The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 161: Zen Master Shiquan

It was still early, and it was not time for dinner, so Yi Qiu moved a deck chair and sat in the yard as usual.

   practiced the Eight Gate Dunjia all morning, and went to the Temple of Xie Nian, Yi Qiu is now ready to take a rest.

   He took the book and looked at it to see if it would help him.

   is a professional system after all.

   There seemed to be a rain at noon, and the ground was wet.

   There was a fragrance of vegetation in the air, and occasionally the fragrance of wild flowers carried by the mountain breeze passed by.

   After looking for a while, Yi Qiu suddenly saw someone carrying a basket passing by the ridge below.

   Yi Qiu took a look. It looked like he was a nearby villager, but he didn't know this person.

   But it's normal, there are very few nearby villagers he can know now.

   The man is still holding a transparent bag with some clumps of bacteria in it, which may have just been picked from the mountain.

   clump fungus is a very delicious edible fungus. It cannot be grown artificially at present, and it is relatively expensive on the market.

   Yi Qiu took a sip of water from the teacup. He was going to see if he could get some clump bacteria when he went to practice Bamen Dunjia tomorrow.

   Then I went to the market to buy a chicken stew. I think it will taste good.

   Thinking of this, Yi Qiu felt a little hungry.

   put the chair in the room, and Yi Qiu closed the door. He was going to deal with the newly acquired monster card in the dungeon card first, and then practice tattooing for a while.

   "Do you want to enter the copy card space?"


   "The character is being sent to the card space..."



   The card space of the Rotten City is always a sunny and warm day, and the farmers are working hard.

   Yi Qiu draws out the monster card from the item backpack: Zen Master Shiquan, he thought about it before, for him, a level 7 monster is not of much use.

   So he is going to try to summon it in the card space to see if it can be used for other purposes.

   "Do you use monster cards: Zen Master Shiquan?"

   "Please note that this operation will make the item no longer available outside the limited card space!"


   Ignoring the slightly red prompt message on the retina, Yi Qiu chose to use the monster card: Zen Master Shiquan.

   "You used a monster card: Zen Master Shiquan."

   "You have gained a level 7 creature: the allegiance of Zen Master Shiquan."

   Monster Card: Zen Master Shi Quan disappeared from Yi Qiu's hands, and then a humanoid creature gradually appeared in the void in the faint white light.

   Finally, when the white light dissipated, a burly human wearing a monk robe appeared in front of Yi Qiu:

   "To sharpen the body is also to sharpen the mind."

   "Under Cod's witness, I will fight for you until I shed the last drop of blood."

   His voice is as strong as a rock, with a taste of tenacity and perseverance.

   Yi Qiu found that there is an additional panel next to the personal panel in the comprehensive web panel:

   Shiquan Zen Master:

  Biological level: Level 7

   Strength: 16, Agility: 14, Perception: 12, Constitution: 15, Charm: 11, Intelligence: 10


   Stone Fist Blast Combo: When the Blast Combo is triggered, the character gains an extra +1 power effect bonus.

   Mental Barrier: When making a Wisdom check, your Wisdom gains a +1 basic Wisdom bonus.

   "Fight for me? No, I think I need you to do something else for me."

   Yi Qiu looked at Zen Master Shi Quan’s attribute panel and said to Zen Master Shi Quan.







   Yi Qiu's fist kept hitting the wall of the decaying city, making a violent crash.

   The nearby citizens who were praying looked at Yi Qiu ignorantly, they had simple intelligence just like the farmers outside.

   If you don’t reset the copy, you might be able to recover to 10 intelligence points over time.

   But one of these requires learning and training, and Yi Qiu doesn't have the time to deal with it.

   For him, being promoted to Legend is the most important thing.

  Although the protection of the fighting blow made Yi Qiu's fist keep from hitting the hard city wall from damage, the continuous counter-shock force still made Yi Qiu's arm gradually become numb.

   "Stay hard! Strength comes from rigorous practice, slackness will only bring weakness and pain!"

   Zen Master Shiquan was instructing Yi Qiu to correct his mistakes and bad habits.

  The skill of combat is not as harsh as magic, and in many cases some deviations or errors will not have much impact.

   The monster's vitality in the early stage was relatively weak. It didn't matter whether it was cut flat or skewed by a small angle.

   And after a long fight, it can be corrected slowly.

   But many times, this correction requires blood to make up for.

   Yi Qiu's skills are all directly instilled through the comprehensive network, and there is no such problem.

   But the fighting style and the habit of casting skills are not something that Zongwang can You must find the way that suits you best through long-term accumulation.

   Yi Qiu was just an ordinary person before he obtained the monk. Even after the monk inheritance, there would still be some problems with his fighting style.

   Because of his way of thinking and the education he has received, there is no advantage to the battle itself.

   And this is not something that can be formed in a short while, it must be with the improvement of the level and continuous fighting, this kind of immaturity will gradually mature and finally form its own style.

   Zen Master Shiquan is not a master of martial arts, but he can still make some basic corrections when he is instructing Yi Qiu to practice stonequan blast combos.



   Shiquan Stream is a popular genre among monks, or it has become a sect.

   Unlike other genres, he is not obsessed with opening up various lethal skills. Shi Quanliu is more inclined to sharpen himself, pursue control of the body, and turn himself into a human weapon with extraordinary strength, dexterity and speed.

  Some of their dojos are built in the market, and they will work in addition to training.

   is also established in more extreme environments, such as: a cold ice sheet or the edge of an active volcano, to sharpen the body and will.

   The two most core and widely spread skills of    stone fist flow are stone fist blast combo and mental barrier.

   The former can be an advanced form of upgrade to the gusty combo, while the latter is the steel will honed in the extreme environment, which can not be obtained through learning, but is a gift given by perseverance under the painful torment of the extreme environment.

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