The Big Guy Who Wears Fast is Crazy Again

Chapter 237: Yuanyuan, let's be a scholar!

Nan Yuan felt that if combined with rich body language, this would be a wonderful drama performance.

There was sparse applause around, and Nan Yuan also applauded expressionlessly.

At the end of the speech, the dean of the teaching staff firstly called out twice, tried the microphone, and then shouted harshly on the radio to criticize the violations caught last week.

For example, some boys in a certain class were caught smoking in the school playground, and the plot was very bad; who was fighting in a certain class; who and who were caught hiding in the corridor and kissing their little mouths, and puppy love was a real hammer.

Write a review to write a review, and a demerit to the demerit.

The boring flag raising ceremony is finally over.

Chinese class is in the fourth quarter in the morning.

Nan Yuan froze, relying on her super-high speed and rich experience, to write a bland 800-character running account composition, and then under the incomparable admiration of her tablemate Guo Xin, she stepped on the spot and handed it over to the representative of the Chinese class.

Nan Yuan sighed after listening to the bible for three lessons.

The foundation is too poor, and the sound is staggered.

Xiaotang in the space didn't understand Nan Yuan's sadness, so she bubbled up happily, "Yuanyuan, according to my analysis, if Yuanyuan wants to gain a lot of faith at this stage, she must first become a scholar!

Let's first dominate the No. 5 middle school, become the No. 1 in the whole grade, and then in the high school joint entrance examination, we will surpass a group of academic tyrants from the No. 1st place! At that time, Yuanyuan will become a celebrity in the academic hegemony world, many people will admire Yuanyuan, and the power of faith will come rolling in..."

Nan Yuan listened to Xiaotang painting the cake with a blank expression.

Little Sugar Cub trusted her so blindly, she was embarrassed to say that there was actually only a mess in her mind.

She is indeed interested in this knowledge of the modern world.

The crystallization of wisdom from ancient times to the present, even if it may not be used in life, these things that open up the mind are only good and not bad.

It's a pity that Ye Siqi's foundation has not been laid well, and she may have to learn from scratch.

The food in the cafeteria of No. 5 Middle School is delicious and cheap. If you are frugal, a meal of fried noodles or fried rice that costs one yuan is enough. If you are a little extravagant, you can buy dishes for two or three yuan.

Ye Siqi doesn't have much living expenses, so Nan Yuan only ordered fried noodles for one dollar at noon. No one was with her, she found a seat by herself, and left after eating.

At the end of the day, Nan Yuan didn't understand much except in class, but she was adapting quite well.

But this day, she received a lot of scrutiny.

Nan Yuan was still wondering at first, but when Xiaotang reminded her, she understood.

Ye Siqi was shriveled and thin when she was a child, and she didn't look good. Because of her poor studies, her family was poor, and she had low self-esteem. Even if her face grew longer and became more beautiful, she was still used to walking with her body on her back and her head buried in it, and she didn't like to talk. The character is quiet and a little dull.

When the class was first divided, some people said that Ye Siqi was good-looking, but after a long time, no one said that.

A person's temperament is very important. Without that spirit, the most beautiful beauties will be wiped out by all beings, not to mention Ye Siqi is not a peerless beauty.

Now, with the blessing of the aura of the kite, this pair of skins has suddenly become a striking little beauty.

Nan Yuan was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked Xiao Tang, "The contrast is so big, will it collapse?"

The body that passed through in the last world was one of cowardice, and this world is again.

If he came through later, Ye Siqi had degenerated into a female gangster, but his courage had grown bigger, and he didn't seem so inferior.

In fact, there are many ways to regain self-confidence. Becoming a female gangster and bullying the weak along with others is the most unbearable one.

"Yuanyuan, it was fine in the last world, the characters have collapsed like that, and the main storyline has become crooked, and the heavenly baba didn't pay any attention to us.

Later, I analyzed it and found that as long as Qi Luck plays his due value and the core main line of the world is not destroyed, Tiandao Baba will not punish us!

For example, in the last world, although it wasn't the lucky heroine who helped King Dingbei sit on the throne, King Dingbei finally sat on the throne, and the emperor was more diligent than in the original world, so he created the original plot ahead of time. Peace and prosperity! "

When Nan Yuan heard this, she thought indifferently: Yes, diligent and diligent died young.

Xiaotang said with great joy: "I can make such a great discovery, thanks to Yuanyuan's bold attempt, Yuanyuan is really awesome!

Yuanyuan, you said, if in the last world, King Dingbei did not become the emperor, and someone else became the emperor, would Tiandao Baba be angry? I think it will. After all, I can't find a more suitable candidate for Emperor Ming Dynasty than King Dingbei, but if Yuanyuan cultivates a person who is as good as King Dingbei, maybe it can be done.

Ooh, I really want to try it, but I'm a little scared. Look at Yuanyuan, Tiandao Baba is actually very good, we all robbed Qi Yunzi's official match, but Tiandao Baba didn't get angry..."

Xiaotang began to worship it again, Tiandao Baba.

Nan Yuan said lightly: "I rarely rob other people's things. If Xiao Luohan has a entanglement with Qi Yunzi first, I will not want him."

Xiaotang immediately said: "That is, what do we want from Yuanyuan? It's not bad for men."

Nan Yuan:  …

Forget it, all the books Xiaotang read were given by her father, and my father let them read, she had no reason to stop her.

Xiao Luohan discovered the character design as soon as the last world collapsed, but Xiao Luohan automatically gave her an identity, plus she didn't have much contact with her original family after passing through, Nan Yuan can rest assured that the character design collapsed, but now……

However, Nan Yuan soon discovered that she was unfounded.

No one cared about her change.

At the age of youth and rebelliousness, it seems to be a very common thing to suddenly make a change and start over.


Except for those close to home, most students live on campus.

A dormitory has three beds and one common table, which can accommodate six people.

"Siqi, haven't you been having a good time with Wang Caihua recently? She didn't come on leave, why didn't you know?" asked roommate Zhang Yuanyuan.

She was the one who used to have a good relationship with Ye Siqi, but Zhang Yuanyuan always liked to praise her for how hard she worked in front of Ye Siqi. Ye Siqi's words sounded a bit harsh, but she worked hard but was useless, as if she was mocking her nakedly.

Later, the relationship between the two faded.

The other roommates had a more general relationship with Ye Siqi, and they just met and said hello, which proved that everyone lived in the same house.

Nan Yuan explained: "I broke up with her."

Zhang Yuanyuan was a little surprised and muttered, "Don't break it today and be fine tomorrow."

"Siqi, don't play with her. Those people she knows are not good people."

Nan Yuan nodded and hummed.

Seeing her being so indifferent, Zhang Yuanyuan felt that she might be perfunctory, and she didn't make fun of herself anymore.

That night, Nan Yuan slept in a small room for six people and got on and off the bed, and she missed the big soft bed in her previous life.

She never wronged herself, so she couldn't live in this place for another two years.

But she has no money in her hand, and it is unrealistic to rent a house outside.

But soon, Nan Yuan had a plan in her heart.

"Ah!" Han Luoqing, who had just finished washing up and was about to sleep, sneezed loudly.

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