The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 265: God evil and a big ball of light in disguise

With the rapid transformation of space, Yi Qiu's vision instantly switched from the physical world to the spiritual world.

The previous transmissions into the multiverse trading center were all ancestral homes deep in the mountains. Relatively speaking, the difference between the spiritual world and the physical world was not that huge.

At this time, what appeared to Yi Qiu was the spirit world that corresponds to the city of the material world.

The sky was still a faint yellow color, and the night seemed very close.

According to related common phenomena in the spiritual world, the material world is also in this time period.

If the magic particles fluctuate by accident, the relevant area of ​​the material world is likely to overlap with the corresponding area of ​​the spirit world.

This is also before the magic particles reach the limit of inertia, occasionally there will be anecdotes in the material world that someone suddenly disappears at dusk.

It is a very dangerous thing for flesh and blood creatures to stray into the spirit world. Compared with the purer shadow plane, the spirit world will occasionally have some uninvited guests passing through the void.

Generally speaking, when moving on a derived plane where the material world is the cornerstone, the most convenient is the astral world.

And when this movement is between two main material realms, then the spiritual realm is more suitable.

Compared to the transfer that seemed like a glimpse of the last time, this transfer was a bit longer.

To understand it simply, you can think of a complete plane as a huge person.

The physical realm is the various flesh and blood tissues inside this huge human body, while the spiritual realm is the human body's hair, and the star realm is the human skin.

The gap between people who represent different planes is void.

The creatures living in the material world can be regarded as microbes in this huge human body.

Obviously, compared to the complex and crowded environment in the body, if microorganisms want to move within the plane, they will pass through relatively unobstructed skin much more smoothly.

Of course, it also needs to endure the conflicts that may encounter the harsh environment of the outside world, and certain dangerous creatures floating in the air.

People can move, and so are the planes.

Occasionally, when people move in a relatively narrow place, they will pass by. The same is true when changing to a plane.

Sometimes, the two planes will pass by.

At this time, if the microorganisms living inside the human body want to move to another human body, it will not be so troublesome, just move between the contact parts of their skin.

For humans, this contact time is short, but for some microorganisms with corresponding capabilities, it is sufficient.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for microorganisms to shake the entire human body.

So unless the human body representing the plane is in a very crowded street, it is more appropriate to move between planes through the spirit world in most cases.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of plane in a crowded "street" is called the "transposition plane in the star realm" in the metaplane knowledge.

If you move through the spirit world, you only need to shake a "hair" representing a certain part of the spirit world to shake it to another person representing the plane, and then complete the transmission.

Of course, this is only a relatively superficial metaphor, the actual situation is much more complicated than this.

It is worth mentioning that some planes have no spiritual world, which means that the person representing this plane is a bald head.

Then this is more troublesome. If you want to move between planes, you can only pass through the star realm.

And if the person who happens to represent this plane is a house-she generally doesn't move much, it is very difficult for the creatures of this plane to get out of this plane.

In the eccentric knowledge, planes that satisfy this characteristic are again called "plane cages".

Sometimes, those archmages who like to die and certain deities who are harassed by bear children will throw some of their dangerous experimental creatures and ugly bear children into this plane.

Of course, for ordinary creatures in the multiverse, in order to maintain the majesty of the gods, these ugly bear children have a unique title: "God evil".

Because of the special nature of the plane cage, it is difficult for them to escape.



Because Yi Qiu's current biological level has reached level 10, relatively speaking, it will take longer to transmit.

Taking advantage of this time, Yi Qiu pushed open the door of the house that seemed to have been decayed for centuries and walked to the balcony.

Just as Yi Qiu was looking at the grayish buildings that were shrouded in a dim yellow, Yi Qiu's eyes suddenly condensed, and he found a dazzling golden light flashing in the distance.

And with the golden light, a murmured whisper came from Yi Qiu's ear:

"You want to know the meaning of life, do you want to... really live?"

Yi Qiu was taken aback for a moment, just when he was thinking about whether he was caught by a big ball of light.

Yi Qiu suddenly felt a certain kind of traction on the soul, but this traction was directly isolated by the protective layer of consciousness formed by Xin Ru Shishui.

Suddenly Yi Qiu understood that this was naturally not the big ball of light he thought, but some kind of evil spirit creature.

Because of the special connection between the spiritual realm and the physical realm, sometimes the creatures in the spiritual realm will communicate with creatures in the physical realm through dreams.

Generally speaking, however, this kind of communication is vague and one-sided. Spiritual creatures sometimes obtain certain knowledge of the material world from this communication, and humans may also gain some spiritual knowledge through contact with spiritual creatures. The experience of the world creatures.

Sometimes, some evil spirit creatures cannot control their evil nature to attack people in dreams.

In fact, this kind of attack cannot cause too substantial damage. Under normal circumstances, the attacked person will instantly wake up from the dream.

At the same time, the attacked part will get clear pain with a very short duration, and the attacked dream will be clearly recorded by the brain.

It seems that this kind of behavior of Yi Qiu triggered a certain stress mechanism, and for a moment Yi Qiu was able to detect some kind of evil prying.

Yi Qiu didn't feel a very strong threat from it, but he could feel that this creature belonged to the spirit world, not other creatures that entered the void.

Although the spirit creatures are more troublesome for most people because most of the spirit creatures have the power to invade the human heart, which is basically difficult to resist for ordinary flesh and blood creatures.

But for Yi Qiu, it is very difficult for the creatures in the spirit world to pose a threat to him.

In this respect, monks are professionals.

Just when Yi Qiu was about to run directly under the guidance of his intuition to hammer over the evil spirit creature that was peeping at him, Yi Qiu felt that the surrounding space began to fluctuate, and it was obvious that the comprehensive network was about to transmit in space.

So Yi Qiu roughly noted the location where the golden light was emitted before, and he was going to clean up the neighborhood after he had the ability to freely enter and exit the spirit world.

Because there is no learning related ability for the time being, Yi Qiu cannot know whether the evil creature that spied him before is an evil thing.

If it is an evil thing, Yi Qiu's destruction of it will gain extra general experience benefits just like the priest cleans up undead creatures.

In Yi Qiu's monk career plan, evil things are one of the shortcuts to make him grow quickly...

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