The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 290 Cost of mass production

The noisy press conference of OO mobile phone ended in three hours, and finally launched three mobile phones with different screen sizes and memory sizes.

The prices are 2999 to 4999 respectively, and the three mobile phones are all equipped with IOS system without exception.

For the first time, Apple's IOS system has been married to a domestic mobile phone.

According to the past practice of OO mobile phones, online and offline distribution began at the same time, even the highest price of 4999 is quite cheap compared to Huawei's mobile phones equipped with Tiangong system.

Consumers have more choices in the mobile phone market.

Huawei Tiangong system mobile phones have basically harvested the largest number of high-end mobile phone users, but in the mid-end users, people are still hovering between Huawei and Apple, plus the inherent users of OO, OO manufacturers in the mid-end field will win most of the Users, and the price of 4999 can also impact the high-end field, pulling down the price of high-end mobile phones.

The OO manufacturers who have been low cost performance began to adopt a pragmatic style, which indeed surprised Huawei.

One week after the release of the OO mobile phone, Samsung released a new system mobile phone, the system is customized between Samsung and Apple, which is an upgraded version of IOS.

In addition, Samsung also launched a dual-system mobile phone, users can switch between Google and an upgraded version of IOS.

After a series of movements from domestic and foreign mobile phone manufacturers, the share of Huawei and Xiaomi began to shrink.

Especially in the mid-to-high-end market, Huawei mobile phone sales fell by 10% compared with the same period last year, which is a very dangerous warning line.

Consumers are actually the most real, and whoever has a better mobile phone will buy it.

The price of Tiangong system mobile phone is more than 5,000 yuan, and the average price of mobile phone during the period is more than 6,000 yuan, while the domestic IOS system mobile phone starts at 3,000 yuan. Everyone knows how to choose.

After years of market precipitation, Apple mobile phones and IOS systems still have a certain reputation. Many users of Xia Guo still want to try the IOS system in their hearts. At first, it was just because of the high price, so they chose domestic phones with better cost performance.

Today, the IOS system is installed on domestic mobile phones, and the price is lower. Of course, many people are willing to try it.

After half a month of promotion and sales, the total sales volume of IOS domestic mobile phones is about to surpass that of Warwick.

Even though Warwick had been prepared in his heart, he couldn't hold back his anger at this time.

Huawei Tiangong system mobile phones began to reduce prices,

The flagship machine came to the level of 5299, which is on par with OO.

When Warwick made this decision, Apple's headquarters, which had been suppressed for nearly a year, opened champagne to celebrate. At least this time the two sides were tied again, and Apple's stock price rose again after falling for six months in a row.

Who said that Apple must sell mobile phones to make money, and selling systems also makes money. For every mobile phone equipped with IOS system sold, Apple's commission is much more than Pangu Technology.

At this time, Huawei can't wait to play its card - a new generation of mobile phones with Prajna chip + Tiangong system, which is expected to be released in a month.

The originally elated Big Three and the domestic mobile phone manufacturers using IOS were in an instant uproar!

Everyone knows the performance of the Prajna chip, and everyone thinks that it is the absolute treasure of Pangu Technology. Even if it is to be applied to mobile phones, it is not now. It is hard to imagine that Huawei has obtained the right to use the Prajna chip so quickly.

Xiaomi followed closely and said, "We also have it. The mobile phone equipped with a new generation of Prajna chips will be released in early July!"

Xiaomi is much more high-profile than Huawei, and said proudly: "Our mobile phone has been developed within three months! The power consumption of the Prajna chip is lower and the performance is stronger!"

Xiaomi finally added: "The use of Prajna chips is to improve the cost performance, not to increase the price!"

Another layer of what Xiao Mi said is that we all understand your methods, and we have already prepared.

Warwick and Xiaomi's statement was like a blockbuster slamming into the entire mobile phone terminal.

Those consumers who are ready to switch phones are determined to wait a little longer. The combination of HiSilicon + Tiangong system at a price of 6000+ may be a bit of a return, but the combination of 6000+ to buy Prajna chip + Tiangong system is definitely not a loss!

This combination can perfectly bring the performance of Xiaochu to the extreme, and enable the mobile phone to reach the most advanced artificial intelligence at present.

OO and Samsung mobile phones became popular in the Xiaguo market after less than a month, and the sales were slow! It's out of stock!

Just because of an announcement from Warwick and Xiaomi, the sales were slow!

The authoritative technology media has evaluated the newly launched flagship phones of several mobile phones and concluded that the sales of the new flagship phones this month are the worst among the previous flagship phones!

Seeing this situation, I originally planned to launch the IOS version of the VV mobile phone and chose to miss the appointment, and then talk about it after observing the situation.

The bodies of VV and Samsung have proved that cooperation with Apple is a huge pit, and whoever goes into it is a real fool.

It is just a combination of Prajna chip and Tiangong system. What if a micronucleus battery is added?

VV broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he chose a late time for the press conference, otherwise it would be as miserable as OO and Samsung.

At this time, VV also began to examine the entire market, and cooperation with Pangu Technology seemed to be the best choice.

From the Pangu Science and Technology Physics Laboratory, the mobile terminal market came one after another. The group headed by Huawei officially started a war with the three giants headed by Apple. Happy to see it happen.

"Huawei and Xiaomi are looking for a micronuclear battery." Super Xiaochu always conveyed the news received by the headquarters to Xiao Ming.

"Many companies are inquiring about the price of micronuclear cells."

"Professor Xu, have you calculated the cost?"

Xiao Ming fiddled with a gadget in his hand, which was a combination of Mingqiu's quantum chip and micronucleus battery, and then said to himself naturally, "The screen's expression is not satisfactory."

Xu Limin said: "The current cost here is 150 soft sister coins, which is still relatively high. The cost is mainly concentrated in the recording and folding of the color center of the silicon carbide crystal."

150 soft sister coins, the cost of C14 micronucleus batteries is indeed much higher than that of lithium batteries, and the cost of mobile phone lithium batteries is only 30 to 60 soft sister coins.

But Xiao Ming believes that many consumers are willing to pay for the product.

Xiao Ming said, "Xiaochu, what if we made our own end products?"

"Are you talking about portable wearable devices?" Xiaochu said, "Anyway, for us, the mobile terminal market outside is actually dead."

"Yes." Xiao Ming put the hardware in his hand on the table and said, "There is still a bottleneck, which is the problem of screen expression. Are we using a visual screen or a holographic projection?"

According to the Pansha Technology catalogue, the final wearable device will not have a visual screen nor a holographic projection, but an idea that forms a mirror image in the brain.

Pangu Technology currently does not have such advanced technology.

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