Chapter 144 The Pheasant Freezes thousands of miles to save people! Ron eccentric! Fishman Island Help!!

“Eat it, you gave me the immortal effect of the fruit of the operation, and I can’t let you grow old so quickly.”

Ron waved his hand casually, then turned and pushed the door out.

For his cheap sister, Ron didn’t care much at first, but then Im’s various behaviors really impressed Ron.

Fifteen years ago, Im gave Ron the chance to perform the immortal surgery of the previous one with the ability to bear fruit.

Although the fruit of the operation can do immortal surgery, there is no one who can do this operation.

Because this fruit is extremely difficult to awaken, it has awakened twice in these 800 years.

So this opportunity is extremely precious and not available to everyone.

The most recent was a man from 15 years ago, who was later captured by Im, who gave up this opportunity for eternal life to Ron.

This move really touched Ron.

Later, the capable person who performed the immortal operation died, and the demon fruit returned to the sea.

After several twists and turns, it was finally obtained by Luo Nandi and later given to Luo.

It’s just that this guy didn’t appear in the Chambord Islands last time, and is the only supernova on the run so far.

It’s just that this guy’s fruit ability has not awakened, so Ron did not decide to go and catch Luo immediately.

Im looked happily at the gift in her hand, in this world, she cared most about this brother.

That’s why Ron did everything Imm fully supported. At the top of the world government, what Ron said was not much different from that of Im himself.

Before the five old stars for any orders from Ron, they would also go to ask Im.

Later, it was found that Im was allowed to do anything to Ron, and gradually the five old stars did not ask for instructions, anyway, what Ron said was what it was, and the effect of not asking for instructions was no different.

He was even scolded by Im at times.

This is why Ron is not the titular head of the world government, but the real ruler.

The five old stars couldn’t do anything, Im was up to him, and these five old guys didn’t dare to say anything more.

At the moment when Ron was about to go out, Im suddenly said, “I feel that you have become a lot stronger this month, so I am relieved, but I still have to pay more attention, after all, there are too many strange abilities in this world.” ”

Im’s sight was the strongest Ron had ever seen, so she could see her strength, and Ron didn’t feel surprised.


Ron nodded, then pushed the door straight out.

The three generals also had Warring States and others, and Old Brother Wu was still waiting outside. The crowd saw Ron come out of the High Castle and followed.

“Well, there’s nothing for you 5 to do, go and do everything I’ve done.”

Ron waved his hand casually, and the five old stars immediately bowed down and saluted, and then retreated.

Such an important thing as running a world conference really needs 5 of them to do it, and the others really can’t do it.

A month is a very urgent time, you have to hurry, after all, the notice continues, and then count the kings of the world coming to Mary Joya’s world.

A month may be just right, so the five old stars do not dare to slack off, and immediately go to work.

The three generals and the Warring States were already shocked and could not speak. This time, Mary Joya’s trip really opened their eyes.

Before, they could never have imagined that the five old stars would also have such a humble and condescending attitude.

After all, in any public occasion, the five old stars are a domineering look.

Including when they saw the five old stars before, these five old men were eager to look at people with their nostrils.

As a result, the three generals or the Warring States could only be angry every time.

This time, seeing the five old stars being trained not to dare to squeak, it was really gratifying.

It was the first time they had been so tough in Mary Joya.

“Let’s go, go back to naval headquarters.”

Ron walked ahead and said lightly.

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The three generals glanced at each other and followed behind in disbelief.

The group quickly returned to their original positions and re-boarded the Pluto. This time, no world government personnel rushed to stop them.

The Jade re-ascended and set sail towards the first half of the Great Passage. Across the red clay continent, it fell back to the sea.

Finally out of Marie Joya’s range.

At this time, the yellow ape plucked up the courage and said, “Eh? Inspector Grown-up, why are the five old stars so kind to you? ”

“They’ve always been like that.”

Ron said lightly.

“Ah this…”

The yellow ape has a black line on its face.

Warring States seemed to have thought of something, after all, compared to the three generals, he still knew more about the world government.

Especially the castle that Ron entered at the end, it is said that it is called the Highest Castle…

It is the residence of Im, the leader of the Draco.

It’s just that the Warring States don’t know that Im has a younger brother, and for these migrant workers, they don’t know much about the boss’s family affairs.

Nor is it something they have access to.

But obviously, the person who can enter Im’s residence, it is certainly not simple.

After all, even the five old stars did not dare to go in, only dared to wait outside far away. As the Jade passed through the Chambord Islands, it suddenly found the bodies of several fishmen floating on the surface of the sea. And there was also a faint trail of blood.

In the distance there seems to be a battle going on. Just then there was a bang.

Only to see a pirate ship suddenly emerge from the bottom of the sea, followed by the second and third ships.

In front of him, there is a fish man, who is running away in the water.

There were also a large number of fishmen behind him, and the three pirate ships began to capture from the sea.

The whole scene is extremely grand.

This was the first time Ron had seen the Fishman go on a massive expedition to capture someone. The whole sea is churning and churning.

So many fish people running below at the same time is truly spectacular.

Ron couldn’t help but frown, not expecting this to happen again on the way back to the naval headquarters.

“What’s going on?”

“The fish man who was chased is so familiar, he always feels like he’s seen it somewhere.”

Sengoku frowned and pointed in the front direction.

Red Dog suddenly remembered something and said, “It is the prince of the Undersea Dragon Palace, the eldest son of King Neptune.” ”

“The old man saw it a few years ago when he went to Fishman Island.”

“Was it him?” I didn’t expect this plot, it seems that there are changes in Fishman Island. ”

After all, Ron is familiar with the plot of One Piece, but he did not see this scene in the original book.

That is to say, the entire state of affairs on Fishman Island should have changed from the timeline of the original work.

Although Ron didn’t know what caused the change, it must be related to his own actions this month.

Since you see it, you can’t ignore it.

“Pheasant, go and save him.”

Ron said lightly.

At the moment, at least 3,000 fish people are chasing behind. The scene is spectacular.

The Prince of the Dragon Palace swam faster and barely pulled away a distance. But it was clear that he was badly injured.

Covered in blood, according to this trend, sooner or later the physical strength will be overdrawn, will definitely be chased by the more than 3,000 fish people behind.

Although I don’t know why, as the prince of the Dragon Palace, I was chased by the fish people, and I also chased him to the surface of the sea.

This is indeed very strange.

So Ron wanted to see what was going on. The pheasant was ordered to come to the side of the bow. Quietly looking at the sea.

Then a hand was held out, Ice Age.

A column of ice poked directly into the sea along the palm of his hand. The next moment.

Centered on icicles and the surface of the sea, the ice spreads instantly. Spreading rapidly.

The original rough sea surface was directly frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant. The speed of freezing spreads extremely quickly, and it is manipulated with extreme precision.

These fish people, who were still frantically chasing, were directly frozen in an instant.

The whole sea came to a standstill in an instant.

The ice spread to the end of the field of vision, but everywhere you looked, it became a lake of ice.

However, only a small vacant lot was left.

The seawater there is still liquid. It is about 10 meters in diameter.

It was as if a hole had been made in the entire ice. And the location here is exactly the location of the Prince of Ryugu.

The Prince of Ryugu had been swimming forward, and was moving at full speed, when he suddenly found that all around him was frozen into ice.

The sea around him also instantly turned into a wall of ice. Too late to brake.

With a thud, it hit directly.

The hit was dizzy and worried about being chased by the people behind him.

But when I suddenly looked back, I found out where there was someone else behind me. All are statues frozen in ice.

Present a variety of postures and a variety of expressions. The one closest to me is only about two or three meters.

The Dragon Prince could even see the triumphant expression on the other person’s face, as if he was happy that he was about to catch himself.

Prince Long Yu looked around in disbelief.

When he noticed a huge black cruise ship parked in the distance. Only then did he understand that it was the person in front of him who had saved him.

The pheasant stood on the bow of the ship and let out a cold breath. The icicles on my hands broke in response.

Ron nodded satisfactorily, the pheasant was still very strong in controlling ice, leaving only the Dragon Palace Prince in the whole sea.

However, Ron was still dissatisfied with the criticism:

“Well done, but next time pay attention to the surroundings, don’t affect these ordinary ships.”

The pheasant glanced at the other ships that had been frozen next to it. I couldn’t help but smile awkwardly, and then gently shook my hand.

The surrounding ice surface instantly cracked, leaving only the frozen fishmen, and the other ships regained their mobility.

The passing ships around them were instantly relieved, and when they were frozen in an instant, they thought they were being watched by the general, and they were all startled, thinking that they had not made any mistakes.

The yellow ape beside him was speechless.

The old face is black: This is also too eccentric, hey! Why did I get beaten, when the red dog spread to the civilians, you good evil still scolded twice, to the pheasant here, not even scolding! Just casually criticize two sentences?

This is the difference between a teacher treating a good student and a bad student.

In this way, the yellow ape remembered that when the three of them studied with Zefa, he was also treated this way, he was always beaten by Teacher Zefa, and he didn’t know where Teacher Zefa went after he defected to the navy, don’t fall into his own hands, otherwise the old man must calculate this account well.

The yellow ape so wanted to be neighborly

At this moment, the Dragon Palace Prince had already swam over

When he saw the bald head on the boat, he was overjoyed.

He was originally ordered by his father Yu to talk to Ron about the future of Fishman Island, but was learned by Hody Jones and his gang to launch a coup in advance

“Inspector General, please save Fishman Island!”

The prince said excitedly

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