Movie city.

Shen Yi led Qiao Wei into the theater and asked, "Which movie do you want to watch?"

Qiao Wei looked at the movies sliding on the LCD screen, pointed to one of them, and said, "Let's watch this, I have a crush for ten years."

In fact, Qiao Wei prefers thrilling action movies to romance movies, but when she sees the name "Ten Years of Secret Love", she can't help but wonder what the story is.

Shen Yi went to buy tickets, Qiao Wei waited in the rest area.

The man not far away stood there, his tall body stood out among a group of people, and attracted the attention of many girls.

Thinking that this man belongs to her, Qiao Wei couldn't help but feel sweet.

After buying the tickets, the man was walking towards this side. At this moment, Qiao Wei saw a girl hit Shen Yi directly.

Qiao Wei's eyes fell on the girl's face, her brow furrowed, she could still see this woman again in such a big city.

The sun is gorgeous!

Yang Yanyan happened to be watching a movie, and when she was queuing to buy tickets, she found that the person beside her was actually her boyfriend from June!

The man who has only seen one side and made her unforgettable!

When I first saw June’s boyfriend, Tai Yang Yanyan was crazy jealous. Why June is better than her in everything. It is also a live broadcast. June can simply get so many audiences’ likes, and even make friends. Boyfriend, she met a scumbag!

I thought that after the last time, there would be no chance to meet again, but since God arranged for them to meet again, he was giving her a chance!

Shen Yi's eyes kept falling on Qiao Wei who was waiting for him not far away. Suddenly a figure rushed towards him, and he reacted quickly to sideways, hiding in the distance, and letting the other party rush away.

Tai Yang Yanyan quickly apologized softly, "I'm sorry, I was so reckless, didn't I bump into you?"

Taiyang Yanyan has always had full confidence in her appearance, and she does not believe that the other party will not pay attention to her.

With Sun Yanyan's experience, men like delicate girls. If she takes the initiative to approach, the other person will definitely be attracted to her.

However, the facts are not as she thought.

Shen Yi just glanced at her indifferently, his eyes barely stopped on her, then moved away, turned and left.

Sun Yanyan was dumbfounded, she immediately stepped forward to stop Shen Yi, "It's you! We met before. I'm a friend from June, and I'm a webcaster just like June. You should know me?"

Shen Yi looked at the strange face in front of him, and replied: "Something?"

"It’s okay. Last time we met in the restaurant, we didn’t have a chance to talk. I was just surprised that there will be a handsome boyfriend like you in June. I thought that June’s boyfriend was North. After all, these two people on the radio are the same. What about CP." Sun Yanyan said while observing Shen Yi's expression, "You don't know much about our radio station? Or, let's exchange contact information?"

Qiao Wei stepped forward and interrupted directly when she heard what Sun Yanyan said, "Honey, who is this?"

Shen Yi looked at Qiao Wei and replied faintly: "I don't know him, she said it's your friend."

"Oh?" Qiao Wei stepped forward and took Shen Yi's arm and smiled at Sun Yanyan, "Sorry, I don't have a friend like you."

Taiyang Yanyan's face changed, she didn't expect June to be here!

I wanted to dig a wall, but I was interrupted by June!

[The update will resume in August, and it will be completely finished in August and September, giving you a perfect ending]

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