatoes before eating.

Xiaoxiao likes everything except the cold sea cabbage made by Qi Jun. He just turned his head as soon as he saw the plate of green stuff. Dongfang Rong forced him to take a bite on the grounds that "strong orcs can't be picky eaters", but the little guy vomited after chewing twice. Quite disrespectful. But the old lady and You Ai liked it very much. Qi Jun made the sea cabbage sour, fresh and salty with a little sweetness, and it was very refreshing to eat, especially after eating two bites of barbecued meat and a mouthful of rice, it was definitely a meal and a relief.

No matter how much a child likes to eat, his appetite is still small. Although Xiaoxiao is reluctant, he really can't eat it, so he can only choose to play shells with the balls. Only then can Qi Jun and You Ai be able to concentrate on eating. After taking a bite of the grilled fish that Dongfang Rong handed over, Qi Jun sighed: "The heat is too high and the meat is dry." Seeing the disappointment on Dongfang Rong's expression, he immediately changed his tone: "But the taste is very good. "

Dongfang Rong quickly picked up the grilled oysters and handed them to Qi Jun's mouth: "Try this and make it according to what you taught before."

Seeing the young couple's affection and love, the four elders were happy. Not to be outdone, Dongfang Qi also baked this and fed that to his daughter-in-law. Although the old man was full of contempt, he also gave the old lady a lot of things. It made this meal look like the three generations of the Dongfang family showed their love for their wives. The three people who were caught were dumbfounded.

If you eat a lot of seafood, you may not feel better afterward. Because most of them are cold and cool things, Qi Junzai also prepared a brown sugar **** jujube tea.

After eating and drinking, sitting on the beach or reclining chair, enjoying the sea breeze and sunlight, drinking sweet **** jujube tea, listening to the sound of the waves, not to mention how pleasant this day is.

The whole family ate a little too much, and Qi Jun also suffered from food sluggishness, and fell asleep next to Dongfang Rong after a while.

Xiaoxiao turned into a beast and ran to Qi Jun's side to find a comfortable position and lay down. Looking at the sleeping pictures of his wife and children, Dongfang Rong felt a little sleepy.

He propped up the umbrella to block Qi Jun's upper body, and took the ball out of the stroller and put it beside Qi Jun. Dongfang Rongteng sat directly on the beach and gathered sand on his legs, trying to bury himself.

Seeing his grandson's behavior, the old man was very interested. "This is taught by Xiaojun? What's the use?"

Dongfang Rong replied: "Xiaojun said it was fun, but he didn't know what it was for. It's just that he saw many people do this on the beach in his last life. I think his legs feel heavy after covering it."

The old man decided to try it himself, but he thought it would be a little ugly not to pull his son. "Dongfangqi, you can also experience it together."

The corners of Dongfang Qi's mouth twitched twice, but he finally accepted the order. To put it bluntly, he was also a little curious, so the three of them sat side by side and began to bury their legs. This made You Ai and the old lady frown. I don't see what it means at all.

Just sitting and staring at the sea is meaningless, and the three of them chatted about the M country. This chat involved various things. Anyway, there is time in the space, and it is rare to have such an opportunity to communicate on weekdays.

Barbecue and seafood are good for an occasional meal, so when you are hungry again, the family has returned to the small building. Qi Jun and You Ai fry a table of vegetables, and the meat is only stewed beef with carrots and sliced ​​meat in the stir-fry. This is a very vegetarian meal for the orcs of the beast world.

Xiaoxiao looked at the half bowl of carrots and only three pieces of beef, very unhappy. "Mother and father, Xiaoxiao wants to eat meat, not Hong Luobei."

Qi Jun put down his chopsticks: "If Xiaoxiao eats all these carrots, my mother and father will give you three more pieces of meat."

Xiaoxiao pondered for a while, and felt that if there was more flesh, it would still be alright. So instead of haggling, I started to concentrate on eating carrots with a spoon. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it was all over the side of the bowl and on the table.

Since Xiaoxiao can eat seriously, the whole family has taught him to eat with a spoon. The little guy learns very fast, even if he eats a whole piece of meat, sometimes he will use his hands when he is in a hurry. Even if he got it all over the place with the spoon, everyone would just tell him to pay attention, not to waste food, it's unsanitary and so on. But he never let him do it himself because he was afraid of getting dirty. Qi Jun feels that there are many times when children are allowed to do what they can do, and they still think it is a very fun thing. At least their Xiaoxiao is like this.

Laid-back vacations always pass easily. Dongfang Rong started closed training again. It is also for a month, but he said that this should be the last training for this group of players. Qi Jun distributed the seasoning package for the barbecue and handed it to Dongfang Rong for him to take away. As the captain, he can speak his mind. Anyway, the food he feeds to outsiders is made from the ingredients of the beast world.

On the side of Qi Jun School, the black pepper that was distributed before has entered the overall cultivation stage. It's everyone who started planting in the nursery, no matter what you used to grow in the nursery pot at home, this time you have to start over in the nursery. Everyone's planting formula is different, which is the best opportunity for everyone to learn from each other.

Qi Jun used the secondary middle soil that he carefully prepared. It focuses on increasing the soil elements that can make plants resistant to drought, that is, things that have a water-fixing effect. The elements in these soils are outrageous, but when you use them, they can give people a kind of magical illusion. Qi Jun has been fascinated by these elements since he rarely used his abilities to revive ancient medicine plants. Now, as far as soil preparation is concerned, his operation and sensitivity to the elements are absolutely the best. It's just not enough in numbers.

Days go by. The theft case in country M can no longer be the subject of insiders. The Dongfang family occasionally talked about it because the Dongfang Pavilion was left in the M country and continued to record the whole case with representatives of other countries. Dongfang Yu, on the other hand, returned to China after going to country M for a month and a half.

In the blink of an eye, Mai Xin has already played the first episode. This time Qi Jun was not as excited and nervous as before. He really admired Lin Wen's planning ability and grasp of charm. He, a Chinese whose soul came from the ancient earth period, felt that it was full of ancient charm and not dull.

The subject of the next shoot should be beans. The point of beans is definitely those assorted soy products. Qi Jun was a little embarrassed about this. Because the old man once said that they can jointly open a soy product factory. If these production methods are publicly disclosed, what will they sell after opening a factory? But if you don't talk about how to eat soy products, you'll have to make them from your own factory and you'll have to rethink the propaganda to make people accept it.

So Qi Jun was confused. After he could no longer contact Dongfang Rong, he found the old man.

After listening to the grandson's daughter-in-law finish his entanglement. The old man smiled: "Silly boy. You think too much. You can give everyone the form of tofu and other soy products. After all, with such a large amount of food in the country, how big a factory can our family open to produce and supply? You can make finished soy products of various flavors for processing. But you have to hand over the processing methods of these soy products to the military first, and let them go to the open tender processing factory. At that time, we will buy basic products from the factory and process them, which will not only save money Plant land can also save a lot of trouble.”

After hearing this, Qi Jun slapped his forehead: "Why can't I do this! It's your grandfather, you are thoughtful!"

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