The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 254 Deep Battery Market

Three days later, Wang Yangqianyi brought the audit team to Yangcheng to complete the transfer of the factory's equity, while Xiao Ming and Zheng Xuanyu looked at the cars in the major 4S stores in Yangcheng.

Looking at a car is not to buy a car, but to investigate the current new energy market strategies of major brands.

The era of new energy has really come. No matter whether new energy vehicles are environmentally friendly, this trend is unstoppable.

From low-end domestic brands to mid-end BBA and then Tesla, Porsche, etc., they have all set their sights on the new energy vehicle industry.

Among them, Ferrari, which said that it would never build a hybrid car, also began to sell its first Chaos sports car.

However, the key factor hindering the development of new energy vehicles is the battery, and the battery life and life span restrict the development of the industry.

Xiao Ming and Zheng Xuanyu came to the Tesla 4S store. The sales consultant was recommending the l S series to Xiao Ming. The official price of this series of electric cars ranges from 700,000 soft sister coins to 85 soft sister coins. pure import. However, due to the explosion of sales and the lack of existing cars, the actual price is more than one million.

The price of 1 million soft sister coins is not cheap in China, because you can buy some high-end models of BBA.

It's so expensive, and the sales volume is very good. In the whole 4S store, there is an endless stream of people who look at the car and ask for the car to buy a car.

Many noble ladies and young girls proudly select each car, while selecting and commenting on the performance of various luxury cars like experts.

"Audi burns oil, don't buy it!"

"Mercedes-Benz parts are expensive and look rustic!"

"BMW also burns oil! It doesn't keep its value!"

"The Ferrari chassis is too low to be considered."

"Lexus? Garbage second-tier luxury, not in line with our identity."

Then after seeing a Tesla, swipe the card and leave without test driving.

Xiao Ming rubbed his nose, he really couldn't understand the consumption patterns of rich people.

Zheng Xuanyu complained: "I really don't know how the people of Xia are so rich. Even if they get a salary of 20,000 yuan a month in Yangcheng, they can't afford such a luxury car."

Xiao Ming said: "A lot of people's income won't be put on the table for you, the people in Xia Guo's last money are not those office workers, not those white-collar workers, but those who drink tea in the teahouse every day.


"It's hard to understand!" Zheng Xuanyu, who has not yet entered the society, has difficulty understanding the society they live in, because Zheng Xuanyu knows that even if she enters the top medical laboratory in the Xia country in the future, her annual income will only be 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. , There is no strength to consume luxury cars.

And how many top talents like Zheng Xuanyu are in the whole country?

The sales consultant introduced the advantages of Model S to Xiao Ming, the biggest advantage of which is of course the battery, "We use Panasonic's latest ternary lithium battery, the battery life can reach kilometers, in our super charging pile, half of the power can be charged in 20 minutes, 60 minutes to charge. Home charging stations take about six to 10 hours.”

Xiao Ming nodded and asked, "What about a long trip?"

The sales consultant said: "Our electricity can maintain a kilometer of travel, and Tesla's charging piles can be found in cities along the road. Many gas stations are also equipped with standard models of conventional charging piles, which can meet the needs of the journey. "

The problem of charging is actually a bottleneck in the development of electric vehicles. The charging speed of charging piles is far less than that of refueling. If electric vehicles are popularized in the future, according to the number of consumer groups in Xiaguo, it will be more difficult to queue up for charging than to queue for refueling. Moreover, not everyone lives in a villa or has an independent underground garage where they can install charging piles alone.

The sales consultant saw that Xiao Ming and Zheng Xuanyu did not dress like rich people, and their enthusiasm for introduction was not so positive, and finally found an excuse to welcome other guests. Wasting time with customers who have no plans to buy is also wasting money.

Xiao Ming and Zheng Xuanyu smiled and walked out of the 4S store.

Zheng Xuanyu said: "I suspect that the motives of these customers to buy Tesla is for the remaining gas money? It seems that customers who spend more than one million to buy a car will not be short of gas money. For convenience? Personally feel that this kind of car does not Not suitable for long trips, uncomfortable to sit and inconvenient to charge.”

Xiao Ming said: "How many expensive things are practical? Face, face is very important."

Zheng Xuanyu made a conclusion for himself and said, "I personally feel that I am more suitable for the laboratory, because everything there has its roots to be found."

Then the three went to BBA and some domestic electric vehicle sales points, the purpose is also to understand the battery.

In the field of electric vehicles, the use of batteries is generally divided into two categories.

Higher-priced EVs will use Toyo and South Korean battery brands such as Panasonic, Samsung Chemical, and SK.

These companies account for about 80% of the high-end car market and 30% of the low-end car market.

The rest of the market is divided up by Xiaguo's battery companies, namely BYD, Ningde Times and other small manufacturers.

Among them, in addition to its own brand cars, BYD also occupies 10% of the high-end market (BMW has a BYD battery used in a certain electric vehicle), and 30% of the low-end market.

The Ningde market occupies 10% of the high-end market and 25% of the low-end market.

The rest of the market share is occupied by other domestic manufacturers.

When everyone thinks that Samsung, LG, etc. are far away from the Xiaguo market, this is not the case, and what everyone sees is only superficial.

What Samsung and LG have lost is only part of the mobile terminal share, which is only a part of Samsung's profits. Larger profits, such as Samsung Chemical, Samsung Semiconductor, etc., still occupy the main positions in the global market including Xia Guo, contributing to Samsung. Huge profits.

Among them, Samsung SDI is only a subsidiary department of Samsung, similar to a certain division of Huawei, with a profit of 800 million meters in 2019, most of which are contributed by SDI's new energy battery industry! Terrible profitability.

According to Xiao Ming's personal in-depth research on the market, he concluded that new energy has just started, and there will be a market of more than 1.1 trillion meters in the future, even equal to the oil and energy industry.

Energy and chips are both lucrative industries in the world now and in the future, and they are also industries that lead the advancement of human science and technology.

The laboratory for micronucleus batteries is still to be built in Jiangcheng, but the factory can be located in Yangcheng.

"Are you done?" Since arriving in Yangcheng, Wang Yangqianyi went to Panasonic's lithium battery factory for an audit, and completed the handover. Today is the third day, and she has not seen Xiao Ming yet.

"When you're done, you've brought someone to audit?"

"It's over." Wang Yangqian's voice expressed that she was working very hard, "Boss, boss, you left me with a huge mess!"

"It's not that serious, is it?" Xiao Ming said with a smile, "We'll come over immediately."

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